Marvel's Random Call

Chapter 245 Before the Raid

Chapter 245 Before the Raid

Looking at the surrounded hotel, Ye Yi sighed happily, and followed Charles and the others with Rogers on his back!
Outside Cairo, in a small village that has long been abandoned!
"Huh, let's rest here today!"

Ye Yi put Rogers down and wiped off the sweat that didn't exist: "This place seems to have been abandoned for a long time, I don't know why!"


Eric was still brooding over Ye Yi at this time, there was no way, people were like this!

"Don't be mad, Eric!"

Ye Yi knew that because of himself, everyone stayed away from the city and could only rest in this dilapidated village. He was very embarrassed: "My friend suddenly appeared, and I didn't know beforehand that it was him who set fire to the palace!"

"Who is he!"

At this time, Ruiwen came to Ye Yi's side: "I think he looks familiar?"


Ye Yi recalled when he first met him, the idiot boy who was constantly knocked down in the box, the corners of his mouth curled up: "He is just a idiot boy, a guy who got shit luck!"

"To say it means not to say it!"

Ruiwen rolled her eyes: "Say it or not!"

"You should all have heard of him."

Ye Yi looked at the thoughtful Charles, and said a name that made the young man suddenly excited: "He is Captain America, Stephen Rogers!"

"Captain America!?" *N
Looking at the boy who exclaimed in unison and Charles who looked like that, Ye Yi nodded: "Yes, that's him! A man with great ambitions!"

"Captain America!"

The banshee and Alex looked excited: "I joined here, hoping to fight with Captain America one day. I didn't expect to be able to see a real person?"

"Ha ha!"

Ye Yi laughed: "As for what, you are a mutant, you are a banshee! He is just an ordinary person!"

"You are not allowed to talk about him like that!"

Alex stood up: "I'm afraid you don't understand the position of Captain America in our hearts!"

"That's it!"

Looking at the excited X-Men, Ye Yi remembered Rogers who was still a fool at the time, and smiled: "Then when he wakes up, I'll let him take pictures with you, how about it?"

"it is good!"

"Don't go back on your word!"

Looking at the excited little guys, although Ye Yi was not much different in age from them, he still felt a little old. Looking at them was like looking at children.

"It seems that your identity is unusual?"

Charles came over: "You said you were a colonel, and you faked your death and escaped from the army to investigate Xiao. It seems that your status in the Allied forces is not low, otherwise they would not have let you go!"

"Of course!"

Ye Yi smiled triumphantly: "I'm the officer of this guy!"

"You are equal to me!"

At this time, Rogers' voice came from behind Ye Yi. At this time, everyone was watching the closed door, which was slowly opened!


"Hey, Rogers!"

The two hug each other tightly, this picture looks very romantic!

Ruiwen poked Alex next to her: "Do you think they have that kind of relationship?"


Alex looked at Ruiwen suspiciously: "What's the relationship?"

"It's that kind of true love!"

Ruiwen smiled slyly, and the words that came out of her mouth made Alex's face change unceasingly
"Cough cough!"

Suddenly there was a coughing sound from behind Ruiwen, and the familiar business made Ruiwen's body freeze suddenly.Turning his head, he looked at Ye Yi with a serious face, standing behind him, behind Ye Yi was Rogers with a dumbfounding expression!
"Which, which"

For a while, Rui Wen didn't know what to say. After all, she was caught by two parties for speaking ill of someone behind her back. Only those who have experienced this kind of embarrassment will understand. .

"Don't talk nonsense! We just haven't seen each other for a long time!"

Ye Yi gave Ruiwen a headache, looked at Ruiwen who was rubbing her head dissatisfiedly looking at her, Ye Yi smiled: "Do you still want to take a photo with Captain America?"

"Think about it!"

Ruiwen's head, like a chicken pecking rice, flew up at such a fast speed that people couldn't help but worry about whether they would throw their head out!
"Okay, turn into Eric and build us a house!"

Ye Yi pointed to the houses with broken roofs, with a helpless expression on his face: "Or, are you planning to live in such a house?"


Ruiwen looked at Ye Yi as if she were a class enemy, her cheeks were bulging, and she was unwilling to become Eric!


Ye Yi looked at Eric who was still angry, walked over and hugged him: "Still angry! Don't be angry, first build the house with Ruiwen, and then I will meet your request and have a good fight with you field, how?"


Eric's eyes lit up. Since he felt the rhythm of the planet last time, Eric has never shot with all his strength. Because he is afraid that he will destroy the earth, Eric has been suppressing himself recently!

And once again, Eric discovered that Ye Yi's black energy could cut off the link between himself and the magnetic force of the planet. From then on, whenever Eric's hands were itchy, he would fight with Ye Yi. Too late, never fight Eric again!

This time, Eric finally found a chance and got Ye Yi's promise. As soon as Eric raised his hand, countless metal particles were combined under Eric's control to form a small three-story building. The whole process takes no more than 1 minute!

"Let's go! Let's stay away, don't knock down the house!"

Ye Yi took the initiative to go to the distance, and Eric followed Ye Yi as if he hadn't done anything. Charles looked at Rogers who was confused and didn't understand the relationship between Ye Yi and them, and walked over: "Don't worry, they used to do this all the time. Do it, and almost tore down my house again!"

"Is it?"

Rogers was very interested, and he also wanted to know how Ye Yi was doing during this time: "How is he doing during this time?"

"Should be pretty good!"

Charles took Rogers into the house: "He met Eric first, it seems that he met when he was chasing down Sebastian Shaw, and they had a fight at that time."


Rogers stroked the steel house with a look of surprise: "Is this the one that was built?"


Charles nodded, looked at each room, found one at random, opened the door, unexpectedly there was even a bed!

"It's him, they often spar, don't worry about them, you can rest here, okay?"

Charles pointed to the room and said to Rogers, "I'll get the quilt later."

"Thank you!"

Rogers nodded in thanks: "When I was on a mission, the environment was much worse than this!"

"Is it?"

Charles was very interested in Rogers' experience: "Can you tell me about it?"

"it is good!"

Here, Charles is having a good chat with Rogers, and on the other hand, Ye Yi is also having a good chat with Eric!


Eric controls five long swords in the sky, constantly attacking Ye Yi, up and down, left and right, Ye Yi's dodge position has been sealed, no matter which direction he defends from, there will be two long swords blocking Ye Yi !

"Haha, your control has increased a lot recently!"

Ye Yi looked at Eric, who looked like the sword fairy in the Chinese legend, with a look of envy. The dagger made of black energy in his hand kept blocking the incoming long sword!
"In order to be able to shoot outside, I did special training every day!"

Eric drew another long sword at this time. In the sky, six long swords vaguely formed a six-pointed star array in the air, and Ye Yi was in the center of the array!
"Another handful?"

Ye Yi looked at the long sword hanging in the air, and was taken aback: "You've improved so fast!"

"of course!"

Hatred flashed in Eric's eyes: "I want to personally return the pain that Sebastian Xiao gave me!"


Ye Yi saw that Eric was falling into hatred again, even the long sword in the sky was faintly glowing with blood, and worried about him: "Don't forget our training, your ability, between anger and tranquility, In order to exert the greatest power, if you only want to destroy, the earth will be destroyed because of it!"


Eric took a deep breath and closed his eyes tightly. The long sword in the sky was also inserted straight into the ground. Ye Yi knew that Eric was adjusting his emotions, so he sat on the ground and waited. Watch Eric open his eyes and go back together.

"All right!"

Eric opened his eyes and regained his composure: "Let's stop here today, and continue tomorrow!"

"I'm afraid it won't work tomorrow!"

Ye Yi shook his head: "Tomorrow, we are going to kill Tianqi!"

"So fast?"

Eric looked at Ye Yi: "Are you serious? Can you defeat Tianqi?"


Ye Yi shook his head: "But I have my own way."

"Why are you in such a hurry all of a sudden?"

Eric sensed something was wrong: "Did something happen?"

"Just leave it alone, Eric!"

Ye Yi glanced at Eric with a complicated expression, and Ye Yi calmed down: "Let's go, go back, they should be waiting for us!"


Eric knew that under Ye Yi's seemingly joking surface, there were actually many things hidden. Ye Yi's expression just now made Eric very uneasy!

Eric caught up with Ye Yi, looked at the smiling Ye Yi, and sighed inwardly: "What are you hiding?"

When the two of them went back, dinner was already served. Rogers, who lived alone for a long time, showed everyone his amazing cooking skills. With a few simple ingredients, Rogers made several different foods, and, The staple food turned out to be a deer?

"I go!"

Ye Yi looked at the charcoal-grilled whole deer in front of him, and was dumbfounded: "We have been out for a while! Where did you get these things?"

"Rodgers made it!"

Ruiwen looked at the roasted whole deer greedily: "He went out for a trip, and then brought back these ingredients, and this deer!"


Ye Yi looked at Rogers who was distributing the meat, and was speechless for a moment. .

"Rogers, when did you have this skill?"

Ye Yi ate the delicious barbecue, the unknown bird eggs, and a salad made of several vegetables, and looked at Rogers in admiration: "I didn't know it before!"

"Bucky knows!"

Rogers' hand froze for a moment, and then returned to normal. Although it was just this moment, the atmosphere was still different. Everyone could see the sadness that Rogers was trying to hide.


Ye Yi looked at Rogers worriedly, and put down the barbecue in his hand: "He controls what you say, doesn't he?"

"it is true!"

Rogers knew what Ye Yi was going to ask: "Bucky's death, the controlled Phillips and Carter, and those high-level officials are all true!"

"That's it!"

A certain idea in Ye Yi's heart became clearer. Having seen the power of Tianqi, Ye Yi also knew that if he didn't do this, the whole army might be wiped out!

"I see!"

Ye Yi nodded and looked at Rogers seriously: "Rogers, if, I mean if!"


Rogers rarely saw a serious Ye Yi, and knew that every time Ye Yi was serious, there was something important: "What happened?"

"If Apocalypse is dead!"

Ye Yi took a deep breath, the entire dining table was silent, no one made a sound, only Ye Yi's voice and everyone's breathing: "Can you make the world give up the persecution of mutants?"


Rogers didn't expect Ye Yi to ask himself this way, and he couldn't help asking himself if he could do it, but the result was, no!

Rogers lowered his head: "I'm just a soldier!"


Ye Yi shook his head and raised Rogers' head: "You are Captain America! The spiritual pillar of the United States! If you speak out, it is absolutely possible!"

"Don't underestimate yourself! You are much more important than you think!"

Ye Yi's words made Luo Jie confused for a while: "Can I really do it?"

"you can!"

I don't know if it's Ye Yi, or the X-Men: "We believe in you"

"I, definitely!"

Rogers gave his guarantee, and Ye Yi looked at everyone and made up his mind.

"Tomorrow, we will raid the palace and kill Tianqi!"

Seeing that everyone was not in the mood to eat, Ye Yi simply began to assign tasks: "Eric, you can't make a move. You know the reason. Charles, help us find Tianqi and control other irrelevant people!"

Seeing that both Eric and Charles nodded, Ye Yi went on to say: "Ruiwen, you become Charles, help Charles!"

Raven nodded.


Ye Yi looked at the banshee: "You protect the two of them!"

"it is good!"

The banshee took out two earplugs and handed them to Charles and Raven: "Hank specially made them to prevent my voice from hurting you!"


Charles and Raven took the earplugs.

"Hank, Alex!"

Ye Yi looked at Hank and Alex.With a dignified expression: "You two have to rush in with me and create opportunities for me to get close to the apocalypse!"

"it is good!"

Hank and Alex readily agreed, especially Hank the Beast, who couldn't recover, even patted his chest: "Leave it on us!"

"And me?"

Rogers looked at Ye Yi: "What am I going to do?"


Ye Yi looked at Rogers: "Your task is the most difficult!"


"Within two days, persuade the allies to give up fighting mutants!"

(End of this chapter)

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