The Old Philosopher of Ninja World

Chapter 86 The Northern Town

Chapter 86 The Northern Town
The feet are steaming and rustic, and the back is burning with the sky.

On July day, the whole earth seems to be evaporated dry. For ordinary people who have no chance to become ninjas
This is their most tormented moment——

time of drought.

The old farmer hunched over to harvest rice ears in the field, and had to start work quickly while it was still early in the morning.

Will be roasted alive by the sun.

"As long as the ears of rice in this area are harvested, the family will have surplus food this year. Then we can exchange the surplus food with the caravan for money, and then we can buy new clothes for Hanako."

Thinking of his lovely little daughter, the old farmer couldn't help showing a smile, and his whole body seemed to become a little more refreshed.

This is a small town near the northwestern border of the Fire Kingdom, one of the places where the Land of Wind, the Land of Earth, and the Land of Fire meet.

Going west from here is the country of rain;

Going northwest here is the country of grass;

Going north is the country of Taki.

Going northwest across the Three Kingdoms, you will find the Land of Earth, one of the five great kingdoms.

If you go south and cross the country of Sichuan, you will be another big country among the five great countries-the country of wind.

Because the three countries meet, there are more trade exchanges on the northwest border, which is more prosperous than other places.

And this small town is about [-] miles away from the northwest border. The prosperity of the border has little effect on this place. On the contrary, it is because some caravans often pass by here, so...
More riots.

While the old farmer was working with other villagers, there was an urgent roar in the village, and then a half-grown skinny child came to report the news, shouting as he ran, "The bandit is here, the bandit is here!" !"

The villagers who were working were shocked when they heard this. They hurriedly put down the ears of rice they were holding in their hands, and rushed back to the town aggressively with their sickles.

The so-called bandits are the bandits who are on the move. Wherever they go, they don't stay behind. The leaders are often ninjas who fled the battlefield. They are ruthless, kill without batting an eye, and behave like animals. one.

"Hanako, when grandpa returns, he must be fine." The old farmer secretly clenched his hand holding the sickle, praying silently in his heart.

After hundreds of years of wars and chaos, the villagers have also cultivated a strong spirit. They know that in this world, kindness without strength is useless. If you don’t make up your mind to protect yourself, then you will——

was killed by others.

According to experience, ninjas may not be able to kill them one-sidedly. Those so-called ninjas may not be much better than an experienced hunter. As long as they hit the opponent's head with a scythe, they are ninjas...

Also kills with one hit!
And not far from the small town, there are two figures walking slowly against the scorching sun. Both figures have black hair and black robes. Judging from their handsome faces, they look like eighteen or nineteen-year-old boys .

"Firefly, I saw it in the family scroll. Using the pupil technique of Kaleidoscope Sharingan will consume the pupil power of Kaleidoscope Sharingan and reduce the eyesight of the owner of Kaleidoscope Sharingan."

"If it's not necessary, don't use Susano, Kamu Ami, and Kamui." Uchiha Tetsu instructed.

Uchiha Hotaru pointed to the darker diamond-shaped mark on her forehead, "Don't worry, after more than two months, the amount of chakra accumulated in my yin seal has been a lot."

"And now in summer, the air humidity is higher, and it is more convenient for me to use the Blue Bird."

"Do not worry about me."

"Yeah." Uchiha Tetsu nodded.

"Zhe, why do we have to use the transformation technique to become an adult?" Uchiha Hotaru held a small fan in her hand, her brows unconsciously frowned under the scorching sun, and she fanned herself Then, the beautiful three thousand black hair fluttered in the wind with the fan.

Uchiha Tetsu looked at Uchiha Hotaru. In the past two months, from spring to summer, from southeast to northwest, the child was exhausted.

Uchiha Tetsu said with a smile: "As we get closer to the border, we will encounter more bandits."

"Although the three-legged cat kung fu of these bandits can't threaten us."

Uchiha Tetsu paused and took a sip of water. This July day is really too hot. "But they don't know our true strength. If they see that we are young, they may have evil intentions."

"It will bring us unnecessary trouble."

"And these bandits."

"It is not yet qualified for us to waste time."

Uchiha Hotaru stuck out her tongue to show that she knew, and then Uchiha Hotaru asked again: "Zhe, when can we reach our destination."

On this trip, Tetsu Uchiha and Hotaru Uchiha came to find the wet bone forest, one of the three holy places. According to the records of the Uchiha clan for thousands of years, the locations of Mt. The story of the slug fairy in the Wetbone Forest saving lives and healing the wounded.

It just so happens that the northwestern border of the Kingdom of Fire is close to the Kingdom of Rain, so...
Uchiha Tetsu inferred that
This is likely to be the location of the Wetbone Forest!
Uchiha Tetsu looked at the Ninja World map in his hand: "Soon, let's go forward and meet a small town."

"Thirty miles further northwest of the town is the northwest border."

"After arriving at the northwest border, let's ask the villagers there. We hope there will be someone who knows the story of Wetbone Forest."

"Okay." Uchiha Hotaru nodded, and finally it was almost here, and I had worked so hard for the past two months.

Suddenly, the two heard loud shouts coming from ahead. Some of these shouts were full of arrogance, and some were full of powerlessness and anger.

Uchiha Tetsu and Uchiha Hotaru looked at each other.

"Are there bandits attacking the town?" Uchiha Hotaru asked.

Uchiha Tetsu nodded, it should be.

They encountered many such things along the way, but they happened more frequently as they went northwest.

After seeing these things, both of them have truly seen how sinister the human heart can be. Many bandits are simply beasts, even worse than animals.

Whenever Uchiha Hotaru sees some little girls who are about the same age as her being mutilated on the road, she has an urge to kill.

"Let's hurry over there."

"I hope they don't suffer too many casualties before we rush over."

Uchiha Tetsu nodded, Uchiha Hotaru gathered up the fan and tied it around his waist, the two of them attached chakra to the soles of their feet, and hurried towards the small town ahead.

And in the small town.
There have been fierce conflicts between villagers and bandits.

Referral ticket hyperlink.

 The role compares heart.
(End of this chapter)

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