Pokemon Poor

Chapter 442 Water Arrow Tortoise VS Gotha Duck

Chapter 442 Water Arrow Tortoise VS Gotha Duck

It was really the first time he had seen such a shameless elite-level powerhouse.

He actually handed over all his belongings directly and knelt down to the enemy to beg for mercy!It's a talent!
In fact, it was his own thoughts. The strong men Tian Ci encountered before were basically from gymnasiums or big families, so they naturally had the demeanor of strong men, and they were all deeply scheming.

It is the Linye Gym that Hei Lujia encountered that time. For most people, it is also a big force. ordered by the museum.

Even if it is a gym of the new generation, it is still a gym!

Only Tian Ci and the others, who are used to big scenes, gym masters in ancient cities, king-level masters, and elite Rockets, would find it surprising that elite-level powerhouses kneel down and beg for mercy!
In fact, the low-level civilians and the elites of small and medium-sized families don't have much arrogance.

They started from a humble beginning, so they naturally understand how difficult it is for them to achieve today's achievements. If they can live, they definitely don't want to die.

So morality and so on can naturally be discarded!
But even so, Tian Ci did not let him go so easily. He pointed to the Gotha Duck, then pointed to the newly evolved Water Arrow Tortoise, and said:
"Let your Gotha Duck fight my Blastoise. If you win, not only can you leave, but I don't want anything from you, including the six water element crystals. You can also take it away. I won't pursue it.

But sorry if you lose! "

After finishing speaking, Tian Ci's face revealed an astonishing murderous look!
Sensing this murderous intent, Shinichi couldn't help but shudder, and quickly nodded yes!
"Okay, then let's go to the other side, I believe you don't like being seen as a monkey either!"

Seeing that the Gotha Duck's trainer agreed, Tian Ci pointed to the woods on the left, signaling to fight on the grass over there.

The aura emanating from so many elite-level elves on their side just now attracted quite a few people to rush here.

After all, this place is already close to the main road, and the security is still relatively high. No one will kill here, so those trainers who watch the excitement and don't think it's a big deal are rushing here, wondering if they might occupy A little cheap.

Some who ran fast arrived early, and saw the scene of Zhen kneeling down and begging for mercy.

Although she didn't dare to say anything on the surface, she looked at him with a little disdain.

In this regard, Shinichi stood up and looked back viciously, and at the same time suppressed those people with an elite-level aura.

Being so frightened, those few audience members didn't dare to stay any longer, and stepped back directly. When the threat was approaching, they realized that he was an elite powerhouse!Squeezing 8 to death would make them an elite powerhouse like pinching a worm!
But even though they retreated in despair, they were not convinced in their hearts.

"Hmph~ What kind of elite trainer, is he forced to kneel down and beg for mercy? If I can reach the elite level, I will definitely not be forced to be like this!"

People are like this, they always feel that if they go up, the ending will be different.

Back to the topic, after memorizing those ordinary trainers, Shinichi followed Tatsumi to the small forest on the left.

Then the two separated on both sides, and Xiaoling stood in the middle, acting as the referee.

"The following will be a life-threatening 1v1 duel, namely Blastoise vs. Gotha Duck! The trainer cannot attack or assist. The victory or defeat of this match is decided between the elves!"

Because he wanted to test the true strength of the water arrow turtle after evolution, Tian Ci still didn't want to have too many interference factors, and he told Xiao Ling to say so.

After the girl finished speaking, she looked at Shinichi and Gotha Duck on the left for a few days.

Both nodded solemnly.

Now that the matter had come to this, they could only agree to any conditions of Tian Ci, otherwise the elves surrounding them would probably rush up and tear the two of them to pieces.

But in reality, this competition requirement is still more beneficial to him. After all, if you add the trainer's unlimited deathmatch, he can't be that man's opponent.

After Shinichi and Gotha Duck nodded, Xiaoling immediately announced the start of the game!
"I declare, the game begins!"

As soon as her voice fell, Shinichi immediately ordered:

"Gotha Duck, use the screech!"

Hearing the order, the Gotha Duck gave a "quack" and then rubbed its paws against each other. In an instant, an unpleasant sound of "呲~呲~" sounded, and at the same time it opened its mouth, and the special pronunciation of "呱嘎~" ~" The sound also reached Blastoise's mind.

Hearing this unpleasant sound suddenly, Water Arrow Turtle couldn't help shaking its head.

"Kamei~" is really ugly!
In this regard, Tian Ci also responded immediately.

"Water Arrow Turtle, the water bombs are fired in succession, disrupting its rhythm!"

Hearing the order, the water arrow turtle immediately glowed with light blue water system rays. However, it was different from the Kami turtle period. on the cannon barrel.

"咻咻咻~" At this time, the water arrow turtle seemed to be transformed into a ruthless machine gun, and water bombs the size of a fist were continuously hitting the Gotha Duck.

"Get out of the way, Gotha Duck!"


"Shua Shua ~"

With the figure of the Gotha Duck jumping several times, the water arrows of the Blastoise followed like a shadow, and under the double guns, the Gotha Duck was finally unable to dodge, and was hit by a water bomb with a "bang!" !The speed is also stagnant!
Then a chain reaction was triggered, and countless water bombs hit it one after another.

The Gotha Duck, which was knocked into the air by the continuous impact force, let out a "quack!", feeling as if it had been hit by countless fists all over its body.

"Damn it! Use up the wall!"

Seeing this scene, Shinichi, who didn't expect Blastoise to launch so fast, immediately changed to a defensive order.

Fortunately, although it looks like it has been hit a lot, because it is a water attribute move, and the energy inside each water bomb is not much, so the Gotha Duck looks miserable, but it is not. No serious injuries were sustained.

With the flash of the ruby ​​between the eyebrows, a transparent barrier stood in front of the Gotha Duck, and the subsequent water bombs hit it with "bang bang bang", but they couldn't break through it at all.

"Oh, it's interesting, change to water cannon bombardment!"

Seeing the wall of light, Tian Ci became interested, and wanted to try how powerful the fort of Blastoise was, so he immediately changed his order in his heart.

After all, the ready-made sandbags for testing are not in vain!


After hearing the order, the water arrow turtle agreed, and after finally firing dozens of water bombs, it began to charge its dual barrels.

At this time, the Gotha Duck is still trying to maintain the light wall. It and Shinichi are surrounded by smoke from the explosion. They don't have special scanning methods, and they don't know that Blastoise is accumulating power.

Chapter 584 Powerful Defense

And just when the Gotha Duck survived the last wave of bullets, the water arrow turtle's water cannon was fully charged.

Because he had just been promoted, he was not familiar with the power of elements and the new body, so it took some time.

But it is very powerful!
Hearing a "bang", two thick water jets quickly hit the light wall of the Gotha Duck.

At this time, some cracks had appeared on the light wall, and it shattered with a "bang" when it was hit by this powerful impact!
The Gotha Duck behind it was even sent flying by the water jet!
With a "bang", it fell heavily to the ground.

"Gotha Duck!"

Seeing this scene, Shinichi couldn't help being surprised.

He didn't expect that a newly evolved elf would be so strong!

The only good thing is that the Water Arrow Turtle uses all water-type moves, which can cause very limited damage to the Gotha Duck, so the Gotha Duck stood up quickly.

And Tian Ci on the side didn't let Blastoise take advantage of the victory to pursue him. He frowned, wondering if this elite trainer was too weak.

It doesn't have the flexibility of those disciples in the gymnasium at all, and it feels very ingenious, like an enlarged version of an ordinary high-level trainer.

"Hey! If you don't want to die, it's better to use your real skills. Otherwise, after my water arrow turtle is familiar with the power, it won't hold back!"

He immediately yelled at the trainer opposite him.

When Shinichi heard this, a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He already understood that the scar-faced trainer on the opposite side must come from a powerful force and be taught by a famous teacher.

Unlike him, he had an adventure in the wild, and the Gotha Duck's talent was really good, so he barely broke through to the elite level.

What is used is the cultivation cheats that can be exchanged in the elf center. Although the energy levels of the two parties are similar, they are more than a step behind in energy control and use.

However, he also understood that he could no longer fall into the rhythm of the enemy like this, so he cheered up and prepared to adjust.

"Godha Duck, move at high speed, rush up and replace it with the lower plate!"

Passing this order in his heart, Shinichi's face was full of determination.

Although he knew Blastoise's defense was very high, but since the long-range attack was not his opponent, he could only try melee combat!
After all, the water arrow turtle just evolved, so I believe the new body must not be fully mastered yet.

And the Gotha Duck who received the order also acted immediately.

"Shua, Shua, Shua~" I saw its figure moving quickly, pulling out afterimages on the grass, making the water arrow turtle unable to distinguish its position at all, and then appeared behind the water arrow turtle without paying attention. Fighting-type energy emerged from the ground, and it kicked Blastoise's right leg fiercely.

If it could really kick the Blastoise down, then the flipped tortoise would not be its opponent at all!

However, Tian Ci was not panicked at all by this threat, and instead praised him.

"It's very fast!"

Then he ordered the water arrow turtle: "Use the shrink shell!"


The water arrow tortoise, which received the sound transmission, locked its limbs, tail and head into the shell with lightning speed.

As a tortoise, the water arrow turtle said that the speed of shrinking its shell is completely innate!
Then the Gotha Duck kicked from the lower plate, and kicked the shell of the water arrow tortoise with a "bang". It just made the shell of the water arrow tortoise roll twice, and there was no follow-up.

Just kidding, the shell of Tian Ci's water arrow turtle was cultivated with a lot of precious materials, how could it be broken by a non-fighting elf using fighting moves.

"It's now, take advantage of the situation and use the high-speed rotating water gun!"

Before the Gotha Duck left, Tian Ci's next order came into Blastoise's mind.

After receiving the order, the water arrow turtle immediately turned "swish, swish, swish", and at the same time, a large number of water guns were sprayed out from the five holes, which accelerated the water arrow turtle and gave secondary damage to the enemies it hit.

Seeing this scene, Shinichi immediately told Gotha Duck to retreat.

"Keep moving at a high speed and keep a distance!"

After receiving the order, the general energy on the surface of the Gotha Duck resurfaced again, and its speed exploded instantly, and it avoided the first spinning impact of the Blastoise with two "swish swish".

"Go on, Blastoise, speed up with water!"

Tian Ci was not surprised by this. After all, the Gotha Duck was also an elite class, so it was impossible for him to be such a waste.

After receiving the order, the Blastoise also turned into a spinning top that turned faster and faster, chasing the Gotha Duck non-stop.

The Gotha Duck was originally able to do a job with ease under the blessing of high-speed movement, but it did not expect that the Blastoise was so persistent and kept chasing it.

It can't last long in this state of high-speed movement, and it is slowly being pulled into the distance by the water arrow turtle.

"Ga~ga~" Shinichi, I can't go on like this, this is a slow death, I can't last long, that water arrow turtle's endurance is too good!
Moreover, as it turns faster and faster, its power becomes stronger and stronger. We must interrupt its trend!
Shinichi also frowned when he heard Gotha Duck's words from the spiritual contract, and he also understood that this could not go on like this.

Originally, I wanted to procrastinate for a while. After all, the water arrow turtle used high-speed rotation and water gun. The combined consumption is definitely much more than that of the Gotha Duck using high-speed movement.

But I didn't expect that this water arrow turtle's physical strength was so good, and its energy reserve was so deep!

Of course, what he doesn't know is that there is a lot of energy in the water arrow turtle that has not been exhausted during evolution. Some of this energy reserve, it will not be a problem even if it lasts for a day.

That's why Tian Ci didn't change his order and let him use this trick all the time.

"Godha Duck, bless it with the power of the elements, use the most powerful water tail, and knock it into the air!"

After thinking about it, Shinichi decided to break the deadlock.

Got the order, the Gotha Duck immediately stopped and looked at the Blastoise rushing straight towards him. A large amount of water system energy emerged from its body surface, and at the same time, the water element mark on its forehead began to glow.


When Blastoise was about to hit it, it flicked its tail immediately, and a huge blue tail collided with Blastoise's shell with a "crash".

Then there was a stalemate for a moment, and with a "bang", the water arrow turtle was sent flying.

After all, the power of the water tail is already great, and the Gotha Duck is also blessed with the power of elements.

However, after landing, the Water Arrow Turtle just shook its head, and then screamed again.

"Kamei~Kamei~" Little brother, you're not very good at it, it's just that the beating made my head shake a little, and it didn't hurt at all.



Shinichi and Gotha Duck were shocked when they saw that Blastoise was almost uninjured!

They really didn't expect that the water tail as a killer move could only leave a little trace on the turtle shell, and under the energy surge of the water arrow turtle, that trace disappeared quickly!
(End of this chapter)

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