Marvel's Random Call

Chapter 140 Boss, Come 2 Batmen

Chapter 140 Boss, Come Two Batmen

Of course, the battle with Nayari is indispensable during the meal, but this time, Nayari has a new force to join, Thor!Thor!

Two pairs of pitiful, watery big eyes looked at Ye Yi, their fighting power was beyond the charts!

After dinner, Ye Yi, who was full, sat down on a chair contentedly, watching TV with Anna Nayari...

"Thomas Wayne, president of Wayne Enterprises in Gotham City, was involved in a car accident and was suspected of being assassinated!"

Ye Yi was startled. When Ye Yi came back from the lightning paradox, Ye Yi took the time to investigate. The Wayne family was neat and alive, which meant that Batman didn't exist, and neither did the Joker. After that, Ye Yi didn't care about it. After all, being ordinary is also a kind of blessing...

After reading the report carefully, Ye Yi kissed Anna on the cheek: "I'll go out for a while, don't leave the door open for me."

Anna nodded. When Ye Yi was about to leave, he found that his sleeve was being pulled by a small hand, and the owner of the small hand was the lovely Nayari...

There was also a pulling force coming from under his feet, Ye Yi looked down, and Thor was also biting Ye Yi's trouser leg...

Reluctantly squatting down, kissing Nayari on the cheek, and rubbing Thor for a while, Ye Yi was able to escape...

After leaving the house, Ye Yi followed the navigation and flew towards Gotham...

New York Tricurve Wing Building…

"Sir, a UFO was spotted and it was moving at extreme speed."

A technician reports to his superior through a headset...

"Here's the picture, what about the technical analysis?"

A voice came from the headset, the technician pressed the keyboard a few times, and a beautiful woman appeared on the screen...

Maria Hill, one of the few lv.10s in S.H.I.E.L.D., the former commander of the space carrier, and now the interim commander of S.H.I.E.L.D....

"Commander Hill, the screen has been transmitted, technical analysis, it is a person flying at high speed."

While dealing with other things, Hill asked, "The start and end of the flight?"

The technician called up the map: "The starting point is here, and the ending point should be Gotham City according to the supercomputer analysis....

Maria Hill looked at the technical analysis, and then compared where the starting point was. After checking and comparing, she found that the starting point turned out to be Ye Yi's newly purchased manor...

"Cancel the alarm and detect the route."

Hill gave the order, and then put the matter together...

Not long after, Ye Yi came to Gotham City, standing on the roof of Gotham City's police station building, a card appeared in his hand...

"Thomas, where are you now..."

Gotham City Hospital

Bruce Wayne and Martha Wayne are waiting for the doctor's notice in the operating room...

Ye Yi walked in from the door, leaned against the wall, and looked at this young man carefully...

"Batman, if there are two Batmen in a world..."

Bruce Wayne was embarrassed by Ye Yi. Although he was very upset, his good education made him very polite: "Sir, is there something wrong with my face?"

Ye Yi shook his head: "It's nothing, it's just that you look familiar, by the way, is Mr. Wayne in there?"

Martha Wayne nodded: "Yes, you are my husband's friend?"

Ye Yi thought for a while: "It should be...well, the premise is that he remembers..."

Afterwards, Ye Yi pushed open the door of the operating room...

"Sir, you can't go in!"

Bruce and Martha got up to stop Ye Yi, but Ye Yi just touched them lightly, shaking them away...

"Don't worry, I'm here to save him."

After leaving a sentence, under the surprised eyes of several doctors, a tube of potion appeared in their hands: Extremis Virus (Perfect Version)...

Through intravenous injection, after injecting Thomas, Ye Yi turned his wrist, and a card appeared in his hand, crushed, and the fragments of the card formed countless light spots, which merged into Thomas' body...

At the same time that the world views of several doctors were subverted, Thomas's damaged body glowed red, and he quickly repaired his body. It didn't take long for Thomas to open his eyes!

The impact of old and new memories made Thomas miserable. The body strengthened by the Extremis virus was very powerful, and those iron objects would melt when they touched Thomas' body...

Ye Yi shook his head, looked at the crazy Thomas, and the terrified doctor, and reached out to control Thomas...

"Thomas! Head up! It's me!"

Thomas raised his head with difficulty, looked at Ye Yi's deliberately approaching face, and said with difficulty: "You are, you are Ye Yi??"

Ye Yi looked at Thomas who was frowning tightly and controlled himself, and helped him up: "How is it? Surprised?"

Thomas tried hard to control his body, not letting him lose heat: "This...I seem to have a lot more memories, including about you, about Barry, and...ah, Bruce!"

Thomas stumbled and ran out, and screams of surprise came from the operating room!
Ye Yi went out and looked at Thomas who wanted to hug Bruce and Martha but was afraid of hurting them, couldn't help laughing out loud...

"Thomas, it's okay, believe in yourself, with those experiences, you will soon be able to control your abilities."

Leaning on the wall, Ye Yi looked at Thomas, who was carefully hugging his wife and child, and asked curiously, "How is your fusion now? Who are you?"

Thomas raised his head and looked at Ye Yi gratefully: "I'm Thomas, all Thomas, thank you for your help, Ye Yi, if you need, come to me anytime."

Ye Yi lit a cigarette and took a puff: "Huh, then work hard, your memory is very important, I hope you teach Bruce well, he will be better than you."

Thomas shook his head when he heard the words: "It is enough to have me, Bruce, let him not enter this world."

Ye Yi shook his head: "Do you still remember what Barry said?"

Thomas was taken aback, and then remembered something: "Barry? But everything has changed, and now I have the power to protect them! I won't let him suffer what Barry said!"

Ye Yi snuffed out and shook his head, shaking his head: "It's not the same, this world is completely different from the world Barry originally said, you may not have noticed yet, there are more and more heroes and criminals, and the eyes of the universe are all focused The earth, it can be said that the earth is being coveted all the time, without power, it cannot even protect itself."

There is another sentence that Ye Yi didn't say: "Infinity gems, the soul gem is missing now, the other gems are on the earth, danger may come at any time."

Thomas was silent for a while, and the memory in his mind clearly remembered the consequences of even a slight change in the timeline. After thinking about it, he nodded to Ye Yi: "Okay then, I will train him well..."

Ye Yi nodded to Thomas, and disappeared before the three of them...

(End of this chapter)

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