Pokemon Poor

Chapter 57 Qualifications

Chapter 57 Qualifications
"It's only 7:40 a.m., so let's finish today's work and go to the Elf's House."

After Tian Ci came out of the villa area, he glanced at the electronic watch on his wrist. He felt that the time was still early, and he planned to see the results today.

"Let's go, Horn Ya, our hard work in the past few days will bear fruit"

"Moo (●—●)" Trumpet bud echoed, and followed.

Soon, Tian Ci and Trumpet Ya came to the elf's house.

Looking at the huge store, and looking at the brightly dressed shopping guides inside, he felt that the biggest elves businessman was indeed the Alliance.

What kind of elf hunter group, black market controller, are just younger brothers in front of the elf family.

After all, the Elf House legally sells all kinds of elves for a long time. I heard that there were pure dragon elves cubs in the auctions in the past few years.

"Welcome to the house of elves!" As soon as he walked in, the welcoming ladies on both sides bent down and greeted softly.

"Enen" looked at the well-dressed shopping guide, and looked at the magnificent exhibition hall on the first floor, he was still a little nervous!

After all, he had never been in such a high-end shop in his two lifetimes. In order not to lose face, he could only nod his head indifferently.

"Hello, guest, welcome to the Elf House again! I am the shopping guide of the Elf House. I would like to ask you, what service do you need?"

Perhaps it was because Tian Ci was here for the first time, so soon a shopping guide with a pure face and a good figure came to him and asked softly.

"Look! Look! Sure enough, it can't be compared with the shops on the black market. It's worthy of being an alliance, and worthy of being the number one elf dealer. The quality of this service is nothing to say."

Looking at this high-quality shopping guide, Tian Ci couldn't help thinking of the waiter he met when he was gambling on the black market,

It makes sense to find that the alliance can become bigger and stronger in this area. At least the service attitude is similar to those of the high-end luxury brand shopping guides in the previous life, and they are all professionally trained.

"Cough, hello! I'm here to sell elves, flying type" Tian Ci touched his nose and said.

"Thank you for trusting the Elf House. The recovery elf is at the identification office on the second floor. Please come with me." After speaking, the shopping guide made a gesture of please go upstairs.

"Okay, okay, trouble."

He followed the shopping guide lady all the way, looking at the dazzling array of elf eggs on the first floor, and the elf placement area placed by attributes, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart

"The value of the first floor alone is enough for me to be promoted all the way to the elite level, what a big dog!

If anyone can snatch the elf house, then the elite is really in sight, and the gym is not impossible! "

Looking at the elf eggs and the newborn elves that represent huge wealth, he is full of money at this moment, and he doesn't pay attention to the figure of the shopping guide in front of him, whether he is beautiful or not.

"Sir, if we want to recycle the elves, we need to conduct a qualification appraisal first. You can sit here and wait for a while. Would you like something to drink?"

Soon, she came to the identification area on the second floor, looked at the windows that were still queuing up, and took Tian Ci to the rest area.

"Uh...any kind of soft drink"

After hearing the answer, the shopping guide immediately went to the nearby tea room to get a bottle of soda and came to Tian Ci.

"Your soda, please wait for a while, I have already registered for you just now, and there will be a ringtone to inform you where to go for the qualification appraisal!"

After speaking, the shopping guide handed a number plate to Tian Ci, then bent down and walked out.

"No wonder, many people are willing to come to the Elf House to buy elves even if they know that the price is relatively high. This service is coupled with the alliance guarantee!"

Tian Ci, who was sitting on the sofa, also gained knowledge tonight, he had never been served so meticulously before.


"Momo ω" because of the alliance's regulations, the trumpet bud that can only stay in the poke ball kept shaking the poke ball, expressing that he was also surprised, feeling that this place is more beautiful than the villa he went to before, and there are many other Spirit breath.


"It's already 8:20. The business of the Elf House is really good. I heard that it closes at 10 pm."

Tian Ci glanced at his watch, and quickly walked towards window No. [-].

"Hello, welcome to the Elf's House! This guest, please put the elves you want to sell on the tray." As he spoke, the appraiser sitting in the glass politely handed over a tray.

"Okay" Tian Ci took out 4 poke balls from his backpack, which were two supersonic bats, a sparrow, and a bobo.

Yes, this Bobo is his payment from Uncle Sam.

In the end, he chose to take a gamble for the handsome Bi Diao. The average value of Bobo with medium qualifications is 6, while the value of Sparrow with the same qualification is 7.

If calculated according to the 8% discount purchase price of the Elf House, Bobo is 4 yuan, and the sparrow is 8 yuan. The price difference of 5 yuan is not a big amount in his opinion, so he decided Bet once.

"Okay, thank you for trusting the Elf House, please rest assured that our inspection process will be carried out in all directions in your vision."

After finishing speaking, the appraiser put 4 elf balls into the machine next to him one by one.

"It seems that there is still a reason for the dominance of the Elf House!" Looking at the Poké Ball that was being tested right in front of his eyes, Tian Ci nodded mentally and felt relieved.

As far as he knew, there were places in the black market where qualifications could be assessed for free, but they were not seen at all.

In case a bag is dropped and it is on the black market, you can't justify it.

"Dididi" With the operation of the machine, the words "being tested" began to appear on the upper display.

"The aptitude must be good, even if you don't have good aptitude, you can give me an ordinary high-end one." Tian Ci stared at the monitor in front of him intently, and began to pray to God and Buddha in his heart.

Soon the machine stopped running, "Drip!" With a beep, the monitor in front of Tian Ci began to display the qualifications of the four elves.

① Name: Supersonic Bat

Attribute: Poison/Flying
Qualification: average

②Name: Supersonic Bat

Attribute: Poison/Flying
Qualification: ordinary inferior

"Sure enough, the supersonic bat still disappointed me, alas╯﹏╰There are so many bats in the forest cave after all, and there is also a normal medium bat that is also a consolation prize.

Fortunately, I sold the news to Uncle Sam, otherwise I guess I can only catch two supersonic bats in the past two days."

Looking at the qualification display on the first page, although Tian Ci was a little disappointed, it was also expected, and he was also a little grateful for his decision to sell news. He touched his hand and began to click on the next page.

③Name: Sparrow
Attribute: Normal/Flying
Qualification: ordinary and superior

④Name: Bobo
Attribute: Normal/Flying
Qualification: ordinary and superior

"This! This! I won the lottery, hahaha" Tian Ci was a little surprised when he saw the two elves with ordinary high-level qualifications, and couldn't help laughing.

Fortunately, the service of the Elf House is really good, and each window is a soundproof cubicle.

"Congratulations! Congratulations! This guest, this is your Poké Ball, please take it well. Do you want to buy it or sell it?"

Maybe it was because Tian Ci was here for the first time and the trainer level was not high, the appraiser casually mentioned it.

After all, as elf appraisers, in fact, what they really want to pay attention to is the guests themselves, and elf qualifications will be appraised by machines.

 Thanks to book friend Ken Jake, shit shovel officer of shiitake mushrooms, Donghai Desert, 20200129200127012 for the reward, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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