Chapter 81 The Truth
Time went back to when the three of them were walking in the woods.

"Two years of sharpening a sword."

"It has been two years since I successfully developed the technique of shadow clone, but it has never been revealed in front of people."

"The purpose is to open the eyes of those who are close to me one day. This time, I didn't let Quanna go directly to the battlefield with Madara, but brought Quanna out. There are also such considerations."

Uchiha Tetsu looked at Uchiha Quanna around him, and continued to think.

"But this approach has two extremely important prerequisites."

"The first one is that the technique of shadow clone has not yet been born, so that you can deceive your own people while deceiving the enemy, and this condition."

"It can only be satisfied during the Warring States period, and during the time period when Qianshoubei did not develop the technique of shadow clone."

Uchiha Tetsu recalled the countless novels he had read in his previous life. After everyone knew that the shadow clone would appear after the white mist dissipated, theoretically, this method could not be used in all time periods.

"So this first premise is extremely unique and irreplaceable."

"And the second premise, because the white mist will appear after the shadow clone dissipates, if the white mist appears directly..."

"It's easy to be discovered by my own people that I haven't 'really died', and I can't hide it from my own people."

"So the enemy's attack should cover my whole body and be powerful enough, like this."

"To convince the enemy that I'm 'really dead'."

Uchiha Tetsu thought of the oil girl clan perceived by Uzumaki Mito, and the oil girl clan happened to have many secret techniques that covered the enemy's whole body.

"But there is another very important problem, that is, the enemy is too strong and it is easy to play off!"

"After all, in the original work... only Obito Uchiha went directly from Ergouyu to Kaleidoscope because of the strong pain and strong emotional stimulation to ensure safety."

"According to the most common situation, Yingying and Quanna will only open the Sangouyu Sharingan. In the face of a really powerful enemy, the Sangouyu Sharingan cannot change the fate of death, at most it will just struggle for a while. "

"So in order to ensure the safety of myself and Hotaru and Quanna during the implementation of the plan, I have carefully prepared for the Flying Thunder God Art in the past two years, and at the same time came to the south to study and study the Flying Thunder God Art."

"It took two months to finally complete the practice of Flying Thunder God before leaving the south."

Thinking of the reason why he left the south, Uchiha Tetsu pondered for a while.

"As for why you don't stay in the south for a while before you leave"

"At first, Madara needs Quanna to arrive at the battlefield."

"Secondly, no matter how long you stay, you can't guarantee your most efficient and rapid growth..."

"After I have learned all the basic knowledge of the Flying Thunder God Art, the next two and three stages will require long-term comprehension and proficient use."

"I will continue to stay here for three years, which will bring some invisible troubles to the Uzumaki clan. After all, the Uzumaki clan and the Senshou clan are distant relatives, and Mito has not yet left the court after all."

"Finally, if I stay in such a comfortable environment for a long time, then I am likely to indulge in such a life and resist the dangerous life"

"But now Konoha has not yet been established, and its strength has not yet reached its peak. Obviously... it is not yet this time."

Suddenly, the Younv clan attacked, and the six soldiers fought against each other, and the opponents and generals quickly separated.


"What about the battle?" Uchiha Hotaru asked.

"Don't worry, I haven't (~_~;) finished yet?" Uchiha Tetsu looked at Uchiha Hotaru who still had tears left, and said softly.


Tetsu Uchiha looked at Jonin, the top oil girl in front of him, and he knew that he was invincible in the collision just now, and the big jade spiral pill he was proud of only knocked down some bugs.

Oil Girl Peak Shinobu looked at Uchiha Tetsu with a sneer, raised his hands, and shouted.

"Send Bad Bugs, Hurricane!"

Ten tornadoes hit Uchiha Tetsu from ten directions in an instant, and Uchiha Tetsu's eyes were solemn. "It can't be avoided."

"The time can't wait, it's time to launch the Flying Thunder God Art in advance."

"The Art of Flying Thunder God!"

Uchiha Tetsu escaped from the unsolvable encirclement of the tornado in an instant, but there was a serious problem-Uchiha Tetsu's hole card was exposed!
On the top of the oil girl, Ninja looked at the place where Tetsu Uchiha was standing, and there was a flying thunder god Kunai firmly planted on the ground.

"I see, time and space ninjutsu?"

"What a genius."

"Since that's the case... then I can't let you go."

One arm of the oil girl peak ninja was hanging down concealedly, and countless parasites burrowed into the ground from the back of the oil girl peak ninja.

"Parasite bugs, travel underground!"

Uchiha Tetsu avoided the tornadoes coming from all directions, while trying to find the flaws of the top oil girl Jonin.

"If you can't win, then... find a suitable opportunity to 'feign death', and hope that someone from Yingying and Quanna can open their eyes."

It was another moment, when Uchiha Tetsu flashed near a flying thunder god Kunai again, the ground collapsed instantly, and countless bugs spewed up and buried Uchiha Tetsu's whole body.

"It came just fine."

"All the shadow clones are covered!"


"With the super fast speed of parasites devouring flesh and blood, no one should notice the white mist."

"Next, there is only one last step left!"

Uchiha Tetsu took a sharp breath, gathering all the chakra of this shadow clone at the throat.


"You will know everything after that."

Uchiha Tetsu looked into Uchiha Hotaru's eyes, and a strange and magnificent kaleidoscope pattern emerged in it. It was a pattern that had never been seen in the original work, and it looked mysterious and weird.

In fact, Uchiha Tetsu had no intention of killing Jonin at the top of the oil girl at the beginning.

The strength gap between the two sides is really too big, and I am not the protagonist, so I don't have the ability to leapfrog challenges ╮(╯_╰)╭.

Uchiha Tetsu's original idea was that someone in Hotaru and Quanna would immediately launch the Flying Thunder God Technique to take the two of them to escape after they advanced to the Sharingan.

Like Uchiha Tetsu's body, now he has gone to a place very far away from here
However, Uchiha Tetsu never imagined that Uchiha Hotaru had such deep feelings for him. After seeing his fake death, he opened directly from Ergouyu to Kaleidoscope. , Only then did the kaleidoscope open like this.

At this moment, Uchiha Tetsu looked at Xiao Ying who was in front of him with rainy pear blossoms and blood and tears streaming from the corners of his eyes, and his heart was full of distress.

After a long time, after Uchiha Hotaru's tears dried up a little, Uchiha Tetsu asked.

"Xiaoying, what is the ability of your kaleidoscope Sharingan?"

Uchiha Hotaru carefully perceived it, and replied: "My left eye can generate a strange power, and using this power on people can greatly enhance their physical strength and chakra."

With that said, Uchiha Hotaru spun the kaleidoscope of her left eye and looked at Uchiha Tetsu.

Tetsu Uchiha instantly felt a steady stream of power emerging from his body, and when he punched out, he felt infinite power.

"Ability similar to Victini in Pokemon?"

Uchiha Tetsu thought to himself.

"I call it Kamu Ami."

"It means that this kind of pupil technique can bring powerful buffs to people."

Uchiha Hotaru's emotional impulse finally calmed down, but said with some residual crying.


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 The first half of this chapter is about logical explanation.

  Came to the south... not to hang out.

(End of this chapter)

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