The Old Philosopher of Ninja World

Chapter 26 Whirlpool Mito

Chapter 26 Whirlpool Mito

Uchiha Tetsu looked at Uzumaki Mito, she had been staring at him for tens of seconds now.

Uchiha Tetsu heard that the eyes are the most testing place for a person's soul. You can judge the other person's heart and soul by staring at it all the time.

Uchiha Tetsu didn't dodge, and kept looking into Uzumaki Mito's eyes. This was the first time that Uchiha Tetsu looked directly into a girl's eyes for such a long time, the sum of past and present lives.

"This should be the first female character in the original work I've seen, right?" Uchiha Tetsu thought.

"Uh, isn't it a little embarrassing to keep looking at each other, shouldn't there be some interesting plots?

For example. Love at first sight?
o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o Forget it, there are quite a few people who fall in love at first sight because they are attracted to each other.

It doesn't matter whether he (she) is a handsome guy or a beautiful woman, he just wants to be a body.

It should be said that the ancients still had culture.

It's better to be in love with each other for a long time. "

Uchiha Tetsu kept staring at Uzumaki Mito with big eyes, but his mind had already gone beyond the sky.

Uchiha Tetsu quickly suppressed his wandering thoughts, calmed himself down, and maintained a smile on his face.

"Uzumaki, Princess" Uchiha Tetsu originally wanted to call Uzumaki Mito, but suddenly realized that the person in front of him was far less familiar with him than he was with her.

"Just call me Mito," but Uzumaki Mito was keenly aware of the pause in Uchiha's words.

At the same time, she really doesn't like that outstanding peers or some of her elders call herself so strangely.

Of course, Uzumaki Mito also doesn't like some strangers, rude people or some unknown people who want to get close to call him by his name directly, it seems that the two parties are very familiar.

Perhaps this is a bit of a double standard.

But Uzumaki Mito believes that some things, such as some clan rules and clan systems, absolutely cannot be double-standarded, because they are rules, order, and a system that maintains stability, and no one is allowed to destroy it!

But some things, such as issues involving personal emotions and personal privacy, Mito thinks...

It would be strange not to have the so-called "double standard".

Some people are more important to themselves, more to protect and more to trust, and some people are indeed not that important.

A person's time cost and emotional cost are limited. If you share too much, the relationship with the more important person will unconsciously fade away, and the sincerity may disappear unconsciously.

"( )Okay, Mito." Uchiha Tetsu was not polite, as he could tell from the original book that he was not a bad person, he simply called out.

"You came to see me, what's the matter?" Uchiha Tetsu asked

"It's nothing, I just want to get acquainted with young talents of the same generation." Uzumaki Mito replied, and she actually thought so.

The seedlings of this generation of the major families are destined to grow into the towering trees of the next generation, and as the patriarch princess of the whirlpool clan, she must participate in family affairs before she gets married. Establishing a good relationship in advance is conducive to coping with the unpredictable Warring States situation.

To put it bluntly, the current generation of young geniuses of all races are real potential stocks.

With a character like myself, I would never passively wait for fate to come.

"Well, that's how it is." Uchiha Tetsu could also think of it.

Clausewitz mentioned in "On War" that the essence of war, the core of war is "integrity", and the core of the latter is people and interests. Although there may be no specific concept of the word "connection" in Hokage, but Long-term experience has allowed families to start the practice of this word.

And he belongs to the Uchiha clan, and the Uchiha clan is one of the two strongest families in the Warring States Period.

Maybe his own strength is not yet obvious, but Uchiha Tetsu has this self-confidence. Ten years later, the strategic value and strategic significance brought by making friends with himself are limitless.

And as a representative of the younger generation of the Uchiha clan, he has gathered the attention of all parties. In fact, after leaving the family, he is not allowed to make friends casually.

What he carries on his back is a family, not a single person.

If you want to make friends with this kind of person, one is to have the right stepping stone to prove your identity, and the other is to really meet the appetite of this kind of person.

And it so happened that Uzumaki Mito was satisfied——

The Uzumaki family is one of the four major families in the Warring States Period, and Uzumaki Mito is the eldest princess;

At the same time, Uzumaki Mito is one of the few familiar original characters of Uchiha Tetsu during the Warring States period, although there are not many scenes about her in the original work.

But Uchiha Tetsu remembered that when the last dozens of TV episodes were serialized, each episode had a scene of Uzumaki Mito holding a transparent crystal, so Uchiha Tetsu felt very familiar and kind to her.

Now, now that we're all honest, there's no need to pretend.

"Then, I have a question. There are so many young talents coming to the Land of Fire this time, why did you come to find me?"

Uchiha Tetsu asked knowingly, he guessed, because his personal charm is the best.

And the other people present are all like little kids who can't grow up, and girls are precocious earlier, and when they are young, they often secretly despise little boys of the same age, so, of course, they have to choose themselves, Tetsu Uchiha is very confident.

"Oh, it's really nothing, because you are the strongest elite Chunin. Others can't even catch one move from me, but you can catch one move from me."

Uzumaki Mito had a strange expression on her face, her perception was always very keen, combined with Uchiha Tetsu's confident movement of holding the teacup, she could hear the middle voice of Uchiha Tetsu's words.

However, if you want me to praise you, Mito, you are thinking of farting. . . . . .

Uchiha Tetsu's face froze slightly, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he immediately petrified.

"I can catch a move." Uchiha Tetsu was speechless

"Yes, I think too much, and now she doesn't know me yet."

Uzumaki Mito saw Uchiha Tetsu being stunned, and secretly laughed in his heart.

But she knew that she couldn't continue to make trouble, and it was good to make a joke with the person she just met, but if she made too many jokes, the taste would change.

Energizing the atmosphere, Uzumaki Mito knows that this is what he should do now. Most of the boys are dull men, and most of the ninjas of the Uchiha clan are martial idiots. With such a combination of the two, there is usually no time to communicate with outsiders.

It's okay within the family, it's just acquaintances laughing and playing casually, but once outside the family, they often don't know how to cut into the topic and communicate with outsiders.

At the same time, in order not to appear awkward, he always pretends to be paralyzed, indifferent and reticent.

In fact, after Mito's own observations, it seems that there are quite a few of them in all families. Because the main theme of the Warring States Period is fighting, strength has become the goal that everyone is chasing, thus ignoring other aspects. .

This is Uzumaki Mito's own observation. In her opinion, most ninjas don't realize this about themselves. If they are cold, they will be cold. Why do they talk so much in battle?

However, in fact, if you can get along with someone, relatively speaking, you will definitely get along more happily and have a closer relationship than those who can't get along. This is Uzumaki Mito's own friend making skills. In her opinion, it is especially useful to deal with such a kid of the same age.

When these people look back, I have become someone you can't let go of.

Of course, this kind of thing must exchange the sincerity for the sincerity, and it will have to pay a huge emotional cost. Most people, Uzumaki Mito, don't bother to get along with each other at all.

"Okay, okay, young master of the Uchiha family. Don't just sit here, do you understand that sitting for a long time hurts your body?"

Uzumaki Mito said familiarly.

"Come on, let's go out for a stroll, this is my first time as a ninja?"

While talking, Uzumaki Mito slowly got up.

"Me too"

Uchiha Tetsu also got up, sitting for a long time, his feet were a little numb.

On the other side, Uzumaki Mito remained motionless as if he had been cast with a hold spell.

"What's wrong with you?" Uchiha Tetsu asked curiously, why didn't you move?
Uzumaki Mito slowly turned his head, and said unrepentantly, "Num, my legs are numb."

It's not an act anymore, in fact.
This is also the first time Uzumaki Mito has come to actively find peers to play with, and he never thought that he would wait for such a long time

"emmmmmm" Tetsu Uchiha thought about it, she must have sat longer than herself, and her leg numbness was greater than her own, which is normal.

"What are you still doing in a daze! Come and help me!"

Uzumaki Mito yelled bitterly, does this person have no eyesight?

"Oh, help you, how can I help you?"

"Arm! Take my arm!"

"Oh, here we come."

The sky in the distance is pale, clear and vast, the birds are singing crisply, the wind is blowing the wind chimes hanging on the street, the air seems to be filled with a breath of youth, exuding an extremely attractive brilliance.

Although it is already winter, the sun is shining like a vibrant spring at this moment, and everything is wandering in its own time and space.

The two figures were limping towards the door. The clumsy boy was supporting the nimble girl. The boy was wearing a sky blue kimono as calm as water, and the girl was wearing a fiery red kimono as passionate as fire.

The two were laughing and playing as they walked, and the time seemed to have been frozen at the moment when the two walked out the door at the same time, like a bird in a cage finally found an intimate snuggle, like similar souls found each other, The initial collision begins.

In the year of the Warring States Period, everyone was just young.


 Thanks to a certain acquaintance for the reward, I want to say that I don’t reward the author if I don’t reward the author.
  Nice job.

  Thank you for the recommendation tickets of "The Emperor", "Lvmao" and "Wonderful Woman in the Wind" from the main website of the starting point

  Thank you for the recommendation tickets of "Falling Leaves Only Know Autumn", "Drunk Lonely Star", "Hearing the Past", "Tomorrow is better, maybe worse".

(End of this chapter)

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