Marvel's Random Call

Chapter 166 God Name: God Slayer!

Chapter 166 God Name: God Slayer!
Earth, Missouri…

Looking at the black cell, the heroes present didn't know how to intervene...

"Stephen, do you know how to stop this thing?"

As far as Tony knew, among all the heroes present, only Doctor Strange was the master of the magic side, so he asked expectantly...

Doctor Strange shook his head: "I have just seen through the time stone, the cause of this disaster, but I can't interfere with it..."

Tony was anxious: "Why?
Doctor Strange pointed to the blue torrent: "This thing was made by a conscious planet, I can't live long without it..."

Tony couldn't believe it: "Are you kidding? The planet is also conscious?"

Hal next to him said, "As far as I know, one of our green lights is a conscious planet."

Tony closed the visor: "Okay, let's not discuss this, now, the most important thing is, what do we have to do to stop this thing?"

Captain America sighed: "It would be great if Ye Yi was here..."

As for Ye Yi who is being talked about, what is he doing now...

"Fuck, Rocket, are you committing suicide?"

Ye Yi cursed and got off Iron Armored Little Treasure, looking at the spaceship that had crashed into the palace, he couldn't help being startled by the madness of the rocket...

"Rocket! What are you doing! We've got the upper hand!"

Drax's voice was still so loud, and Rocket glanced at Drax disdainfully: "You should say, thank you, Rocket..."

The mantis girl next to her interjected weakly: "Well, this is just his avatar, he may make a comeback at any time..."

Ye Yi walked in, looked at the Guardians of the Galaxy who were still bickering, and pointed helplessly at the huge, shining tentacles that popped out of the ground: "Are you sure you want to bicker here? They are ready to fight back .”

"Oh, Ye Yi, it's great to meet you."

Xingjue was supported by Gamora, and came to Ye Yi: "With you here, I won't be afraid. By the way, listen to me, we need to destroy ego, because he is going to destroy the universe!"

Ye Yi looked at Xingjue strangely: "That is your father, do you have the heart to do it? Also, as long as your father is alive, you are the second generation of God..."

Xingjue only had hatred in his eyes, and he gritted his teeth: "He killed my mother! He also crushed my Walkman!"

"Well, you have the final say..."

Ye Yi shrugged, Zanpakuto suddenly appeared in his hand, and with a few swipes, he cut off the attacking tentacles!
"Wow, Ye Yi, I feel that you are much stronger than before..."

Xingjue gestured twice: "At least you are in Xandar, you don't have such powerful sword skills!"

Ye Yibai gave Xingjue a look: "Don't be shy, you guys leave this planet quickly, I'm afraid I'll hurt you."

Star-Lord shook his head: "This planet is made of the strongest materials. It is useless to kill his core hub without going deep into the ground."

The other guard members next to him also nodded: "Let's go down together and kill it!"

Ye Yi flicked his long knife, a huge sword pierced the ground, and a bottomless crack appeared in front of everyone's eyes...

"Rocket, take off quickly and leave room for Ye Yi."

Star-Lord swallowed, commanding the Guardians of the Galaxy to take off...

"Iron Armored Little Treasure, you also take off to protect Anna and the others."

Ye Yi put on the golden holy clothes, and his whole body was mighty and extraordinary...

"Yes, Master."

After cutting off the tentacles that wanted to prevent the two spaceships from taking off, Ye Yi looked at the crack that was cut just now...

Following the crack, Ye Yi easily came to the hub of ego, but there was already a person waiting for Ye Yi...

"Mortal! Kneel down!"

On ego's avatar, endless rays of light enveloped the space around Ye Yi, and the molecules vibrated, trying to turn Ye Yi into a meat sauce! "

"Hey, it's too childish."

Ye Yi yawned, thinking how thrilling this battle would be, but in the end, he was an ordinary person with power...

Seeing the ego attacking him in vain, Ye Yi's right Zanpakuto lit up: "I won't play with you anymore, I have something else to do! Goodbye... oh, never see you again..."

The blue and purple sword glow rushed towards ego with the aura of cutting through everything...

Ye Yi, who had already sheathed his sword, suddenly stopped, turned his head, and looked at the clone that had been cut in half, and the unscathed hub behind the blue barrier...

After ego's avatar replied, he laughed loudly at Ye Yi with lingering fears: "Haha, I thought you were so powerful? But it turned out that I couldn't even break through the limit of my protective shield. What a waste!"

Ye Yi ignored the ego chattering there, carefully observed the energy of the ego, closed his eyes and savored it carefully...

"Are you listening to what I'm saying? You vile mortal!"

Ego looked at Ye Yi with his eyes closed, feeling that he was being ignored, an energy ball with electric light appeared in his right hand, and threw it at Ye Yi...

Ye Yi closed his eyes, took a step to the left, and passed the slow, non-threatening energy ball. The moment the energy ball wiped his nose, Ye Yi opened his eyes...

"The gap in the level of life is so unfair."

Ye Yi sighed, and the Zanpakuto in his hand lit up with golden and blue light: "It's ironic that ordinary people have to go through great efforts to reach the level of newborn high-level life..."

While speaking, Ye Yi's figure flickered, disappeared from the spot, and appeared behind ego, a dazzling knife light flashed: "It's ridiculous that the strongest in the universe are generally low-level beings, evolved Come."

The ego's mouth opened and closed a few times, and the body shattered into a pile of blue light. Ye Yi looked at the floating clone, and looked at the ego's hub with expressionless eyes...

"It's really sad to have infinite energy and the top talent, but only play small things."

Ye Yi came to the side of the protective cover, touched the protective cover with his right hand, and calculated the energy flow in the protective cover: "Think it's safe to hide in the turtle shell?"

The purple and gold two-color light in the right hand flickered, and the protective shield broke in response: "Poor and pathetic, ego, goodbye."

Ye Yi's right hand shone with golden light, and amid ego's desperate roar, he punched the hub...

Explosions, endless explosions, with Ye Yi's fist, the ego hub exploded, and the ego star fell into destruction...

The purple light on Ye Yi's body protected him. He lifted up slowly, lowered his head, and looked at the scene of the end of the world in front of him. Ye Yi felt something...

The senses are infinitely magnified, Ye Yi seems to be able to feel everything in the universe, and the small universe in his body also expands, compresses, expands, and compresses crazily...

After such a cycle, Ye Yi's body gradually glowed with light, and his eyes seemed to contain the entire universe...

With a crisp sound, all intelligent creatures in the universe looked towards one place, the direction of ego...

There, an extraordinary life bearing the name of a god was born!
God Name: God Slayer!
"Damn it, it's Ye Yi, right? It's definitely Ye Yi, right?"

Star-Lord grabbed Drax's neck, his face full of excitement...

"It's Ye Yi! Ye Yi, have you become a god?"

Gamora looked dull, his father, Thanos, even if he is called the overlord of the galaxy, he is stronger than most gods, but he is only beyond mortals, and has no god name...

"God... what is it?"

Rocket looked confused. After all, no scientist would tell him what God is...

Leaving aside the feelings of other people, Ye Yi felt that he had broken through something, and his body instinct told him that he no longer needed the Magical Artifact given to him by Gu Yi, so that he could survive in the universe...

After taking off the magic weapon, Ye Yi didn't feel any discomfort. Those harmful tissues in the universe seemed to be filtered out by an invisible layer on his body, and they didn't do any harm to him...

Stretching out his hand, Ye Yi felt the mysterious power that appeared when he broke through the eighth sense alaya consciousness, and using his hand as a knife, he gently waved at the meteorite next to him...

Silently, the meteorite turned into dust and disappeared into the universe. Ye Yi nodded thoughtfully: "Killing God...?"

Not thinking about these things, Ye Yi swung his body and flew towards Tiejia Xiaobao...

As soon as he entered Tiejia Xiaobao, Xingjue sent a message that he wanted to come in. Ye Yi shrugged at Anna: "How to do it, let them in?"

Anna hugged Nayali, and gave Ye Yi a white look: "You can figure it out, I will take Nayali back to the room."

Looking at Anna's disappearing figure regretfully, he agreed to Xingjue's request...

"Ye Yi, Ye Yi, you really became a god... um, a godslayer."

As soon as Xingjue came in, he happily ran towards Ye Yi. Before he finished speaking, he was shocked by some inexplicable force. Ye Yi in front of him was not angry, and he unconsciously called out Ye Yi's god name...

"Uh, Ye... Godslayer..."

Behind him, other members of the guards, also under this inexplicable force, subconsciously called Ye Yi's god name...

Ye Yi didn't notice it himself, and scratched his head: "No, what are you doing? Repeaters?"

Simply, this inexplicable power just made them call the god's name, and then disappeared. Xingjue and the others had strange expressions on their faces. They wanted to speak, but they didn't dare to say it...

Ye Yi touched his nose: "No, are you all sick?"

Xingjue said cautiously: "Ye Yi?"

Ye Yi looked helpless: "Well... what are you doing?"

Gamora said: "Ye Yi, pay attention to restraining your divine power, otherwise we won't be able to talk properly..."

Ye Yi looked at Kamora in a daze: "What is Shenwei? How do you take it?"

Xing Yun couldn't stand it any longer: "How come you can become a god? God's power is like aura. How do you restrain your aura? How can you restrain your power?"

Ye Yi scratched his head: "I...try?"

As Ye Yi took control of himself, the inexplicable coercion on his body also subsided, Xingjue and the others breathed a sigh of relief...

"Is it the same? Why does it seem to be very powerful..."

Ye Yi rested his feet on the console, his expression was speechless, it made people want to hit him...if he could do it...

Gamora also sat down, and gave Ye Yi a charming look: "You lucky guy, you think it's so easy to get the name of a god... Really..."

(End of this chapter)

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