Chapter 91
In the original book, Gaara couldn't react to Xiao Li's high speed when fighting against Xiao Li, and now Uchiha Tetsu is also in the same situation.

Uchiha Tetsu's Flying Thunder God Art, after all, is only at a certain level, so he must rely on Kunai.

And the kunai thrown by Uchiha Tetsu just now is not much.
If Uchiha Tetsu can learn the third stage of Flying Raijin now, then he can leave the Flying Raijin spell on a distant object in one thought, so as to give himself time to react.

But the distance between Uchiha Tetsu throwing Kunai just now is only tens of meters.


After turning around many times, finally one time, Matt Cang realized that the distance was too close for Uchiha Tetsu to dodge again, so he decisively used Lilianhua to attack forward.

Uchiha Tetsu looked fiercely at the powerful Chakrapo who came back again, "Since you can't dodge, then attack head-on!"

"bring it on."

"Super Big Jade Spiral Duolian Pill!"

Nearly ten bright light spheres that swelled to half the size of a human being surrounded Uchiha Tetsu and attacked Maite Cang together.

"Zhe!" Uchiha Hotaru instantly opened Susano's first form. Susano's defense is very strong, so Uchiha Hotaru is ready to rush up if Uchiha Tetsu has any accidents.

There was an earth-shattering sound, and large pieces of bamboo were pushed to the ground, and the two powerful attacks stalemate.

One person is at the bottom left and the other person is at the top right, both of them showed their strongest willpower and firmest determination.

The huge air wave directly overturned the two of them, and Uchiha Tetsu rolled several times directly, and was directly pushed tens of meters away.

The same is true for Matt Cang, who fell from the sky and hit the ground heavily.

Matt Cang looked at the sky and muttered to himself.

"It's really strong. Such a Chakra, I approve of you."

"The youth that burns life bursts out with the most powerful energy."

Maite Cang slowly got up from the ground and stood on the ground again.

"Sixth View Gate, open!"

A burst of fiery chakra burst out from Maite Cang's body, soaring into the sky.

Uchiha Tetsu looked at Matt Cang and himself, who was already covered in blood and flesh, and couldn't help but smiled wryly: "Meeting such a serious opponent"

"I don't know if it's good or bad."

"Blocking a man's dignity"

Matt Cang said angrily.

"Towards the peacock!"

Maite Cang punched countless punches in an instant, and the flames produced by the friction scattered in the sky, dazzling like a sunrise, and like peacock feathers stained red with blood.

"He will attack from the front"

"As long as I avoid this blow, the victory will belong to me."

"But how could I do that!"

"Bet everything on me."

"Defeat the noble beast."

"Wind Escape Spiral Shuriken!"

The nature change and shape change of the wind escape chakra are used to the extreme. The high-speed rotating spiral pill inner core and the high-speed rotating shuriken outer core complement each other to enhance the power of ninjutsu to the extreme.

"No, Tetsu is in danger!" Uchiha Hotaru's pupil power was used again, Susano appeared in the second form, and was always ready to increase the pupil power to raise Susano's form to a higher level.

In the nick of time.




"Day Tiger!"

A tiger-like shock wave formed by a huge blue chakra descended from the sky, driving the violent airflow around.

Uchiha Tetsu and Matt Cang were instantly lifted by the powerful airflow, and both rolled on their backs and fell backwards.

"Stinky boy, who told you to open the Jingmen door so easily?"

"I still use the peacock"

"It's all right now, just wait and lie down for a month."

Maitlan descended from the air to the ground, walked towards Maitacang, the blue steam permeating his body subsided, and preached to Maitacang.

Although Maitelan's current physique can easily control the seven doors without serious injury, but the feeling brought by opening the seven doors is still very uncomfortable, and Maitelan will not open the seven doors when it is not necessary.

"Got it, Dad."

Matt Cang collapsed on the ground weakly, complaining about his father's nagging.

"Isn't it just lying down for a month?"

"How can it take a month if you have a slug? After ten days, we will be a hero again.."

"Hey, little bastard, how dare you talk back? I won't beat you up until you recover from your injury."

"Tch, who is afraid of whom?"

Here, Uchiha Hotaru also put away the black and white Susano, the strange kaleidoscope pattern in her eyes gradually faded, and said to Uchiha Tetsu solemnly.

"Zhe, the thick-browed uncle who just arrived is so strong, I don't even have the confidence to connect with his kick when I activate the second form of Susanoo."

Uchiha Tetsu had also fallen to the ground, and he nodded. This uncle opened seven gates to fight Hitora already has the power comparable to Uchiha Tajima's blow.

If we make a comparison of strength, Qimen Kai in his early 30s in the original book has the top strength in the kage class, but he does not have the power of the super kage class powerhouses such as the third generation of Tukage, the third generation of Raikage, and Nagato.

This uncle who seems to be in his 40s has already entered the threshold of Chaoying after opening seven doors.

In this case, if this uncle opens eight doors
In today's ninja world, apart from the sealed Kaguya Hime and the unknown Kaguya Sanko, Uchiha Tetsu can no longer think of anyone who can match.

While speaking, Maite Lan came to the side of the two of them.

"Hello, two youths burning with youth."

"Just now my little bastard made you mess up."

Maitran pulled Uchiha Tetsu who fell on the ground to his feet.

"Come into the Wetbone Forest, with the help of Master Slug, I believe your injury will heal soon, young man."

Uchiha Tetsu sighed.

It has been 12 years since time travel, and he still can't beat many people of the same generation, and he is far from the ceiling of combat power, which embarrasses Blue Star's hometown.

"However, this feeling of being able to fight heartily. I don't regret it!"

Uchiha Tetsu went to Matt Soo and stretched out his hand.

Although Uchiha Tetsu is also seriously injured, he is still better than Maite Cang, who drove the Bamen Dunjia to his limit.

Matt Cang looked at Uchiha Tetsu, hesitated for a moment, took Uchiha Tetsu's hand and barely stood up, and the two walked towards the wet bone forest together with their arms.

Uchiha Hotaru took a look, and supported the seriously injured Uchiha Tetsu from the other side.

Uchiha Tetsu looked at the horrific Matt Cang, and silently poured him a mouthful of chicken soup.

"If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight."

"You can suffer such a serious injury, which means that you are about to start your own path to the top."

After hearing this, Matt Cang's sluggish eyes lit up, "That's a good point!"


"It is to burn wantonly without fear of difficulties or injuries!"


"From now on, my son will be called Matt Dai."

Uchiha Tetsu pondered for two seconds, thinking quietly in his heart.

"Matt Dai Kaihuang his father?"

"So Matt Dai is Cang's son?"


"Mite Cang, like Sarutobi Hiruzen, is also an elderly father?"

"It's just that Sora is a generation older than Hiruzaru Sarutobi, so Matt Dai's son is of the same generation as Sarutobi Asma."

Maite Cang led the way in front of the two, and soon the four of them arrived at the rippled part of the wet bone forest.

"After going in."

"It's the wet bone forest."

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(End of this chapter)

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