Pokemon Poor

Chapter 406 Exposure

Chapter 406 Exposure
"Should I go first? Brother Tian Ci?" When the gym staff came to ask about the order of playing, Xiaoling asked Tian Ci who was on the side.

"No, I'll come first, just to test Helujia's strength."

In this regard, he shook his head and refused for the first time.

Then he walked towards the contestant stage in a "stepping" manner.

Seeing that the challenger was on stage, the referee who hosted him immediately introduced it.

"Next is the first elite challenge. The challenger is Aoki Tatsumi from Aoki Town, and the guardian of the gymnasium is Lord Lianna!"

Because there was no audience at all, there was naturally no cheering after the referee's introduction, and the referee immediately explained the rules.

"This battle adopts a 1V1 mode. Both sides send elves at the same time. The challenger will attack first. If the challenge is successful, you will receive the Forest Leaf Badge and an energy ball skill inheritance bead."

I have to say that the rewards given by the Small Gymnasium are indeed a bit worse than those given by the Grand Gymnasium. It cannot be said that the energy ball is a bad move. In fact, the power of the energy ball is also very good, and it is also commonly used in grass-type moves.

But the rarity is much worse, this trick can basically be bought with a little effort.

But Tian Ci came here to get a badge, and this skill inheritance abacus is considered a bonus, saving a trip to the department store.

"Next, please send elves from both sides at the same time!"

As soon as the referee finished speaking, both sides raised their right hands.

"Go, Heruga!"

"It's up to you, Overlord Flower!"

Accompanied by two flashes of red light, a big black dog and an elf with a huge flower cover appeared on the left and right sides respectively.

Looking at the Overlord Flower, Tian Ci immediately compared it with the one in Yuhong Gym.

I found that Yuhong City is still more powerful, and this Overlord Flower may only be ranked at the middle level among the disciples of Yuhong Gym, let alone compared with Li Jia's Gym-level Overlord Flower.

Of course, this is only judged by the level of the big forces. If civilian trainers and those from small families are counted, it is still firmly in the upper reaches.

After looking at the elves on both sides, the referee didn't say much, and directly announced, "The challenger will attack first, and the game begins!"

As soon as his words fell, Tianji immediately gave the order telepathically.

"Hei Lujia, use tricks and howl!"

Hearing the order in his mind, Hei Lujia's eyes immediately lit up, and at the same time he raised his head to the sky and screamed.


At this time, its momentum is rising steadily!
"Overlord Flower, use growth!" Restricted by the right to attack first, Lianna couldn't interrupt, but in line with the principle that you strengthen, I will also strengthen, and return to the same starting line, she immediately let her waste elf use the status skill.

Of course, she could also see that the challenger seemed to be secretly commanding with extraordinary power, so if the challenger did this first, she could naturally do it too.

So don't look at the fact that both of them are ordering their own elves. In fact, from the perspective of outsiders, it is completely two elves acting on their own.

This is also the reason why the elite level challenge matches have a commentary. After all, at the elite level, they are used to using extraordinary power to give orders faster and more covertly.

For ordinary people, it is like reading a book without words.

Of course, there are no spectators in this game, so naturally there is no need for commentary.

Soon, after Hei Lujia's long howl ended, the strengthening of both sides was successfully completed.

"Overlord Flower, shoot with energy balls!" Lian Na took a quick step, and let her elves directly attack.

"Dafu~" Bawanghua agreed, and spit out a large number of green light balls "shuashuashua" from its mouth, and called towards Hei Lujia.

"Run quickly, Hei Lujia, and at the same time cover the entire field with turbid fog!"

After hearing the order, Hei Lujia immediately started to run on all fours.

At the same time, he opened his mouth, and a large amount of black mist floated out.

The sound of "bang bang bang" explosions was endless, and the entire venue was gradually shrouded in thick smoke.

At this time, Hei Lujia also had some scars on his body. Although he was not hit by the energy ball head-on, the attacks from the other side were too intensive, and the gravel splashed on the field still caused him some damage.

But now the entire venue was covered in turbid fog, and the invisible Overlord Flower also stopped shooting meaninglessly.

"Right now, Hei Lujia maintains the scent detection and shoots back with flame bombs!"

And when the field changes, the offensive side also changes naturally.

After receiving the order, Hei Lujia opened his mouth and said "hoo", and then spit out several blue-purple flame bombs and hit the place with the strongest fragrance of flowers!

"Be careful, Overlord Flower!" Because she couldn't hear her opponent's order, Lian Na could only make her elf be careful.

It's a pity that there is no reason to guard against thieves for a thousand days. Although he successfully solved a few flame bombs, he was caught off guard by a flame bomb that suddenly appeared from behind and hit him with a "bang".

"Dafu!" The restrained damage of the fire attribute, coupled with the particularity of the ghost spirit fire, directly made Bawanghua scream in pain!
At this time, in the secret room, the man who saw this scene through the surveillance stood up with a "swish".

"Sure enough, it really is spiritual fire!"

"It doesn't take much effort! Hahaha~"

"Looking at the appearance of this Hei Lujia, it has just been refined, and there is still time. As long as the core of the fire element is dug out again, my flame horse has a chance to be promoted to the gymnasium level!"

Thanks to the special camera specially used by the gymnasium, the man can clearly see the situation in the fog.

He clearly saw the blue-purple flame of Heruga!
In fact, when Hei Lujia first played, the man had a premonition, and now it really has become a reality.

He was very excited at this moment, wishing that the guards of the gymnasium would directly capture Tian Ci, and then take out Heluga's fire core!

This is his hope to advance to the gym!

He had encountered that flaming horse group in the wild before, and by virtue of having a flaming horse, he successfully broke into the interior and got news of the Nether Spirit Fire.

It's a pity that he missed a move, and he was a step too late when instructing his flame horse to steal the ghost spirit fire, so he had to escape in embarrassment in the end.

Afterwards, the traces of this flame horse group disappeared, and he only released such a mission in the elf center, and even spent a high amount of contribution point rewards.

Of course, in order to hide the news of the spirit fire, he changed his goal to capture a little fire horse.

As far as he knew, there was only that group of flame horses in this area. As long as the little fire horses were captured, traces of that group would naturally be found again.

At that time, the master of the gymnasium just happened to be out. With his status as a big brother, he can mobilize most of the power in the gymnasium to snatch the Nether Spirit Fire, and his promotion to the gymnasium is just around the corner!
It's a pity that people's calculations are not as good as the sky's calculations. The traces have been found, but the Nether Spirit Fire has also been spotted first.

Chapter 513 Victory

Originally, his purpose of monitoring was just in case. After all, Tian Ci's elite low-level strength was still a bit weak in his opinion, and the probability of getting the Nether Spirit Fire was relatively low.

But just take this opportunity to see the strength, get to know it, and then you can make friends and let him lead the way.

But now I didn't expect that if it came true, that person would actually get it and refine the Nether Spirit Fire!
He was naturally very excited!
It must be much more difficult to snatch it from a group of elite flame horses than from Tian Ci, an elite low-level trainer!
Originally, he didn't intend to go this far, but Hei Lujia has already been refined, and if he wants to peel it off again, he can only kill the dog to get the core!
Naturally, it is impossible for Tian Ci to wait for death obediently. The two sides are already in a situation of endless death.

For this gym master, this is his hope of becoming a gymnasium, it is the path, and it is impossible to give up!
At this time, Tian Ci on the field didn't know that he was in the middle of a murder, and he was chasing after the victory.

"Hei Lujia, now, spray flames with all your strength!"

After hearing the order, Hei Lujia opened his mouth, and the fiery red element mark on his forehead shone brightly, and then a blue-purple pillar of fire shot straight at the still stiff Overlord Flower.

"Dafu!" Although Bawanghua saw the pillar of fire at this time, the bone-chilling chill from before also made it slow to move when it suffered such a blow for the first time.

It is obviously a flame, and what the body feels is also a burning pain, but why does it experience a chill mentally!

As for Lian Na, her mind was running fast at this time, and when she saw the pillar of fire, she understood that it was the legendary spiritual fire!
She didn't expect to meet an opponent with spiritual fire!

"Bawanghua, attack with venom!" At the critical moment, she could only think of using poison-type moves to counteract.

Unfortunately, it was still a step too late, the Overlord Flower was poisoned, and the movements became even slower!
The previous turbid mist was already mixed with toxins. Although the Overlord Flower itself has a good resistance to poisons, adding the special toxins in the Nether Spirit Fire still had a slight impact on it.

It was only a second late, the toxin in its body had just started to gather, and before it could be sprayed out, the flames surrounded it!
"Dafu!" In the flames, Bawanghua wailed in pain.

"Overlord Flower!"

When the flames dissipated, Bawanghua, who was covered in black, had lost the ability to fight and fell to the ground.

Seeing this scene, the transparent referee on the side immediately jumped out and announced the result of the game.

"I declare that this match will be won by the challenger Aoki Taji!"

"Thank you~" Hearing this, Tian Ci cupped his hands at the referee and Lian Na, and put Hei Lujia back into the ball.

And Lian Na quickly took the Overlord Flower back and took it to the medical department of the gymnasium.

Generally speaking, in this kind of continuous elite-level challenges, if the guard is the same person, there will be half an hour to an hour of rest for the guard to recover.

Seeing this, the staff also came to talk to Tian Ci and the others.

"Hello, two adults, the next elite challenge will be held in 45 minutes!"

"Okay." Xiaoling nodded, expressing her understanding.

While the two of Tian Ci were resting, in the secret room on the upper floor of the gym, the elder brother of Lin Ye Gym was trying his best to mobilize his relationship to obtain information on Tian Ci and the others!
Fortunately, as the acting museum owner for a short period of time, the staff of the Spirit Center is also willing to sell him some noodles.

"Brother Yukimura, this is the information the three of them can find at the Spirit Center."

On the phone, a young female voice said so.

And on Yukimura's computer, there was a document that had just been received.

"You've worked hard, don't worry, I will do what I promised you."

Yukimura nodded and made his promise, then hung up the phone with a "snap".

The mouse couldn't wait to click on the newly received document.

With a burst of changes on the screen, soon, information about Tian Ci and the others appeared on the computer.

"Name: Taki Aoki
Age: 19 years old

Strength: Elite low tier

Extraordinary Occupation: Fighter, mid-level warrior

Possess elves: Koudaihua, Bidiao, Heluga, Kamigui. "

"Name: Tian Shui Ling

Age: 19 years old

Strength: Elite low tier

Extraordinary Occupation: Water-type spirit, warrior low-level
Possess elves: Swimming Frog, Gem Starfish, Swamp Monster. "

"Name: Kong Ye Ninghui
Age: 19 years old

Strength: ordinary high-end (quasi-elite)
Extraordinary Occupation: Acquired Spirit, Middle Warrior
Auxiliary Occupation: Junior Breeder
Possess elves: Big Milk Pot, Pippi, Big-billed Gull, Frogweed, Hot Monkey (elite-level low-tier). "

Although the information on the three of them was very simple, even crude, but after looking at their age and strength, he knew that they were all trainers with great backgrounds!
Among other things, that 19-year-old maid trainer is something that cannot be cultivated by ordinary forces.

Moreover, such crude information also shows that these people are deliberately covering up, except for the trainers of the big forces, the rest of them do not have this awareness.

If he wants to check a civilian trainer, the information from the elf center can even be accurate to the specific day when he was injured and come to the elf center to recover.

"It's hard~" Rubbing his temples, Yukimura felt a bit tricky.

But no matter how difficult it is, if it is related to your own path, you should kill or kill!

"They should be going to Light Red City. Judging from their strength, they don't look like trainers trained on a safe path, so grab the spirit fire in the wild!"

Looking at the bright screen, Yukimura clenched his fists and finally made up his mind!

Relying on the strength of his own elite high-level, coupled with the right to represent the gymnasium, the strength he can dispatch can definitely crush Tian Ci and his party!

And as long as people are stopped in the wilderness, there will naturally be no evidence!
After all, the wilderness area is very dangerous, and it is normal for an elite trainer to accidentally die there.

But the only thing to worry about is whether Tian Ci and the others have a strong person who secretly protects them.

At his level, he knows that those children from big families are strong people who are secretly protected when they go out to practice.

Of course, this is only for the children of families who are highly valued. Generally speaking, they are elite high-level trainers, or Taoist trainers who have a gym-level elf.

Another possibility is to directly give a life-saving gym-level elf to the children of the family who value it.

In case Tian Ci really exists, no matter what kind it is, it will be difficult to handle!
It's really not that easy to stop an elite-level high-level trainer who wants to leave. As a temporary gym disciple, he is not qualified to mobilize the gym-level elves staying in the town.

(End of this chapter)

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