Pokemon Poor

Chapter 426

Chapter 426 The Return
In this regard, the little Kabimon has no choice but to put away the bottle immediately and continue to run.

And because there were not a few sprays, the repelling spray was very weak, and the monkey monsters just waited for a while before rushing over with restraint.

"Hoja!" Kill the fat boy!Grab the backpack!

"Huo Huo~" Go!
Hearing the ferocious cry from behind, the little Kabir's face turned green, and abruptly picked up another gear, his short legs almost turned into hot wheels!

And when it felt bad, it immediately ate the energy cube, then sprayed the repelling spray backwards, and froze there for a while, the four elves circled around and around.

Of course, compared to the little Kabymons with energy supplements, the physical energy consumption of the three monkey monsters is more serious. Later, the little Kabymons have a tacit understanding with each other, and when everyone takes a break together (_)
On the other side, Tian Ci and the other three woke up naturally. After washing up and having breakfast, they came to the ticket office of the hunting zone again.

The same person paid 50 yuan, and they got 90 hunting balls, three small backpacks, and an energy monitoring meter.

The Koudaihuas were naturally handed over to the staff, and at the same time as they were handed over, Tian Ci also took out a list and a backpack containing various foods.

"Hello, when our elves are feeding, please feed them according to this list, please!"

In this regard, the aunt also took it, looked at it, and spit out a sentence.

"This increases the workload for us, and we need to add money!"

Although Tian Ci is an elite trainer, it is true that Da Ma is backed by the light red gymnasium.

Not to mention that this is clearly stipulated in the hunting zone. The big pot meal has been arranged. If you insist on stuffing things in, then the feeding staff will also specially serve your elves. This will definitely require an extra fee.

In this regard, Tian Ci frowned, but still agreed.

"How many?"

"One elf is 3000 alliance coins, no counter-offer!"

The aunt compared her fingers and reported a number.

There are 4 elves in Tianci, 3 elves in Xiaoling, and 5 elves in Ninghui. Together, there are 12 elves, and the total cost is 3. Just helping share the food, you can earn so much more. I have to say that the hunting zone My heart is so dark!

Of course, this is a barely acceptable number for a trainer, even for an ordinary trainer. As long as a trainer is working hard to cultivate his own elves, he will not let his elves eat junk food for three days.

So Tian Ci also paid the money readily.

Afterwards, it was still the same operation. Through a corridor, they came to a bright and airtight cable car. With the sound of pulling the rope, they entered the simulated wild hunting zone again.

With a sound of "Boom~", the door opened, and the three of them walked out.

I found that I was placed in a completely unfamiliar environment, surrounded by rock walls, and there were a few who heard the movement and looked curiously at their little fist stone, the mountain rat.

"It seems to be far away, it seems to be a valley!"

Tian Ci closed his eyes and sensed the mental coordinates he left at the water source, and found that there was only one general direction.

Temporary coordinates like this are extremely concealable and cannot be found by ordinary means, but the disadvantage is that they don't last long, and usually dissipate completely in a day or two.

But if it's not very far away, he can take the two women to teleport there directly based on the coordinates, and then continue to search according to the last route map.

This is why he is willing to come again and again.

Although there is no map, Tianji said that I can draw a map while looking for it!
Of course, the map must still be sold. There are always some smart people who have been to the hunting ground many times and found this business opportunity.

However, their maps are only marked with scattered areas, which are not complete at all, and the asking price is very high, and there are no particularly rare elves on it.

It is naturally unattractive to Tian Ci.

But to be honest, who would really take out the position of the particularly cherished elf and sell it casually?
"Brother Tian Ci, can you sense the position of the little Snorkelling? Is it still there?"

Xiao Ling at the side saw Tian Ci frowning, and couldn't help asking worriedly.

Hearing this, Tian Ci also changed the sensing target, and began to sense the position of the little Snorkel again.


In his induction, the little Snorby seems to be in a bad state. The spiritual imprint on its body is flickering, as if it was knocked off by something, and the energy fluctuation of the little Snorkel itself is relatively weak.

So when he opened his eyes, his face was slightly dignified.

"Let's just teleport and hurry, the little Snorkel seems to be in some danger, and its condition is not very good."

Hearing this, Xiao Ling quickly grabbed Tian Ci's palm with her hand, while Ning Hui also held the other side in a dignified manner.

This is what teleporters must do!
Then the elves in the valley saw the magic that made people alive.

Just hearing a "swish", the three humans disappeared in place, which startled them, thinking that they saw ghost elves in broad daylight!
Of course, it was impossible for the three people who were teleporting on the road to cross such a long distance at once, and the sense of the spiritual imprint was blurred. sent over there.

When the two women opened their eyes, they found that they had fallen into a snake den.

Arbor, who was enjoying the green caterpillar, was taken aback by the sudden appearance of three people.

"Just right!" Who are you!
After yelling, it also opened its mouth, and immediately a few poisonous needles were shot over.

As the leader of the ordinary low-level, it is used to domineering in this area, not to mention that it is the final evolution form, and it can use poison. It is an ordinary middle-level boss. It dares to go up and touch it. I won't coward three humans who suddenly appear.

As soon as Tian Ci opened his eyes, he was ready to kill the other party, but he didn't expect that Xiao Ling who was beside him was even faster, and when he raised his hand, a water arrow of ordinary high-level extreme power shot towards him.

The water arrow and the poisonous needle collided together and made a "ding ding ding~" sound, but the poisonous needles were all bounced off, and the water arrow continued to shoot towards the Arbo monster without weakening. When he reacted, he shot through it with a "puchi" sound!

"That's right!" Abo screamed, and immediately lost his fighting ability, and the part that was shot through was still bleeding continuously. If he could not get timely treatment, his life might be in danger.

"Continue teleporting!" Regarding this, none of the three of them looked at Abo monster. in place.

The little Arbor snakes all around showed greedy eyes at the leader.

Chapter 551

On the other side, the little Kirby looks a bit miserable at this time. The hair that was originally soft is curled up at this time, and it can be seen that some places are bald, and there is a little blood on its body.

The pace of running is also getting slower and slower.

"Ka~hu~ka~fu~" Xiao Ling, I should not see you anymore~
It hugged the backpack in its arms tightly, even if it was seriously injured, the backpack was still not damaged at all.

"Hoja~Huo~" Dead fat boy~ why are you so brainless, I said, as long as you hand over your backpack, I won't hunt you down!

"Huo~huhu~jia~" is ~huchi~huchi~ah!Hand over your backpack~

Behind it, the two monkey monsters chased after it with tired faces.

As for the other one, it was naturally killed by the little Snorkel, and the injuries on it were also left by the newborn high-level monkey monster.

At that time, there was a gap between late night and early morning, and the monkey monsters and the little Snorkel had a tacit understanding. During this time period, they all stopped to rest.

Originally, the little Kabimon was not prepared to take risks and do things, but the enemy gave him a chance!

One of the monkey monsters went to find food with an elf because it was hungry, and it saw it. How could this not teach it a lesson.

With mental calculations and unintentional calculations, he used the stomping move he had just learned to injure it severely, and then risked his life to fight hand-to-hand, and finally solved the monkey monster.

However, it was restrained by the fighting attribute of the monkey monster, so it was seriously injured when it fought back before dying.

And there was too much movement, it had just dealt with the monkey monster, and was chased and killed by the other two until now.

If it weren't for the medicine in the backpack that healed the bleeding wound, it might have been unable to run, bleeding to death.

But until now, the little Kabimon has reached its limit.

Although there are wound medicines and energy cubes, these are only palliatives, not the root cause. They just help the body recover as soon as possible, but if you drag your tired and injured body without rest, the situation will only get worse.

In the end, the little Kabymon ran to the original starting point, which is where Xiaoling asked him to wait.

"Kafu~" After running here, the breath in the little Kabimon's heart seemed to be vented, and with a cry, it slumped down on the grass.

"Kafu~Kafu~" Xiaoling, I can only wait here to die, but even if I die, I will not waste the energy cube you gave me!
I saw it immediately opened the backpack, and dumped all the energy cubes it had saved on the ground. Although it ate a lot during the journey, there were still a lot left, a full 60 several!

Then the little Kabimon turned grief and anger into food, and opened its mouth wide to eat.

"Baji~baji~" twice, the four energy cubes disappeared.

The monkey monsters who saw this scene not far behind the little Snorkel couldn't help being furious!

"Hoja!" Shut up, you fat boy!That's all mine!

There seems to be flames burning in the eyes of the one-eyed monkey monster, it is very angry!
In its view, that is the food for its evolution!
After yelling again, it sped up its pace again, with its hands crossed to form a cross, and its strong fighting energy gathered, ready to give the little Snorkel the final blow!
At this time, the little Kabimon was still eating energy cubes "baji~baji". Although it sensed the fatal danger behind it, it had already breathed a sigh of relief and could no longer make any decent resistance. Even I can't stand up even if I run away, so it's better to continue sitting here and eat a few more energy cubes. With their powerful digestive energy, it's almost like eating a few and digesting a few.

Even if you kill it, don't try to find it in its stomach!

This is its last counterattack to these monkey monsters, it just wants to disgust you to death!

But just as it closed its eyes and waited to die, a long-lost voice appeared in its ears.

"Little Snorkel! You have suffered!"

Followed by a warm embrace, hug it!

"Kafu?" Am I dreaming?
The little Kabimon opened his eyes suspiciously, and what he saw was a face that was thinking about it.

It's Xiao Ling!
Fortunately, along the way, Tian Ci has been using teleportation to hurry. As the distance gets closer, his teleportation becomes more and more accurate.

In the end, he arrived here when his mental strength was about to run out.

Then Xiao Ling made a move, and the two water arrows fired with hatred simply took away the two monkey monsters.

The little Kabimons were exhausted and ran all night. Although the chasers were definitely better, they were not much better. Therefore, under the water arrows of Xiaoling's ordinary high-level limit, they not only lost their combat effectiveness, but also lost their lives.

And such a thunderous blow also shocked the other elves who were peeping from the side.

Originally, they planned to pray for the mantis to catch the cicada, and the oriole was behind.

After all, the monkey monsters are also exhausted and in a very bad state. Although they don't know what they are grabbing, but they can make ordinary one-eyed monkeys make a move, and it will definitely not be bad!
Get it first and then talk!

But seeing a few humans appearing suddenly, after killing two monkey monsters in one blow, they didn't dare to show their heads again, and scattered like birds and beasts one by one.

And after feeling that the peeping eyes around him disappeared, Tian Ci gave a cold "hum", but didn't pursue too much.

That is to say, now his mental power is seriously exhausted. If it was before, all the members would have had mental power and taught them a lesson!
"No, no, little Snorkel, you are not dreaming, we are back!"

On the other side, the girl shed tears of distress when she heard the words of the little Kirby. From the degree of physical weakness and injuries, the footprints in this place in the future.

Xiaoling knew that the little Kabimon must have been hunted down, but even so, it had to come back here to wait for her, a trainer without a contract, to come back.

This really touched her heart!

Hearing this, the little Kabimon showed a smile, but couldn't bear the burden on his body, and fell into a coma. It had already reached its limit.

Seeing this, Xiaoling immediately helped him clean the wound with water-type spiritual power, and then took out the special wound medicine from the backpack.

"呲~呲~" to help it with medicine.

With the special wound medicine and the super resilience of the elves, the injury of the little Snorkel is improving at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But after all, it is too much consumption, not only physically, but also mentally. After the tense string is relaxed, it really needs to sleep to restore its spirit, so it will not wake up for a while.

"Have a good rest, little Snorkel!"

Seeing this, Xiaoling took out her own hunting ball, took the little Kabimon back, and put it solemnly on her waist.

And the hunting ball in the belt seemed to have sensed the girl's heart, and after shaking twice, it returned to calm.

(End of this chapter)

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