Marvel's Random Call

Chapter 202 Mutated Hawkeye and Banner

Chapter 202 Mutated Hawkeye and Banner
After making the phone call, another piece of paper appeared in Ye Yi's hand, he shook Iron Man and said, "Tony, here you are, sign it..."

Iron Man took it without hesitation, swiped it twice, and signed his name. Under the envious eyes of everyone, the paper turned into light and enveloped Iron Man just like before...

When the light dissipated, Iron Man suddenly opened his eyes, and streams of data flowed through his eyes, and disappeared between opening and closing...

"Ye Yi, I can feel that this piece of paper has taught me new knowledge, and..."

Iron Man looked at Ye Yi seriously: "The source of this knowledge has nothing to do with the earth, or even the universe we live in. This is knowledge from another universe, right?"

Ye Yi smiled mysteriously, and said, "Didn't it already give you the answer!"

Iron Man nodded seriously, and said, "Yes, this time, I'm going to disappear for a while, everyone, I'm afraid I won't be able to participate in the party tonight..."

"Name: Tony Stark

Rating: 30
Occupation: Mechanic
Title: Playboy, 100% lethal to women, 20% more damage when attacked by men.

Possessed equipment: Mark series battle armor, equipment attributes: increase the combat power of the body by 20-unknown.

Possessed skills: Maintenance (expert level), mechanical specialization (expert level), taunt (proficient level), mechanic skill tree.

Special attributes:
One, super intelligent, Tony is the man cursed by knowledge.

Two, with the favor of the big universe, there will be no real life crisis.

Three, the absolute authority in the mechanical field, no one will ever surpass him in mechanical knowledge. "

With the departure of Iron Man, the few remaining people, you look at me, I look at you, don't know what to say...

However, two more sheets of paper appeared in Ye Yi's hand, and the remaining three Avengers couldn't help but complained, "Ye Yi, take out one by one, is it interesting?"

Ye Yi shook the two pieces of paper in his hand, and said with a bad expression: "There are indeed three more, but the remaining one is not suitable for you, so there are only two, you three discuss it, who Use it?"


Following Ye Yi's words, Dr. Banner, Hawkeye and Black Widow were stunned. Unexpectedly, there were only two pieces of this magical paper left...

"Ye Yi, tell me about their strength first, I think you should know about it?"

Dr. Banner could tell from the two pieces of paper that Ye Yi sent out just now. Ye Yi knew what kind of power this so-called contract could give people...

Nodding, Ye Yi took out a piece of paper, shook it, and said: "Here, there is a power system called ammunition experts, and ammunition experts, as the name suggests, use various special bullets and means to obtain For the means of defeating the enemy in various situations, their slogan is: laymen only value firearms, and the power of bullets is as important."

Saying that, Ye Yi looked at Hawkeye, but didn't speak, just held up another piece of paper, shook it, and said: "Here, there is a power system called Berserker, which uses anger as power to gain Unparalleled explosive power, of course, this kind of power needs to be supported by anger, so..."

Ye Yi looked at Banner, and asked in a deep voice, "Banner, tell me the truth, Hulk, is he still there?"

Banner shook his head with a wry smile: "Hulk? I haven't felt his existence for a long time. To be honest, I miss him very much now."

After listening to Banner's words, Ye Yi sighed and said, "There is no other way, I hope you can control yourself..."

After finishing speaking, Ye Yi looked at the Black Widow and said apologetically, "Natasha, there is no contract suitable for you, just wait a little bit, maybe you can get something like this in the future."

The black widow was disappointed in her heart, but she didn't show it on the surface, and said with a smile: "It's okay, I'm not a fighting type, it's too wasteful to leave it for me, but, Ye Yi, I've written down what you said, there is something suitable for you." Mine, give it to me as soon as possible."

Ye Yi nodded: "No problem, since that's the case, Barton, Banner, come and sign."

The two looked at each other, took the contract handed over by Ye Yi, and signed their names...

In the leading scene, different people, two people shrouded in light, under the expectant eyes of Ye Yi and Black Widow, finally revealed their true colors...


Ye Yi stared dumbfounded at the picture in front of him, rubbed his eyes, opened it again, only to find that it was still the same...

Surrounded by Qi and blood around Hawkeye, a blood demon like a big dog squatted behind Hawkeye, while countless phantoms of bullets and grenades suddenly appeared on Banner's body. looming around...

"Emmm, it seems like it's been held upside down..."

Ye Yi scratched his head in embarrassment, looking at the phantoms of these two guys in front of him, he felt a little headache...

Hawkeye raised his hand, and a bloody torrent shot out, hitting the wall, and the crumbling diamond wall was completely scrapped...

"Um, Tony, I didn't mean it, it's just that this power..."

Hawkeye showed an intoxicated expression, clenched his right fist, and the endless power of energy and blood gathered, and then he was pinched and exploded by Hawkeye!
Ye Yi couldn't see it well, he shielded the others with a broken air, and blocked the attack of the power of blood, but...

Ye Yi looked at the precarious Duankong and shook his head...

"Name: Clinton Francis Barton

Rating: 35
Occupation: Berserker
Title: Eagle Eye, eyes like an eagle, hits the target with every shot, vision increases by 50%, hit rate increases by 90%.

Have equipment:

One, the folding alloy bow can be folded and is easy to carry.

Second, the multi-functional quiver, carrying a variety of arrows, each with a different function.

Possessed skills: Bow and Arrow Transformation (Expert), Archery (Master), Berserker Skill Tree (Variation)
Special attributes:
One, the mad archer!A wild archer who is unique in thousands, a special profession that uses arrows with the power of blood and blood, and has extremely explosive power. "

"Name: Bruce Banner

Rating: 64
Occupation: Battlefield ruler Hulk!
Title: Invincible Hulk, the more angry, the stronger the strength, the weaker the reason!According to the degree of anger, enhance physical fitness by 1-unknown times.

Possess equipment: underwear that will never be damaged, attributes, and underwear with super elasticity, no matter how you stretch it, it will not be damaged!
Possess skills: Hulk Slap, Hulk Smash, Hulk Charge!Ammo Specialist skill tree (mutation)
Special attributes:
One, top-level intelligence, second only to super-intelligence, can reach the strongest in what you have learned!
Two, Hulk!The strange life form produced by absorbing gamma rays has theoretically unlimited power.

Three, Hulk, the ruler of the battlefield!You can use the ammunition library of various celestial weapons, and your strong body can use different firearms at the same time!
(End of this chapter)

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