Pokemon Poor

Chapter 415

Chapter 415

Seeing this, Hei Lujia at the side hurried forward to comfort him.

"Wow~Wow~" Sister Kamigui, you are not heavy. It was very easy for me to play with you before, but when the time comes, you will evolve and your strength will become stronger!

Look, Hei Lujia speaks so well, and cleverly avoids the shortcomings of becoming larger and heavier after evolution.

As expected of a fire attribute elf, it is warm!

"Kami~Kami~" Brother Hei Lujia is better, when I evolve, I will take Brother Hei Lujia to play in the water!
"Lagu~lagu!" Cut, I can play in the water by myself, and I don't need you to bring it.

The giant swamp monster who heard this on the side pursed his mouth, and muttered in disdain.

Lying on the grass, Tian Ci and Xiao Ling who watched this scene laughed secretly.

They were already on the avenue near the light red city at this time. There were dazed flowers and fast-swimming frogs exuding an elite atmosphere, and they were still very safe, so the few people who had driven all the way rested on the grass for a while.

"Brother Tian Ci, is there really a turtle-like elf with fire attributes?"

"Turtles, don't they all live in water!"

Xiao Ling looked at Hei Lujia and Kamigui, and asked curiously.

Tianci had told her before that he had read in an ancient book that there was a kind of fire-attributed tortoise in another area, called the coal tortoise, and that the eggs produced by the combination of Heluga and Kami tortoise might be It's a coal turtle!
It amazed her!
Restricted by strength and the external dangerous environment, only elites are eligible to travel within the region. If they want to cross regions, they must at least have gym-level strength in order to barely protect themselves.

For an elite trainer like them who has a backing, it is not bad to know the Yusanjia in other regions. As for the other elves, unless they have studied it, they don't know.

To make matters worse, those civilians and trainers of small family children may only know the Kanto Alliance all their lives, and only operate in the town where they were born.

But at this time, when he heard Xiao Ling's question, Tian Ci's face flashed with embarrassment.

"There are fire-attribute elves, such as coal turtles, but the one before was just a joke. From a biological point of view, Helujia is destined to be just a licking dog that died without a problem."

"Yes, judging from the egg group classification, the owner's Heluga belongs to the land group, while the Kami turtle belongs to the water and monster group. They are reproductively isolated, and they are destined not to have offspring."

Ning Hui on the side also gave an analysis from her professional point of view.

"Ah~ That's such a pity~ But the elves themselves are a miracle, I hope there are miracles among them."

After listening to the little maid's explanation, Xiao Ling sighed and said with a sigh.

Back to the topic, Yukimura's Bi Diao has fulfilled Tianci's Bi Diao, and the other two have not been wasted.

That Frog Flower is also an elf with the dual attributes of grass and poison, and its elemental core is naturally absorbed by the Kou Daihua.

Although the races were different and a lot of waste wasted in the middle, it still made Kou Daihua increase from 9 times of elemental power to 13 times through compression and refining.

In terms of grass attributes, it can be regarded as reaching the limit similar to Bi Diao.

After all, in terms of aptitude, it is indeed the worst in Tianci's team, and it is still the inferior aptitude of elites.

Bi Diao is already an elite class. Fortunately, the compression and tempering method is not affected by aptitude, and only depends on energy control and physical strength.

And Koudaihua is the most diligent in training in the team, so he can break through the limit of 10 times by relying on the inferior aptitude of the elite.

But after 13 times, it felt that it was difficult to compress and temper.

But it understands the importance of the foundation and has not broken through. It would rather spread the excess elemental power to all parts of the body and use it extravagantly to enhance its physical strength than break through to the middle of the elite.

"Moo Moo!" I want to build a stronger foundation, and when I break through the elite high-level, I want to catch up with Hei Lujia and them!
With this kind of thinking, it will do so.

To know the power of so many elements, it may be less than one percent of the body that has really been tempered!

And Tian Ci also agreed with it to do so.

Whether it's Hei Lujia or Kami Turtle, even though their aptitude and potential far exceed that of Kou Daihua, in his heart, Kou Daihua is the most important thing!
The fetters of the original elves are not so easily surpassed.

In addition to the increase in the elemental power of the grass attribute, Koudaihua has also made great progress in the poison attribute.

Not only the elemental core of Miaowahua, but also the poisonous elemental core of that Arbor monster was absorbed by it.

It directly fed the poisonous element imprint that Kou Duanhua awakened the day after tomorrow, and increased the power of the element from one time to 10 times.

Originally, if the poison attribute was the main attribute of Koudaihua, it should have been improved more than this. After all, Abo Monster is a pure poison attribute elf.

The power of the poisonous attribute of the two elite high ranks can raise Kou Daihua from the elite low rank to the elite middle rank.

But it's a pity that the poison attribute imprint of Koudaihua broke through after the grass attribute broke into the elite. As mentioned before, there is actually a big gap between such sub-attribute elites. These two poison attribute element cores are very large Part of it was used to fill the shortfall.

That's why it's just enough to satiate the imprint of the poisonous element of the dumb flower.

Of course, the absorption of these two high-level poison element cores also allowed Koudaihua to comprehend a poison attribute move in advance-Poison Strike.

The rudiment of this trick, in fact, has been known for a long time. It is nothing more than injecting poison into the enemy with vines with thorns.

In the past, Koudaihua relied on brute force to violently transport toxins, but after comprehending the poison attack, it has opened up some special channels for transporting toxins, coupled with the special toxin cultivation method obtained from Yuhong City.

It can be said that the poison attack of Koudaihua no longer has a chance to poison the opponent, but it will poison the opponent [-]%.

As long as its vines touch it, it will definitely be injected with poison.

In other words, Koudaihua's anti-drug technique has taken another step of certainty.

In addition, most of Helujia's follow-up resources have been resolved.

In Yukimura's carry-on backpack, he found a large number of high-grade fire element crystals, as well as some precious fire-genius treasures. It is estimated that after he planned to kill the dog for fire, he would immediately find a place to let the flame horse advance, so the backpack There are so many fire-attributed resources in reserve.

In addition, Yukimura also carried a training notebook in his backpack, which recorded in detail the details of his 6 elite training from the freshman level.

Although it is definitely not as thorough as the cultivation cheats, and it can even be said to be relatively advanced, but Tian Ci himself is no longer Wuxia Amon, he can still understand it, and the details of the cultivation of the Miao Frog Flower are just right. Use it for Ninghui's Froggrass, and you can also refer to it for Koudaihua.

Chapter 529 Light Red City
The so-called surviving a catastrophe must have future blessings, which means that Tian Ci is like this now.

Yukimura's defeat also made him fatter.

After resting on the grass for a while, several people continued to walk towards the light red city with their elves.

The closer to Light Red City, the more poison elves in the grass and woods.

And most of the people I met were wearing long-sleeved trousers, and basically everyone was wearing a mask.

"It's true that one side of water and soil nurtures one side of people. There are too many poisonous insects and weeds!"

Looking at the scattered and heavily armed people on the avenue, Xiaoling sighed.

Along the way, they found that in addition to the increase in poisonous elves, there were also more and more poisonous bugs and poisonous weeds.

No wonder most of the people we met were fully armed. If they were accidentally scratched or bitten, they would be poisoned.

Although the antidote is not particularly expensive, for most civilian trainers, it must be economical.

Tian Ci and the others also attracted the attention of other people on the road. After all, those dressed as normal trainers like them must be trainers from other places.

Not to mention that Xiaoling and Ninghui are still wearing casual dresses, isn't this a sign of their status as elite trainers!
If there is no protection of the extraordinary barrier, even ordinary high-ranking trainers will be fully armed in the wild near Light Red City!

"Boss! I will definitely find two beautiful girls to travel with in the future!"

Beside the road, a young trainer with a short cut couldn't help sighing from the bottom of his heart when he saw the beautiful legs of the two women in stockings.

Naturally, the three of Tian Ci didn't care about the opinions of these ordinary-level trainers. It was more convenient to show their identities. At least no messy people jumped out to challenge them, or they were interested in sex.

"Brother Tian Ci, we are in Light Red City, shall we leave after finishing the gymnasium? Or should we stay for a while?"

"Let's stay for a while. The poisonous attribute of Kou Duanhua is very beneficial here. It would be even better if we can communicate with the owner of Aju Gymnasium for a while!"

Hearing this question, Tian Ci thought for a moment before giving an affirmative answer.

In fact, along the way, Kou Daihua on the side is very happy to eat.

Those little poisonous insects and low-level spiritual herbs were all eaten by it as snacks.

Hearing that Tian Ci was going to stay here for a while, he even cried out happily!

There is also a centipede's body wriggling in the mouth.

Then he was "baji" by it and swallowed it.

Although these poisonous insects and low-level poisonous weeds have very weak effects on the mouth and flowers, no matter how small the mosquito is, it is still meat!

If you want to become stronger, the cumulative progress is also very important!
So I'm going to eat poisonous insects and weeds here, eat as much as I can!
It didn't take long for the three of them to arrive at the gate of Light Red City unimpeded all the way.

"My lords, go this way!" As soon as he approached, a guard with a wink immediately pointed him out.

"Okay, thank you." Tian Ci smiled at this, and walked towards the small VIP door beside him.

After swiping their ID cards and passing the identification, the three of them successfully entered Light Red City, an ancient city known for its poisonous properties.

Light Red City, as the name suggests, people here have an inexplicable love for light red. The roofs of various houses and buildings are basically light red. Among them, there are two buildings that attract the most attention. One is located in the center of the city and is also the highest. A large light red gymnasium.

The other is a hunting ground with a trap signboard.

Speaking of which, this is also the property of the Light Red Gym, which was originally privatized and specially used to train ninjas.

In the hunting zone, you can't use elves, you can only rely on yourself, especially testing the entrant's own strength.

As a ninja, you must not rely on elves everywhere like a trainer profession, otherwise they are no different from a trainer.

Ninjas rely more on themselves. Although they also keep pace with the times and combine with elites, they still rely mainly on themselves and supplemented by elves.

This is different from a trainer, who has [-]% of his combat power on the elves.

When you are stripped of all elves and thrown into the wild, you are the only one you can rely on.

Of course, the Light Red Gym is to train ninjas, not to let the apprentices who participate in ninja training go to the wild to die alone.

That's why a hunting zone imitating the wild environment was built in the city.

The environment inside is imitated according to the poisonous insects and weeds in the vicinity of Light Red City, and even the elves inside are free-range.

Although it was secretly warned at the beginning not to hurt people's lives, it's okay to injure or maim, but after so many years, the elves have reproduced from generation to generation, and this rule has actually become empty talk on paper.

Dead people on the hunting grounds happen every year.

Of course, most of the people who died here were apprentices in the Light Red Gym. Those tourists who went in for a play were still very few, and tourists would still have life-saving measures when they entered.

It's worth mentioning that now that the hunting grounds are open, anyone can pay to experience them.

There is no way, high-level poison materials are still very expensive, and it costs money to train professional ninjas, so the light red gymnasium needs to increase revenue and reduce expenditure.

As mentioned above, tourists who just go for fun, they only need to pay 5 alliance coins, and they can get 30 hunting balls that are worse than red and white pokemon balls, walk in a specific safe area, and if they are lucky, they can catch one of them. Armored rhinoceros and so on will pay back a lot.

However, in this area that tourists can go to, the most precious elves are Iron Armored Rhinoceros, Abirang, Shawarang and the like.

But the other one is the same as the way of cultivating ninjas in the light red gymnasium. Sign the life and death certificate in advance, and you are not allowed to use elves. You also have [-] hunting balls, but you can move freely within the three days stipulated in the hunting zone. .

As long as the elf can be caught, no matter what it is, it can be taken out, or the kind recognized by the alliance.

According to rumors, there are many rare types of elves in the hunting zone!

Charmander, Frog Seed, Jenny Turtle, the three royal families of Kanto, Katie Dog, Lucky Egg, and the elves monopolized by the two families are also here, and even Mini Dragon, Hack Dragon, and the quasi-gods of Kanto are hunting Someone in the zone also saw it, and the light red gymnasium also admitted it. At that time, the news aroused the enthusiasm of all the trainers around!
Many trainers signed a life-and-death contract, paid 50 yuan, and rushed in with thirty hunting balls.

As a matter of course, most of the people were buried here permanently, and the spirits they were kept by the gymnasium became part of the hunting zone.

It's really worthy of your name, you plot against my quasi-god, and I plot against your whole family
But with so many people pouring in, only one or two lucky people saw Hackron, and slowly the wave receded.

(End of this chapter)

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