Chapter 116
After the thunder calamity, Jinxia Cave no longer exists, and Yuquan Mountain can no longer be inhabited.

Master Yuding brought Li Gu to his secret base with a sad face.This is an extremely hidden cave, which is the place where he accepted Yang Jian as his apprentice in the play.

It is said that real Yuding discovered it by accident.Later, it became an excellent place for him to hide from his master when he was lazy.

In "The Prelude to the Lotus Lantern", he not only taught Yang Jian many fairy arts here, but also taught the tracking technique to Xiaotiangou, and taught "Splitting the God's Palm" to Humei (Xiaoyu's mother).

It's a pity that his own strength, alas, can't be described in words...

As soon as he sat on the futon, Master Yuding looked at Li Gu curiously and asked, "Teacher, what have you gained in the past ten years?"

Li Gu replied truthfully: "Returning to Master, I have gained a lot in the past ten years. It's just that I haven't fully understood most of the mysteries in the "Eighty Nine Mysterious Arts."

"How much you understand depends on your own understanding. I can't help you as a teacher." Master Yuding took off the brush from his head, and began to write vigorously again, not knowing what he was writing.

Li Gu knows that the real Yuding is a person who "only remembers but doesn't understand, and doesn't seek deep understanding".He can tell you what the content of the book is about, but he can't tell you what the content wants to express.

"Master, I don't have much time for this disciple, can I teach my disciple some martial arts for self-defense first?"

Li Gu's original plan was that it would be good to learn "Eight Nine Xuan Gong" in 16.Unexpectedly, there are six more years now, so naturally I still want to learn something.

Immortals also want to fight and fight, so naturally they need to learn martial arts.Although the martial arts of the gods seem similar to the martial arts of mortals, they are actually completely different.

After all, it involves the influence of many factors such as heaven and earth, infinite power, and immortality.If you really use mortal martial arts to practice for gods, I'm afraid it will be "acclimatized".

Of course, Li Gu didn't want to learn some boxing skills.Master Yuding also understood this point, he said with a smile: "Tell me, what kind of weapon do you want to learn? There are all here as a teacher."

Li Gu had thought about it a long time ago, and said without hesitation: "Return to Master. This disciple wants to learn archery."

"Bow?" Master Yuding hesitated, "You want to learn archery? No, no, no. There are many immortals and gods who are good at archery, but there are almost none who are experts. The weakness is too obvious. Once the enemy gets close, you will not be able to do it." Have the power to fight back."

Li Gu knelt down: "I also ask Master to complete it."

She already has a "warrior" body, and a "mage" body, and now she is short of a "shooter"!According to her many years of game experience, if these three professions cooperate properly, they can display strength beyond imagination.

Master Yuding couldn't control her, and sighed: "That's fine. However, I don't have any skills in this area, so I can only give you a painting."

He pointed at Li Gu, and another ray of golden light flew out from between his fingers and shot into his forehead.

A hallucination suddenly appeared in Li Gu's mind: scorched earth was everywhere, corpses were strewn across the field, a man crawled out from the pile of corpses, it was a man whose face could not be seen clearly...he picked up the bow and arrow left on the ground, Then draw the bow and shoot the sun? !There are ten suns in the sky?This man is Hou Yi!
Li Gu watched this legendary scene with relish, nine arrows fired in succession, and nine days fell.Then the illusion dissipated, but she was not satisfied and was about to watch it again.

But he was woken up by Master Yuding, "Disciple, haste makes waste."

Li Gu came back to his senses and suddenly felt a tingling pain between his fingers.Raising his hand, he saw that there were many scratches on the bloody fingers, and the bones could be seen deep, as if cut open by a bowstring.

Fortunately, Daoist Yuding woke her up by patting her, otherwise she might not be able to keep her fingers if she watched the phantom again.

"Master, is that really the scene of Hou Yi shooting the sun?" Li Gu couldn't help asking.

How could Master Yuding know this? "I don't know. I just took a peek at this portrait at your master's place. Now I'm just sharing this memory with you."

With the help of "Eight Nine Xuan Gong" and the Holy Spirit Stone, the injuries on Li Gu's fingers healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Li Gu looked at her hands, obviously she had never held a bow or drawn a bowstring.Now he has incomparable self-confidence and can walk through Yang with a hundred steps.It seems that instead of looking at a painting, she has a part of Hou Yi's penance.

Li Gu couldn't help it, and then sat down cross-legged.In my mind, visualize Hou Yi shooting the sun again.After one pass, the fingers were cut bloody again.

In one breath, the fingers healed again... It took only three days to repeat this cycle, and Li Gu firmly remembered this picture of Houyi shooting the sun.However, it is no longer possible to improve by visualizing it.

The picture of Houyi shooting the sun in Yuding's memory is still very vague, so Li Gu guessed that only by getting the original of this picture can he make progress again.

He interrupted Daoist Yuding who was writing furiously, "Master, I have already digested the map of Houyi shooting the sun that you shared, but the illusion is blurred... I think, can you take me to see the original?" ?”

Master Yuding stopped writing, "Did you digest it so quickly? Well, your comprehension is good. However, you, a disciple of the third generation, cannot enter the forbidden area of ​​Kunlun."

Kunlun again?But this Kunlun is not that Kunlun. The Kunlun in "Soul Ferry" is just a few powerful gods, but the Kunlun of this plane has the saint Yuanshi Tianzun.

saint realm.Li Gu can be slapped to death with just one slap, I can't afford to provoke...

"Why not, Master. You go and have a look, this time carefully, and then share it with me when you come back." Li Gu smiled.

Reverend Yuding laughed and said, "Your little abacus is shrewd. Forget it, I will go this trip for you as a teacher..."

Li Gu was overjoyed, "Thank you, Master, for your love!"

"Hey, don't rush to be happy." Master Yuding wrote with a serious look on his face, "Tell me first, who is your senior brother Yang Jian secretly in love with? Why is Tianpeng drunk and causing trouble? Why did the Jade Emperor secretly go to Guanghan Palace? Why are the Queen Mother's clothes so frequently stolen?"

Li Gu was stunned, these words she said casually ten years ago were firmly remembered by Master Yuding.

There is no way, Li Gu can only recall the plot of "The Legend of the Lotus Lantern", and will tell the story in detail.As for the matter of the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother, it can only be made up.

Daoist Yuding was addicted to it and couldn't stop.The brush in his hand quickly recorded the story Li Gu told, and he was still muttering: "It's so incisive, I have to write it down."

After telling the story, Li Gu waited for Master Yuding to finish writing.Asked: "Master, when are you going to leave?"

Master Yuding put the brush back on his head, "Don't worry. I'll go right away as a teacher..." After finishing speaking, he got up and left the cave.

"Wait." He turned back again and asked: "Disciple, I'm afraid it will take a few years to go as a teacher. Why don't I teach you another trick before I leave."

How many years will it last?Are you traveling?Li Gu looked at him speechlessly: "Master, you should come back early. Just go to see a painting, how many years will it take?"

Daoist Yuding glanced at her, "Disciple, your master ancestor is hard to see. Even if you go to the Kunlun forbidden area now as a master, you are not completely sure that you will be able to see her. A few years is already a long time."

A few years, um, if Master Yuding can come back within six years, I can still wait for him.Otherwise, you have to participate in the plot first.

"Master just said, what do you want to teach me?" Li Gu asked.

Reverend Yuding stroked his beard, "After pondering for a while as a teacher, I still think it's not right. Disciple, let's practice some other weapons. This bow technique really can't defend yourself."

Li Gu also knows that archery has great hidden dangers, but he can't eat too much.If I practice another weapon, I am afraid that the progress of archery will be delayed...

Wait, she suddenly thought of a relatively easy to practice and very powerful exercise.Its record scares people to death when it is spoken out, and beats Erlang God Yang Jian to the ground!Sun Wukong who overturned this plane!
"Master, why don't you teach me the Divine Splitting Palm?"

(End of this chapter)

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