Marvel's Random Call

Chapter 173 You!guilty!

Chapter 173 You!guilty!

Ye Yi panicked: "No, what do you mean? Don't come here, Tony! Tony! Come here! Your wife is crazy!"

Dodging Pepper's embrace in a hurry, Ye Yi shouted: "Jarvis! Find Tony for me! Jarvis?"

Pepper smiled at Ye Yi, although it seemed weird to Ye Yi: "Jarvis has been shut down by me, and there are still 15 minutes before Tony comes, so let's enjoy it!"

Ye Yi's left hand was shining, and he bound Pepper with a low-size tie. Ye Yi stretched out his hand in front of Pepper, and touched Pepper's forehead: "You don't have a fever, how did you do that?" Something like this?"

Pepper smiled: "You will know in a while..."

Ye Yi sat beside him, snapped his fingers, and the bondage that bound Pepper disappeared. Pepper loosened his muscles and sat next to Tony...

"Tony, Ye Yi is fine..."

Tony nodded, looked at Ye Yi with a confused face, and smiled: "Just in case, some strange things have happened recently, so, Ye Yi, please forgive me."

Ye Yi rubbed his face, and said painfully: "Tell me, what's the trouble?"

Tony took out a document and projected it in front of Ye Yi: "Shocked! The famous movie star is an alien!

When a criminal was shot dead, he turned into an alien?
A client died suddenly while doing it, and the body turned into an alien? ..."

All kinds of things, about dozens of them, so many died and turned into aliens...

"Uh, what the hell is this? So many?"

Ye Yi looked at the information and suddenly realized the important point: "No, they are the same race??"

Tony nodded: "Yes, so I suspect that there is an alien race that has invaded Earth."

Tony smiled self-deprecatingly: "But we don't know anything about it..."

Ye Yi quickly checked the information, and logged into the search engine, and found an important question: "All the incidents have been suppressed by others? Can't find it on the Internet at all?"

Tony nodded: "Yes, these data are the data I asked Jarvis to restore from various servers!"

Ye Yi frowned, thought for a while, and suddenly thought of something, and looked at Tony in surprise: "You suspect that there are aliens mixed into the Avengers? This is impossible!"

Tony was silent for a while, and nodded to Ye Yi: "Yes, because I checked the member of the Security Council who agreed to launch nuclear weapons today, and found a major doubt..."

Tony flipped the information to before the Battle of New York, pointed to the comments on it and said, "What did you go through to make a humble and kind courier man become what he is today?"

Turning over a few more pages, the information after the Battle of New York: "After the Battle of New York, Andrew's family members encountered accidents one after another, but Andrew, who was originally a courier, was on the rise. In just a few years, he was elected as a member of the Security Council?"

Tony sat on the sofa a little decadently. Pepper pressed his shoulders and closed his eyes. Tony's voice was full of exhaustion: "I have a bold guess. The top executives of various countries have long been infiltrated!"

Ye Yi frowned, checked the information, and after reading it, he threw the information away and looked at Tony: "Why did you tell me alone?"

Tony rubbed his forehead: "Because I'm not sure, whether the Avengers have been infiltrated! If I say, no matter whether they are, the Avengers will be full of suspicion, and we, who are already at a disadvantage, will be even more disadvantaged..."

Ye Yi suddenly laughed, and raised his legs: "Then how do I know, are you a fake?"

Tony spread his hands helplessly: "I can't help it, so you can only gamble..."

Ye Yi stared at Tony for a while, then suddenly laughed: "I don't care if you are or not, I always like to act on my own, so I will find out, when the time comes, I hope I won't confront you..."

Ye Yi stood up, took an apple, and waved to Tony and Pepper: "Bye bye...", the body disappeared...

Seeing Ye Yi leave, Tony and Pepper really relaxed. Pepper hugged Tony's neck and said in a low voice: "Tell me, will Ye Yi believe it?"

Tony's tone was full of frustration: "I could see through him before, but now, I really can't see through him."

After speaking, Tony sighed: "I hope he is on our side..."

Outside the building, Ye Yi was floating in the air, listening to the conversation inside, frowning, and when no one spoke in the building, Ye Yi disappeared...

The next day, in the hotel, some heroes gradually started to get up, such as Little Spider, who got up early in the morning to go to school. For him, today's class is still very important. The class taught by Professor Nass...

Another example, Captain America, Steve Rogers, he likes to get up early every day to go for a run...

As for Black Widow and Hawkeye, they returned to S.H.I.E.L.D. after eating yesterday. I heard Ferry was looking for them...

Ye Yi led Anna and Nayali to the New York Temple and found Doctor Strange...

"Stephen, lend me the Eye of Agamotto."

Ye Yi looked at Doctor Strange who was still traveling in time, and interrupted him...

Doctor Strange stopped, his eyes seemed to flow a river called time, deep, as if he could see the future from inside...

"This road will be very difficult and full of challenges. Are you sure you want to do this?"

Doctor Strange's voice at this moment is full of ethereal, like the whisper of a god: "Once you do it, everything, there is no going back!"

Ye Yi also didn't want to listen to these gossips: "Give it to me, I'll return it to you after you use it up!"

Doctor Strange took a deep look at Ye Yi, and sighed, "Everything is fate!"

He took off the Eye of Agamotto from his neck and handed it to Ye Yi: "Everything, be careful!"

Ye Yi solemnly took the Eye of Agamotto and nodded to Doctor Strange: "Don't worry, I'll return it to you when I'm done using it."

Under Doctor Strange's gaze, Ye Yi's figure disappeared. After a long time, Doctor Strange moved. He stood on the high platform of the New York Temple, overlooking the bustling city...

"In the future, I won't see you again..."


Ye Yi took out six gems, and the reality gems formed a glove according to Ye Yi's wishes, and then the six gems were inlaid in one by one...

Putting on the gloves, Ye Yi felt endless power pouring into his body in waves. The surging power made Ye Yi feel as if the entire universe could operate according to his will!
Then, the universe really stopped working, and Ye Yi's thoughts and thoughts turned into reality...

Ye Yi hurriedly resumed the operation of the universe, not daring to think about any weird things, trying to suppress all kinds of thoughts that kept appearing in his heart, focusing on one thing, that is to restore Nayali's concept of existence!

According to Ye Yi's imagination, Nayali's body is one void and one solid, and the whole person has become different...

Taking off the gloves with great perseverance, Ye Yi suddenly felt a sense of emptiness, took off the eye of Agamotto, the time gem, and tried to send it back with the power of the gem of reality...

Suddenly, everything in the universe stopped, just like Ye Yi stopped the universe with the power of the infinite stone...

"You are guilty!"

(End of this chapter)

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