Pokemon Poor

Chapter 63 Another Battle and Accident

Chapter 63 Another Battle and Accident

"Well, it's indeed the trumpet bud that I cultivated by myself." Tian Ci, who was secretly observing this scene, nodded.

Originally, he was still a little worried, whether Bobo would resist the first killer or something, after all, he grew up in the cultivation room.

Now it seems that Trumpet Bud is still fooling around, no!It should be said that the leadership is quite good.

"Boom!" After killing a few little Ladas and green caterpillars, Bobo's eyes and demeanor seemed to have changed in Tian Ci's eyes.

If Bobo was obedient and positive like a good student on campus before, then Bobo with blood on his hands has awakened the wildness deep in his veins!
Soon, the green caterpillar and little Lada lying on the ground closed their eyes forever, Tian Ci began to quickly deal with the spoils, while Bobo and Trumpet Bud began to guard their surroundings.

"Hey ╯﹏╰ why don't you accept the little Lada with ordinary low-level qualifications? Isn't the fighting power quite strong?"

Tian Ci lamented that he had lost a lot of money while dealing with the little Lada's body.

When he went to exchange for purchases before, he had already asked clearly. Generally, the Elf House with low qualifications would not accept them, and the shops in the black market generally would not accept them either.

Of course, those with special functions like supersonic bats can fly, so they will be accepted.

In Tian Ci's view, it is actually to see if there is any additional value.

Although Little Lada is considered strong, he is only considered strong at the rookie stage, and he can still rank high in the outer forest.

After breaking through and becoming an ordinary-level trainer, entering the inner circle of the forest, there will be more types of elves, and little Lada is just one of the food for many elves.

"However, the aptitude of this little Lada leader will not be inferior no matter what." Tian Ci finally cleaned up, released the little Lada leader, sprayed some wound medicine, and checked it.

He felt that it should be an ordinary middle-level qualification, and it should be impossible for an ordinary upper class. The front teeth of the little Lada he gave Uncle Sam before were obviously better developed than this one.

"But it's not bad, it's 1 if you sell it to the Elf House."

Tian Ci happily put the poke ball back, and started the next round of target selection.

"Bobo, please check the situation in the next four weeks."

Because after two rounds of fighting, it took a lot of time, so I still need to investigate again.

He guessed that the nearby elves could not have heard the movement, and they should have hidden farther away. This is the result of the guards' wreaking havoc on the periphery for the past two days!
Otherwise, with such a strong smell of blood, how could there be no elves to attack it!

After spending a lot more time than the first investigation, Bobo finally came back.

"Bo? Bobo" it stood on Tianji's shoulder and began to talk about his discovery.

As expected, all the elves found before have detoured, bypassing this bloody place.

Now the closest to them is the team of 5 little Radas, but the distance is quite far.

"Okay, then let's go find these little Ladas."

"moo moo(_)"

Trumpet Bud was very excited when he heard it. When he and Tian Ci met more than two little Ladas before, they always walked around.

Now that they have new companions, this group of speed elves has also become their hunting targets.

As we walked, the sun reached the top of people's heads without knowing it.

"It's already noon." Tian Ci looked at his watch and found that it was already 11 o'clock.

"Bobo!" Bobo, who was looking for traces ahead, just flew back at this time, indicating that the group of little Ladas were no longer moving, and they seemed to be resting because of the strong sun at noon.

"Okay, Bobo, Trumpet Bud, we'll still use the powder-sprinkling tactic! We'll take a rest after finishing this job."

"Come on, let's all eat a piece of worm meat first, replenish our strength, and then attack." Tian Ci took out two pieces of unicorn worm meat from his backpack and handed them to Bobo and Trumpet Yam.

The two little ones "Bo ω" and "Moo ω" were already a little hungry, after all, they had used their tricks intensively in the previous two rounds.

Trumpet bud is actually okay, it is stronger and has a blood pack at the end to use absorption to restore its own energy.

But Bobo has been flying as a scout, and has used the wind several times. It can be said that the energy is already below half.

But Tian Ci didn't mention rest, and they can still survive, so he didn't mention that in this dangerous wilderness, the trainer's order is the most important.

"Come on, Bobo, you are eating a piece! I'm sorry Bobo, I forgot that you don't have a move to restore your own energy"

Tian Ci saw that Bobo was a bit gobbled up, and he finished eating in one go, so he knew he was negligent.

So he immediately took out a bigger piece and put it in front of Bobo.

"Bobo~Bobo(`)**" Bobo looked at the bigger worm meat, and felt that he was very happy, having met a caring trainer.

Soon, Hornbud and Bobo, who had replenished their energy, began to lurk forward.

After reaching the best powdering point, first use the hypnotic powder to open the way and reduce the nervous response of the little Lada.This is followed by poison powder to reduce their physical responses.

After this set, the combat power of the 5 little Ladas has obviously dropped by several layers.

"Okay, come on Bobo, use the wind to suppress them,

Trumpet buds, whip them with the Whip of Thorns when you see the opportunity! "

Seeing that the tactics were working, Tianji immediately issued an order for the next step.

"Huhu~huh" The strong gust of wind instantly blew towards the five little Ladas.

"Pu la da, pu la da" But this time little Lada's response was a bit beyond his imagination.

I saw three little Radhas yelled, and forcibly used lightning flashes to escape by the wind!
"Wk, you're so smart, Horn Bud can quickly solve these two problems."

"Moo Moo!" It was noon, and the trumpet buds that had grown had been used in advance, and the whip of thorns that had reached the normal level of attack power was slammed on the two little Ladas who were abandoned.

"Puff! Puff!" The two little Ladas who were beaten to the ground screamed.

"Bobo, use the impact and kill them!"

"Boom!" Without giving them a chance to breathe, Bobo immediately used the impact.

"Boom! Boom!" The two little Ladas were already at the end of their strength, and after receiving the impact, they both lost their fighting ability.

"Hurry up, Bobo, fly up and chase after him, the little Lada has been poisoned, and you can't run far if you use a flash of lightning.

If you find it, you have been using the wind to attack it from a distance in the sky, remember not to get close to the little Lada. "

Seeing the two little Ladas that had fallen to the ground, Tian Ci hurriedly asked Bobo to chase the one that escaped just now.

He had seen before that the three little Ladas ran away in two directions, and he and Trumpet Ya would stay here to deal with the spoils.

As Bobo's first hunting, it's better to go after one safely. As long as Bobo obeys his orders, he should be able to bring that little Lada back.

"Boom!" Bobo agreed, and flew towards the direction where little Lada was escaping.

"Bobo, whether you catch him or not, you'll be back in 10 minutes or so, be careful," Tian Ci shouted again, worried.

"Bobo!" Bobo replied confidently.

"Sure enough, you can't underestimate any elf."

Tianji, who started to deal with the loot, couldn't help shaking his head and gave a wry smile when he thought of the little Lada who had escaped with the help of the wind just now.

 Thanks to Fairy Mengwei, book friend 160825111239290 for the reward

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  It's the first time for a new author to write a book. It takes 4000 to 3 hours to write more than 4 words in two chapters every day. I would rather sleep less than be a beast. Thank you everyone!

  PS: In the future, the codeword will be updated soon,

(End of this chapter)

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