Marvel's Random Call

Chapter 279 Little Spider

Chapter 279 Little Spider

After finishing the takeaway, Ye Yi asked Jarvis, knowing that they were going back to Marbury's villa tonight, so he simply went to the roof to enjoy the night view of New York
It has to be said that at night in a big city, the lights are brightly lit, like neon lights, and each area is different. There is one area that is particularly eye-catching, and that is Queens.
Ye Yi looked towards Queens, where there was a figure jumping and shuttling between buildings, very agile, out of curiosity, Ye Yi asked Jarvis to send him the movement route of the figure he saw just now, and then went downstairs.
According to the coordinates given by Jarvis, Ye Yi came to the gate of a wrestling factory.
"Are you sure the guy I saw just now went in?"

Ye Yi contacted Jarvis by phone: "This is a wrestling factory, I don't think a guy who can jump between buildings would be interested in this kind of sport"


Jarvis' mechanical voice was full of affirmation: "The target has indeed entered this wrestling factory, you can go in and take a look."


Ye Yi nodded, paid the ticket, and entered this wrestling factory that looked small from the outside, but inside it was really big.

At this time, a tall, muscular man just threw a person out of the court, and he was still screaming loudly, who else is there?
"I'm getting more and more skeptical that the target is here."

Ye Yi sighed, hung up the phone, and watched the host announcing the next challenger in a bewitching voice.
"Let's welcome the next challenger, if he can persist for 3 minutes, he will get a bonus of 3000 yuan!"

"He's the, the scary one, Spider-Man!"

With the cheers of the audience, a child wearing a red one-piece sweater with half of his face covered appeared in the arena

Ye Yi looked at this little guy, and suddenly felt that the world is crazy. This little guy who looks 17-18 years old can also participate in this kind of competition?

However, what happened later, let Ye Yi know that this little guy was the target he was looking for.

Ye Yi saw that this little guy was beaten to the ground carelessly at the beginning, and after winning easily, he decided to meet this little guy who might be a mutant
Outside the wrestling factory, Ye Yi leaned against the wall, waiting for the little guy to come out, but before the little guy came out, a white-haired gangster rushed out with a handbag in his hand.

Ye Yi didn't make a move, nor did he take it to heart, after all, if everything is in charge, what do we need the police for?
"Hey, lad."

After the white-haired gangster came out, the young man who interested Ye Yi also came out within a few minutes, and Ye Yi stopped him: "Are you interested in chatting?"

"I may not have time today, sir."

This little guy, named Peter Parker, was a high school student who was bitten by a genetically modified super spider during an internal science and technology exhibition organized by Osborne Enterprises, and possessed various abilities of a spider. He wanted to use this ability to earn some money to buy a second-hand sports car, but he never thought that the wrestling league would not last for 3000 minutes and refused to pay for the 3 bonus match. At this time, just now The white-haired gangster who escaped robbed the wrestling union with a gun. Peter was out of revenge, so he didn't stop the man, but gave him a way.

And Peter, who was stopped by Ye Yi, now only wants to find another job and get a bonus of more than 2500, so that he can afford to buy that second-hand convertible sports car that sells for 2498.
"Well, if you're in a hurry"

Ye Yi was just curious, not saying that something must be done, so after Peter said he didn't have time, Ye Yi let him go
"Jarvis, do you think this little guy is a mutant?"

Ye Yi got through the phone: "I don't feel like it, and he gives the impression that he is a spider in the shape of a human."

"Insufficient data."

Jarvis sent the information he found to Ye Yi: "Peter Parker, a high school student, his parents disappeared, currently living in his uncle's house, with excellent academic performance"

"Still a top student."

Ye Yi sighed, "Do you think he can surpass Tony?"

"Sir, there appears to be a shooting incident ahead."

Jarvis did not answer Ye Yi's question, but reminded Ye Yi: "According to the monitoring, the perpetrator of the shooting case is the accomplice of the man you let go just now, and the injured man is Peter Parker's uncle." , Ben Parker."


Ye Yi felt a little headache: "Is this okay? Are you playing with me?"

"It is recommended that you prepare for battle, the boy has rushed over just now."

Ye Yi blocked Peter's hateful fist with one hand, and said helplessly to Jarvis, "Actually, you can come earlier next time."

"I will send the moving location of the target to your mobile phone, I wish you a happy time."

Beep beep.
Hearing the beeping sound from the phone, Ye Yi had a dark face: "Jarvis has also learned from Tony."


Ye Yi looked at Peter who was struggling constantly, and his temple was throbbing again: "Why are you hitting me?"

"If you hadn't stopped me, I could have saved my uncle!"

Peter's eyes were red, looking at Ye Yi, he wanted to give Ye Yi a cramp.
"It was just an accident. Forget it"

Ye Yi looked at the red-eyed Peter, knowing that he couldn't listen to what he said now, so he simply shook his arm and shook Peter out, ready to fight with this little guy who just lost his relatives, to vent his emotions, anyway Jarvis monitored the two murderers and was not afraid of getting lost.

Peter's eyes were red, and he let out an incomprehensible cry. After crushing the ground with force, his body rushed towards Ye Yi like an arrow from the string.
"The strength is good."

Ye Yi held Peter's fist with one hand, felt his strength, and evaluated it. Although Peter Parker's future peak strength will be 40 tons, he can only exert a part of it when he is bitten, but this Part of it is already close to the strength of Ye Yi's 30 people, about 20 people, two tons of power!
"But isn't it a little too much for you to hit a stranger with such great strength?"

To be honest, Ye Yi is also a little guilty, just a little bit, after all, as Peter said, if he hadn't stopped him, maybe he could have saved his uncle. In a sense, Peter came to Ye Yi to settle accounts It's also justified.
"Return my uncle!!"

Peter's fist was held, but his body was in a different area. He made a move that normal humans would never be able to do. While hitting Ye Yi with his other hand, he kicked Ye Yi with both legs!
"Is the body flexible?"

Ye Yi let go of Peter's hand, dodging the unimaginable attack: "But you are still a little too immature."

Ye Yi stretched out his hand, grabbed Peter's hand, raised his knee, and hit Peter on the stomach, let go of Peter, and watched him kneel in front of him clutching his stomach..
"Anger is not a good thing."

Ye Yi sighed: "He will blind your eyes and make you unable to see the truth clearly."

"the truth?"

Peter stood up again: "The truth is, you are the same murderer as the guy who killed my uncle!"

"Is it."

Ye Yi looked at the young man who had been controlled by hatred, and rubbed his temples: "I can't communicate with you now, let's wait until you wake up."

After speaking, Ye Yi was about to leave, but Peter didn't want Ye Yi to leave so easily. He bent his right index finger and ring finger, and shot a silk thread towards Ye Yi!

The silk thread has no attack power, so Ye Yi has no defense at all. Looking at the silk thread sticking to his body suddenly, he looked at Peter who was holding the silk thread: "What? Do you want to continue fighting?"

"Return my uncle!"

When Peter was fighting Ye Yi, he felt that his body coordination was better and his strength was stronger. He was very confident in defeating Ye Yi.


Ye Yi pulled out an afterimage from his body, came directly in front of Peter, and punched out, but with the help of the special ability of spider sensing, Peter successfully dodged past, and this time, he could counterattack Ye Yi, punching in front of Ye Yi. on Ye Yi's chest!


Ye Yi's physical fitness has been improved in all aspects. There is a two-ton fist hitting Ye Yi, which is actually not too heavy, but he is surprised to see that he was crushed and beaten by himself just now, and now he can fight back brat.

Facing Ye Yi's surprise, Peter didn't buy it, but shot out another silk thread from his hand, trying to tie Ye Yi up!
"Although I'm not a saint."

Ye Yi easily flashed past Peter's thread, and said helplessly, "But the same move, I don't think it can hit me twice."

Seeing the stubborn Peter, Ye Yi's hand flashed a black light, his body pulled out an afterimage, and he came to the little spider again, the black energy in his hand condensed a stick, and smashed towards Peter's head!
The little spider wanted to do the same old trick again, but Ye Yi couldn't let him dodge again, he directly held him down with his free hand, and knocked the little spider unconscious with a slap of duang.
At this time, the two of them were already surrounded by layers of crowds. Although the fight between Ye Yi and Peter had not lasted long, people had already consciously wanted to gather in this direction when the murder happened, and Ye Yi and Peter The fighting is beyond common sense, and it is normal to attract so many people to watch
Of course, what is more normal is the two policemen with guns
"Police, don't move!"

Ye Yi looked at the policeman helplessly, and took out his mobile phone: "Can I make a call?"

When Ye Yi was let go by Tony's relationship, the next day he had to face Tony, who was full of curiosity and turned into a problem baby.
"How about that little guy?"

"not so good."

Ye Yi looked at Tony with black lines all over his head: "Why don't you go to the company?"

"Perz has gone."

Tony took a sip of champagne beautifully: "After she comes back, she must go to the company. I directly mentioned her to the position of CEO, so now I can concentrate on studying my armor and upgrade him!"

"Like this?"

Ye Yi looked at Tony with suspicion in his eyes: "Isn't it because of this that you brought Potz back?"

"How can you, don't slander me!"

Tony refrained from denying it: "I was just worried that Pozzi would not be happy staying there, so I took her back, don't talk nonsense!"

"All right."

Ye Yi originally wanted to change the topic, but now that the topic has been successfully changed, Ye Yi certainly wished for it: "By the way, how is your research on this set of Destroyers going?"

"O Destroyer"

Speaking of the Destroyer, Tony immediately became serious: "I specially created a battle armor according to the characteristics of the Destroyer, but it is not satisfactory. Compared with the previous battle armor, there is no substantial progress. It is better to study the inside of your body. What about black energy?"

"The black energy in my body?"

Ye Yi thought about the set of armor with the property of devouring energy that Tony brought out before, and wondered how far Tony's research has come: "What have you researched?"

"Totally clueless."

Tony shook his head: "I just know that the black energy in your body has the ability to swallow, but why it can be swallowed, what is the principle of swallowing, these problems have not been resolved."


Ye Yi looked at Tony speechlessly: "Then what have you researched?"

"Didn't I tell you last time?"

Tony glanced at Ye Yi: "I found a material that can imitate your black energy devouring properties, devouring energy"

"It's just a pity."

Tony sighed: "That level of devouring is not called devouring at all, it can only be called stealing, stealing part of the energy in the attack, and using it for attack and defense."

"That should be pretty good, right?"

Ye Yi felt that it was okay: "And it can also increase battery life?"

"I have kung fu, I can get three new energy for the armor"

Tony rolled his eyes: "You are illiterate, what do you know?"

“good good”

Ye Yi raised his hand: "I'm illiterate, what are you going to do now? Go to the laboratory?"


Tony took out a map: "I want you to go to these places and find the fleeing dark elves."

"Aren't they in Greenwich?"

Ye Yi looked at the places marked on it, obviously far away from Greenwich: "What are they going to do in these places?"

"do not know"

Tony is a bachelor: "That's why I let you go and see, what the hell are they trying to do!"

"All right.."

Ye Yi shook his head: "Born to work hard, remember to give me a raise!"

"Go now."

Tony shook his head: "Don't let them find what they want."

"What are you afraid of?"

Ye Yi took a glass of champagne: "When the time comes, soldiers will come to block you, and water will come to cover you!"

"What are you talking about? Jarvis, translate!"

Listening to the Chinese that suddenly came out of Ye Yi's mouth, Tony didn't understand why.
"I mean, when the time comes, let's talk about it when the time comes!"

(End of this chapter)

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