The Old Philosopher of Ninja World

Chapter 51 Before the Breakup

Chapter 51 Before the Breakup
The atmosphere gradually became solemn and serious, and the surrounding space seemed to be frozen. The air was so quiet that even the drop of a needle could be heard clearly.

"That boy, he also killed an adult with extraordinary skills in our clan."

"It is said that he is a talented boy with extraordinary skills."

A drop of cold sweat dripped from Qianshou Zhujian's forehead: "It really is."

As the number one genius of the Senju Clan, one of the two major families in the Warring States Period, it is difficult to have anyone else who can fight back and forth with me, except for the genius of the Uchiha Clan.

Thousand-handed Buddha looked sideways at Thousand-handed Zhujian: "I'm not surprised to see you."

"You don't already know each other's last names, do you?"

Senshou Bashirama shook his head: "No"

"do not know."

"I guess that guy too."

Before Zhujian finished speaking, Thousand Hands Buddha spoke. He knew that Zhujian was easy to soften his heart, and he had to suppress Zhujian with absolute strength: "You should know what this means."

"The Senju Clan and the Uchiha Clan are absolute enemies!"

"I haven't told the members of the Thousand Hands Clan if the news gets out."

"You will be considered a traitor!"

Senshou Zhujian was at war with heaven and man in his heart, with mixed feelings, he clenched his fists tightly, and stared fixedly at the ground.

Thousand-hand Buddha said indirectly: "If you don't want to be regarded as a traitor"

"Just after the next meeting with that boy."

"Follow him!"

"Bring back the information about the Uchiha clan."

"This is a mission!"

"If he finds out."

"Just kill him!"

Qianshou Zhujian's pupils suddenly constricted, and he was instantly confused, not knowing what to do.

"No one knows what the boy is up to!"

"In case of being cheated"

"You will put the Thousand Hands in trouble!"

"Just in case, Tobima and I will follow you!"


Thousand Hands Buddha looked at Zhujian seriously: "Where is your answer!"

"Understood." Senshou Zhuma was really at a loss at the moment. Dreams and friends are very important, as are family and relatives. He made a choice, but he was really uncomfortable.

After Hashirama finished answering, he stood up and walked directly to the door.

Hashirama wanted to be alone.

Could it be that the dream, which has just taken shape, is about to be shattered?

In the Uchiha Clan, just after Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Tetsu returned to the Clan, a dark ninja who had been waiting early came to them:

"Master Ban, Master Zhe, the patriarch invites you two to go."

Uchiha Madara glanced at Uchiha Tetsu, with an ominous premonition in his heart, but still gestured to Anin and nodded.

Soon, the three of them came to Uchiha Tajima's room, An Ren signaled to Uchiha Tajima that he had arrived, then took a step back and slowly disappeared into the shadows.

In the room, Uchiha Tajima is kneeling seriously, his eyes are full of dignity; next to him, Uchiha Izumi is also there, and his small face is forced by his father with a stern expression, but when his eyes flash, it is obvious See the concern for Madara and Tetsu.

After Madara and Tetsu also knelt down after closing the door, Uchiha Tajima said seriously: "You two, you often see a boy recently, right?"

Uchiha Madara immediately asked in surprise: "Father, how do you know?"

Uchiha Tetsu had expected it a long time ago, and the excuse he and Madara came back every day was to exchange ideas, but he obviously couldn't beat Madara into a bruised and swollen face, and this was not the only doubt.

Uchiha Anin, as the intelligence system of the Uchiha clan, is obviously not a decoration, but has real business capabilities!

"That boy! He is the eldest son of the Thousand Hands Clan, the number one genius of this generation of the Thousand Hands Clan!"

"Tomorrow, when the two of you go, find a way to extract information from him, if you can't get it."

"Then kill him!"

"To prevent accidents, Quanna and I will go with you tomorrow!"

"do you understand?"

Uchiha Madara gritted his teeth tightly, and his five fingers seemed to clenched a bloodstain on his leg.

Seeing Madara like this, Uchiha Tetsu knew that Madara couldn't answer, so he said together with Madara's share: "We understand, Uncle Tajima."

Zhe replied with peace of mind that dreams must be persisted, but persistence at inappropriate times is dead-headed. When the three of them mature in more than ten years and God of War returns, they will surely be able to realize their dreams.

But now, when the resistance is too great to imagine, the correct way is not to give up, to accumulate strength in the direction of the dream, instead of talking about the dream when the conditions are not ripe.

After finishing speaking, Uchiha Tetsu took Madara out.

As soon as he went out, Uchiha Madara couldn't wait to talk to Zhe: "Zhe, what should we do, Hashirama is from the Senju clan."


Uchiha Tetsu turned his head to look at Uchiha Madara:

"Madara, don't deceive yourself. You should have already guessed that Hashirama is a member of the Senshou clan. Besides the eldest son of the Senshou clan, who else can compete with you at the same age?"

Uchiha Madara sighed: "It would be great if our dreams are different from Hashirama's, then we can kill Hashirama with peace of mind."

Uchiha Tetsu comforted: "Fate will have its own destiny."

"In this world, we have to face one choice after another."

"Some choices may be because we have clear goals and directions, and the things we want to choose are just on our way, so we can easily complete the choice."

"Some choices may be caught in a dilemma because both sides are things that cannot be given up and cannot be easily given up."

"At this time, we can only choose the path that is relatively more inseparable."

"Madara, may you betray the Uchiha clan?"

Uchiha Madara replied with a lost expression: "I will be the patriarch in the future, and it is impossible to put down the entire Uchiha clan because of someone."

Uchiha Tetsu continued: "That's right. Let's bury this relationship deep in my heart for the time being."

"Tomorrow, when we see Hashirama, we are so, so, so and so."

Uchiha Madara looked down at his hand, the five fingers were so clear, every texture had its own direction, there were many textures extending and extending, they had to be interrupted, and after many twists and turns, it seemed that there was another A new texture picks up where the original left off, endlessly.

Uchiha Madara tightly clenched his five outstretched fingers, and carved his fingertips into the flesh to keep himself awake.

"we can only do this."

The next day, Madara and Tetsu went to the riverside where they met together with their heavy figures, Uchiha Tajima and Uchiha Izuna followed closely.

The intelligence systems of the Senshou Clan and the Uchiha Clan are very complete. If too many people go there, it will inevitably arouse the vigilance of the other party. It is better to have fewer people like this.

Soon, the small river that carried the first encounter of the three arrived.

Uchiha Tajima and Uchiha Quanna ambushed in a hidden place in the rear forest, ready to attack at any time.

Madara and Tetsu are on this side, Hashirama is on that side.

Some people say that the eyes are the windows of the soul, looking at each other's determined and confused eyes, for no reason, the three teenagers have such a feeling——

this relationship,


Only until today.

(End of this chapter)

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