Marvel's Random Call

Chapter 127 People can't die if they don't act, and neither can angels...

Chapter 127 People can't die if they don't act, and neither can angels...

Ye Yi looked curiously at the desperate bodyguard, squatted down, and patted the face of that man named Sheng Sheng: "What is your background, why did your bodyguard crush something and then die with your father?" mother?"

After hearing Ye Yi's words, St. Watson Wissenmo became arrogant again: "You're dead! Hiss, that's a signal to our family for help. Hiss, you're dead!"

Ye Yi became more curious, but looking at the two women behind him, he could only restrain his curiosity, and pulled the two women to leave...

"Hiss, it's useless to run away! People from my family will find you and kill you! Put that woman on my bed! Don't worry, at that time, I promise to keep you alive! I will let you watch To that woman, fucked by me in my bed, after I enjoy it! I will throw her on the street, anyone can use her!!! Ah ha ha ha ha!"

Ye Yi stopped, and the inexplicable wind blew Ye Yi's clothes. He turned around and looked at the crazy St. Watson Wissenmo covering his shoulders. Ye Yi couldn't see it on his face. A hint of expression...

"Oh, if that's the case, then I'll kill you first, and then whoever will kill who."

Ye Yi's tone seemed to be stating a very simple matter, and Ye Yi's tone also made St. Watson Wesenmo laugh wildly...

"Inferior bitch, you don't understand how noble my family is! Want to kill me? That depends on whether you have the ability!"

Ye Yi threw a yellow talisman on the ground, then handed them over to Tony despite the objections of Anna and Pepper, and then returned to the mall...

Slowly walking towards Watson, grabbing his neck with his right hand, but Watson was unmoved, and looked at Ye Yi with a sneer while covering his arms...

A white barrier blocked Ye Yi's hand, looking at this weak but very familiar barrier, Ye Yi lowered his face: "You, are you an angel?"

Watching the barrier blocking Ye Yi's hand, Watson took it for granted, "Angel? That's just my dog."

Ye Yi's hand pinched on Watson's neck through the barrier piercing through Watson's terrified expression: "Oh, it's all the same."

Watson no longer had the arrogance just now, his face was pale, but he still gritted his teeth and threatened: "You can't kill me, if you kill me, my family will destroy everyone related to you at all costs, Even if it destroys your country, I will not hesitate, if you let me go now, I can still beg the family to let you be a dog in our family!"



Ye Yi looked at Watson whose neck was broken expressionlessly, and let go of his hand. Watson's body fell heavily on the ground. To the end of his life, he couldn't believe that Ye Yi dared to kill him!

Seeing the waves of energy approaching New York at a very high speed, Ye Yi sat down bravely. Seeing that there were still a few tourists who were reluctant to part with him, Ye Yi waved his palm, and a soft breeze engulfed a few people, blowing them away. sent out.

There was a sonic boom in the rubble, a big hole was broken in the dome of the shopping mall, Wuhe Angel stood out of thin air...

"Mortal, are you the descendant who killed my lord?"

One of the angels with four wings on the back spoke in a haughty tone...

Ye Yi looked up and frowned, "I don't like looking up at others."

The four-winged angel raised the blade of light in his hand: "Kneel down and die, mortal, this is your supreme glory!"

Ye Yi lowered his head, a ray of purple light flashed past, and an aura shot straight up into the sky from his body, and the wind surged instantly. The five angels were forced by this aura, and fell to the ground, throwing themselves to the ground...

Ye Yi walked up to the four-winged angel and kicked him: "Didn't I say that? I don't like looking up!"

The four-winged angel had never been so insulted before, lying on the ground struggling constantly: "Mortal! How dare you insult an angel like this!"

Ye Yi stepped on the four-winged angel's head, lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, and flicked the ash on his head: "How dare you? It seems that you haven't participated in that battle, so you don't know me , However, if you can still go back to heaven, say hello to God for me, just say I am Ye Yi, and I am going to visit him."

The four-winged angel's head is like a watermelon falling on the ground: "System, sacrifice."

"Ding, congratulations to the host, you have won the "No.30 Second Broadcasting System""

Speechlessly looking at the set of books in the space, Ye Yi shook his head, dealt with the remaining four angels one by one, and obtained "inexhaustible rice, endless toilet paper, and a compass that always points to the north" And a mechanical electric toy used by Tokisaki Kurumi..."

Speechlessly looking at this mess, Ye Yi covered his mouth to prevent himself from vomiting blood...

After a little processing of the traces on the ground, Ye Yi waved his hand at the monitor, and then disappeared...

Immediately after Ye Yi left, the army surrounded the place, and two men in suits and sunglasses, one black and one white, came here...

"Hey, everyone look here, yes, that's it, 3, pa..."

A flash of white light flashed, and everyone froze there, except for the soldiers wearing sunglasses and the two suits, one black and one white...

"Hey j, we wiped his ass again and I'm tired of it."

"K, then go and talk to him!"

"Well... Forget it, I still want to live for a while now."

As the two of them worked, the crowd gradually dispersed...

In Stark Tower, after Ye Yi suddenly appeared, Anna pulled him and asked him: "Are you injured? I saw it over there, why did the angels appear here? Aren't they all expelled by the Ancient One?"

Tony also stopped his work and looked at Ye Yi curiously. Ye Yi sat on the sofa and shook his head: "I'm not tired, I'm not injured, and how do I know that there will be angels appearing on the earth."

Anna thought for a while, then suddenly exclaimed: "Is there something wrong with Master Gu Yi?"

Ye Yi was also taken aback. He was used to this supreme being guarding the latitude of the earth, but he ignored one thing: "I need to go to Karma Taj to have a look, wait for me."

Afterwards, Ye Yi appeared in Kama Taj in an instant, seeing the calm Kama Taj as usual, Ye Yi breathed a sigh of relief, and then greeted Master Modu...

"Morning, Master Modu."

Master Modu silently raised his head, looked at the sun, and then asked, "Why are you here? What happened again?"

Ye Yi didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Why, does it mean that I have something to do?"

Master Modu nodded solemnly: "It's not going to be a good thing since you came..."

Ye Yi shrugged: "It's really a good thing this time, I'm getting married, and I want to ask Master Gu Yi to be the witness!"

Master Modu looked at Ye Yi in surprise: "There is a girl willing to marry you? Oh, by the way, is it Anna?"

Ye Yi nodded: "Don't forget to come and join the party. Now, I need to tell Master Gu Yi, where is she?"

Master Modu led Ye Yi to a room, and pointed: "Master Gu Yi has been in this room recently, it seems that he has a new understanding and is retreating."

Ye Yi pointed to the room, and asked in a low voice, "Then, when will she wake up?"

Modu shook his head: "Not sure."

Gu Yi's voice suddenly came from the room: "Ye Yi and Modu? What's the matter?"

Ye Yi and Modu looked at each other, and Ye Yi took a step forward: "Master Gu Yi, Anna and I are getting married, and I want to invite you to be a witness. Do you have time?"

Gu Yi pondered for a while: "I'm sorry, I just had a feeling recently, and now I have entered the cultivation, and I can't go."

Ye Yi was very disappointed when he heard this: "Okay, I won't bother the mage, I left a bottle of wine, and you can taste it when you leave the customs, mage."

Ye Yi threw two gourds of wine to Modu: "One bottle for you, one bottle for Master Gu Yi, remember!"

Modu nodded: "Shall I open a door for you?"

Ye Yi nodded, although the teleportation talisman is not expensive, but if you can save it, you can save it...

"Come with me, there just happened to be a new apprentice recently, I will open the door for you, and teach him along the way."

Ye Yi was very surprised: "What, Kama Taj recruited apprentices? What's going on?"

Master Modu pointed to the man with a long face and a scruffy beard: "It's him, I don't know why Master Gu Yi accepted him. He went up to the mountain to ask for help a month ago, Master Gu Yi accepted him, but last week , Master Gu Yi suddenly announced a retreat and handed him over to me for training."

Then, he patted the man on the shoulder: "Stephen, you have been unable to find the feeling, come and let me do it for you again."

Master Modu kept drawing the garden, and soon, a golden portal appeared. Ye Yi took a deep look at this person, then greeted Master Modu, and walked through the portal...

Shaking his head at the concerned Tony Anna and the others: "Master Gu Yi is fine, he is just practicing in seclusion. Maybe these guys sneaked in at this time."

Afterwards, he held Anna's shoulders: "Master Gu Yi can't be our witness. I'll think about it again and see who can do it."

Anna shook her head: "It's okay."

Ye Yi shook his head, then looked at Tony: "Don't tell me, are you going to ask the pastor to host?"

Tony looked at Ye Yi in surprise: "Isn't this normal?"

Ye Yi observed Tony carefully: "You don't have a fever, do you forget that I killed God once?"

Tony patted his forehead: "I forgot, so what should I do? Let the black marinated egg host?"

Ye Yi thought about the wedding hosted by the black marinated egg, and shivered: "No, absolutely not! I have a candidate!"

Tony, Anna, and Pepper asked in unison: "Who?"

Ye Yi looked at the sky: "Colson!"

Tony was very surprised: "Isn't he dead?"

Ye Yi smiled mysteriously: "He was indeed dead, but S.H.I.E.L.D. brought him back to life, although it cost him a lot..."

Tony thought for a moment: "Okay, I have no objection."

Ye Yi nodded: "Okay, then I'll invite him?"

Tony: "Good!"

(End of this chapter)

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