Pokemon Poor

Chapter 66 Trafficking

Chapter 66 Trafficking
"Bah! Bah!!" The supersonic bat, who was bound tightly by the thorny vines, felt very painful!

The energy in the body was still slowly draining, and it was struggling desperately.

"Don't waste time, Bobo, try to attack the bound supersonic bat with a flash of lightning."

The supersonic bat has been tied up for a short time, and Tianci feels that it can play its last role and serve as a target for Bobo.

"Bobo!" Bobo, who stopped in mid-air, didn't make a move after the horn bud was tied up. At this time, the sense of loss of strength caused by using the flash of lightning before had long passed.

"Whew!" Feeling the inheritance in the blood, and having used it once before, Bobo flashed past in the air soon.

"Bang!" The supersonic bat was knocked out and fell to the ground, losing its ability to fight.

"Well, it seems that with a little more training, it can be used as a regular skill." Tian Ci looked at Bobo's performance and nodded secretly.

After all, the flash of lightning is actually just a sudden increase in speed during the impact.

In essence, it mobilizes the energy of the general system, and uses the collision of the body to attack the opponent.

So Bobo's move can be used as soon as he learns it. Of course, it needs to be brewed and familiarized with it without training.

I believe that Bobo can be used at any time after training for half a day.

"Okay, let's subdue the supersonic bat first. Flying elves will accept them regardless of their aptitude."

"Trumpet buds, hypnotic powder first"

"Shushasha!" The trumpet bud released a large amount of powder and poured it into the supersonic bat.

"呵~呵~" Soon the supersonic bat fell asleep.

"Boom!" A blank poke ball was precisely thrown on the supersonic bat's head, a red light flashed, and it was received into the poke ball.

"Crack" the elf ball was quickly broken into two halves, and the supersonic bat, which was still sleeping, lay on the grass again.

"md! So ignorant! Come again" another elf ball was thrown in the past.

Tian Ci had to complain about the efficiency of ordinary Pokéballs. He was seriously injured and fell asleep. This kind of common Pokémon could not be subdued by a single Poké Ball!
You must know that when he played GBA in his previous life, in this supersonic bat sleeping state, basically a poke ball was enough.

"Crack!" This time, the sound of locking came very quickly.

"Moo(_)" Trumpet immediately picked up the poke ball with the vines and handed it to Tian Ci.

"Well, Trumpet Bud really has eyesight!" Tian Ci praised, put the Poké Ball back into his backpack, and prepared to sell it on the black market with the little Lada in the morning.

As for why you don't go to the Elf's House, didn't you say it before, a small amount is bought with a 8% discount,
And going to the black market can definitely sell more than 1 to 2 yuan. Although the money is definitely not enough for elf supplies, it can buy a lot of things for him.

"It's almost 8 o'clock now, and the city gate closes at 9:[-], so let's go back, hunt if we find anything, and go home if we don't."

Tian Ci glanced at his watch and decided to go back.

As for what the previous guard said, if it was too late, he would secretly open a door for him, so just listen to it.

He didn't believe that for him, these guards would risk being punished to open the door.

Tian Ci, who wanted to evacuate, only ran into three walking weeds on the way back.

Under the siege of Horn Bud's assistance and Bobo's main attack, these three weak walking grasses quickly became trophies in the backpack.

The only pity is that the trumpet bud was injured. After all, the walking grass will comprehend the solution in the middle of its new life, and the three sprayed the solution together on the trumpet bud, which still hit the non-flying trumpet bud.

Fortunately, the poisonous property in Trumpet Bud's body was quite strong, and it was only slightly touched.

So after Tianci sprayed the wound medicine once, there are basically no traces on the brown stems of the trumpet buds.

After that, the three who cleaned up the battlefield returned to the small town without incident.

"It's 8:40 now, the black market should still be open, sell these two first, go home and sleep."

Tian Ci skillfully found the entrance of the black market, and after paying the entrance fee, he walked into the black market.

Different from the cautious look before, this time Tian Ci is walking around the black market in an upright manner.

He found that the elves traded on the black market are basically untamed, and buyers need to spend time to tame the elves.

This step is not difficult to say, because as long as you enter your information on the poke ball, the elves in the poke ball will have a good impression and trust in you.

Then you can slowly cultivate your relationship with the initial favorability. The main reason is that it takes time. Generally, as long as the trainer is not trying to kill himself, you can successfully tame it.

Therefore, although the sales price of the elves on the black market is higher than the 8% discount price of the elves' house, it is actually limited.

He also heard that there is a kind of friend ball in the elf ball, which can greatly increase the elf's favorability with the trainer, and it can be used basically by subduing it!

However, the corresponding price is also much more expensive, unless it is to catch precious elves, it is not worth it at all.

When he was still at the Sanren's booth, he saw a leaf crystal that was bigger than that in the grocery store, and the price was only 6 yuan. For a moment, his heart was moved.

"Moo moo!" But the horn bud's reaction stopped Tianji, it said that the energy inside seemed to be not as good as the previous one.

So in this black market, the sale and purchase of this kind of elf props is not guaranteed. You have misjudged yourself. If you can find someone who is stronger than him, then you can get justice!
But if you can't find anyone, or if your strength is weak after all, then you can only suffer this loss!
So he decided to go to the grocery store to buy it in the future. After all, he is a relative at the gymnasium level, so he won't cheat people, and the price is fair.

After wandering around, Tianji came to a relatively large shop selling elves.

Entered the door in a bland manner, there was no welcome, and there were no beautiful shopping guides.Only one male waiter came over.

After learning about Tian Ci's purpose, he just pointed to the window behind and went back.

"Hey ╯﹏╰Why can't you learn from the Elf House, or you will be robbed of business." Tian Ci complained in his heart.

Of course, he also knew that this was impossible, and the purchase price would be higher than that of the Elf House, so there would definitely be trainers who didn't care about the quality of service, only cared about the money, such as himself.

However, what was more surprising was that when it was Tian Ci's turn, he found that this was also a transparent measurement qualification. Maybe this is the reason why it can grow in the black market.

"The supersonic bat is ordinary and low, and the small Lada is ordinary and medium. Our price here is 1 for the supersonic bat and 7 for the small Lada. If it is acceptable, we will trade it immediately."

The person sitting in the window quoted the price blankly.

"The Supersonic Bat is 1000 higher because of the flying system. After all, it was a common elf in the little Lada, so it was only 500 higher."

Tian Ci was calculating the price in his heart, and finally nodded.

Although setting up a stall by himself might sell for more, but after a day of hunting, he didn't want to bother.

"Ding!" Soon there was a message on his mobile phone that 3 yuan had been credited to the bank card, and the remaining 300 yuan was for cash, which can be used as petty expenses.

Then I quickly sold the walking grass and unicorn insect materials that I hunted tonight, and got another 5600 cash.

Calculated in this way, he has 13 in his card and about 1 on his body.

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(End of this chapter)

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