Pokemon Poor

Chapter 412 Desperate?

Chapter 412 Desperate?

And this is not over yet, the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus is supporting the rock wall with its right hand, but another large group of rock-type energy has condensed in its left hand.

With the help of the terrain here, it gathered a large number of rocks, and then condensed a larger rock, which fell down "shuashuashua"!

The power is almost the same as a small landslide!
"Anyway, Yukimura said, it doesn't matter whether you live or die ~ you can be buried here!"

Seeing the huge stone above his head, Tian Ci gritted his teeth, and reluctantly took out a jade talisman from his backpack.

After it was shattered with a "snap", a transparent light curtain soon blocked them.

Traveling and taking risks abroad, who doesn’t have a life-saving hole card or something, Tianci is not short of money now, so it’s a good buy, after all, the most regrettable thing in life is that money is not spent and people are gone.
This jade talisman is an upgraded version of the one he used in the ordinary level before, and it is also a one-time use. It can best block the full blow of the elite-level high-level attack and kill the shape elves.

Of course, the price is also very expensive, costing 30 pieces.

Thirty times that of the previous weakened version.

Of course, for elite trainers, it’s okay to grit your teeth and prepare a few more.

Seeing this scene, Kishida was not too surprised. Since he is an elite trainer, how could he be taken down so easily.

"I want to see how rich you are!"

He secretly became ruthless, let the armored tyrannosaurus continue to attack desperately, and at the same time asked the big rock snake to help bombard it!
"Big Rock Snake, smash that turtle shell with a heavy impact!"

"Roar!" Upon hearing the order, the big rock snake immediately hit the protective shield with its huge body.

Thanks to its huge size advantage, although its strength is only at the low level of the elite level, the power of this move that uses its weight advantage is surprisingly great!Already at the middle level of the elite class!
Under such a double attack, the protective shield released by Tian Ci just lasted for a moment before it shattered with a "bang!"!

There was no other way, he crushed the second jade talisman again with a "snap".

But no matter what, this shield also bought them a few seconds, allowing them to have the strength to fight back.

"Here we come! Bi Diao, Fast Swimming Frog, Gem Starfish, let's have a blizzard together!"

In the shield just now, the water-type elves, mainly fast-swimming frogs, gathered a large amount of water and ice, and then Bi Diao also used the storm to boost the blizzard used by the fast-swimming frogs.

There was a sudden "whoosh" sound from the shield, and then a large gust of wind and snow came out with a freezing chill.

The huge size is full of power, but it is not flexible enough. The big rock snake can't dodge this wave of attacks at all.

Its sectioned rock body was frozen in a "click", and the big face also showed an expression of extreme pain.


"Dig a hole and go underground!"

Hearing the trainer's order, the big rock snake immediately "bang" and got into the ground to avoid the big snowstorm!
As for the armored tyrannosaurus, it has attached the rock wall to the surface of its body at this time, turning it into a rock armor, which minimizes the damage.

"Come out, bag dragon!" Seeing that his two elves were frustrated in the blizzard, Kishimoto flipped his palm, and another strong elf appeared.

"Spray flames!"

"Roar!" The dragon that had just come out immediately opened its mouth, and a huge pillar of fire shot out from its mouth.

The ice and frost encountered on the way melted one after another, and the sound of "squeaky" water vapor kept ringing.

Of course, the huge blizzard with the joint efforts of several elves was not so easy to perish. The blizzard was still flying all over the sky, and Kishida just asked the bag dragon to clean up the ice attribute power around him.

And this is exactly what Tian Ci and Xiao Ling wanted.

"Now, let's use the tide to trap them together!"

Seeing that the water vapor and ice and snow had surrounded the strong man blocking the way, she immediately gave an order.



"Well lol!"

Hearing the girl's order, the fast-swimming frog, gem starfish, and giant marsh monster immediately changed their moves, and special streams of water flew into the air through their control.

Soon the vortex of "哗啦~哗啦" spread all over Kishida and his two elves. The strong attraction made them unable to move for a while.

"Successful!" Seeing the success of the calculation, the girl showed a happy smile on her face!

They don't want to fight with this middle elite trainer, they just want to hold them back for a while and let them cross the last section of the valley. When they leave the valley and go to the wide plain, they will be able to escape by sitting on the Bi Diao It's fast, and it can stir the water!

Just when Tian Ci and the others were secretly happy, a familiar cry suddenly came from the sky.


I saw the overlord of this place, Longlong Rock, appearing on the cliff above, and the khaki-yellow energy in front of him condensed, and several huge stones appeared in the sky.

Then it smashed down with a "shua, shua, shua"!

The vortex around Kishida and his two elves immediately "bang" and was dispersed by a huge force, and they were liberated.

"Okay, okay! You are indeed a gang of thieves who can steal things from gyms and escape unscathed! I admit that I underestimated you!"

Kishida, who was freed, said with a stern face, then flipped his hands, and the rest of the elves appeared on the battlefield.

They are Dajia, an insect fighter, Abilang, a master of fighting, and Weili!

The weakest of them, the aura exuding from its body is all elite-level low-level, plus the armored tyrannosaurus and marsupial dragon, it is impressively the combat power of 4 elite-level middle-level and 2 elite-level low-level.

At this moment, the members of Kishida's team also arrived late.

Before, he disliked that these ordinary high-ranking subordinates were too slow, which was simply a drag, so he just asked the big rock snake to put them down and rushed over by himself!

After all, accidents may happen every minute and every second. Such a big reward must be obtained first.

"Come out, Rumble Stone!"

"Come out Radha!"

"Vine monster, come out too!"

And seeing that their bosses were going all out, they naturally didn't dare to keep it, and sent out all their elves one after another.

All of a sudden, Tian Ci and the others were in a precarious situation. Even if he had 4-5 defensive jade charms in his hand, it would be useless at all!
There are too many elves. Although the ordinary-level elves have weak attacks, they can't hold back the ants and kill the elephants!
And he's not an elephant, he's just an elite class, barely a wolf.

"Come on!" Seeing Tianji and the others with desperate faces, Kishida's bad mood of being swayed before improved instantly, and he launched an attack with a big wave of his hand.




All of a sudden, a large number of elves used messy long-range moves.

Flames, vines, stones, lightning and various skills flurry!
Chapter 523

Looking at the moves all over the sky, Tian Ci's eyes became fierce, and he immediately took out a miniature doll from his backpack, it was a q-version doll of Hu Di!
This is the real life-saving hole card that Na Zi gave him, which sealed Hu Di's full blow!
With the strength of Hu Di's gymnasium-level high-level, although it was worn out during the production process, the power of this blow has reached the level of the middle-level gymnasium.

Even because it is a superpower move, it is more powerful and more concealed than ordinary energy-based moves.

With a "pop", Hu Di's q-version doll shattered, and "wow~" a huge and invisible wave of thoughts spread to the surroundings in an instant.

The energy moves of various systems in the air were also wiped out, and those ordinary-level elves fell to the ground directly, and so did their trainers. They only felt a headache and black eyes, and fell unconscious!

Even the elite-level armored Tyrannosaurus didn't hold on for more than two seconds, and fell to the ground with a "bang" sound. Even the big rock snake hiding in the ground didn't escape, and its eyes turned into swirls, losing its fighting ability.

Only Kishida, an elite trainer, survived by relying on the extraordinary barrier of stress response. Of course, this barrier only helped him last for a few seconds. What really kept him alive was his accumulation over the years. life-saving props.

Among them, he crushed three of the high-level jade talismans that Tian Ci had used before, and used up all the other life-saving trump cards!
So in the end he survived with a pale face.

"Bastard!" After this wave of mental chanting passed, he cursed secretly, and immediately put away the fallen elf, even the big rock snake buried in the ground was taken back by him with a special method , and ran away immediately!
"Fortunately, the attack range of that wave is large, otherwise I am afraid that my elves and I will die here!"

As he hurried on his way enduring a splitting headache, he thought about it with lingering fear.

Not everyone has a strong background, nor does everyone have gym-level hole cards. Kishida already feels that he has a lot of life to survive this wave of attacks. As for the remaining capture reward, he is Don't dare to blend in anymore!
First of all, all 6 of his main spirits have lost their ability to fight, and their lives are hanging by a thread. There is no way to pose a threat to Tian Ci and others.

Secondly, to have gym-level hole cards, and judging by their power, they are not ordinary gym-level. Such a person must have a big background, and he is not something that a small pawn can provoke!

Even if you successfully catch it, you still have to live to enjoy the reward!

He didn't think that the gym master of Linye Town would defend himself to the death in front of a super power gym master.

And who knows if that kid still has the hole cards in his hand, and facing a full blow from a gym-level elf, he has nothing to resist again!

Fortunately, he himself has worked hard at ordinary times, and he is also a warrior-level transcendent. He also has two ordinary high-level spare elves in his hand, so it is no problem to escape this wilderness area.

On the other side, Tian Ci heaved a sigh of relief after seeing the man run away.

"Go, let's withdraw now!"

Xiao Ling and Ning Hui both looked at Tian Ci in surprise when they heard this.

"Brother Tian Ci, there are so many elves here, and there are so many trainers' backpacks scattered here, we don't want them all!
It probably takes less than 2 minutes to tidy up! "

At this time, the girl's eyes are full of money!

"Yes, yes, master, let's help to collect together, it may only take a little over a minute! No matter what, let's collect those two elite-level wild elves!

Otherwise, we will be at a loss, and even use up the hole cards given by Miss Nazi! "

Ning Hui also chimed in.

In this regard, Tian Ci shook his head, and directly dragged the two girls forward.

Time was running out, he didn't have time to stay where he was and explain to the two women, so he could only talk while fleeing.

"It's too late. My spiritual sense tells me that the danger has not passed yet. On the contrary, the danger seems to be getting closer and closer to us. The warnings in my heart are getting more and more frequent!"

"Compared to life, these things are not worth mentioning, and Nazi is also using teleportation to rush here, but the distance is too far, she can't get there right away, what we have to do is to run as far as possible, Delay more time!"

Hearing this, the two women didn't talk too much, and just followed along on their way.

And in the valley at this time, the elves of Yukimura were trembling under the gymnasium-level pressure just now, and even their boss had been laid down. Naturally, they didn't dare to stand up to stop them, so the three of Tian Ci could be said to be the best at the end of the valley. Unimpeded.

"Shua, Shua, Shua~" I saw the figures of several people leaping forward, and they appeared at the exit of the valley.

And here, someone has already been waiting there.

"Yo~Tian Cijun, long time no see, you guys seem to be very embarrassed, haven't you finished the mission? Do you need me to help you!"

Yukimura at the exit of the valley, with a fake smile on his face, beckoned at Tachi and the others with his right hand.

Originally seeing Yukimura's Tadaji, his face was very solemn, but when he heard him say that, his expression changed.
Although he didn't understand why Yukimura still pretended to be false, but delaying time was exactly what he wanted, as long as Nazi arrived, even if Lin Ye Gym Master came over, he would be worthwhile!

So his complexion changed, and he replied gently:

"Yeah, I was attacked by gangsters in the valley before, and I have no clue about the task assigned by the teacher. It would be great if Brother Yukimura could help!"

While he was communicating with Yukimura, he kept calling Nazi from the bottom of his heart.

"Nazzi, Nazi, where have you been? After the elite middle rank, the real behind-the-scenes person came out, and it really is the acting owner, who has the strength of the elite high rank.

I still have a puppet left, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold it for a long time! "

At this time, Nazi, who had already teleported to Yuhong City, also had a tense expression, and while teleporting again, she also replied from the bottom of her heart:
"It's almost here, Tian Ci, half a minute at most, I'm in Yuhong City now, you must hold on!"

After finishing speaking, she appeared at the intersection of No. 17 road with a "swish".

At this time, she regretted a little, why didn't she give Tian Ci more dolls.

Of course, Hu Di and the magic wall puppets, who sensed this idea, all rolled their eyes.

"You think this sealed puppet is a Chinese cabbage. In order to ensure the power, we all split a little bit of spiritual origin in it!"

Of course, they only dared to think about it in their hearts, but they dared not say it.

It is worth mentioning that this kind of props that seals the full blow of a high-level powerhouse is really not a Chinese cabbage, it is only possible to divide the original power into it.

This is relatively harmful to them, one or two at a time is fine, as long as there are enough geniuses and land treasures, it will not have much impact, but if there are too many times, it will cause irreversible damage to the foundation.

(End of this chapter)

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