Marvel's Random Call

Chapter 261 Tony's Plan

Chapter 261 Tony's Plan

In the most expensive ward of New York City Central Hospital, looking at Poz, who was wearing a respirator on the bed, and there was no bandage all over his body, Ye Yi didn't know what happened after he left, and he didn't want to know...

"How is she?"

Tony pushed open the door and came over with a cold expression, the little blood spots on his body, and the faint murderous aura entwined all over his body, let Ye Yi know that Obadiah might not have a good life under Tony's hands...

"What about him?"

Ye Yi didn't just answer Tony's question directly, but asked a rhetorical question. Although he was out of his head, Tony naturally understood who Ye Yi was talking about.


The cold expression on Tony's face disintegrated for a moment, but it disappeared immediately, as if it had never appeared before...

"Perz she's not doing well."

Ye Yi handed the file bag next to him to Tony: "The whole body was shattered, the spine was broken, and the head was hit, causing intracranial congestion..."


With red eyes, Tony grabbed Ye Yi by the collar and picked him up. He didn't know where Tony, who had been in the laboratory all day, came from so much strength.


Ye Yi looked at Tony's face that was close to collapse, and said the result given by the doctor: "If you're lucky, you can survive, but it's up to God whether your memory can be preserved. If you're unlucky..."

Ye Yi didn't finish, but Tony also knew what Ye Yi didn't say. The thread in his mind was finally broken...


Tony, who was emotionally broken, yelled out of control, and tears flowed from the red eyes. When Obadiah dug out the ark reactor, his body was already very weak, and then he supported his body and flew away. I came here, exhausted my body for a while, and now I force myself to see Poz, and when I heard the result again, my already exhausted body couldn't hold it anymore, and I fainted in Poz's ward...


Ye Yi looked at the two unconscious people in front of him, and hurriedly called the doctor. When they knew that Tony was in a coma in the ward, they were all on the verge of an enemy. Almost all the experts rushed to Pozzi's ward to check Tony's body...

"Good morning sir."

While Ye Yi was waiting for news from experts outside the door, a man in a suit came to Ye Yi with a friendly smile on his face: "Can we talk?"

Ye Yi looked at the middle-aged man in his 30s and shook his head: "I'm not in the mood. I have something to talk about after they finish."


The middle-aged uncle showed his ID with a smile: "I'm here for this."

"Phil Coulson? Homeland Strategic Defense Offensive and Logistics Agency?"

Ye Yi looked at this tricky name, his eyes were full of sadness: "What does it have to do with this matter?"


Coulson put away his documents, looked at the busy experts in the ward, and shook his head: "We have the best medical conditions and technology in the world, if you agree, we can transfer them both Come to our place and place for treatment."


Ye Yi looked at Coulson, and the distrust on his face was obvious: "You, an organization that popped up suddenly, suddenly told me that the medical conditions would be better than the best hospital in New York. If it were you, would you believe me? ?"

"I do not know."

Coulson shook his head honestly: "So I brought these."

Coulson clapped his hands, and a man in the same clothes as Coulson suddenly appeared in the hospital corridor, trotting all the way and handing the file bag in his hand to Coulson.

"You can take a look at the introduction of our organization. In fact, Tony's father is one of the founders of our organization, so you can rest assured."

Coulson looked at the powerful figure who suddenly appeared in front of him, thinking about his information for a while...

"The first time I appeared was in Afghanistan, with Tony Stark. There was no ID card. It was a certificate that Stark helped to do. When I came here, I found out through the video sent by the headquarters that this person is still powerful. With the power, you can easily tear apart the armor that is probably thicker than a tank with your bare hands, and your combat power is strong!"

"If it wasn't so, Tony would have been sent to the headquarters to receive the best treatment by now."

Coulson looked at the guy in front of him who was carefully looking at his organization's files, and kept muttering in his heart: "How could such a guy suddenly appear..."

"That, your organization was founded by Carter and Howard?!"

Ye Yi didn't know that the honest middle-aged man in front of him, who seemed kind but kept muttering inwardly, had a strange expression on his face...

"Yes, the predecessor of our organization was SSR."

Although Coulson was muttering all the time, his attention was still on Ye Yi. Seeing Ye Yi's strange expression, he was a little nervous: "What's the matter?"


Ye Yi shook his head: "No, I just want to ask, Carter, is she... okay?"

"You know Agent Carter?"

Coulson looked suspiciously at this young man who looked younger than himself, and shook his head: "You mean Na and Carter?"

"Peggy Carter."

Ye Yi looked at Coulson seriously: "Captain America's girlfriend."

"Do you really know her?"

Coulson looked at Ye Yi in shock: "Impossible, how old are you?"


Ye Yi suppressed the thoughts that suddenly came to his mind: "I'm..."

"He just adores Captain America."

When Ye Yi was about to declare himself, Tony's weak voice suddenly came from beside him...

"How are you?!"

Ye Yi hurriedly pushed away Coulson who was standing in front of him, and came to Tony's side: "You are so weak, you should stay longer!"

"I'm afraid that if you are in a coma, you will be betrayed."

Tony lowered his voice and looked warily at Coulson who was approaching: "He looked for me before and hoped that I would join them."

"You agree?"

Ye Yi looked at Tony who was shaking his head, and nodded: "I just said, how could you let go..."



Ye Yi suddenly couldn't speak, but silently supported Tony, who was also silent, and walked out of Pozzi's ward...

"You said you have the best medical conditions there, right?!"

Tony turned his head and glanced at Poetz's ward: "What are the conditions?!"

"No conditions."

Coulson shook his head: "You should also read this document, so that you may be able to give up your defense against us."

"This is?!"

Tony quickly read the information and looked at Coulson in shock: "My father is from your organization?!"


Coulson nodded: "He is one of the founders of our organization."

"Then why did you do nothing when he was murdered?!"

Regardless of his own body, Tony broke free from Ye Yi who was afraid of hurting Tony and let go, and rushed to Coulson: "My father is one of your founders. He was murdered, and you don't know?!"


Coulson looked at the emotional Tony in shock: "Didn't Mr. Howard die in a car accident?!"

"That's a fake scene!"

Tony put his speculation aside, and Coulson suddenly discovered that Howard's death was actually tricky? !
"I must report to the director immediately, Mr. Stark, someone will come to connect with you later, I will take my leave first!"

Coulson was shocked by the news, immediately took out his phone and dialed the number of their chief...

"Come on, Tony."

Ye Yi looked at Coulson who was going away, and shook his head: "If they don't know about this matter, then they will be in big trouble."


Supported by Ye Yi, Tony left the brightly lit hospital...

Time is always fair, there is no mercy for everyone, there is no slightest pause, seeing that Pozzi is about to fail, Tony finally let go, and agreed that Pozzi was taken to Coulson's organization for treatment, and at the same time, Their director, the black one-eyed bald man named Nick Ferry, came to lie down in person and chatted with Tony for a long time...

Ye Yi didn't know what they were talking about, and he didn't care, but when the black one-eyed bald head came out of Tony's room, the only remaining eye looked at Ye Yi as if it was a pervert who had endured it for a long time. Like the most beautiful woman in the world, Ye Yi couldn't help shivering with those fiery gazes...

"Did you say something bad about me?!"

When the black one-eyed bald man left with strange eyes, Ye Yi couldn't help finding Tony: "That black one-eyed bald man looked at me strangely, did you say something?"

"I told him your story."

Tony told Ye Yi that he had sold him out: "So he was thinking about how to trick you into his subordinates."

"You guy..."

Ye Yi was not angry: "Didn't you stop me from talking before? Take it and sell it to me here?!"

"At that time, there were many people in the hospital."

Tony explained, not wanting Ye Yi to have any misunderstandings: "It's not good for your identity to be revealed, but that black bald head is different. He is the director and knows how to measure."


Ye Yi curled his lips: "Forget it, that's right, now Perz is seriously injured and Obadiah is dead, why don't you go out to stabilize the situation?!"

"no need."

Tony shook his head: "The black bald head agreed to support a professional manager and take control of the company during my recuperation."

"You trust them that much?"

Ye Yi looked at Tony in disbelief: "Are they guys who just popped up out of nowhere?"

"Say it came out of nowhere."

Tony looked at Ye Yi with a strange expression on his face: "You are the real guy who popped up out of nowhere?!"

"... "

Ye Yi was speechless... After all, what Tony said was the truth...

"Oh, right."

Just when Ye Yi was about to leave, Tony stopped Ye Yi: "I have news about what you asked me to inquire about."

"Any news?!"

Ye Yi suddenly turned his head: "Who is it?"


Tony looked at Ye Yi, hesitated to speak...

"What's the matter, say it!"

Ye Yi anxiously came to Tony's side...

"Not good news..."

Tony shook his head: "Charles Xavier, nicknamed Professor X, formed a team called the X-Men. In 1999, he and the mutant brotherhood led by Magneto King Eric Lanshere entered the territory of Egypt. Since then disappear, and at the same time, there are fewer and fewer mutants in the world, or..."

When Tony said this, he paused for a moment, looking at Ye Yi with a bad face, he couldn't bear to say it...

"It's getting more and more difficult to activate abilities..."

After Tony finished the last sentence, he looked at Ye Yi who was suddenly stunned, and worried a little: "Yi, are you okay?!"

Ye Yi shook his head: "I'm fine, I just thought that the people who were fighting together just now disappeared suddenly... Actually, I thought they were all old and dead."

"Aren't you sad?"

Tony looked at Ye Yi who had regained his composure, and was very worried about Ye Yi's mental state...


Ye Yi shook his head: "It's just that I suddenly felt emotional..."

"I'll go out and be quiet, call me if there's anything..."

Ye Yi pushed open the door and walked out of the room that made him feel depressed...

In the room, after Ye Yi left, Tony said the last sentence: "There is only a mutant nicknamed Mystique left, haunting all over the world, looking for something..."

Time passed quickly, Tony's body has been recuperated, and he officially took over the company, and Ye Yi resumed his identity as a bodyguard...

And when Tony returned to the company's press conference, those reporters asked a very important question!
"Mr. Stark, may I ask, who was the person who fought the robot that day? Is it your bodyguard?"

A reporter from the New York Daily asked excitedly: "Who is he? Why is he so destructive?"

"This issue has nothing to do with the subject of this press conference."

Tony has seen this kind of scene a lot, so he easily bypassed it...


The reporter from the Daily Bugle raised his hand: "May I ask if you were the Iron Man who flew over after the battle that day?"

"it's me."

Tony nodded: "Next."

"Mr. Stark..."

Another newspaper: "Did your secretary and another shareholder of the company, Obadiah Stein, get hurt that day?"


Tony was smiling all over his face, but when he heard the reporter's words, his smile disappeared immediately, and he nodded with a cold expression...

"Okay, this press conference is over!"

Tony ended the press conference with a cold expression, Ye Yi shook his head and followed...

"That's right, Yi."

Tony was waiting for Ye Yi at the door: "My new battle armor is ready, go back and help me test it."

"it is good."

Ye Yi nodded: "Today?"

"Yes, today!"

There was a strange light in Tony's eyes: "After today, can you do me a favor?"


Ye Yi looked at Tony strangely: "Do you still need my help?"


Tony nodded: "I need you outside to help me collect information and find out who and what organization murdered my parents!"

"This matter?"

Ye Yi frowned: "I can do it, but my intelligence resources should be gone. I need new sources of intelligence!"

"no problem!"

Tony shared his smart housekeeper without hesitation: "Jarvis is whatever you want!"

"it is good!"

(End of this chapter)

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