Pokemon Poor

Chapter 421 Giant Claw Crab

Chapter 421 Giant Claw Crab

Those with a conscience will drag their unconscious relatives and friends to evacuate together, and those without a conscience will just run away by themselves.

As for the other newborn cubs that stayed in place and floated in the water, Xiao Ling didn't waste them, picked some relatively high-value ones, and directly threw hunting balls to subdue them.

Because Tian Ci didn't come down, naturally she couldn't use mental power to weaken the subconscious of the elves, so it took her about 10 hunting balls to subdue these elves.

But no matter what, it won't be a loss.

After solving the problem of ignorance, Xiaoling began to explore the bottom of the lake carefully, and found 2 big tongue shells again, which were knocked out by the water fluctuations and taken away.

It's a pity that after testing the aptitude with the illustrated book in the shield, the best one is only a good low-level aptitude, and it can't meet the bottom line in the girl's heart.

As an elf who can only evolve once, Xiaoling's minimum requirement is that elites are inferior. Otherwise, relying on evolution to improve aptitude, I am afraid that it will cost a lot of treasures, and the few remaining sacred springs must be Save a drop if you can.

In the process of searching carefully, she also took a special look at the secret passage at the bottom of the water. She was sure that the lake was not stagnant water, but unfortunately, she didn't see any traces of snake spirits crawling.

After going ashore, she also told Tian Ci about the situation.

"Okay~ Then let's go to the next water source along the direction of the undercurrent that you saw, Xiao Ling."

In this regard, Tian Ci is not surprised. He has known for a long time that he is not the protagonist in the novels written by the previous author, so naturally it is impossible to achieve what he wants.


Xiaoling and Ninghui also had no objection, each agreed, and Xiaoling led the way out.

She has the strongest sensitivity to water, and with her leading the way, she will not go wrong.

In this way, the three of them continued walking and walking in the hunting ground.
Naturally, I also encountered other elves in the middle, and they stunned the valuable ones and took them away, and frightened them away with their breath.

And the little Kabimon came out very consciously after sleeping, and began to help the trainer clean up the miscellaneous fish.

"Kafu~" I saw it savagely charged, knocking away a few unicorns that were too late to avoid, and then let Xiao Ling walk over with a look of hospitality.

Looking at this nodding and bowing little Kabimon with a dog-legged face, both Tian Ci and Xiao Ling were a little dumbfounded, and at the same time had a little headache.

In fact, it has already been decided to sell it to the Elf House. After all, it is a small Kirby with elite qualifications. The Elite House will still accept it, but the price may be very low.

But now the little Kabimon is so active and attentive, which really makes the two of them a little embarrassed.

And this little Kabimon has really high comprehension. Although their respective elves are not here, relying on past experience and the training notes in the backpack, the little Kabimon has a preliminary understanding of a ground-based move. ─Stomp!

Relying on its own weight, coupled with the use of a little ground energy, it can actually be used in actual combat.

Most of the opponents I faced were freshmen, and everyone was straightforward about their moves, and there was no change. It didn't matter that the stomping range of the little Kabimon was a bit wider.

"Why don't we just keep it?" Xiaoling touched the little Kabimon's round head, and she said softly to Tian Ci.

Regarding this, Tian Ci also had a thoughtful look in his eyes, and finally replied.

"See you later!"

Because hunting balls are used faster, but in the future, unless it is a cherished species, they will not take it in again. After all, they still have to leave some for the miniature dragons and hackrons.

Although others haven't found it after searching for so long, he wants to find it within three days, which is a bit like dreaming, but dreams are still necessary.

And he has clues better than others, knowing that the two dragon quasi-gods must be in the lake.

After rushing day and night, they finally arrived at the second water source in the middle of the night. Unfortunately, the sound of "crashing" water here indicated that it was a small stream.

It can be seen from its crystal clear river water that there should be no mini dragons and hack dragons here.

Of course, it’s not a waste of time. There are actually a lot of claw crabs playing on the river beach in this place, and you can also see a few big tongue clams in the river.

But what's a little tricky is that the overlord of this water area is a common mid-section giant claw crab.

If it's a time when they are all in the mouth, a small ordinary mid-section is naturally a piece of cake.

I'm afraid he won't be able to catch even a slap in the face.

But it was taken away, and he and Xiaoling still couldn't use the power of the warrior level, and the only elf available around him was the attentive little fat boy, the little Kabymon.

With the addition of Ning Hui who is not good at fighting, that is to say, the combat power of two ordinary high-level, one ordinary middle-level, and one freshman-level high-level.

On the opposite side, in addition to the ordinary mid-level giant claw crab, in Tian Ci's mental power detection, there were also 4 ordinary low-level giant claw crabs, and more than a dozen newborn high-level giant claw crabs.

This was only on the river beach, and if the front came up, he didn't believe that the elves in the river would stand by and watch their boss and clansmen get beaten.

Originally, according to the ordinary high-level, one can play 4-5 mid-level strength. Although it is a bit troublesome, it is not a big problem.

But Tian Ci and the three of them are not elves, but humans. In addition, the claw crabs have high defense, and Xiaoling's water attribute spiritual power can do relatively little damage to them.

So in fact, Xiaoling may only be regarded as an ordinary mid-level combat power.

As for Tian Ci alone, relying purely on mental strength to fight hard, I'm afraid it will not be so easy.

Physical combat or something must be done, but under the premise that it is impossible to use the strength of the general level, he, a garbage fighter with double cultivation, probably cannot handle so many heavy fighters.

In fact, his only weapon is the throwing knife that has been under the bottom of the box for a long time. To be honest, it is better for him to use air to fight hand-to-hand against an elf with full armor like a giant claw crab!
After all, Qi, he can manipulate it to penetrate through the armor. To put it bluntly, it is similar to the dark energy in the martial arts novels of the previous life!
"What should I do? Brother Tian Ci?" At this moment, the eyes of the two women were focused on Tian Ci, hoping that he would come up with an idea.

"Um, let me think about it."

In this regard, Tian Ci had no good solution for a while, and his head began to spin wildly.

"Yes!" Suddenly, he looked happy and thought of a way.

"Ninghui, you should still have some low-level water-based ingredients in your backpack."

"En!" The little maid nodded.

After getting an affirmative reply from the little maid, he continued:

"We'll use these ingredients to divide them up!"

Chapter 541 Seduction

"Let's start from this edge first, and lure them over bit by bit!"

Tian Ci, who had thought of a way, was a little excited, and pointed to the place with the least number of crabs beside him, indicating to start from here.

"Enen~" The two women also nodded, and then tiptoed towards the most edge area.

When she got to the place, Ninghui took out the sealed low-grade water system energy cube from her backpack and handed it to Tian Ci.

And with superpowers, he doesn't need a fishing rod to catch crabs. He directly uses his thoughts to place the energy cube on the edge of a bush, which happens to be where these pincer crabs can see, but he is secretive, as if someone Same as omission.

And not long after he put it down, the sharp-eyed claw crab spotted the clue.

"Qi Kuo ~ Qi Kuo~" What is that shiny blue thing, it looks delicious!
It looked left and right, and found that it was the only one who saw it, so it immediately crawled over there.


After pushing away the grass, it realized that this thing seemed to have a lot of energy.

It feels that as long as it eats a few more, it can advance to the ordinary level!
And in its field of vision, it sees no less than 4 energy cubes.

"Tch! ω" God favors me!

Excitedly shouted, this lucky claw crab immediately wanted to pounce on the nearest energy cube.

But just as it moved, it felt a "bang" on its head, its eyes went black, and it lost consciousness.

And behind him, Tian Ci, who appeared at some unknown time, withdrew his punching right hand with an air of a master.

With the strength of a warrior-level fighter, even if he is limited to the fighter-level, he can finish this newborn high-level claw crab with a single punch.

Cleverly using the dark energy to pump air into its body, in this way, it can easily bypass the hard shell of the claw crab.

"It's really hard enough~" Looking at the fist marks on the fallen claw crab, Tian Ci sighed.

Although he is definitely at the bottom of the fighter profession, and he only used about the mid-level fighter-level qi just now, but with one punch, the power snack can only leave a punch on this new high-level giant claw crab Yin, if it weren't for the dark energy entering the body to help destroy the protective energy in its body, I'm afraid a punch would not be able to bear fruit.

"Maybe its characteristic is hard shell armor~"

Xiao Ling at the side made a guess while receiving it into the hunting ball.

After spending two hunting balls, this giant claw crab was also successfully captured.

With a "click", the hunting ball was locked, and the illustration book began to check the information of this giant claw crab.


Elf: Claw Crab
Attribute: Water

Feature: Hard Shell Armor
Category: Crab Fairies

Height: 0.37m
Weight: XNUM X kg
Explanation: It likes to dig holes and live in the beach. The bite force of its pincers is amazing. The outer shell is also an important means to resist foreign enemies. Even if the pincers are broken during the battle, they can grow back and restore their original shape.

Qualification: ordinary and superior

Strength: freshman high-end

Status: Severely injured and comatose
Breeding plan: The focus of the cultivation of the claw crab depends on its characteristics. The characteristic of the strange force claw can focus on cultivating its attack, and the characteristic of hard shell armor can focus on cultivating its defense.”

As Xiaoling guessed, the claw crab was able to block part of Tian Ci's powerful impact because of its hard-shell armor.

It's a pity that the qualifications are only ordinary and superior, and they can't meet the requirements at all.

On the Claw Crab, the girl's consideration is to have a hard-shell armor feature. After all, the attacker already has a fast-swimming frog.

"Continue!" Seeing this aptitude, Tian Ci was not surprised, he said something directly, and then moved the energy cube out.

Next, young pincer crabs who couldn't stand the temptation continued to walk into this inexplicably missing grass, and then were knocked down by Tianji's fist. Just a few punches
But they are not dead-headed, it is impossible to stay in one place and wait for rabbits, otherwise too many crabs disappear, and it is easy to cause alertness.

So after subduing 5-6 of them, they changed the direction and placed the energy cube under the big tree, exposing a corner.

Several times in succession, it has successfully attracted those peripheral crabs.

As the elves living in the hunting zone, they have been controlled all the time, from food and environment. In order to prevent most of the elves from the hunting zone from being promoted to the normal level, they even planted spirit devourers on a large scale at great cost. Grass, spirit plants like spirit devouring flowers.

These spiritual plants have only one characteristic, that is, devouring energy, and their thriving growth is accomplished by devouring energy.

Even in the previous lake, Xiao Ling and Tian Ci discovered that there is a medicine in the water that helps to emit energy, although it is very weak, ordinary elves can't find it at all.

But Tian Ci and the others are all elite-level powerhouses, and their subtle control of energy will not be reduced by limiting their strength. Naturally, they can find that their own energy is emitting too fast.

Of course, they also understand why this is because there must be enough new-level elves for the tourists who enter to gain something.

Otherwise, according to the short time from the newborn level to the normal level, how could there be so many newborn level elves in the hunting zone.

Who doesn't want to grow up fast and get out of the dangerous pup period (newborn period)!

Therefore, the elves in the hunting zone, due to the energy overflow that they do not know, and the physical condition that they cannot eat energy food for a long time, their desire for food such as energy cubes is actually far greater than that of normal elves.

This is also the reason why Tian Ci and the others used energy cubes to lure them, and they tried repeatedly.

Of course, if you simply think that an ordinary person can trick the elves into the hunting ball with the energy cube they bought, then it is purely overthinking.

Although they are still newborn elves, they have lived in the hunting zone for a long time, and the laws of nature inside are the same as in the wild, survival of the fittest, so in fact they all understand, what these human beings want to do is to enslave them!

Not just any kind of elf has the same personality as the Snorlax—just eat well!

So if there is such a stupidity, even if it is directly robbed by the companions called by the wild elves.

If you don't use the life-saving props given by the conductor in time, it is normal to throw your life here.

Otherwise, why is it still named "hunting" here!

Back to the topic, although relying on this method, many large claw crabs have been subdued, but unfortunately, the best qualifications are only good and medium, and the characteristic is still strange force claws, so they are still continuing.

(End of this chapter)

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