Marvel's Random Call

Chapter 277 Dark Elf

Chapter 277 Dark Elf
"Now your brother is left, what are you going to do?"

Ye Yi pointed to Luo Ji who was still struggling: "Also, you have to deal with the matter just now."

"I know."

If something like this happened in the frozen country, if Saul, the crown prince, doesn't handle it properly, it will be another big trouble
"If it's okay, send me back."

Ye Yi felt that the so-called God's Domain was no fun, and decided to go back to his good friend Tony: "Use your Rainbow Bridge, is that the name?"

"no problem."

Although Heimdall is in a coma, his saber is still here, and it can also open the Rainbow Bridge
"Then let's go, it doesn't matter if your brother just leaves it like this?"

Ye Yi passed by Luo Ji and pointed out something: "The frost giant will not appear in your country for no reason."

"I know."

Sol nodded with embarrassment on his face: "But he is my younger brother after all. Let's discuss this matter after my father wakes up. Now I will send you back."

"it is good."

Since Sol said that this matter is their family matter, Ye Yi no longer asks about it, anyway, he just does his best.
"After you go back"

In front of the Rainbow Bridge, Sol told Ye Yi: "Remember to ask your friends to bring the Destroyer back, after all, it belongs to my father."


Ye Yi nodded: "Tony should have figured it out during this time, and I'll give you the Destroyer when he goes back, but how do you get it?"

"I'll go back with you."

Sol laughed heartily: "After all, there is a girl waiting for me."


Ye Yi glanced at Sol with contempt: "Although that girl is beautiful, she isn't that attractive, is she?"

"Are you single?"

Sol's words made Ye Yi frowned: "What's wrong?"

"No wonder."

Sol looked at Ye Yi with a trace of sympathy in his eyes: "People like you who don't have a girlfriend won't understand."


Ye Yi's eyebrows twitched constantly: "You are easily beaten like this."

"It's ok."

Saul raised the hammer in his hand and smiled heartily: "Most people can't beat me"

"It seems."

A cloud of black air rose from Ye Yi's hands: "It's time to show off, the real technique."

"The Rainbow Bridge is open!"

As Thor thrust Heimdall's long sword into it, the two disappeared in Asgard.
Earth, Manhattan, Starco Tower
Thor looked at the Destroyer who was painted golden red in front of him, and subconsciously raised and lowered the hammer in his hand.
"How did the Destroyer become like this?"

Ye Yi looked at Sol, who was obviously suppressing his anger, and quickly smoothed things over: "Didn't you say it was just for research and reference?"

Although Tony noticed Sol's anger, he didn't care at all: "Yes, but there are some things on it that are different from our existing technology. I can't copy this kind of thing, and this kind of thing is the most powerful thing in the Destroyer. The important part, so I am going to give it a try, if I can put on the Destroyer directly."

"So you just coated it up to your liking?"

Ye Yi had a headache: "It was agreed at the beginning that I would return it to others."

"Give it back to him now."

Tony's words were crisp and clear: "I don't want the money for the coating, I'll give it to him. After all, this is the color that Tony likes!"


I was really speechless to Tony, a narcissist, and pulled Saul, who was already unable to hold back, to leave Stark Tower: "Don't be angry, he is like this, narcissistic."


Saul took a deep breath, trying to suppress the feeling of anger: "I feel that if I spend more than 10 minutes with him, he will die or he will die."

Ye Yi looked at Sol speechlessly: "He is not weak, his armor is actually very strong."

"That's just a foreign object."

Sol raised his hand and pointed to the muscles on his body: "The real strength is the strength of oneself!"

"Who was deprived of Thor's Hammer and killed by the Destroyer"

Ye Yi looked at Sol quietly: "Who killed Asgard after regaining control of Thor's Hammer?"

"Ha ha."

Sol made a haha: "Today's naive blue, I'm going to find Jane, and we will have a round in Mexico at noon tomorrow."

"Remember to bring the Destroyer."

Seeing Sol who suddenly flew up, Ye Yi ignored the ordinary people who were taking pictures, and walked back to Stark Tower
The next day, in New Mexico, where the strange pattern was still created by the rainbow bridge, Ye Yi brought the Destroyer to join Sol.
But at noon, the sun was already in mid-air, but Sol still didn't show up, which made Ye Yi feel very strange.
But at this moment, Tony called Ye Yi: "Where are you?"


Ye Yi felt baffled: "I'm in Mexico. I just left this morning. Have you forgotten it now?"


Tony's tone was rather urgent: "Just now, in that place in England, a group of aliens suddenly appeared, and Sol has already rushed over."


Ye Yi asked very strangely: "Isn't Sol an alien, so what's there to be nervous about? Maybe he's the same kind as Sol."

"But that's the problem."

Tony's words were a bit heavy: "I just contacted the woman you mentioned through Jarvis, who made Sol fall in love with her. She told me that those aliens came to destroy the universe."

"What the hell."

Ye Yi also swears in a rare way: "Destroy the universe? Is there really such a powerful race?"

"do not know"

Tony's voice also sounded in the process of flying at high speed: "That woman knows what Saul told her, that group of aliens, dark elves, were born in darkness, and now they want to return the world to darkness , let the light disappear."

"meaning to say"

Ye Yi looked at the sun: "They want to make all the stars go out?"

"do not know."

Tony's voice became more and more urgent: "The most important thing now is that I need you."


Ye Yi sent his coordinates to Tony: "Come and pick me up, I'll go by myself, and the earth might not even exist by then."

"I'm already here."

As soon as Ye Yi sent the coordinates, he saw Tony flying at high speed in the distance: "Stand still"

Ye Yi stood still obediently, but he didn't expect that Tony didn't come down at all, but directly tied Ye Yi's arms with two ropes
"You really save time"

Ye Yi had to complain, because the rope was tied automatically: "You have time to study these, why don't you study how to get that thing on your chest off."

(End of this chapter)

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