Marvel's Random Call

Chapter 163 Sure enough, if you pick up a girl, you still want her to ascend to heaven!Well, literal

Chapter 163 Sure enough, if you pick up a girl, you still want her to ascend to heaven!Well, literally yo...

Before departure, Ye Yi upgraded Iron Armored Little Treasure to a new level, and used the fire source drawn from the Man of Steel to endow it with the ability to transform at will, instead of being limited to one transformation of the spaceship. Therefore, this On the road, there are many car thieves, staring at it...

Ye Yi heard Nayali's translation and Tiejia Xiaobao's words, his expression was normal, as if he couldn't see the guns pointed at him...

"Niali, tell him that his people were stunned because they wanted to steal the car, and they will wake up in a while."

Nayali nodded, and chattered a lot. The black man was unhappy, took out his hand, and fired a gun into the sky. Then he pointed at Nayali and Anna triumphantly, and chattered a lot. lots of...

"He said, unless sister Anna and I are allowed to play with him, we won't be able to leave..."

Ye Yi looked at the black man with a rippling face, feeling sick in his heart, this kind of rubbish, Ye Yi could easily erase his existence, whether it was body or soul...

"Tell him that my patience has a limit. I can pretend that I didn't hear this and tell him to get out!"

Ye Yi is a little impatient, I don't know why, there are a lot of perverted and brain-dead people in the world, along the way, just covet Anna and Nayari's son brother, gangster brother, and those who have a little bit of power or There are countless guys with a little money, basically, the mood of the game is ruined by them...

Nayari nodded, and chattered at the black man, and the black man wanted to touch Nayali's face lewdly...

Now, Ye Yi couldn't bear it anymore, he didn't want to make a move at first, but this person didn't know how to advance or retreat, so Ye Yi had to teach him what is etiquette, righteousness and shame!
Grabbed the black man's arm, exerted a little force, and with a click, broke the black man's arm...


Ye Yihu was in front of Nayali, and the killing spirit of the battlefield that had gone through hundreds of battles was completely released from his body. The black man with a broken arm seemed to be in a bloody battlefield, and his body trembled...

The smell of urine permeated, Ye Yi threw the black man away in disgust, looked at his hands, wiped them with paper in disgust, after wiping, looked at the stragglers who were still pointing guns at him, and snorted …

"Hmph! What? Still ready to do it?"

Ye Yi's cold snort scared one of the fourteen or fifteen-year-old children. He threw the gun in his hand and ran away crying...

Ye Yizheng watched with satisfaction as the group retracted the guns pointed at him, but there was a gunshot in the distance, and the boy who threw the gun and fled just now had been shot in the head...

The guy who pissed his pants, held a gun, pointed at his soldiers, babbled a few words, and shot Ye Yi...

Everyone has the heart of following the crowd, the group of people who put down their guns raised their guns again, and shot directly at Ye Yi and the three of them...

Seeing the densely packed bullets flying over, Ye Yi also sighed, and the purple light on his body flashed...

"Heaven's evil is forgivable, but self-inflicted evil cannot live."

The bullet was reflected back according to the original trajectory, and a group of people were instantly killed by his own bullet. Ye Yi was like a god in the eyes of the civilians who hid aside and looked at him in awe...

When the first person fell to the ground facing Ye Yi, he fell to his knees like dominoes, muttering something reverently...

"Ye Yi, they regard you as a god. Look, you still have the power of faith..."

In the field of vision of the three, the person kneeling on the ground continuously emitted white light spots, surrounding Ye Yi, trying to blend into Ye Yi's body, but he couldn't get in anyway...

"Niali, are these things useful to you?"

Ye Yi held up a spot of light, through which he could hear a person's voice: "God, save my child, I'm willing to trade my life for it."

"It's useless. What I need is negative emotions. It's useless to me."

Nayari shook her head, Ye Yi looked at the owner of the light spot in her hand, a black aunt, the wrinkles on her face were like carved...

Not caring about this spot of light anymore, Ye Yi's body floated up, and he kept pinching his handprints in his hands, a super-large answering path, ready...

Like after the creation of the world, the first light was released from Ye Yi's hands, carrying strong life energy, radiating the entire city, everyone, everyone, involuntarily closed their eyes, sick people, found My illness is cured, and people who are not sick find that their bodies are more comfortable...

When people in this city opened their eyes again and wanted to worship Ye Yi, they found that Ye Yi and others had already disappeared...

Ye Yi, who has gone to the universe, does not know that the people in this city spontaneously established a religion, which only enshrines one god, Ye Yi who flies in the air!

The three people who have flown into space are watching the universe with Anna...

"Ye Yi, the earth is so beautiful!"

Anna looked at the blue planet in front of her intoxicatedly. This is her home planet, the earth...

Ye Yi kissed Anna, and also sighed: "The earth, it can be said, is the most beautiful planet I have seen, and, I don't know what magic power the earth has, those notorious powerhouses in the universe are all watching The earth, the simple thing is that there are many strong people on the earth, guarding her desperately, so that life can continue."

Anna turned around and hugged Ye Yi tightly: "Well..."

Nayari and Thor, who are very experienced, returned to their room in a hurry, not disturbing the warming up of their relationship...

"Ye Yi!"

Anna hugged Ye Yi's neck emotionally, and softly called Ye Yi's name, as if inviting...


Ye Yi agreed dully, and returned to the room with Anna in his arms. The room that was originally lively was now empty...

Ye Yi is traveling in the universe, but the earth is in trouble. At this moment, in the conference room of the Avengers Building...

Tony and Banner are calming the furious Superman: "Clark, calm down first, maybe your people have gone out to bask in the sun, just like you often do..."

Superman looked angry: "Impossible, there is no trace of him near the sun, and, the locator I made for them, it is determined that he disappeared in the United States..."

Captain America touched his chin: "You just said that he informed you before that someone was following him?"

Superman nodded, with regret on his face: "Yes, he applied to release a little power to protect himself, but I didn't approve it. I didn't expect him to!"

Captain America thought of something, and quickly asked Superman: "Aside from you, who else knows their true identities?"

Superman thought for a while, and said hesitantly: "Ye Yi knows, but he doesn't know who is who, and the person who handled the formalities for us knew, but he didn't know that we are from Krypton... Others, no It's..."

Captain America looked disappointed: "It is absolutely impossible for Ye Yi to do this. After all, if he wanted to do it, he would have done it in the first place."

Superman nodded, his voice was angry: "I believe Ye Yi, but who is targeting us!"

Tony flicked his finger suddenly, and a picture was projected, pointing to a place, and said: "According to the coordinates you provided, I have located here, and here..."

Tony looked at Black Widow and Hawkeye: "You two should be familiar with each other, right?"

The black widow stepped forward to take a look, and couldn't help covering her mouth...

"This is impossible!"

(End of this chapter)

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