Marvel's Random Call

Chapter 28 When I Don't Exist?

Chapter 28 When I Don't Exist?

Ivan walked up to Tony's racing car and pulled the cab open with a whip, but Tony escaped while Ivan was in the blind spot, picked up a fragment of the racing car and smashed it on Ivan's head.

Ivan turned over and pulled some of the fragments in Tony's hand, and turned Tony back with great force. Ivan whipped whip after whip, trying to kill Tony. Tony was in a very dangerous situation.

Tony was knocked into the air near a green wreckage of the racing car. Looking at the wreckage of the leaking car, Tony was overjoyed.

Looking at Ivan's approach in the mirror, Tony jumped up at the moment Ivan swiped his whip, and the whip hit the racing car. The explosion of the racing car separated the two of them. Looking at Ivan who was getting closer, Tony saw the But the same light flickered.

A roar approached, Tony looked at the car that hit him, and quickly climbed up the barbed wire fence. Ivan's reaction was slower, and he was squeezed into the wall by the car.

Just as Tony opened the car door, Ivan whipped the door in half.

When Iwan swung the whip and was about to split the car in half, Ye Yi caught the whip with his face covered, and sparks shot out.

At this time, Tony had already put on his combat uniform, pushed the car to a safe place, looked at Ivan who was whipping his whip but couldn't do it, and signaled to Ye Yi.

"It seems to be looking for me, let me come, okay?"

Looking at the serious Tony, Ye Yi let go of the whip in his hand.

Putting on the visor, Tony begged Ye Yi to protect Pepper, and Ye Yi nodded to show he understood.

Ivan waved his whip and watched Ye Yi walk to Pepper's side, heaved a sigh of relief.

Tony raised his hands, ready to bombard Ivan with his palms, but was almost fell down by Ivan's whip.

After being interrupted twice in a row, Tony finally found a chance and blasted out, but was caught by Ivan's whip and did not hurt Ivan.

Two consecutive bombardments were ineffective, but Ivan seized the opportunity. A whip wrapped around Tony's right hand, controlling Tony, and another whip wrapped around his neck. Ivan threw Tony into the air as soon as he exerted force.

Feeling the high-voltage current on his neck, Tony clenched his fists, wrapped the whip around himself, and approached Ivan step by step.

Walking up to Ivan, one punch, two punches, and a shoulder throw, Tony took out Ivan's reactor and crushed it.

Looking at Ivan who was carried out, he kept smiling and said, "You lost, hahahahaha, you lost, Stark, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha…""

Inside the hotel, Justin Hammer showed a strange expression.


police station prison
A man is explaining the acquired material to Tony.

A group of people came to Ivan's cell, looking at Ivan with his back turned to him, Tony spoke.

"It's a very advanced technology, but the rotation speed is a bit low. You can double the rotation speed and let the energy pass through the ionization plasma pipeline. It is useful, but the efficiency is not high."

Tony sat down and lowered his head: "I don't understand, you can make a lot of money with a little adjustment, sell it to North Korea, Iran, or directly trade it on the black market."

Tony raised his head and looked at the tattoo on Ivan's body: "It seems that your friends are all unruly people."

Ivan spoke at this time: "Your family are thieves and butchers. Like every sinner, you want to rewrite your history and forget the deaths caused by the rise of the Stark family."

Tony frowned: "Where did you steal your blueprint?"

"My father, Anton Vanke."

"Never heard of him."

"You didn't die because of my father."

"I didn't die because you couldn't kill me, you failed."

"is it?"

Ivan stared at Tony: "If you could make God bleed, people wouldn't believe him."

Tony looked at Ivan silently.

Ivan went on to make a metaphor: "When there is blood in the water, it will attract sharks. As long as I look here, the world can help me swallow you."

Tony got up and left: "Yes, you can watch here, your cell, and watch how the world swallows me up."

Ivan said to Tony who hadn't walked out the door: "Hey, Tony, I'll give you some advice, the way to die from palladium poisoning is very painful."

Tony didn't speak, knocked on the cell door and walked out.

on the plane

Pepper was watching the congressman on TV talking nonsense, Tony came in, muted the TV, and then put down what he was holding.

Pepper frowned and asked, "What is this?"

"Your meal." Tony opened it, and a plate of strange things appeared in front of Pepper and Ye Yi, looking at Pepper expectantly.

Pepper shook his head helplessly: "You did this?"

Tony looked at Pepper expectantly: "Of course, what do you think I am doing these three hours?"

Seeing Tony's dark cooking, Pepper changed the subject: "Tony, what are you hiding from me?"

Tony looked at the persistent Pepper, and had no choice but to tell the truth: "I was dying, Pepper."

Pepper stood up in shock: "What?! Tony? Are you lying to me?!!"

"Relax, relax, it's all right now."

Tony pointed to the transformed reactor on his chest, while winking at Ye Yi.

The helpless Ye Yi had no choice but to help Tony speak: "It's really all right, Pepper, believe me, with me here, Tony can't die even if he wants to."

Pepper sat down with a frosty face, and her voice was so cold that ice could form: "Ye Yi, you know that too? Just keep it from me? When are you going to tell me? When Tony dies?? !!!”

Tony laughed, and Ye Yi shrugged: "Tony didn't tell you because he was afraid that you would worry, and he also cared about you."

Pepper was so angry that she couldn't speak, Ye Yi had no choice but to wink at Tony, and at the same time whispered: "Tony, don't explain anything at this time, just kiss her until she suffocates, if you still ask, just Go on until she doesn't ask."

Then Ye Yi went to the kitchen on the plane, looking at the messy kitchen, Ye Yi was helpless.

When Tony heard Ye Yi's voice, he didn't care about being surprised, swallowed his saliva, encouraged himself, and kissed Pepper fiercely.

Pepper was shocked, she was suddenly attacked and slapped Tony, Tony hugged Pepper tightly, slowly, Pepper's struggle became smaller and smaller, and gradually responded to Tony.

Ye Yi was in the kitchen, found a few eggs, a tomato and a bag of rice, sighed, and made scrambled eggs with tomatoes.

After a long time, his lips parted. Tony looked at Pepper with blurred eyes. Tony himself felt the heat of his body, and his hands moved up and down unconsciously. Pepper also groaned charmingly. Ye Yi's voice came over...

(End of this chapter)

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