Marvel's Random Call

Chapter 171 Ye Yi: With the Reality Gem, as many girls as I want, there will be as many girls... Sig

Chapter 171 Ye Yi: With the Reality Gem, as many girls as I want, there will be as many girls... Sigh...

The heavy atmosphere was broken by Ye Yi, Ye Yi's eyes flickered with an inexplicable light: "I can use the Reality Gem to distort reality, and in this way, it will be fine!"

Saying so, Ye Yi ran out, collected the remnants of Darkseid's projection, and came to the cliff, where the Red Skull was still standing...

"Have you figured it out? Who do you want to exchange for the soul gem?"

The Red Skull looked at Ye Yi with a weird smile, but Ye Yi ignored him, a red gem appeared on his right hand, and then Ye Yi threw Darkseid's remnant body out, covering it with red energy, The remnant gradually deformed...

A real Anna appeared in front of Ye Yi. Although it was a fake, Ye Yi still couldn't do anything when he saw the face that was exactly the same as Anna...

"I didn't expect that you still have the Reality Gem? It's amazing!"

The Red Skull looked at Ye Yi in amazement: "If people know about it, the earth may not have a day of peace."

Ye Yi ignored him, and looked at Anna worriedly, not knowing what to do...

"Let me do it."

Another Anna appeared, looked at the hesitant Ye Yi, and nodded Ye Yi's forehead in a funny way: "I can't do it, and I still run so fast. In the end, why don't you want me to come?"

Looking at the person in front of her who was exactly like herself, Anna gritted her teeth and pushed her down...


Three monsters are wreaking havoc in New York, one big and two small, except for their size, everything else is exactly the same...

The Avengers, Superman, Little Spider and other superheroes living in New York are working hard to fight against them...

"It can't go on like this. Brooklyn is almost destroyed. It can't be allowed to continue. I'll distract the older one, and you will be responsible for the two younger ones!"

Superman's tone was rapid, and after finishing speaking, he rushed to the big monster, pushed it in the stomach, and pushed it out of the earth!
The rest of the superheroes looked at the two monsters that were still raging, and smiled wryly at each other...

"I'm going to kill one, little spider, and you kill one too, is there a problem?"

Dr. Banner roared, transformed into the Hulk, turned around, and asked the little spider ferociously...

Peter nodded: "No problem, Dr. Banner, I can entangle one..."

"In that case, then, attack!"

Dr. Banner showed a ferocious smile, made a big jump, clasped his fists in both hands, and smashed at a monster: "Hulk! Smash!"

The little spider flexibly climbed between the tall buildings, shot out a spider web, and caught another monster in the web!

At the same time, the World Security Council secretly authorized a set of codes, and the missile silo of a military base in the Gobi of the United States was opened!
"Gentlemen, you are playing with fire by doing this!"

Ferry's already dark face became even darker. Ferry had already learned of the news as soon as he was authorized by the World Security Council, and he knew even more that those three monsters had a relationship with the US military. Inseparable relationship!
"Director Ferry, please manage your own affairs carefully!"

The newly appointed member of the Security Council, a standard American, satirized Ferry slowly with disgusting arrogance: "As an American official in an important position, he can tolerate a few criminals and openly treat him as a hero." in the name of the United States, active on American soil..."

He glanced at Ferry maliciously, and what came out of his mouth chilled Ferry: "I will impeach the White House, so, now, Director Ferry, please be quiet, okay?"

Ferry was so angry that he couldn't speak, he glanced at it inexplicably, then turned around and left...

The newly appointed member of the Security Council pointed at Ferry's leaving back and said in a frivolous tone, "Look at him, do you want a dog?"

Several other members of the Security Council glanced at him, and each went offline, leaving him alone, holding a glass of red wine, with a strange smile on the corner of his mouth...

After taking a sip, the red wine, like blood, fell from the corner of his mouth...

"Let's make trouble, make trouble, so that we can..."

The breeze blew, and this person also went offline...

New York, Brooklyn…

"Tony, there is a nuclear weapon flying towards Superman, please inform him!"

Ferry walked out of the Security Council and contacted Tony immediately: "Hurry up, I'm not sure..."

Looking at the dazzling fire that soared into the sky, Ferry's voice was full of powerlessness: "The nuclear weapon has been launched, I... still one step too late..."

Tony was holding a monster's head at this time, and the little spider tied it with his spider silk before he had time to reply to Ferry: "What? It was like this last time in the battle of New York, and it is still like this now, our wise leader , what are you thinking?"

"Now is not the time to talk about this?"

Ferry looked at the nuclear weapon that had become smaller, and his voice was hoarse and bitter: "If this continues, who will come to save her when the country is in danger?"

Tony is at a high altitude at this time, parallel to the nuclear weapon, just like the last battle in New York, he carried the nuclear weapon and flew into space!
"I feel like I'm going to retire, Ferry. In the future, if you need anything, you don't need to look for me anymore..."

With the nuclear weapon on his back, Tony could already see the wrestling Superman and the monster: "Superman, get out of the way!"

Superman looked at what Tony was carrying, locked the monster in reverse, and shouted at the same time: "Let it go, I can take it!"

"I... stab... you... stab..."

After the battle just now, Tony's battle armor didn't have much energy left. Up to now, the energy has been used up, and the eyes on the visor, which should have been bright, have dimmed now...

Superman looked at Tony floating in the air, and the nuclear weapon coming towards him, his eyes shot heat vision, controlled the power, and pushed Tony into the atmosphere...

"Tony, everything depends on God's will. There is only so much I can do."

Closing his eyes, Superman locked the monster tightly, waiting for the explosion to come...

Earth, Brooklyn, New York…

A meteor fell, and after Jarvis' reminder, everyone knew that it was Tony, Iron Man, Tony Stark!

Hulk calculated the distance a few jumps, arrived at the top of the Empire State Building, and was ready to catch Tony!
In the sky, a light suddenly flashed, and another meteor streaked across, but no one noticed...

Suddenly, the first shooting star turned into Iron Man disappeared, and Peter barely saw it with his poor eyesight. There was a person who caught Tony, and then disappeared...

On the top of the Empire State Building, Hulk looked excitedly at the man in the hooded jacket in front of him, showing a familiar face, speechless...

"Then, Dr. Banner, help me take care of these two idiots, I'll clean up and finish it..."

Under Dr. Banner's excited gaze, the visitor put down his hood, his short hair stood up one by one, and a lazy smile hung on the corner of his mouth, disappearing...

"I'm not here for a few days, it's so troublesome to clean up the mess as soon as I come back..."

(End of this chapter)

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