Marvel's Random Call

Chapter 156 Shouldn't there be a girl at this time?

Chapter 156 Shouldn't there be a girl at this time?
"Hector! Control it! Take a meteorite and hit it, hit it!"

Ye Yi kept avoiding the tentacles of the parallax monster, and Hector Hammond, who was wearing a yellow uniform in the distance, kept hitting the parallax monster with meteorites...

"Hector, aren't you a biologist? Use some biologist strength!"

As the distance from the sun got closer, the frequency of the parallax monster's tentacles waving became higher and higher. Ye Yi was almost drawn several times...

"Whispering! I'm a doctor of biology, not a doctor of fantasy!"

As Hector said, the energy emitted by the ring on his right hand continued to combine to form a muscular giant, with a fist as big as a man with fierce power, hitting the parallax monster's face!

The parallax monster's body, which had managed to stabilize itself, was shaken again, and it couldn't stop approaching the sun again...

two days ago...

The unexpected situation at the Ferris Group banquet was on the news. Everyone knows Ye Yi, and it is not new. But the new hero in the green uniform has aroused strong reactions from everyone...

"His abs are so sexy..."

"The eyes are white? Is he blind?"

"What's the pattern on his chest? A logo?"...

Avengers Building, Conference Room…

"So, this guy is the fighter of the faction you mentioned?"

Tony looked at the ring on Hal's hand, envious: "Let me study this ring, maybe it can be mass-produced..."

Ye Yi rolled his eyes: "It's mass-produced, they have [-] of these stronger fighters..."

Tony cast a glance at Ye Yi, turned around, and looked up and down Superman: "This guy is the one who used to wrestle with you? Superman?"

Superman nodded to Tony: "Hi, I'm Superman, Clark Kent."

Tony touched Superman's shoulder with his hand, and touched his chin under the cold eyes of everyone, his eyes were blurred: "No, according to what you said, there should be a layer of biological energy on his body, why didn't he feel it?" Woolen cloth?"

Superman took a step back calmly: "It will only appear when fighting or flying, and it will not appear in normal words..."

Ye Yi stopped Tony who still wanted to touch, and introduced to Superman one by one: "Hawkeye Button, our archer, Black Widow Normanoff, spy, good at infiltration, Captain America, symbol of America, master of fighting, Banner Doctor, I think you'd be quite embarrassed after being transformed, as for this pervert, I don't want to introduce..."

Ignoring Tony's protest, he pulled Superman to sit next to him, and introduced the search plan in detail: "Our plan is for others to contain the parallax monster, and you and I will attack and blast him into the sun..."

Superman looked at Ye Yi who stopped suddenly, waited for a while, and couldn't help asking: "That's it? Gone?"

Ye Yi nodded as a matter of course: "Of course, what else is there?"

Superman didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but the plan was like this, so it could only be like this: "Then when will we play?"

Before Ye Yi could speak, Tony couldn't wait to speak: "According to calculations, it will take about 2-3 days... Can you release your biological position and let me feel it..."

Superman looked at Ye Yi, and Ye Yi nodded: "Let him take a look, otherwise he may harass you."

Superman heard the words, checked the distance from Tony, and took another step back calmly...

"Well, it shouldn't be visible to the naked eye..."

As soon as Superman exerted his strength, the muscles all over his body instantly swelled up. When Superman exerted his strength, Tony began to collect data...

"The biological energy in the body can resonate with the external sunlight, the physical function is greatly increased, the speed of blood transportation is accelerated, and a miniature stance is formed in the body... Sure enough, it is the biological stance."

Superman waited until Tony had finished speaking, then relaxed his body, held Tony and nodded his head: "You are right, indeed."

Tony couldn't help approaching Superman again: "Can you give me a little of your blood? Just a little..."

Superman's body trembled slightly, he quickly took two steps back, pushed open the door, and ran straight away: "Parallax is here, come find me anytime, I have something to do at home, so I'll leave first."

Tony stretched out his hand, trying to grab Superman: "Hey..."

Looking at the disappearing Superman, Tony was a little disappointed. Looking back, he suddenly found that everyone was looking at him in the wrong way...

"what happened?"

Tony walked towards Dr. Banner, but Banner evaded Tony's hand without showing any signs, and said haha: "Well, my research has made new discoveries, so I'm leaving first..."

Tony looked at Banner who was leaving in a hurry, a little confused: "Hasn't he been practicing martial arts recently..."

Then he looked at the captain again: "Captain..."

Before he finished speaking, Captain America picked up the phone: "Ferry? I agree with what you said last time. Send me the information now?"

With that said, Captain America also walked out of the conference room...

Tony looked at the Avengers who were making excuses to leave one after another, and became even more confused. He grabbed Ye Yi who was about to slip away for help: "What's the situation, what are you all doing?"

Ye Yi looked at Tony's hand with some confusion. After breaking free, he kept rubbing his hand and said without looking back, "Let Jarvis play back the minutes of the meeting for you, and you will know..."


"Okay sir..."

Hector Hammond's apartment…

Hector, who was being eroded by the parallax monster, covered his head, resisting the erosion wave after wave like a tide. The mutation at the cell level made Hector extremely painful...


With a hoarse scream, Hector fell to the ground, his body was wet, and he breathed heavily, like a fish out of water...

Something smashed the glass, and a yellow ring was suddenly put on Hector's middle finger. Under Hector's horrified eyes, he was surrounded by yellow light...

"Ah!!! Eh!!!? Haha!"

At this time, Hal Jordan's apartment...

Hal is performing transformation in front of his friends...

"Question, are you ready to go out of your body?"

Hal looks serious...

His friend nodded expectantly: "Of course..."

Afterwards, Hal took out the ring from his pocket and raised his middle finger: "Ring, finger!"

Under the expectant eyes of his friend, Hal put on the ring, moved his body, and muttered to himself: "Come on!"

Then, with his eyes closed, he stretched out his hand suddenly...

Not feeling the feeling of power, Hal opened his eyes and looked at his body...

Hal's friend looked blank: "Did you break the ring?"

Hal looked at the ring: "No, I didn't break it, well, he just needs to recharge his energy..."

Hal picked up the lamp on the table, and the ring touched the center of the lamp, sucking out a burst of green energy...

"Now pay attention, ha!"

The green uniform covered Hal's body almost instantly, and his friend was also taken aback. He was originally sitting on the sofa, but now he jumped onto the sofa...

"Ah! Green?"

Hal's friend came back to his senses and let out a breath: "Wow..."

Hal's voice was also full of excitement and pride: "This is true!"

Haha laughed a few times, and Hal asked triumphantly, "How is it? It's not bad, is it?"

Hal's friend also smiled happily: "Are you a superhero? Haha... Uh, shouldn't there be a girl by your side?"

Hal: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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