Chapter 161 Cosmic Dung Boys, Deployed ([-])
The smoke dissipated, as if uninjured, the parallax monster floated there quietly, and this time, there was no Ultron...

"Hahaha! It really is a show! I'll say it! How can fear and will coexist! Haha!"

The parallax monster laughed wildly, and Ye Yi and Superman also looked at Hal and Hector...

"This is just the first failed attempt. I already have a better energy coexistence plan. Wait a minute."

Seeing the gazes of Ye Yi and Superman, Hector couldn't help being a little annoyed, and said in a hurried voice: "Hal, do it again, this time, you follow my energy flow!"

Hal wanted to give up at first, but since Hector said to do it again, Hal didn't mind doing it again...

Ye Yi and Superman looked at each other, nodded, and rushed towards the parallax monster again!
"Ye Yi, be careful!"

Superman knocked Ye Yi away, and he himself suffered a whip from the parallax monster. Fortunately, his biological stance was thick enough, and Superman's own will was strong enough, but he was in a trance for a while, and then joined the battle again.

"It's okay, you take a rest first."

Ye Yi flicked the Zhanpakuto hard, cut off a few tentacles of the parallax monster, and after a little space, he came to Superman's side, thanking him...

Superman shook his head first: "It's okay, but I really don't want to have that feeling again..."

"Break out!"

Ye Yi waved his hand, blocked the tentacles of the parallax monster, and also sighed: "This one hits, his hands are tied..."

"Hey! Look, what's that?"

Each made a big move, and then looked back...

"Fuck, this is amazing!"

Behind them, there are countless green figures standing there, and the leader is a red-skinned alien...


Hal interrupted the attempt with Hector, and greeted him happily...

Sinestro nodded to Hal: "After receiving your news, I spent some time gathering soldiers and came to support, but why did this ring appear on his hand?"

Sinestro pointed at Hector, and said in a bad tone: "The ring was taken out by the elders from the Forbidden Temple to deal with parallax monsters, but after taking it out, the ring disappeared, why did it appear in the In his hand? Could it be..."

Sinestro thought of a possibility, but he just didn't want to believe it: "No, it's impossible, I should be its owner..."

Hal sensed that Sinestro's spirit was a little abnormal, so he couldn't help asking worriedly: "Is it all right, the choice of the ring is not wrong, you gave it to me!"

Sinestro: "There is nothing wrong with the choice of the ring, yes, there is nothing wrong with the choice of the ring!"

Raising his head suddenly, Sinestro looked at the silent Hector with a stern voice: "Have you infected it and defeated it?"

Hector nodded, and didn't want to talk to this alien who felt aloof...

"Ha, I knew it would be like this. Now, we take over and you can go back."

Sinestro looked down on Ye Yi and the others, and directly announced that the green light would take over...

Ye Yi shrugged at the crowd: "Someone is willing to serve us, why don't we not, it's just..."

When he came to Sinestro's side, Ye Yi said sincerely, "Don't die."


Sinestro's face remained unchanged, and he ignored Ye Yi, but gave orders to the Green Lantern Corps: "Battle formation 1, start!"

Following Sinestro's command, the Green Lantern fighters kept changing their formations, attacking the parallax monster, making him howl again and again, but Ye Yi felt that something was wrong, and after careful observation, he found nothing...

"You guys, why don't you leave? I didn't expect to hurt you by mistake."

Sinestro looked at the four people sitting beside watching the play, and his tone became more impatient: "If you don't want to die, why don't you leave here quickly?"

Ye Yi held Hector, whose ring was shining with yellow light, and looked at Sinestro with a needle point: "I don't trust you, I know, the edge of the galaxy, you have fought against it, and it failed miserably!"

Sinestro's face changed, and he glared at Hal fiercely, and said in a bad tone, "Why, when our Green Lantern Corps guarded the universe, there was no life on Earth? Now, are you laughing at those Green Lantern Warriors who died? "

Ye Yi shook his head and pointed at Sinestro: "I admire those soldiers who lost their lives, but I just don't trust you!"

Sinestro's face darkened: "What?"

Hal stood in the middle, trying to smooth things over: "Okay, okay, stop arguing between the two of them, now, it's important to deal with parallax monsters!"


Sinestro stepped off the stage by Hal's steps, turned around, and went to attack the parallax monster...

Ye Yi looked at Sinestro, who was leaving, with a worried look on his face: "I always feel that it is not that simple. A monster that has been rampant for so long cannot be defeated so easily. I always feel that it is planning something."

Superman patted Ye Yi on the shoulder: "Don't worry, didn't you say it? Last time, it was sealed by the green lights. This time, it should be no exception."

Hal also nodded: "Yes, the person who sealed it last time was the former owner of this ring: Abin Su."

Superman and others were comforting Ye Yi, but Hector frowned tightly: "Ye Yi, I support your opinion, you know, I have been infected with it, fought against it, and borrowed its power, I It also feels like it's planning something."

Superman and Hal stopped talking, and frowned, thinking about any loopholes...

"Absorb fear, fear puppet!"

Suddenly, Ye Yi and Hector said at the same time, they looked at each other, and rushed towards the Green Lantern Corps...

"Hey! Be careful, it's plotting..."

Before the two of them could finish their conversation, the body of the parallax monster shrunk into a ball suddenly lit up, and the yellow energy filled the entire battlefield, making people unable to open their eyes!

The screams were endless, except for Ye Yi, who had already experienced it once and had some resistance, the other Green Lantern Warriors were all holding their heads and wailing loudly!
"Jiejiejie, thank you, Abin Su's successor, if you hadn't sent me a message, I wouldn't have been able to gather so many Green Lantern Warriors together and destroy them! Ahaha, a gift that I have been giving for countless years , the best gift I've ever received!"

As if confirming the parallax monster's words, a warrior finally couldn't stand it any longer. With energy in his soul, he turned into a skeleton and flew towards the parallax monster!
"What delicious food! Come on, I want more!"

More and more Green Lantern Warriors felt fear in their hearts, and then they were swallowed by the parallax monster. The body of the parallax monster swallowed the fear of the Green Lantern Warrior, but the body became smaller and more solid...

Hal clenched his fists and rushed out, while Ye Yi and the others were surprised by the sudden change. When they realized it, Hal had already rushed in front of the parallax monster!

"Monster! Disappear in the sun!"

The firm belief formed a huge fist, and with the voice in Hal's heart, it hit the parallax monster with the power to shake the universe!

"Monster! Disappear!"


The unparalleled force abruptly broke countless tentacles, making the parallax monster's body into a concave shape, and rushed towards the sun like a bullet...

"No! No! Haha, let's die together!!"

The desperate parallax monster wrapped up the escaped Hal, and fell into the sun all the way!

"Do not!!"

Countless Green Lantern Warriors rescued by Hal uttered wailing, while Ye Yi broke away from Superman and rushed over! "


The closer you get to the sun, the more you can feel the greatness of the sun. Ye Yi feels that he is about to catch fire...

"Oh, it's already on fire."

Looking at the heat that the vector control could no longer reflect, Ye Yi was instantly ignited, smiling wryly...

He grabbed Hal, leaving a scorched black palm print on his arm, and the two disappeared!


Looking at the burning parallax monster, everyone was silent...

(End of this chapter)

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