Pokemon Poor

Chapter 43 Plan

Chapter 43 Plan
"Well, take all the warning bells. If the sound is not blocked soon, I won't be able to see the elves at night!" Tian Ci searched for things in the small house.

This was the first time he went out at night, and he was still a little uneasy. After all, Trumpet Bud was not a nocturnal elf. Although it was still better than Tian Ji without dark vision, it was definitely not as good as those elves that haunted the night.

If it wasn't for the discovery of a small number of newborn-level flying elves outside the forest yesterday, he actually didn't plan to go out at night at the newcomer level!
"Hey, the original plan should be to wait for the trumpet bud to break through to the normal level before trying to go hunting outside the forest at night!" After putting the last bottle of wound medicine and repellent spray into the backpack, Tian Ci was still a little hesitant and scared in his heart. .

"Forget it, come back earlier this time, and find out first!"

"Moo, moo, moo|ω)" I didn't think so many trumpet buds, and they kept urging at the door.

"Okay, Horn Ya, we're coming soon, let's go!" In the end, Tian Ci put his mind on it, put on his space backpack, and walked out of the room with Horn Ya.

Soon, they came to the gate of the city. Perhaps because of Captain Sam, these guards took the initiative to say hello to Tian Ci this time.

"Hey, you're Tian Ji-kun, right? It's almost evening now, are you going to the field?" A middle-aged guard in his 30s in uniform asked

"It's Brother Hui, yes, I plan to find out and test the waters!" Tian Ci, who didn't say his purpose, said haha
After all, not many people should have discovered it now, so he would lose a few competitors!
In a disguised form, his success rate will be higher, but the forest is so big, it may not be possible to hide it for two days.

"You brat is really brave!"

"Yeah, we dare not go out alone at night at your age!"

"Boy, you have to be careful, and put on all the protective hoods. It's uncomfortable, but it's better than dying!"

The guards were obviously much more enthusiastic than before. Tian Ci guessed that it was because they saw the conversation between him and Captain Sam.

After all, Uncle Sam is now an elite class, and he is also a top big shot in this small town.

"Okay, okay, thank you, big brothers, for your reminders." Tian Ci thanked the guards around him.

"Oh, by the way, you boy have to remember that the city gate closes on time at 9:30 p.m., remember the time!" Brother Hui finally reminded.

"Okay, I don't dare to spend the night in the wild on the first day, I will definitely come back!" Tian Ciji replied, and walked out of the city gate.

"Hanbaya, we must keep our spirits up when we hunt at night this time, and there will be different elves, let me tell you now."

After Tian Ci walked out of the city gate, he spread the nighttime knowledge to Horn Ya while walking, especially the elves that might appear at night!
He went to the Internet cafe to collect this information. After looking up the elves that had appeared in the forest in recent years, he recorded them as long as they were nocturnal.

"The first is the walking grass, which you should be familiar with, after all, all your absorbing moves are learned from it,
Its body is dark blue, and the leaves on its head are no different from real grass. This appearance blends into the night very well!So when you enter the forest, pay special attention to your feet.”

As he said that, Tian Ci found a picture of walking grass on his dilapidated mobile phone and showed it to Trump Ya.

"Moo Moo, Moo Moo" Horn Bud nodded, indicating that he recognized it.

"Of course, don't be afraid if you do encounter it. Get rid of it quickly. After all, its combat effectiveness is average and its courage is relatively small. It is very likely that it will escape by itself."

Looking at Trumpet Ya with a serious face, Tian Ci added another sentence.

"Then it's the main event, and it's also the goal of our coming out this night. This must be remembered well. Its name is Supersonic Bat!"

Soon Tian Ci found another picture, and gave the phone to the horn bud, so that he could remember the appearance!

"Its body color is also blue but a little lighter than that of walking grass, and its bat wings are purple. They are also darker in color, so it is easier to hide in the night."

Tian Ci pointed to the photo on the mobile phone and explained it to the speaker bud

"Moo, Moo (˙ー˙)" Trumpet Ya nodded seriously.

"The most important thing is that it has no eyes, it relies on ultrasound to detect its surroundings!"

"Moo! Moo?" The horn bud said that there are no eyes, so we can go directly to it, and what is ultrasound?

"Cough, that's how ultrasound is. You can feel it, Horn Bud." He took out a speaker from his backpack and blasted a burst of ultrasonic waves at the horn bud.
"Moo moo, moo" Although Tian Ci couldn't feel it himself, Trumpet Bud, as a naturally extraordinary species, still felt a burst of unique sound waves.

"The supersonic bat relies on the feedback of this sound wave when it hits an object to detect the surrounding situation. Because I can't feel this sound wave, the horn bud needs you!"

"Moomoo!" Don't worry, I will definitely remember this feeling.

"Moomoo?" Then why buy 4?
"Then the role of my horn is to disrupt the ultrasonic waves released by the supersonic bat, so that it can't feel our existence."

Tian Ci put the horn back and explained to the horn bud.

"When you feel this sound wave, we will each take one and get close to it!"

"Moo? Moo?" One for each person, wouldn't it be enough to just have two?
"After we get close, put the remaining two in other directions in turn, and then the supersonic bats that are disturbed in all four places will become truly blind! Hehe!"

Speaking of this, Tianji himself laughed at this genius idea.

"Moo moo moo ω" Horn Bud nodded in agreement!As expected, it is Tianji!
"Of course, the playback speed must be fast, otherwise, as long as there is no ultrasonic feedback in two or three directions, it is estimated that it will run away!
So the horn buds still have to rely on your vine whip to quickly place the two horns on the other two vacancies and then turn on the switch. ! "

"Moo moo (_)" horn bud means a piece of cake!
"Of course, this plan still has a shortcoming, that is, when the two of us stand opposite each other, if we don't turn off one, it is estimated that the vigilant Chaoyinfu will change positions immediately."

"Moomoo? Moomoomoo" the horn bud said what to do, or I should turn off mine.

"No, horn bud, you have to use the rattan whip to place the other two horns. If you are discovered, you will definitely be attacked by the supersonic bat."

You must know that supersonic bats are nocturnal spirits. They all come out to hunt at night, so when they find a single prey around them, they will definitely attack immediately!
"So, I can only turn it off!" A sternness flashed across Tian Ci's face as he said that!
"Moo! Moo, moo!" After the horn bud was taken aback, Lianlian said no!
"Don't worry, Horn Ya, I'm covered by full-body protective clothing." Looking at Trump Horn Ya who was worried about himself, Tian Ci felt warm in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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