Marvel's Random Call

Chapter 146 Change of identity?Fuck, how did you survive until now?

Chapter 146 Change of identity?Fuck, how did you survive until now?
After receiving the Rainbow Bridge from Asgard, Ye Yi came to the earth, looked down at the ground in the sky, and found that everything had changed...

Steel guards are patrolling the streets, people's faces are full of numbness, they line up to receive food, and then move around in a fixed area. The whole world is like a huge cage!

Suddenly, an object flew towards Ye Yi at a very high speed, with a piercing siren: "Alarm, alert! There is an object illegally lifted into the sky, destroy it!"

On the ground, countless steel guards were lifted into the air, and a giant turret rose up, aiming at Ye Yi...

Numerous energy attacks flew towards Ye Yi, Ye Yi's body flashed purple light, he didn't take these attacks seriously...

It wasn't until the first energy bomb hit Ye Yi and knocked him down that Ye Yi realized that the parameters of the whole world had been changed, and he couldn't reflect these attacks at all according to the previous formula!
Ye Yi, who was falling, kept modifying the parameters around him, then turned over and landed steadily...

Seeing the steel guards constantly surrounding him, Ye Yi finally modified it before the attack came...

Countless attacks returned the same way, the steel guards were all destroyed by their own attacks, and the giant cannons on the ground also failed to escape, only Ye Yi was in the same place...

Thinking about the plan, Ye Yi took a look at the mechanical guards who kept surrounding him, and decided to understand the situation first...

The body is lifted into the air, the left hand is raised horizontally, and the red energy is constantly gathering...

"Red Cannon!"

After destroying the Iron Guard, Ye Yi was about to leave...

Two metal iron whips held Ye Yi's feet, Ye Yi looked down, and a strange-looking person held Ye Yi...

"Sir, can we talk for a moment?"

That guy saw Ye Yi stopped in the air, so he withdrew his iron whip...

Ye Yi landed, looked at the steel guards who kept surrounding him, fired a red cannon, and turned his head: "What do you want to say?"

The man obviously swallowed: "Well, I just want to confirm, are you Mr. Ye Yi?"

Ye Yi was so interested that this strange person actually knew himself: "I am, who are you, I don't remember knowing you."

The man stretched out his hand: "My name is Hanging Net, and I am a guardian. Great, it seems that the information is very accurate!"

Ye Yi repeated the strange name: "Hanging net?"

Four metal spider legs suddenly appeared behind the hanging net, and shot the steel guard behind Ye Yi headshot...

Ye Yi pointed at the hanging net, hesitantly said, "Are you...Spiderman? Peter?"

Hang Wang was obviously taken aback when Ye Yi called out his name: "You know me?"

Ye Yi smiled, and Zanpakuto appeared in his right hand, and he slashed out, splitting the incoming steel guards in half: "Of course, you often give me takeaway, you forgot?"

Hang Wang shook his head: "I'm sorry, sir, I have never delivered food, and, you see, this world is not allowed to deliver food."

Another group of steel guards rushed over, Ye Yizheng was about to swing his saber again, dozens of arrows shot through the heads of the steel guards one by one...

Ye Yi turned his head, looked at the figure in uniform, masked, holding a longbow, and carrying a quiver, hesitantly called: "Hawkeye?"

The suspected eagle-eyed person is obviously a commander. While clearing the steel guards, he commanded: "Hanging the net, this is not the time to chat, let's retreat first!"

Ye Yi casually cleaned up a large area of ​​steel guards, and left with the hanging net...

In the distance, a woman with a golden mask and a graceful figure pressed the communicator on her wrist, and a figure covered in metal armor and wearing a green cloak projected out...

"Your Majesty, he is here."

Du Mu nodded: "I understand, my bride, follow him from a distance, don't be discovered by him."

The black bride nodded: "Yes, Your Majesty."

Ye Yi followed the hanging net and came to an open space. Following the hanging net a few times, a door appeared in the space where there was no object...

Ye Yi has already scanned this thing, he is very familiar with it, this is the command ship of S.H.I.E.L.D., the space carrier!
Walking in with a few people, Ye Yi looked at the dilapidated interior and couldn't help but be speechless: "What's the situation, where is Ferry?"

The man who looked like Hawkeye was wearing a mask, stared at Ye Yi, and introduced himself: "I am Bullseye, you already know him, Hang Wang, this is our air combat expert, Lve Ying, and a few others, It just didn't come back."

Ye Yi looked at the person who came out from the side. From the movies he watched on Earth before, he knew that he was a veteran, and he should have joined the Avengers in the US team [-], but because of his own reasons, he did not appear. Disappointing everyone...

"Sam Wilson?"

Lve Ying was taken aback for a moment: "You know me?"

Ye Yi called out their names one by one: "Hawkeye Clinton Barton, Spiderman Peter Parker, Falcon Sam Wilson, I just want to ask now, where is Iron Man? Where is Captain America? Where is Hulk?"

Several people glanced at each other and took off their masks. Clinton said, "Sorry, we don't know the people you mentioned, we know these people..."

After pressing a few times, a projection appeared in front of everyone, showing dozens of photos...

Barton called out their nicknames one by one: "Evil Superman: Clark Doom, Victor's most sincere subordinate, Black Bat: Bruce Wayne, Doom's chief strategist, Crazy Lady: Diana Prynne Adams, one of Doom's wives, Queen of Paradise Island, Speed ​​Man: Barry Allen, Guardian of Doom..."

Ye Yi looked at the familiar and unfamiliar people in the photos, and his egg hurt...

"How did you survive until now? If it's the same person I know, you shouldn't be able to resist any of them, right?"

Button looked at Ye Yi in surprise, thought for a while, and decided to be more cautious: "We also have people who are against him, but you must reveal your identity before I can tell you."

Ye Yi thought for a while, took out his wallet, and handed Barton a card: "Is this okay?"

Barton looked at the card in his hand, speechless: "What I'm talking about is unique to you, and cannot be imitated by others!"

Ye Yi took the ID card and curled his lips: "Please make it clear, is this okay?"

Ye Yi flipped his wrist, and the Zanpakuto appeared in his hand. Barton and the others whispered to each other and shook their heads: "There are other things we need. We have already seen this from other people."

Ye Yi rolled his eyes: "What about this? Is it okay?"

The golden holy clothes came out out of nowhere and wore on Ye Yi's body, shining brightly...

Patton and the others covered their eyes: "It feels like it's put away..."

Ye Yi snapped his fingers, and the golden holy clothes disappeared instantly: "So, you can always believe it?"

Before Barton and the others could speak, a surprised cry came from behind Ye Yi: "Ye Yi?"

Ye Yi turned his head and looked, very pleasantly surprised!

(End of this chapter)

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