Pokemon Poor

Chapter 436 Arrival

Chapter 436 Arrival
"Hackron, you can bring 5-6 over here first, I will arrange for them at that time, we will come back here again in a few days, and then bring all the elves who are willing to follow you out."

Without thinking about it, Tian Ci sent a message.

"Fuu~" Okay!
Hackron on the other side agreed and replied to the waiting elves.

"Fuuu~Fuuu~" You all find excellent offspring to come here, this time I will take them out first, after a few days, I will take you out again!

Receiving Hackron's promise, all the elves nodded and immediately swam to their clan.

And after Hackron agreed with them to gather here, he swam towards his hidden cave again.

It didn't take long for it to come to the entrance of the cave.

"咚咚咚~咚咚~" After five rhythmic knocks, the originally closed rock was pushed away from the inside with a "rumbling" sound.

A tiny miniature dragon came out immediately.

"Fuu~" Mother~
As soon as he came out, he threw himself in front of Hackron, and kept rubbing his head.

In this regard, Hackron also accompanied it for a while, and then said:

"Fuuu~Fuuu~" Mini Dragon, my child, we are leaving here, let mom go in and tidy up first.

Hearing this, the miniature dragon retreated reluctantly, and then Hackron "sneaked" and entered the cave.

As an elf with high intelligence, although it is limited by its size and cannot make too complicated mechanisms, some simple mazes can still be made with digging moves.

In fact, the rockfall mechanism at the door was also imitated by it referring to a book.

With so many humans coming here, some people will always bring some miscellaneous things. Many ordinary people will use mechanism techniques to make traps. After all, traps are quite effective for newborn cubs.

Hackron has lived here for so long, so he naturally collected some simple knowledge of this kind, and then used it to build his lair.

After turning around and walking into the cave, it put its treasures for many years into the space backpack beside it.

Among them, the most precious ones are some low-level energy crystals of various attributes, and two evolutionary stones. Although they are all low-level water stones, this place is actually in a state of energy overflow, which can form evolutionary stones. It is not easy.

Don't ask where the space backpack came from. People die almost every day in the hunting zone. With its elite skills, it is natural to get one.

After packing the things, it swam back with the backpack in its mouth, and finally looked reluctantly at the cave it had made with great effort. Hacklong still took the miniature dragon slowly. Swim in the direction of Tianci.

"Fuuu~Fuuu~" Mother, where are we going, haven't I finished shedding my skin yet?
On the way, the miniature dragon asked Hackron suspiciously.

"Fuu~fu~" My child, we will live with human trainers in the future, and you will be well trained by then.

And when they were swimming slowly to the middle, a group of elves had already brought over the best juniors in their group.

They are all elves with high intelligence, and they have all been cultivated by Hackron with dragon blood, so they naturally understand the benefits of being by Hackron's side.

Now that the proud and powerful Hackron is ready to follow a human, then the human trainer will definitely not treat them badly.

After Hackron tore off the layer of self-deceiving cloth, they also understood that staying here would have no future, and the few elves who wanted to fight were naturally willing to follow.

And Hackron, who saw these subordinates, also nodded, and called out to a few juniors.

"Fuu~" Let's all follow!


"Cool cough~"



Several newborn-level cubs followed after their leader's signal.

Before coming here, because they were all instructed by their own leaders, these new-level geniuses followed obediently and did not dare to make mistakes.

But the mini dragon, because [-]% of the time is locked in the cave by Hack dragon, so he is very interested in these little friends who are about the same age.

From time to time, I would swim to the side of the giant crab or the tadpole of the mosquito coil, look at it curiously, and talk to it.

"Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu~" Claw crab, doesn't it hurt to hold it with your pincers?
"Fuu~" Mosquito coil tadpole, you have no hands like me!Do you eat on your stomach?

"Fuuu! Fuuuu!" Big tongue shell, you don't have a tail, hands or feet, how do you live! !
These geniuses have a headache for this chatty mini-dragon!

Listen, listen, this is what a normal elf would ask!

What do you mean by how to live? Lao Tzu is a big-tongue shell. He lives in water, so he can naturally spray water to move himself!
If it wasn't for this guy being a miniature dragon, the big tongue shells said that they would definitely fight together and beat this guy into a pig's head.

But really dare not! ! !

This is a pure-blooded dragon clan. Don't look at the harmless appearance of humans and animals now, but the inadvertent release of the dragon's power made them feel scared, and their combat power dropped by 2% in their lifetime.

And in the induction, the strength of this miniature dragon has also reached the peak of the new high-level, can't beat it, can't beat it!
Hackron, who was leading the way, didn't care too much. In its view, it was an honor for these water elves to have the opportunity to play with their children.

In this way, after swimming for a while, I finally saw the two of Tianji who were waiting again.

"Fuuu~Fuuu~" Trainer, I brought them all, and these are the treasures I have collected over the years, let them all be handed over to you, trainer!

As soon as they met, Ha Kelong first threw the backpack in his mouth to Tian Ci.

"Okay, okay!" Received the backpack, Tian Ci agreed with a smile on his lips.

He didn't expect much from the contents of the backpack at all.

After all, in this place, in this environment, it is difficult to produce any treasures.

After taking the backpack, the two also looked at the elf brought by Hackron.

The first thing I saw was a miniature dragon timidly hiding behind Hackron, only showing a blue and white head.

"Hello ~ Mini Dragon, we will live together in the future."

In this regard, Tian Ci immediately linked the miniature dragon telepathically, and greeted him friendly.

"Fu~fu!" Who, who is speaking?
Unexpectedly, the miniature dragon was taken aback by the sudden sound. Seeing this, Hackron quickly lowered his head and rubbed the miniature dragon to show comfort.

"Fuu~" The miniature dragon, that is the human being we want to follow, he has superpowers, so he can talk to you directly, you should also say hello to him.

Hearing this, the mini dragon calmed down, looked at Tian Ci curiously, and then let out a cry.

"Fuu~" You, hello, trainer~
Chapter 572 The Arrival of Nazi
Seeing this timid miniature dragon, both Tian Ci and Xiao Ling couldn't help sighing.

"What a cute thing!"

I have to say that basically all elves were very cute when they were young.

After making contact with the miniature dragon, Hackron pointed to the few newborn elves next to him, and motioned:
"Fuu~" These are the excellent offspring I brought over.

Hearing Hacklong's words, the four newborn-level cubs immediately greeted Tianji and the other two.

"Cool cough~" Hello, I'm a giant claw crab!
"Yobo~" Hello, I am a mosquito coil tadpole!

"Duosha~" Hello, I am a horned goldfish!
"Slap~" Hello, I'm Big Tongue Shell!
That's right, these four elves are the most qualified existences in the old department who are willing to go out with Hackron.

"Hahaha~ Hello~" To them, Tian Ci also said haha.

He has actually discussed these water elves with Xiao Ling and Shuiyuan Qingzi who is far away in Hualan City. The big tongue shells are kept for their own use, and the other cubs, including other elves who will come to tame them later, are transported to Hualan. to the city.

Originally, there were many water areas in Hualan City, and the water attribute energy was generally much higher than other places.

Coupled with the previous years of accumulation being evacuated by the Rockets, these water attribute elves can just fill in the gaps in part of the elf training area.

For the master of the gymnasium, Kiyoko Shuiyuan, the batch of water attribute elves provided by Tianci can be regarded as a solution to the urgent need!

In fact, the claw crabs and big tongue shells they caught before were collected and put away by them, and they were going to find the official postal organization to send them back to Hualan City.

After all, they are now half of Hualan's masters, and they still have to consider their future development.

"Then get into the hunting ball first, don't resist!"

After a brief meeting, Tian Ci took out the hunting ball and said to the elves.

In response, all the elves, including the miniature dragon, nodded.

"Shua, Shua, Shua~" A few red lights flashed, and the elves were received into the hunting balls. Because they were told not to resist, these hunting balls just shook twice symbolically. They all stopped shaking.

After subduing these elves, Tian Ci took Xiao Ling to swim back.

After swimming for about half an hour, the two of them rushed out of the water with a "crash".

As soon as they rushed out of the water, they heard various voices in the small tent.

And after Tian Ci probed in with his mental strength, Ning Hui's arrogant words reached his ears.

In his induction, Ah Xing seemed to be in a strange state at this time, obviously a little absent-minded, and there were some bottles and cans thrown aside casually under his feet.

Obviously, this is the improved medicine that Ning Hui said, and A Xing has been fed a lot.

Even if Ah Xing is a specialist in the poison system, it is hard for a clever woman to cook without rice. She is naked, even if she has a lot of knowledge, it is useless. Therefore, under the action of a large dose of drugs, even if she has been cultivated a lot Strong drug resistance, but still gradually fascinated by the effect of the drug.

Of course, there is only one point, Tian Ci can still see a few traces of clarity and hatred in her eyes!

"Oh~ I really can't~"

He withdrew his mental strength and felt that things were getting more difficult. Although they came back too early, based on this momentum, even if Ning Hui was given another half a month, it was unlikely that A Xing would sink.

And Tian Ci also saw A Xing's mission scroll, the time limit is 20 days, it must have taken a few days for A Xing to touch this place, so it is half a month, probably not yet.

In other words, they can only stay here for about ten days at most. For such a short time, judging by Ah Xing's tenacious will, it is impossible for her to sink into it.

You must know that as long as the time limit for this kind of life and death trial in the gymnasium expires, someone will definitely come to contact you.

The life and death of the experimenter can be judged by the soul card placed in the gym. If Ah Xing is dead, then they don't need to search too hard.

But knowing that Ah Xing is still alive and the mission has not been completed, the gymnasium must look for it. After all, she is the daughter of the gymnasium owner, so she can't just leave her alone.

If you are alive but haven't completed the task, you must be stuck somewhere!
In this way, Tian Ci and the others might not be able to hide at all.

Looking for clues, ninjas are professional!

Standing on the shore at this time, his brows were deeply frowned, he was really puzzled!On his own words!

After thinking about it, he still decided to ask Nazi why she induced him like this.

"Buzz~" Along with the trembling of the spiritual imprint in the sea of ​​consciousness, Nazi's voice soon came out.

"Hey~Tian Ci, isn't the harvest great? Has Ah Xing already fallen into your hands!"

Hearing this narrow tone, Tian Ci smiled wryly, and replied helplessly:

"Nazie, the harvest is quite big, not only A Xing fell into my hands, I also caught Hackron and the miniature dragon.

But I promised Hackron that I would not touch her child.

But Ah Xing's mission goal is it!
Now I am really in a dilemma, I took her body by force before, I guess if I give her the miniature dragon now, she will kill me afterwards."

Hearing Tian Ci's helpless tone, Nazi let out a "hehehe~" gleeful laugh.

Regarding this, Tian Ci was even more troubled, and had to ask bluntly:
"Nazie, you were the one who gave me psychological hints back then, but why did you make me make the worst choice?
Originally, there could be a place to relax, but now I’m afraid I’m going to die forever.”

"Okay, okay, Tianji, don't worry, I will naturally solve it in my own way."

Regarding Tian Ci's words, the girl hiding in the big tree did not hide her intentions anymore.

With a sound of "唰~", he teleported to the side, put his mouth close to Tian Ci's ear, and said softly.


Tian Ci was taken aback by the sudden attack, and subconsciously wanted to attack, but when he saw that it was Nazi, he stopped abruptly, with a surprised expression on his face!

"Nazie! Why did you come here suddenly?"

Xiao Ling on the side was also extremely surprised!

"Sister Nazi!"

Looking at the surprised two people, Na Zi tossed her hair and replied sassyly:

"Of course I'm here to clean up the mess for you, Tianji!

Since I let you do this, there is naturally a way to solve the remaining problems. "

As soon as she spoke, her eyes lit up, and the purple light was released instantly, and the lakeshore was shrouded in a spiritual barrier.

(End of this chapter)

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