Marvel's Random Call

Chapter 222 My name is Ye Yi, thank you.

Chapter 222 My name is Ye Yi, thank you.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the sky in New York suddenly darkened, with dark clouds covering the sky, and suddenly there was thunder, thunder bursts, accompanied by wanton dancing silver snakes...

The heavy rain poured down, and the pedestrians on the road, those who couldn't dodge in time, became drowned almost instantly. In desperation, the people who were drenched in the rain were all looking for shelter from the rain...

In this kind of weather, no one is in the mood to pay attention to other things. At this time, a person just appeared on the street out of thin air...

Ye Yi!

The heavy rain was almost an instant thing, Ye Yi's whole body was wet, but Ye Yi didn't care about it at the moment, because he passed out...

"Hey! Someone over there passed out!"

Someone noticed that Ye Yi fainted on the street. At this time, people have not been completely corrupted by capital, and it is in a war period, and the cohesion of each country is very strong. Therefore, after someone found Ye Yi fainted , several people braved the pouring rain and carried Ye Yi to the coffee house they covered...

"Is there a doctor, my God, his forehead is so hot!"

One of them, looking at Ye Yi whose face was flushed, put his hand on Ye Yi's forehead worriedly, and the temperature of Ye Yi's forehead made him exclaim involuntarily...

"I'm coming, I'm a doctor!"

At this time, a person in the crowd volunteered to come out, and everyone made way for him, making him quickly come to Ye Yi's side...

"Not good, his body temperature is at least 40 degrees, who will help get those three warm towels?"

The doctor touched Ye Yi's forehead, his face changed suddenly, and he quickly asked the crowd beside him for help: "Need to hurry up, I'm afraid he won't be able to make it through..."

At this time, the owner of the coffee shop walked over quickly and handed over a warm towel: "Here, is there anything else I need? I still have some medicine here."

The doctor had people lift Ye Yi to the table that was put together temporarily, and then wiped Ye Yi's naked body outside the clothes. Hearing what the owner of the coffee shop said, he nodded and followed the owner of the coffee shop into the bedroom behind the coffee shop. middle…

But at this time, Ye Yi, whose face was flushed, suddenly opened his eyes, muttering words...

"What? What did you say?"

The people next to him couldn't hear Ye Yi's words at all, so they put their ears to Ye Yi's mouth, and then they could barely hear what Ye Yi said...

"Water, bring a glass of water!"

The person who put his ear to Ye Yi's mouth said loudly, after a while, someone came over with a glass of warm water...

"Come on, let me come!"

At this time, the doctor and the boss came out, and the doctor came to Ye Yi with two boxes of medicine in his hand...

"Do me a favor, hold his head..."

The doctor directed two people to help Ye Yi up, and then carefully fed Ye Yi with water...

After feeding a few mouthfuls, the doctor carefully crushed the medicine and put it in the water before continuing to feed Ye Yi...

After finishing all this, the doctor wiped the sweat from his head and asked the owner of the coffee shop to warm up the towel before standing up and nodding to everyone...

"He should be fine. Next, he only needs to recuperate for two days. When the rain stops, can you help me carry him to my clinic?"

The doctor looked at several volunteers and smiled at them...

I don't know how long it took, the dark clouds above the sky finally dispersed. Although it was still raining lightly, it did not affect people's normal life at all...

The doctor bid farewell to everyone, and led the way for a few people who were carrying Ye Yi. It wasn't too far away. The doctor's clinic was just next door in Queens...

Jon Clinic…

Put Ye Yi into a ward, opened the window, covered Ye Yi with a quilt, and the doctor left...

Outside the clinic, the doctor once again thanked several enthusiastic people who helped...

In the evening, after seeing a few patients, the doctor went out to buy some ingredients and made a bowl of white porridge for Ye Yi to drink...

One night, just like that, around midnight, Ye Yi finally woke up from the coma...

"Hmm... my head hurts, where am I?"

Ye Yi rubbed his forehead, endured the pain, and sat up...

"This... seems like a hospital?"

Ye Yi looked at the white ceiling, the white sheets, and the steel brackets for feeding, and understood where he was now...

"Shouldn't I be at home? It's like making a wish on a shooting star, and then... hiss... it hurts..."

Ye Yi wanted to recall, but his head suddenly felt a sharp pain, Ye Yi couldn't hold back, he couldn't help but want to scream in a low voice...

"Hmm... Although it hurts, what the hell is it that you don't want to cry out at all?"

Ye Yi vaguely felt that he shouldn't call out this kind of pain, but it's unreasonable...

" really hurts..."

Ye Yi covered his head, curled up on the hospital bed, trembling uncontrollably...

Just like that, Ye Yi fell asleep amidst a headache? !

Not long after Ye Yi fell asleep, the door of the ward was opened. The doctor was wearing a white coat with a certificate pinned to his chest...

Jon Bilig, an internist, has been practicing medicine for more than ten years in Queens, New York. Basically, people in Queens, who are a little sick, will come to Dr. Jon...

Dr. Jon knew all about it. When people asked him why he was looking for a partner, Dr. Jon would always answer with a smile: "No one can see me."

In fact, many little girls like Dr. Jon, but Dr. Jon refused...

Far away, Dr. Qiao En pushed open the door, saw Ye Yi curled up on the bed, frowned, and covered the quilt that Ye Yi kicked off...

"Doctor Jon? Are you there?"

At this time, someone outside the clinic was calling Dr. Jon, and Dr. Jon also walked out lightly...

When it was noon, Dr. Jon was finally busy with the last patient in the morning, and washed his face with warm water. Dr. Jon took out the ingredients from the refrigerator, made some simple food, and a bowl of porridge...

Dr. Qiao En, who had eaten, pushed Ye Yi away from Ye Yi's ward with the warm porridge...

"Hmm... are you awake?"

Dr. Jon looked at Ye Yi who looked blank in front of him, and smiled gently: "I'm Jon, you must be very hungry now, here you are..."

Ye Yi looked at the kind doctor in front of him, hesitated for a moment, and took the porridge...

"Yes... did you save me?"

While drinking porridge, Ye Yi looked at Dr. Qiao En from time to time...

"Yes, you fainted on the road at that time, and several kind-hearted people brought you here."

Doctor Jon concealed some things, he just said that someone sent Ye Yi over, and didn't say anything else...

Ye Yi nodded, drinking the porridge in silence...

"Doctor Jon?"

Another patient came, and Dr. Qiao En smiled at Ye Yi and said, "Take a rest first, I'm going to work."

Just when Dr. Qiao En opened the door, Ye Yi spoke...

"My name is Ye Yi, thank you."

(End of this chapter)

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