Marvel's Random Call

Chapter 150 How about Dividing into Alliance Tribes?

Chapter 150 How about Dividing into Alliance Tribes?
After calling Ferry and telling him the monolith was confiscated, the three returned to Avengers Tower...

Ultron is exercising his abilities under the guidance of Jarvis, Tony and Banner started their endless life as programmers, and Ye Yi is the only one left, sitting in the hall with nothing to do, dozing off...

"Is anyone home?"

Anna's voice came...

Ye Yi turned his head in surprise, seeing Anna standing at the door, Ye Yi hurried up to meet her: "Anna, why are you here?"

Anna flicked her hair: "Didn't you tell Jarvis to leave a message saying that you were in the Avengers Building? I came straight over after I finished my work."

As she said that, Anna looked curiously at the suit sitting on the ground, glanced at Tony and Banner who were busy beside her, and nodded at Ye Yi: "What's going on? What is Tony's suit doing?"

Ultron turned his head: "Ms. Anna, my name is Ultron. Nice to meet you. I am studying with Senior Jarvis now."

Ye Yi nodded to Anna: "That's it, Tony helped Jarvis make a child."

Regardless of Tony and Banner who were still busy, Ye Yi returned to the room with his arms around Anna. Ye Yi lay down on the bed and said in a very tired voice, "Anna, give me a massage, I'm a little tired..."

Anna sat on his body and gently rubbed his shoulders: "What's wrong? Why are you so tired all of a sudden?"

Ye Yi sighed helplessly, "Because I saved the earth twice in one day without anyone knowing..."

Ye Yi moved his body and found a comfortable position: "So I'm very tired, very tired, and no one can help me..."

Anna put Ye Yi's head on her lap, massaged his head, and said softly, "Then you take a rest, don't fight everything on your body, there are so many heroes on the earth, in fact, you don't have to work so hard .”

Anna felt sorry for Ye Yi, and helped him soothe his nerves more gently...

Ye Yi's expression looked very comfortable, but the words he said were heavy: "I want to rest too, Gu Yi gave me the task of defending the earth's magic side, Sol, the most powerful fighter among the Avengers, often Not on the earth, other heroes are guarding their own one-acre three-point land, and will not go out, what can I do, I am very desperate..."

Ye Yi kept complaining, and finally his voice became smaller and smaller until it turned into a grunt...

Anna gently put Ye Yi down, covered him with a quilt, came to the hall, and clapped her hands...

"Well, everyone, can you stop for a while?"

Seeing that both Tony and Banner had stopped their work, Anna thought about what she wanted to say: "Well, I thought until, why did the Avengers come into existence?"

"To deal with dangers that we alone cannot, and to win battles for people that they cannot."

Tony opened his mouth and replied, next to him? ?Dr. Banner nodded: "Yes, what's the matter, Anna? Something happened?"

Anna shook her head: "Ye Yi is in the room and fell asleep so tired. He said that he has saved the world twice today. He is so tired..."

Tony and Banner stopped what they were doing, and even Ultron turned his head to watch this discussion...

"Twice? Isn't it once? The three of us went together!"

Tony said that he didn't quite understand. After all, he was almost in the Avengers Building today, and Ye Yi didn't go out...

"No, Ye Yi went out in the morning, it seems to be looking for someone, and after coming back for a while, Ferry called, saying that the boulder was taken away..."

Dr. Banner thought back and retorted: "Tony, you're too focused on your work."

Tony thought for a while, and he really said, "So, when we were coding, Ye Yi went out to save the world?"

Banner nodded: "It should be so."

Tony and Banner glanced at each other, and Banner was also preparing to take a break, sitting on the sofa: "So, Anna, do you have any good suggestions?"

Anna sat down, asked Jarvis to list a long list, and pointed to it: "There are still so many heroes in the world, and Ye Yi resisted them, so they can do things that should be handed over to the police."

Anna paused for a moment, then continued: "This, Spider-Man, has a powerful talent. With a little training, he should be able to deal with some crises, right?"

Seeing Tony and Banner nodding, Anna took a sip of water and continued, "Unfortunately, he is only active in New York."

Pointing to another name: "And this, the ghost of Kansas, Ye Yi once told me that this person is a very powerful hero, but only active in Kansas..."

Tony and Banner are not stupid themselves, and now they roughly understand what Anna means...

"Anna, are you telling us to recruit Avengers?"

Tony looked at the series of lists above, and was delighted to see a name: "Let me look at this list, why is there even a guy who hasn't grown all his hair?"

Anna rolled her eyes at Tony: "Pay attention to the gaze below..."

Tony read out word by word: "Billy Batson, you can transform into a powerful hero by chanting a spell..."

Tony looked at Anna who was drinking water, and doubted: "This kind of brat is useless, right?"

Anna shook her head: "Actually, we can help them and train them. In this way, we can do more things."

Tony nodded: "The most important thing now is why the other party believes in us..."

Anna smiled: "Because, you are the avengers!"

Tony and Banner also smiled: "Yes, we are the Avengers."

Just as Anna and Tony Banner were discussing the introduction of newcomers, another place, a new crisis, was lurking...

An alien plane crashed on an abandoned pier, a green ring soared into the sky, and disappeared without a trace...

"Ye Yi, Ye Yi, wake up, it's time to eat..."

Anna kept calling Ye Yi, but Ye Yi was so sleepy that he couldn't wake him up at all. In desperation, he asked Jarvis to leave him something to eat, and then went back to her house. Today, her Father, Zhao Jiaming's birthday...

Ye Yi naturally didn't know, he was sleeping soundly at this moment, after all, after such a long continuous battle, he couldn't stand it anymore, feeling like there was something he wanted to wear on his hand, Ye Yi subconsciously slapped, He knocked the unknown object into the air, muttered a few words, turned over and continued to sleep...

The next day, at 8 o'clock in the afternoon, Ye Yi opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling in confusion...

"Mr. Ye Yi, Miss Anna left a message for you yesterday, do you need to read it now?"

Ye Yi's pupils condensed: "Say it, I'm awake."

Jarvis played a voice, and Ye Yi could hear Anna's concern from the voice, but...

"Jarvis, are these still edible?"

Ye Yi looked at the smelly food and frowned...

"Sir, according to the analysis, such meals are harmful to ordinary people, but not to you."

Ye Yi dumped the food: "Forget it, Jarvis, order me a pizza. Oh, by the way, where is Anna? Where are Tony and Banner?"

"The pizza has already left. Ms. Anna went back to her father's birthday party yesterday, but she hasn't returned yet. Mr. Stark and Mr. Banner went to look for Billy Batson, but they haven't returned yet..."

Ye Yi sat on the sofa and turned on the TV: "So that's it, forget it, I'm too tired recently, I'd better take a rest..."

(End of this chapter)

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