Pokemon Poor

Chapter 475 West Dragon King

Chapter 475 West Dragon King

"Kamei~ Kamao!" Many human trainers have come to the sea area around us. The weakest are ordinary-level and high-level trainers. There are not a few elite-level ones.

A water arrow turtle in the middle of the gymnasium level, talking loudly about his recent discovery, even showed a little fear on his face.

It knows the status of its own race in the eyes of human beings. Although it will not be in danger of life after being caught, it must be kept in captivity like those of the same race in previous years. It is like a stallion and will be born for generations. Sun are enslaved!
So it is afraid, fear!
"Yo yo ~ yo boo!" Brother Blastoise was right. The children under my hands also found that near the territory of our fast-swimming frogs, there were high-level human trainers passing by one after another, and even sensed the king-level monsters. fluctuation!
For the fear of the water arrow tortoise, the fast-swimming frog next door felt the same way. When he said the king-level, he even trembled!
He was the one who found out that Heavenly King-level powerhouse.

Mosquito-repellent tadpoles are already numerous and easy to reproduce, so they are perfect for gathering information.

After the clansmen told him the situation, the leader of the fast-swimming frog originally thought that he would be able to find out the truth with his high-level strength in the gymnasium, but he didn't expect that he had just entered the human forward team, and a king-level king The water fluctuations severely injured it.

If it weren't for the same water attribute, stronger resistance, and a deeper shallow water level, it might not be able to come back!
"Helu~helu~" Yes, yes, those humans seem to be attacking again, what should we do!

"Ya Dong~ Ya Dong!" I heard that humans like to eat the tails of our dumb beasts the most, we don't want to be eaten

"Cool cough~ cool cough!" They also like to eat steamed crabs, and they like to eat the pincers of our big claw crab family, it's terrible!

Feeling the emotions of water arrow turtles and fast-swimming frogs, the leaders of other ethnic groups who have no kings also panicked one by one. The stinging jellyfish, the dumb hippopotamus, and the giant claw crab only have gym-level low-level strength. The bottom leaders all have mournful faces.

Seeing that the mood was getting worse and worse, finally the leader of the large group in front of the row spoke up.

"Roar~ Roar~" A bunch of trash, what are you afraid of? If humans dare to come, we will leave them all behind. The supplies in human backpacks are all good things. We Gyarados are not afraid!
A huge Gyaradosaurus exuding a heavenly king-level aura said with a fierce look.

"La Qi! La Qi!" That's right, what are you afraid of, the iron fists of our giant marsh monsters can smash the heads of human dogs!

After the Gyarados expressed its position, the leader of the giant marsh monster on the opposite side also waved a favorable fist, and the fluctuations of a king-level body were not weaker than others!
"Lapp ~ Lapu ~" Although our Chenglong clan has a gentle temperament, if they humans really want to break the tacit agreement and invade our homeland, then we will accompany us to the end!
Hearing the stance of the two powerful clans, the representative of the Chenglong clan also showed a fierce expression that was completely different from usual!

Similarly, it is also a king-level elf!

"Bi~Bi~" Kill humans!
"Pula~" Kill them!
"Chaba~" I heard that human flesh and blood are delicious!

"Ni cough~Ni~"

"Nido~" It's just a battle!What are you afraid of!

And after a large group of heavenly kings opened their mouths, the leaders of the rest of the small and medium groups all opened their mouths to fight!

With the leader of the Heavenly King class, they have nothing to be afraid of. If the sky falls, there will be tall ones blocking them, so what are they afraid of!

Although it is an island in the ocean, water attribute elves account for most of it, but there are also elves of other attributes living on the island.

Bi Diao, Lada, and Abo Monster, who just spoke, are the most common types of elves.

But common does not mean weak. In fact, the weakest people who can come to this Dragon King Island are gym-level existences. They usually sit on an island. Now that the human alliance army is pressing in, there are only gym-level existences. The elves can represent the ethnic group and negotiate how to fight.

With the sound of war one by one, even Blastoise and Silly Hippo, who were a little scared at first, seemed to regain their confidence.

"Kamei! Kamai!" Kill the human trainer!Kill them!
"Ya Dong! Ya Dong!" Chong Chong Chong!fighting!
There, they waved their fists and screamed.

In fact, it's no wonder that the two races are really scared. From the positions they stand, it can be seen that the two races are the weakest of all the races here.

It is reasonable to say that the water arrow turtles are not weak individually, but they can't stand up to the small number of people in the tribe, and it is more difficult to reproduce.

Have no idea!As one of the three imperial clans of the Kanto Alliance, human trainers have never stopped planning to search for the wild imperial three clans.

In fact, their family is only a strong man in the middle of the gymnasium level, and that is it.

And the dumb hippopotamus, let alone the dumb beasts before evolution, are naturally stupid and slow in movement. Even if they report to the group for warmth, they can easily become the prey of other carnivorous elves.

It only has the strength of the gymnasium-level low-tier. Similarly, the entire ethnic group has only one gym-level leader.

And after a burst of battle-like noise, a group of elves who were at least gymnasium-level stopped, and looked at the Thorn Dragon King floating in the center of the cave, which was also the topmost position.

"Roar~roar~" Lord Dragon King, how do we fight this battle?
The Gyarados who was the first to ask for a fight before lowered its body and asked in a low voice.

The reason why this island is called West Dragon King Island is naturally because the true overlord of the entire southern archipelago is actually the Thorn Dragon King family!
The real ancestor of this family is a thorn dragon king who has surpassed the heavenly king level and reached the championship. It is said that he has the bonus of dragon blood, coupled with the supply of heaven, material and earth treasures, and has lived for 2000 years.

It is precisely because the Thorn Dragon King Clan has an ancestor who has reached the champion level that they can control a region, and the entire Southern Islands call the Thorn Dragon King Clan their respect.

And the person in power in the west is the big boss sent by the Thorn Dragon King clan—the elves call him the West Dragon King, a Thorn Dragon King whose strength has reached the high level of the Heavenly King.

At this time, King Xilong looked at the elite soldiers and generals below, his eyes were full of fighting spirit.

It is one of the four kings of the thorn dragon king family, and its reputation resounds throughout the archipelago. Except for a few brothers in the family, there are no elves to be its opponents. Life is too boring!

It's rare to encounter a human being who comes to die, how can I let it go!

So I saw its body slowly floating up, the water-blue energy surged all over its body, and an extremely powerful coercion instantly enveloped the audience, making all the elves sitting tremble.

This is Longwei's little trick to cooperate with the heavenly king's breath!
"Hey Ho!" Fight!Kill all humans!
Chapter 648 The whole territory of Dragon King Island
Hearing the murderous words of his boss, all the elves were excited.


"Yo boo!"

"Well Gulu!"

"Cool cough!"


The elves also exuded their aura without any scruples, and the whole cave was "rumbling" for a while, with a very high momentum.

And after the excitement, a Gotha Duck of gymnasium level stood up and asked:
"My lord Dragon King, although we have a solid army here, since human trainers dare to go out, their strength must not be underestimated. I wonder if we should tell the other Dragon Kings and even the ancestors.

Then how should our lineup be arranged, please show me, Lord Dragon King. "

Gotha Duck dared to interrupt suddenly because it was the confidant of King Xilong. As a representative of superpowers and smart minds, it has been helping King Xilong with advice since it took refuge in King Xilong, and has subdued the entire western island.

It is also because of the support of the West Dragon King that its ordinary clansmen—the Kodaks can live a carefree and foolish life on the inner island. Their own strength has also risen from the middle elite level at the beginning to the gymnasium level high section.

In this regard, the Gotha Duck is very proud, and looks down on the dumb beasts who are in a similar situation.

I am also a little fortunate that there is only one evolutionary form of my family, and there is no need for any additional conditions. Otherwise, like a dumb beast, even if it evolves into a dumb hippo, it is also a fool without much brains, and it can only guard it with hardships. with their own ethnic group.

Unless there is a hippopotamus king in their clan, it is a pity that the Thorn Dragon King clan will not allow a powerful man with unfathomable intelligence to appear in their clan, let alone the proof of the king, there are very few in this area, and the known ones are all from the Thorn Dragon King In the hands of the family.

He lowered his head and glanced at the gymnasium-level low-level dumb hippopotamus without a trace, and Gotha Duck showed a contemptuous smile on his face, and then quietly waited for the answer from King Xilong above.

There is a reason for it to ask this question. From its point of view, there will be no eggs left when the nest is overturned!
If human beings dare to go out, they must be sure. I still want to remind the Lord, if the Assassin Dragon Kings are too arrogant and lose the battle first, or even one or two Dragon Kings of the Four Seas are killed, then the small groups they depend on will be afraid. It is the whole family going to the battlefield. For them, this is the worst result.

It's better to let the tall one stand on it!

Hearing this, the rest of the excited elves also quieted down, looking at the Thorn Dragon King in the center one by one.

So far, they have seen the wisdom of the Gotha Duck. Some of them are smart. After being clicked like this, they also understand the key, and they can't help but feel uneasy.

For the expressions of the subordinates, the Thorn Dragon King saw in his eyes, his eyes showed confidence and arrogance, and he opened his mouth and replied:
"Hey~hoo! Heyhoo~" Human beings attacked with such fanfare, the other dragon kings naturally also received the news.

Moreover, the champion-level patriarch, the Great Dragon King, also made it clear that he would do it himself, and he also invited Master Lightning Bird as a helper, which can be said to be foolproof.

Now just wait for the main force of the group of humans to reach the main island, then they can be surrounded and wiped out!
After saying this, King Xilong exuded a strong aura again!


And when they heard that the champion-level ancestor would make a move, and asked the Lightning Bird to help, the elves were relieved and roared one by one.

"Roar~" Surround and annihilate them!
"Kami!" Kill all humans!
"Just right!" Kill kill kill!


The Gotha Duck, who was a little worried at first, was relieved at this time, and only after the noise stopped for a while did he ask again:
"Master Xilong Wang, how should we arrange the deployment here?"

Regarding this, thinking flashed across King Xilong's eyes. It was really not good at forming troops.

And in its view, with the help of the ancestors and the help of Lord Lightning Bird, it must be safe, and all it needs to do is to guard the western islands.

So after thinking about it for a while, it still looked at its confidant, the Gotha Duck who had advised it for many years.

"Hey hoo ~ hey hoo ~" Gotha Duck, do you have any suggestions?All we have to do is guard our own island.

Hearing this, the Gotha Duck, who already had a draft in his heart, immediately connected all the elves present with telepathy, and then said:
"My lord Xilong Wang, and fellow comrades, I have some humble opinions in my heart.

According to the information from the scouts, this group of human trainers has launched a full-scale attack on our Dragon King Island, and almost all islands have their teams.

That is to say, they humans also acquiesced, and the main battlefield is fought by high-level powerhouses.

Then we don’t need to gather in one place, otherwise, many small and medium-sized islands will soon fall. Even if we win the main battlefield, the small and medium-sized islands that fell will definitely be searched by the humans who landed on the island. . "

In this regard, the rest of the elves nodded, looking very reasonable.

You must know that Dragon King Island is the main place for the Thorn Dragon King and his family to live, and the leaders of these groups all occupy small and medium-sized islands to survive. They are naturally not happy to give up their basic islands to protect Dragon King Island.

Seeing that almost all the elves agreed with him, the Gotha Duck also pretended to put his hands behind his back, and continued to speak with an unfathomable look.

These are all it learned from a human book a long time ago, and it is very easy to use!
"Since we want to defend the entire line, we need to strengthen the defense forces of each island.

As far as I know, apart from the adult West Dragon King Island, other islands can basically be divided into medium and small.

Among them, Lord Gyarados, Lord Giant Swamp Monster, and Lord Chenglong are all from the group of heavenly kings, each occupying two relatively large medium-sized islands, and there are no fewer gym-level powerhouses under their command.

Further down, there are ethnic groups with more than 3 gym-level leaders, and they each occupy a medium-sized island.

Finally, there are groups with only one or two gym-level leaders, such as the Kami turtle family and the dumb hippo family, which only occupy a small island.

Don't worry about the remaining tiny islands, which are all floating elite clans. "

After finishing speaking, the Gotha Duck looked sharply at all the elves below, because it now represents the West Dragon King, so all the leaders of the clan it saw nodded their heads, indicating that they were right.

Even the three Heavenly Kings, Gyarados, Chenglong, and Giant Swamp, are no exception.

"Okay!" Seeing that all the elves agreed, the Gotha Duck clapped his hands before talking about its prepared defensive strategy.


(End of this chapter)

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