Marvel's Random Call

Chapter 119 The Tentacle Monster on the Moon!

Chapter 119 The Tentacle Monster on the Moon!
A phone call ended the banquet that had just entered the state, Tony's impatient expression disappeared, and his brows frowned!

After the call was over, Tony looked at everyone with a solemn expression: "Hey, guys, there's big trouble! We need to go to the moon!"

Afterwards, Tony looked at Ye Yi who stood up, and complained, "Why did something big happen to you as soon as you came back!"

Ye Yi shrugged his shoulders: "Be good to me? By the way, you haven't said yet, why go to the moon?"

Several people walked to the door, and a set of battle armor fell from the sky, covering Tony: "A monster suddenly appeared on the moon, and it is devouring the moon! Inhumans are fighting it."

Ye Yi looked up at the moon, and found that something was wrong. On the bright moon itself, there was a small shadow covering it...

Ye Yi looked intently and took a deep breath: "Yes, it is indeed a big trouble."

Tony put on his battle armor and called out the names of several people: "Ye Yi, Anna, uh..."

Tony took a look, the few remaining people could not fight in the universe, then shook his head, ready to go, Ye Yi stopped Tony: "Anna doesn't have to go, stay and take care of everyone, the two of us, just enough."

Tony looked at the serious Ye Yi, nodded, and the thrusters under his feet began to twitch: "Then let's go."

Anna's expression was a little disappointed, but the moment Ye Yi turned around, she covered it up and hugged Ye Yi gently: "Go, hero, when you come back, I'll make you a supper."

Ye Yi's body vacated: "Okay, but be careful with Nayari, don't let her finish eating, haha."

Nayali bared her teeth and claws towards the sky: "Ye Yi, believe it or not, I won't let you stay at all?"

Anna hugged Nayari tightly, and put her chin on her head: "He will be back soon, right?"

The expression on Nayali's face changed, and she looked up at the moon: "I'm afraid not, that guy is not easy to deal with,"

Anna looked at the moon worriedly, hugged Nayali and flew up: "Really? Then let's go support them?"

Nayari shook her head: "It's useless, this guy is just hard to deal with, Ye Yi will defeat him, don't worry."

Looking at Anna with a worried face, Nayali clenched her small hands tightly into fists: "Don't be careless, that guy is contaminated with our breath!"

At this moment, a big battle is taking place on the moon. Countless giant tentacles, like pillars supporting the sky, break through the moon's ground and start a battle with the Inhumans!

The sound waves of Black Bolt King twisted into a bunch, countless tentacles broke off, and fell heavily on the ground...

The other members of the royal family are also crying and fighting. Queen Medusa's hair is now tens of meters long and forked, like dozens of sharp long swords, cutting off all the tentacles within the radius of Medusa's body...

Black Bolt King’s cousin, Gorgon with bull’s hooves, is stomping his feet vigorously in an area. The surface of the moon shakes and tears with Gorgon’s hooves, and those tentacles are torn into pieces by this shocking force. shards!
And the think tank of the Inhuman Race, Karnike walked around anxiously, gritted his teeth, and came to the Black Bolt King: "King, this is not going to work, this monster is devouring the land under our feet, even though our barrier is tied But if this continues, our homeland will be destroyed! King!"

Medusa took the time to come over, understood the thoughts of Black Bolt King with telepathy, shook her head, cut off a few tentacles that suddenly broke out of the ground, and told Karnike: "The king said that the crystal has gone to the earth. , seek the help of the Avengers, we will be able to hold on for a while."

Karnike looked at the gradually exhausted crowd and gritted his teeth: "King, why don't we destroy it directly..."


Black Bolt turned his head and said two words softly. The invisible shock wave plowed the surface of the moon and tore apart the tentacles in front of him!
Medusa did not forget to convey the unfinished words of Black Bolt King: "This is not only our home, if the moon is destroyed! We will have no place to live!"

Karnike looked at the determined Black Bat King, gritted his teeth, and raised the weapon in his hand: "I know, king!"

The battle is getting more intense!The surface of the half moon was completely changed by this battle, and this battle had only started for half an hour.

After Ye Yi and Tony came to the moon, they saw the Inhuman race supported by only a few members of the royal family, and quickly joined the battle!
Wearing the holy clothes, Ye Yi killed all the tentacles in the entire enchantment at sub-light speed, and then landed beside the Black Bolt King with Tony...

Because all the tentacles in the barrier had been killed by Ye Yi, Black Bat King, Medusa and other royal family members breathed a sigh of relief. Medusa supported Black Bat King, and together with Black Bat King, faced Ye Yi nodded...

Ye Yi kicked the broken tentacles under his feet, and asked Medusa curiously: "What's the situation? Has the giant octopus mutated?"

Medusa shook her head, looked at the already messy battlefield, and also looked at Tony who was doing the test there, with a low voice: "No, that monster has been sleeping in the core of the moon. An hour ago, I suddenly woke up, and there was nothing unusual at first, until the first tentacle appeared..."

Thinking back to the nearly one-hour battle, Medusa still had lingering fears in her heart: "We cut off the tentacles easily, so we didn't take it seriously, but the nightmare came."

Medusa pointed to a ruin on the battlefield: "Countless tentacles attacked Attilan. Although we responded quickly, some civilians did not escape. Then, almost instantly, the entire Attilan fell. ! We managed to get together and resist these tentacles."

Ye Yi felt something was wrong: "It shouldn't be. Although these tentacles look scary, they don't seem to be very powerful, right?"

Medusa smiled bitterly: "We also feel that there is nothing special about it, except that it is a little bigger, it is simply a target, but our senses changed in the second time,"

Medusa pointed to the tentacles that gradually turned into energy light spots: "These things infected our people and made them go berserk, and even some of them awakened on their own!"

Ye Yi looked at the light spots of energy scattered across the barrier, and turned pale with shock: "Then why didn't you remind us?"

Medusa asked and shook her head: "Don't worry, it's only effective for ordinary people, not for us."

Ye Yi felt relieved: "So it only works on ordinary people, ordinary...people?"

Ye Yi and Medusa suddenly thought of something, and looked at Tony who hadn't moved since just now. Ye Yiyi was bold, and patted Tony on the shoulder: "Tony? Are you okay?"

Tony raised his head in doubt: "What's the matter, I just scanned it, and the tentacles are extending from the moon's crust, but because of the enchantment, it seems that it regards Attilan as an intruder?"

There was no abnormality in the voice, Ye Yi's heart was half relieved: "Did you feel any abnormality?"

Tony stood up with a confused voice: "What's wrong with you? I'm fine?"

Looking at the scattered light spots all around, Ye Yi gave up the idea of ​​asking Tony to open the mask...

Ye Yi patted Tony on the shoulder: "It's fine, it's fine."

Ye Yi suddenly noticed that the energy reactor on Tony's chest was getting brighter and brighter, and then Ye Yi was pushed away by Tony: "Be careful!"

Caught off guard, Ye Yi saw a huge tentacle with a mouth swallowing Tony in one gulp, and couldn't help but be dumbfounded!


(End of this chapter)

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