Pokemon Poor

Chapter 49 Picking up leaks?

Chapter 49 Picking up leaks?

"Trumpet Ya, you don't need to lurk so close this time, as long as your hypnotic powder can affect them." Tian Ci pointed to the 7 green caterpillars with a clear division of labor ahead, and decided to let Trumpet Ya try.

After all, it was already afternoon, and too much time was wasted this day to find the single flying elf.

They only killed 10 bugs, 5 green caterpillars, and 5 unicorns. The total income was less than 1 yuan, and the repellent spray and wound medicine were almost used up.

"Shushasha~" Just in the afternoon, there was a breeze, and the clever Trumpet Bud ran to the downwind of this group of green caterpillars, and began to sprinkle a lot of hypnotic powder.

"Woo~ woo~" After a while, the two green caterpillars who were on guard became dizzy and didn't make a sound.

"Shushasha~" Trumpet buds continue to increase the amount of powder
"Woo~ woo! woo!" The rest of them also felt dizzy, and to a lesser extent, they began to yell loudly, hoping to wake up themselves and their companions.

"Hoo! Shoo! Shoo!" It's a pity that they didn't yell a few times, and a few throwing knives stuck with hypnotic powder were inserted into their bodies.

This group of green caterpillars who were not in good condition soon filled Tian Ci's backpack.

"Sure enough, the green caterpillar is the best to deal with. It has no poisonous attribute, so it has no resistance bonus! It is easier to deal with."

"You really deserve to be a friend of the novice trainer! The forest food storage warehouse!"

Tian Ci neatly cleaned up the battlefield, and couldn't help admiring the green caterpillars.

If there are 7 unicorns, even if they are in the wind, they will not be hypnotized so quickly, let alone the unicorns have long-distance attack methods, poisonous needles!

After tidying up, Tian Ci shook the repellent spray in his hand, feeling that he would not need it twice.

After all, there is still an air threat on the periphery, and the weak elves are starting to report to the group on a large scale. If another group of elves are attracted, it will be very difficult to be attacked by surprise!
"Trumpet Ya, we are looking for bird elves, even if two Bobos are together this time, let's try."

"Moo Moo" Horn Ya nodded, anyway, I will do whatever Tian Ci says.

He planned to look for it again, try it, and then go back to the town to replenish the wound medicine and repellent spray, otherwise it would be useless at night.

"Jie~jie!" Horn Ya, who was searching, suddenly heard a scream, and hurriedly pulled the corner of Tian Ci's clothes next to him.

"Huh? What's the matter, Trumpet Ya?" Tian Ci asked suspiciously.

After all, the natural and extraordinary trumpet buds have crushed Tianji in every quality, and hearing must be included.

"Moo, woo~jie~" Horn Ya tried hard to make that cry

"Hahaha, Trumpet Bud, I know it's a sparrow, let's sneak over and have a look, maybe we can catch it!"

Seeing Horn Ya trying his best to imitate, Tian Ci laughed, and then calmed down to feel the emotional feedback of Trump Horn Ya.

He found that the trumpet bud was to express the scream of a bird, and the pronunciation should be a sparrow!He couldn't help but move his mind to be a fisherman, so he called on the trumpet bud and sneaked forward.

The sparrow seemed to stop screaming after two screams, and Tian Ci could only follow the direction guided by the trumpet bud.

On the way, I was very lucky to meet 4 unicorns, but Tianji, who was so worried about the sparrow, didn't make a move, just went around.

"Well, let me have a look." After having penetrated a certain distance, Tian Ci picked up the binoculars and searched around.

"Where is it? It won't be killed by other elves, right? Or was it captured by other trainers!"

"If it was another trainer, then the news would have leaked!"

Tian Ci, who couldn't find a trace of the sparrow, was churning with mixed thoughts in his heart.

"Here! I found it." A sparrow was on a branch, with two teeth marks on its thigh, and black blood flowing out.

"This should be bitten by the Abo snake!"

"It should have been lucky enough to escape from the sneak attack, and then the snake venom took effect after only flying for a while, so I can only rest here to detoxify!"

Tian Ci deduced what happened to this sparrow from the bottom of his heart, and it should be almost like this.

"It's a good thing we didn't fight those 4 unicorns, otherwise this sparrow would have flown away." Through the binoculars, Tian Ci saw that the blood from the sparrow's wound was no longer pure black, and couldn't help but sighed.

After being poisoned by elves without detoxification fruit in the wild, they can only rely on bleeding to detoxify, and then rely on their own extraordinary physique to resist.

Of course, such a large amount of bloodshed must find a hidden place, or find a companion to guard it, otherwise the smell of blood will definitely attract another group of predators.

"There should be no other way for this sparrow. The snake's venom is too fast, so I can only find a higher branch." Looking around carefully, Tian Ci, who found no other sparrows, said it was lucky.

"Hey! You got poisoned by the snake and bled profusely. Let's see how you can hide from my oriole!" Tian Ci took out his fowling gun and let Trumpet Bud hide in the past.

"Moomoo, moomoo|ω)" Horn Bud heard that there was a bargain to pick up, his eyes lit up and he moved forward quickly.

Perhaps because of its weakness, the sparrow didn't look at the ground at all, but only looked around the branches.

Maybe it thinks that unicorns, green caterpillars, and little Radha, such flightless elves, will not threaten itself on the branches.

"Bang! Bang!" Seeing the trumpet buds that were already very close, Tian Ci took aim and fired three consecutive shots.

Through the experience of Bobo and the supersonic bat, he already understood that to deal with these flying elves, he must go all out from the beginning.

Even if this sparrow looks weak and might be able to catch it with one shot, he will make this possibility into a certainty!
"Jie! Jie~" Sure enough, the sparrow didn't even dodge the first shot, it might have sensed it, but its weak body made it impossible to dodge, and it was covered by the silk net that formed instantly.

"Hoo! Shoo!" Bearing in mind Tian Ci's instructions, the trumpet bud quickly pulled down the silk thread with a rattan whip.


"Jie!" There was only one scream in the net, and the sparrow was hypnotized by a large amount of hypnotic powder.

"Okay, let's spray the repellent spray first!" Tian Ci couldn't help but smile when he saw the sparrow that had fallen into a deep sleep. Of course, he was cautious and sprayed the repellent spray around.

"Go, Poké Ball!" With a word in his heart, Tian Ci quickly threw out the Poké Ball.

"Boom!" After a flash of red light, the poke ball began to shake violently.

"Bang!" The elf ball finally cracked, and the sparrow, who was still sleeping, appeared intact in front of Tian Ci, which meant that the contract had failed.

"Originally, I thought that the sparrow after poisoning and bleeding would no longer need to use absorption. It seems that the sparrow is indeed a sparrow, and its personality is really strong. My 500 yuan!"

Tian Ci looked at the poke ball that was split in two with heartache. This was caused by the failure of the spiritual contract and the breakage of the runes.

Of course, if it is broken into countless pieces, it is because the elves rely on their physical body to break it.

"Trumpet buds, use hypnotic powder again, and then use a tight band to absorb more! I don't believe it, this can't subdue you."

(End of this chapter)

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