Pokemon Poor

Chapter 446 Time Flies

Chapter 446 Time Flies

For Tian Ci, good quality can only be regarded as a harvest, and he will definitely not use it for himself.

Instead, it can be sent to the black market for a good price.

Then the three of them wandered in the wild for a while, and after completing all the tasks, they returned to Light Red City to deal with the spoils.

Time passed slowly like this, Tian Ci and the others were busy doing tasks every day, making money, and earning resources to cultivate elves. Pretending to meet by chance on a mission, and then the few people gradually became acquainted with each other during the mission, and even fell in love with each other over time.

Well, this is of course for most people to see, after all, things in the hunting zone can't be known to everyone.

More than three months later, Tian Ci was training elves in the training ground rented by the hotel.

"Koudaihua, you are now in the middle of the elite level. There is no need to save the power of elements, and you don't need to use it as a bottom-of-the-box move. This thinking needs to be changed."

"Moo~" Okay, okay, I'm used to it, Tian Ci.

Hearing this, Koudaihua, who had just narrowly won a move against the fast swimming frog, couldn't help but smile awkwardly.

That's right, Koudaihua had already reached the limit of the elite low-tier. After more than three months, it was finally impossible to advance, compressed to the extreme, and promoted to the elite middle-tier. Now the power of the grass attribute element has 17 times , there are 14 times the power of poison attribute elements.

The huge improvement in the poison attribute is still thanks to A Xing's help. She gave advice from time to time, and in addition to using special channels to help him exchange a large number of poison treasures, so that the poison attribute of Kou Daihua was not dropped.

On the side, Xiao Ling was also comforting the defeated fast-stroke frog.

"It's okay, fast-swimming frog, at least you are very proficient in the use of elemental power, and you are still fighting with reverse attributes, you are already very strong!"

"Yo Bo (_)" Hearing this, the fast-swimming frog made a fit posture and said no!I have to work harder!
Over the past three months, with sufficient resource supply, the power of the water element of the fast swimming frog has also increased from 5 times to 8 times. Of course, this is no big deal for it. What makes it happy is that the fighting system finally Breakthrough to the elite level.

In the case of being an elite class, it is not so difficult to promote one's own sub-attributes, but it still took Xiao Ling quite a lot of resources.

As for the gemstone starfish who is still using superpowers to carry the small Snorkellings and practice weightlifting, although it is also a dual-attribute elf, it only loves superpower attributes. The main attribute - water, it doesn't care at all, as long as it is barely enough, so its water attribute is still at the high level of ordinary level, and it has not even touched the threshold of elemental power.

On the contrary, the superpower has reached the limit of the low-level elite level, 10 times of elemental power, but Xiaoling naturally won't let it break through as usual, so it is also in the process of compression and tempering.

As for the little Kabymon that is being used as a gemstone starfish training tool.

From its sound of "snoring ~ snoring ~", it can be known that it has lived very comfortably for more than three months.

Not only is it full of energy cubes every day, but also energy crystals for it to absorb, and for its family, eating and sleeping are the way of cultivation. In the past three months, it has reached the middle of the normal level, only a little bit to the normal high level. segment energy level.

Finally, Xiaoling's elf, there is also the big tongue shell that shoots water guns at the side. When it was first subdued, it was a high-level freshman. Because Hackron is here, it is unusually obedient and well-behaved.

As an elf that Xiaoling had considered subduing from the very beginning, its progress was also very fast, and it had already reached the middle stage of normal. It also accumulated a good fighting experience during this period of going out.

The giant marsh monster, which was also firing a water gun, was still at the normal high level, but its comprehension of elemental power had increased from 50 to 59. Originally, Tianji wanted to give it a drop of the holy spring so that he could break through as soon as possible.

There is no way, this is the speed without the help of the treasure, it is still fast, Xiao Ling also provided a large number of water treasures for the giant marsh monster to practice.

However, the girl herself refused. She felt that she had two elite-level water-type elves that were enough for the time being, and with the guidance of the fast-swimming frog and the gem starfish, it would take a year or two, and there was no need to waste a drop of the holy spring. .

In this regard, Tian Ci also gave up.

After talking about Xiao Ling, the screen turned back to Tian Ci, Kou Dua Hua had advanced to the middle elite, and Bi Diao, as Tian Ci's most powerful elf, had also made progress, and his flying elemental power had also reached 20 times, that is to say, it once again reached the limit of a small realm.

Again, though, it certainly doesn't break out like this, but continues to compress.

As for the general sub-attribute, like the gem starfish, Bi Diao doesn't care about this attribute, so he doesn't focus on training, and it is still at the level of ordinary high-level, as an auxiliary attribute, it is enough.

While the flames and water were flying, Heluga and Blastoise, who practiced against each other, also made great progress.

Among them, Hei Lujia, after completely digesting the power of the Nether Spirit Fire, his strength is also from the 9th element power of the elite low-level, and the compression and tempering broke through to the middle of the elite level. , and now it is the level of 14th element power.

After more than three months, the water arrow turtle has completely digested the remaining energy of the sacred spring, just like sitting on a rocket, it has suddenly increased from 2 elemental powers to 9 elemental powers, which has almost reached the level of ordinary elves. The limit of elite low-level.

Of course, this also consumes the remaining energy, and there will definitely not be such a fast speed in the future.

You must know that Hackron is practicing with the dragon element crystals provided by Tian Ci every day, and it is only increased from 4 times of elemental power to 6 times.

This is the normal speed of cultivation!
As for the tow oil bottle brought by Hackron—the miniature dragon, Tian Ci also treated them equally. According to the previous promise, he was provided with dragon energy crystals and dragon energy cubes. Expect.

This also gave him a clear understanding of the difficulty of cultivating dragon elves.

Switching to other attribute elves, I am afraid that they have been promoted to the normal level long ago, but the mini dragon has only increased a little bit of energy, it is really kneeling!

Fortunately, the dragon skins they molted are very valuable and can be sold for a good price, which is enough to offset the consumption of the miniature dragons, otherwise it would be a bit of a loss.

So many energy-rich materials did not know where they were digested by the miniature dragon.

Chapter 592 Poison Cleansing Stone
I have to say that the dragon race is really growing slowly!

As for Ninghui, there was nothing to talk about. The fiery monkey had reached the limit of the elite's low rank—10 elemental powers. This talent is really outstanding.

Now is also the stage of recompression quenching.

After such a long time, the big milk tank finally touched the edge of the element threshold, but the progress is still very touching, still at [-]%.

As an auxiliary elf, it can be considered very hard.

However, Pippi, as a representative of strength, has already realized the overtake, the threshold of elements has been comprehended, and the progress is still around 20.00%.

As for the Big-billed Gull and Frog Grass, these three months are still in the middle of the normal level, but they are only a line away from the high level.

These two elves were almost trained by Tian Ci, and they were going to serve as support for himself and Xiao Ling's team, so naturally they couldn't be sloppy, and they had laid a good foundation in every aspect.

Just as they were training elves as usual, with a bang, the door of the training room opened!
"Tian Ci-jun! Tian Ci-jun! My father has passed the test! He has successfully promoted to Heavenly King!"

A purple-red figure ran in immediately, shouting.

Hearing this, Tian Ci and the others were taken aback!
"What! So fast!"

Although he had predicted that Aju would definitely succeed, he really didn't expect it to be so smooth.

Sure enough, no one who can become the master of an ancient city is easy!
It can only be said that he is indeed one of the Four Heavenly Kings of the future Johto area.

"Hmph~ Of course, my father is very strong!"

And hearing this surprised words, the corners of Ah Xing's mouth twitched, he raised his head proudly, and said arrogantly.

"That's really congratulations, A Xing."

Seeing the female ninja like this, Tian Ci also smiled, stroked her hair, and congratulated her.

A heavenly king-level powerhouse can be found in most ancient cities, but an incumbent, young heavenly king-level powerhouse has a very different meaning.

Those old people who have retreated behind the scenes and in the secret realm have no way to fight for greater benefits for their city in the current alliance.

They are already characters from the old era and have withdrawn from the alliance meeting. Only the current gym master is the incumbent alliance member.

"Hey~" A Xing smiled, and then continued to Tian Ci and the others:
"After my father left the customs with the strength of the heavenly king, the gymnasium and some chaos in the family were instantly wiped out.

I also told my father about you, and he said he wanted to see you, Tian Ci-kun, you have to behave well! "

After finishing speaking, Ah Xing looked at Tian Ci shyly.

"Fuck~ I'm going to meet my parents now! By the way, this is the first time I've met my parents, do you want to bring something!"

Hearing this, Tian Ci panicked and thought secretly.

To be honest, this was the first time he met his parents in his two lives. He didn't even have a girlfriend in his previous life, so naturally he had no chance. Although he has several stunning beauties in this life, he doesn't need to meet his parents.

But Ah Xing, of course, can't do it. Ah Ju is still alive, and he has also been promoted to the king of heaven. His son-in-law must come to see him and get his approval.

Thinking of this, Tian Ci deliberated and said:
"Ah Xing, I don't know what our father likes. This is my first visit, so I might as well go there empty-handed."

Hearing this, Ah Xing smiled "puchi" and replied:
"What should I bring? My father wants the Heavenly King-level poison material. You can find it. As for the others, as the lord of the Light Red City, he can't get anything.

You can just send something that matches your status and strength, my father won't care. "

"Oh, that's right~"

Hearing this, Tian Ci nodded. He was indeed influenced by the Three Views of his previous life just now, so he thought that he would give expensive and good things when meeting for the first time.

Now that he has come to his senses, he also thinks what A Xing said is reasonable.

This is the world of elves, and the strong are respected. As the owner of the light red city, Ah Ju must not have what he wants in Tian Ci.

Even if it was the most precious sacred spring, when they were in the Hualan Grotto, Ma Zhishi and Aju gave it away in order to win over Nazi.

So just give something that expresses your heart.

Thinking of this, he thought of the strange poisonous stone that he had obtained by accident while doing missions in the wild these past few months—the poisonous stone!

As the saying goes, solitary yin does not grow, and solitary yang does not grow. In the wild place of light red city, where there are poisonous elves and a lot of animals and plants, under the laws of nature, the opposite natural materials and earthly treasures will still evolve.

And the poison stone is one of the more valuable treasures.

As the name suggests, it can help elves to purify the toxins in their bodies faster. If a wild elf is poisoned, just swallow it into the body, and the toxins in the body will be quickly absorbed by this stone, thus achieving the effect of detoxification.

This can be regarded as a way out for the non-poisonous attribute elves in the wild. Otherwise, in the wild of Light Red City, elves with other attributes would really have no way out at all.

It sounds like it is no different from an antidote, but there are many capable people in the world of trainers, and this poison stone has also been developed for other uses.

It should be known that depending on the rank of the poison purification stone, the ability to absorb toxins is also different.

For example, the lowest-level low-level poison-cleaning stone can only absorb toxins of the new-level, ordinary low-to-middle level, and this kind of stone is also easy to find.

As long as you go to the lair of any non-poisonous attribute elf, you can basically find it.

The medium-level poison stones are harder to find, they can detoxify ordinary high-level poisons and even have some effect on elite-level poisons.

Going up to the high-level poison purification stone, it is very rare, it can detoxify the poison of the elite level, and even has a little effect on the gymnasium level.

As for the legendary top-grade poison purification stone, it is rumored that there is one and only one in the light red gymnasium, which claims to be able to cure all poisons in the world.

The piece that Tian Ci got in his hands is the high-level poison purification stone.

And its other usage is to help poisonous spirits purify the toxins in their bodies. The toxins that can be absorbed by the poison purification stone are naturally not powerful toxins.

I don't know about the ultimate poison purification stone, but even a high-grade poison purification stone can't completely absorb the toxins that are artificially cultivated and studied intensively.

What it can absorb cleanly refers to the level of toxins that the wild elves have not interfered with.

So for trainers, it can be used to remove the impurities of the poisoning attribute of their elves, and to designate directions for the development of more powerful toxins.

Moreover, the poison attribute elves can also exercise their energy control in the confrontation with the poison purification stone, and at the same time force themselves to produce stronger toxins.

And the most important point, the Poison Cleansing Stone, which has absorbed a large amount of toxins, is also a treasure for making poisonous props.

Like the one in Tian Ci's hand, which has not been used yet, if it is used by a gym-level poison attribute elf, it will eventually be able to get a material for making gym-level poison attribute props.

(End of this chapter)

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