Marvel's Random Call

Chapter 264 Sunshine, sand, waves and cacti?What?Another old captain?

Chapter 264 Sunshine, sand, waves and cacti?What?And an old captain?
After Ye Yi walked out of the training camp, he felt that something was wrong. He looked back and observed carefully for a while, but found nothing.
New York, Stark Tower

Ye Yi looked at Tony who was busy in the office, and suddenly felt a little inexplicable mismatch.
A well-fitting suit, with Tony's bloodshot eyes, is very weird
"You're back?"

Tony raised his head, his eyes were bloodshot: "Wait a minute, I'll finish it right away."


Ye Yi nodded, and called Happy who was standing beside him.

Happy was Tony's former bodyguard. After Ye Yi came, Happy was promoted to the security director of Stark Corporation, in charge of the security work of the entire company!

"Happy, hasn't Tony had a good rest recently?"

Ye Yi pointed to Tony, and Happy nodded: "Tony only sleeps for two hours a day recently. After finishing the company's work every day, he returns to the laboratory at home to continue working. I don't know why he is so anxious to upgrade himself. armor."

As Tony's closest person, Happy knows Tony's secret weapon of course, but what he doesn't understand is why Tony is in such a hurry to upgrade his armor
"Maybe you noticed something?"

Ye Yi said in a low voice, at this time, Tony had already dealt with the company's affairs and walked out.

"Let's go, we have something to talk about when we go back."

Tony put his arms around Ye Yi's shoulders: "Happy, the company's safety is in your hands!"


Happy nodded and went back to his office to make a security plan.

The two got into Tony's luxury car, looking at Tony with bloodshot eyes, Ye Yi didn't dare to let Tony drive, not for his own safety, but for Tony's safety, after all, even if there was a car accident, Ye Yi could guarantee Your own safety, but if something happens and Ye Yi doesn't react for a while.
Back at the villa in California, USA, Tony took Ye Yi directly to the underground laboratory, pointing at the battle armor that was being painted, with a proud face!
"This is the Mark X I developed based on the energy characteristics in your body! The speed has reached Mach 5, and the strength has reached 15 tons. According to the characteristics of the armor material and the results of research on the energy in your body, it can even be said to have unlimited battery life. exist!"

Seeing Tony's eloquent words, Ye Yi didn't listen carefully, but noticed Tony's neck.
"What happened to your neck?"

Ye Yi looked directly into Tony's eyes: "Happy said you're in a hurry, what time are you in a hurry? Have you found out who murdered your parents?"


Tony touched his neck, picked up the quilt and poured himself a glass of green things: "It's just some minor problems, don't worry."

"Small problems?"

Seeing that Tony was unwilling to answer, Ye Yi asked Jarvis directly: "Jarvis, what's going on with Tony?"

"Palladium metal poisoning."


Tony was still a step too late, Jarvis had already said it out, although Ye Yi didn't know what the so-called palladium metal poisoning was all about, but judging by Tony's appearance, it shouldn't be a good phenomenon.

"How to treat?"

Ye Yi stared at Tony, causing Tony to shift his eyes guiltily: "Just drink more chlorophyll."


"There is no way, as long as the reactor in Mr. Tony's chest is still operating, he will always be poisoned by palladium metal."

After hearing what Jarvis said, Ye Yi fixed his eyes on Tony: "Is it true?"

"it is true."

Seeing that there was no way to hide it from Ye Yi, Tony could only helplessly touch the reactor on his chest, and smiled self-deprecatingly: "It was supposed to keep my life alive, but now it is slowly killing me, isn't it? Ironic?"


Ye Yi shook his head, held Tony with one hand, and a ray of black energy suddenly appeared from his hand: "Then let me try it!"

"No, don't!"

Tony has seen it before. Everything touched by Ye Yi's black energy is completely swallowed up. This is not a matter of trust, but that people have not yet reached a desperate situation, and they will never choose those things that are extremely risky. Options.

"Don't worry, I have a measure."

Ye Yi looked at the tense Tony, and while comforting him, sent black energy into Tony's body.


Ye Yi looked at the energy in his hands in embarrassment, let go of Tony, and scratched his head: "It seems that it's not as simple as I thought."

"what happened?"

Originally, Tony had closed his eyes and was ready to lose a piece of his body, but unexpectedly, Ye Yi let go of the hand that was holding him, and opened his eyes involuntarily, and saw Ye Yi who was scratching his head.
"Black energy cannot enter your body."

Ye Yi spread his hands speechlessly: "Your body is resisting my energy, I've never seen such a situation!"

"Have you ever used your energy to directly devour a human body?"

Seeing Ye Yi shaking his head, Tony suddenly realized: "Is it because you can't devour living things at all?"

"Can't it devour living things?"

Ye Yi thought for a while, as if he had never used black energy to devour living things. Before Tianqi, he basically broke the boundaries of the universe and summoned guests from other worlds. After Tianqi learned to transform into energy, he did not rely on devouring to fight
"You're right."

Ye Yi nodded: "Maybe my energy really can't swallow living things, so that's the case."

"don’t worry."

Tony looked at the worried Ye Yi and shook his head: "I'm Tony Stark! The smartest person in the world!"

"Come on!"

Ye Yi looked at Tony, who suddenly became narcissistic, speechlessly: "By the way, have you told other people about this?"

"Tell who?"

Tony turned around in a circle and pointed at Ye Yi with both hands: "Tell you, or Perz? Or tell Happy?"

"Come on, brother."

Tony looked at Ye Yi who was speechless, put his arms around Ye Yi's shoulders, and went upstairs: "There is a big party today, have fun!"

"Not interested in."

Ye Yi shook his head: "Where did Poz get treated? I'll go and see her."

"a place far away."

Staring into the distance, Tony said in a faint voice, "I heard that the place is called Tahiti."


Ye Yi thought about the map, but couldn't find it: "Where is that?"

"I heard it's a wonderful place."

Tony seemed to be hypnotized, which made Ye Yi vigilant: "Are you okay? You seem to be hypnotized in this state?"


Tony shook his head: "I just remembered the video they showed me, the sun, the beach, the waves, and the cactus."

“I can understand Sunny Beach.”

Ye Yi looked at Tony in disbelief: "But you said there are cacti in that place?"

"That's right!"

Tony seemed to be yearning for something: "There is also an old captain who looks very old."

(End of this chapter)

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