Pokemon Poor

Chapter 376 Siege

Chapter 376 Siege
Seeing these spirits rushing forward, Tianji knew that the exercise could not continue.

Although he had expected it, he didn't expect it to come so soon.

After only two rounds of enemies, ordinary high-level powerhouses appeared. In a group, even if there were more elites, ordinary high-level combat power was still the backbone.

Now including the Lada, a total of three ordinary high-level combat powers came over, and he knew that he couldn't hide anymore.

Even if the pretender wins the hard fight, there is a high probability that he will be an elite hot monkey next time, so there is no need to hide it!
Of course, being able to mobilize so many ordinary high-level combat powers so quickly also shows that the popular monkey population here is developing very well and is very strong!
"Do your best to solve it, Xiaoling!" Thinking of this, he immediately sent a voice message to Xiaoling, and at the same time signaled to Lada who was grinning.

At this time, Lada's fierce light was revealed, and there was blood from Hei Lujia's body on the mouth and teeth, and he was confronting Hei Lujia!

"Jewel starfish! Shoot with all your strength and think hard! Send it back to the west!" Tian Ci's eyes signaled, and after getting along for so long, she naturally understood what it meant.

So he immediately ordered to Gem Starfish, and only Gem Starfish can silently kill this ordinary high-ranking Lada without revealing the elite-level fluctuations.

If it's a dumb flower or a fast-swimming frog, of course they can quickly deal with this Lada, but the time to attack must be longer than that of the gem starfish, and their attributes are not as concealed as superpowers, so they will definitely be attacked by the speed The other elves who came to find out.

In this way, with elite-level energy fluctuations, only fools rush forward!Definitely go back and call the elite clansmen over!
So it can only be Gem Starfish.

"Om~" After receiving the trainer's order, the ruby ​​at the core of the gem starfish immediately lit up, and then an invisible wave quickly hit Lada's head.

At this time, Lada didn't know that it was on the verge of life and death. After confronting for a while, it decided to strike first again.

"Pulada!" It yelled, and as soon as its figure jumped, it wanted to use a flash of lightning!
It's a pity that as soon as it jumped into the air, Gem Starfish's spiritual thoughts hit its brain with a "bang".

Under the elite-level mental obsession, this ordinary-attribute Lada only felt a sharp pain in his head, and then there was nothing else.

From Hei Lujia's point of view, this Lada just jumped over, then shook twice in the air, and then died.

"Woof?" It called out in doubt, and then looked at Tian Ci.

"Wow woof woof woof" Tian Ci, what are you doing?This is my opponent, where am I going to grill the rat?
After finishing speaking, its eyes became very resentful.

"Cough~ I let Gem Starfish take action, there are still many enemies behind Heluga, cheer up!
You have reached the elite level, so you don't need others to take action! "

Looking at Hei Lujia's resentful eyes, Tian Ci was speechless for a while, and through telepathy, he reprimanded him very quickly.

"Woof!" Hearing that there were still many enemies, Hei Lujia immediately regained his spirits. Although the wound was still bleeding, with the super quality of the elves, this small injury should not be taken too seriously.

Soon, without keeping them waiting, the fiery monkeys, who hadn't noticed the rest of the energy fluctuations, led the rest of the elves and appeared in Tian Ci's field of vision.



"La da ~ da ~"

Little Lada, after the monkey monsters surrounded Tian Ci and the others, they began to shout threateningly.

On the contrary, the eyes of the two ordinary high-ranking fiery monkeys were fixed, and they noticed the leader of Lada who had collapsed on the ground, and then they focused their attention on the bloody Hei Lujia.

"Puff~puff~" It seems that the big black dog needs to be paid attention to. It can kill Lada with two brushes. Be careful!

Obviously, Hei Lujia, who was injured and did not hide energy fluctuations, became the biggest murderer in the eyes of the two fiery monkeys!
After all, it is just an ordinary high-end, and it was injured!



"La da ~ la da ~"

Hearing what the two fiery monkeys said, both the monkey monster and the little Lada nodded, agreed, and then looked at Hei Lujia, wanting to get rid of him first!
"Woof!" Although being watched by so many elves, as a famous vicious dog, how could Hei Lujia be cowardly!So it opened its mouth and let out a threatening cry!
Of course, the real reason why it doesn't counsel is that it knows that its teammates are all elite bosses!

In this way, it will be strange!

However, those two high-ranking fiery monkey leaders don't know the inside story!

Seeing that Hei Lujia was so arrogant, he couldn't help becoming angry!

"Puha~Puha! Puha!" What's the matter, there is only one high-level fighter who is injured and dares to be so arrogant!give it to me!Little ones!

"Pff~ Lada~" Hearing the leader's order, some of the little Ladas were still low, and the middle Lada screamed, and white energy fluctuations appeared from their bodies one by one.

Then "swish, swish, swish~", most of them rushed towards Hei Lujia.

And the monkey monsters were not to be outdone. Although they took a full step because they didn't know how to flash, the white light in their hands was not weak at all.
Similarly, more than half of the monkey monsters rushed towards Hei Lujia.

As for the two ordinary high-ranking fiery monkey leaders, there is also a clear division of labor. One rushed to Hei Lujia, and the other rushed to Xiaoling.

To be able to reach ordinary high-level strength, they naturally have dealt with human trainers, and understand that women have a greater chance than male trainers, so it is easier to deal with them!
At this moment, facing the attacks of so many elves, Hei Lujia's legs trembled a little, but knowing that he still had a helper, he refused to back down, "Aww!"Hurry up!
After shouting, it also opened its mouth, and with a sound of "hoo", it shot at it with one move of spraying flames.

But faster than it is Tianji himself and the gem starfish that shares the frequency with it.

"Come on!" Tian Ci murmured to himself, and used his mental power together with Gem Starfish!

"嗡~嗡~" In an instant, his eyes turned blue-purple, and at the same time, the core ruby ​​of the gem starfish also shone with dazzling light, and the purple super power element imprint began to flicker.

Tian Ci himself is an elite-level warlord master, and Gem Starfish is also an elite-level super-power elf, and has used elemental imprints!

The power of 1+1 and then +1 cannot be resisted by these ordinary low- and middle-level miscellaneous fish.

Almost at the moment when it was activated, time seemed to be suspended. Whether it was Lada or Little Lada, or Monkey Monster or Fiery Monkey, they all stopped moving and were imprisoned in place.

Chapter 456 Elite Level Hot Monkey

Being imprisoned, the Fiery Monkeys already understood that they were looking for the iron plate. This is definitely an elite powerhouse!

Let alone these dozens of elves, just a few ordinary high-ranking helpers, they should kneel or have to kneel.

"Pff~ha~" One of the fiery monkey leaders was stronger, and his mouth could squirm a few times, begging for mercy with a sad expression on his face.

It's a pity that Tianji will not let them go.

"Attack!" He ordered coldly.

"Moo~" Koudaihua agreed, and a lot of vines grew around its body.

"咻咻" flew away.

And Hei Lujia's legs stopped shaking, and a large number of fireballs spewed out from his mouth.

"Let's go too, fast-swimming frogs, and shoot with mud!"

"Yobo!" The fast-swimming frog agreed when he heard the order, and kept gathering mud balls with his hands, and hit the enemy on his side with a "shuashuashua".

"Bang bang bang~"





Accompanied by the sound of blows and screams, around Tian Ci and the two of them, elves were flying around, whether it was little Lada, Lada, or monkey monsters, they were all stunned by their attacks. .

Even if it is two fiery monkeys whose strength has reached the ordinary high level, it is no exception.

Although they are stronger and physically stronger, they were also targeted by Tian Ci and Gem Starfish.

Mind power is not only to imprison their actions, but also to cause harm to them.

Among them, they are the objects that have been eroded by super powers, that is to say, they have long been tortured to half-disabled by the power of thought.

Soon, the twenty or so menacing elves fell to the ground, and the weak ones lost their lives directly.

"Use the Poké Ball first! There should be stronger enemies coming soon!"

After easily disposing of this wave of wild elves, Tian Ci took out many blank elf balls from his backpack and distributed them to Xiaoling, asking him to help.

"En!" Xiaoling nodded and began to subdue her.

At this time, Tian Ci didn't cut off the co-frequency with the super power of the gem starfish. In fact, it was also the reason why the Lada touched it nearby just now.

Pure vigilance, whether it is Gem Starfish or himself, will not use superpowers to investigate inch by inch in detail.

After all, it takes a lot of mental energy, they are all spaced, just sweep around a large area.

In this way, it gave the extremely fast Lada a loophole to exploit.

And in the hinterland of Luoxinglin, the elite fiery monkeys who were driving piles "bang bang bang" stopped their cultivation by coincidence.

"Puff~Puff~" Was there an elite-level energy fluctuation in the northwest just now?
A fiery monkey with a scar on his arm asked suspiciously.

It is a newly promoted one in the group, and its energy perception at this level is not yet so keen.

"Puff!" Yes, it seems that there are elite enemies coming!
Hearing the young junior's question, the old fiery monkey patriarch who was already a little older nodded his head while sitting cross-legged on the ground.

It is the strongest existence in this group, and it is the middle elite who injured Bi Diao before!

"Puha~Puha" seems to be our intention to expand the territory, and it has attracted the attention of some enemies. I just repelled an elite-level Bi Diao this morning. I don't know if it is it this time, or it is it. accomplice?

"Puff! Puff!" Whoever it is, just go and cook them!Leave it to me, Patriarch!let me go!
Hearing what the old patriarch said, the one-eyed fiery monkey who was the strongest and blind in one eye replied fiercely!
It is the most aggressive of the group and the most powerful of the 5 elite fiery monkeys.

Although everyone except the old patriarch is in the lower elite ranks, its elemental power has already reached 9 times, and it can break through 10 times soon, advancing to the middle elite rank.

At that time, it will be the strongest in the clan, after all, the old patriarch is really old!

Hearing what the one-eyed fiery monkey said, the old patriarch sitting cross-legged on the ground did not refute. It also meant that someone should be sent to have a look, otherwise it would be too passive!

Of course, it is impossible for it to send a one-eyed elf there. According to its life experience, it is likely that the friend of the bird is doing things there.

So there must not be only one elite-level enemy, so if one-eyed is sent over, wouldn't it be that the meat bun beats the dog and never returns, it is not so stupid!
Thinking of this, it glanced at the youngest junior in the clan, and felt that two of them should be enough, and it just happened to let this kid experience it!
"Puffa~puffa~puff" Monkey Forest, you have just advanced to the elite level, and it seems that you haven't fought with other elves of the same level, so you go and have a look with the monkey bully, and bring 5 ordinary high-level ones The clansman, 30 ordinary low-to-mid-level players.

Hearing what the old patriarch said, the fiery monkey named Monkey Forest, who had just been promoted, clasped his fists and bowed.

It was the one-eyed fiery monkey, Houba, with an impatient expression on his face, "Puff! Puff!"

It probably means that one elf is enough for me!Why bring these burdens, I don't want to be a nanny!
Hearing that Houba didn't care about his face at all, Hou Lin felt a little angry!
But let it go up to find fault, that's impossible, everyone knows that Houba's temper is just reckless, and to put it nicely, he has the demeanor of an ancient ancestor.

And although the words are ugly, the truth is true. Compared with the monkey bully who is about to advance to the middle elite, this elite-level fiery monkey who can only use the power of elements once is indeed weak. In the mutual training battle, the monkeys It can be knocked down with two or three strokes!
Even it is like this, let alone other clansmen who are not at the elite level. Only when you really reach this level can you know the power of the elite level. Even if it has just been promoted, it can win against ten ordinary high-ranking clansmen , so the word cumbersome, Houba is indeed right.

Naturally, there is no way to refute it.

But it doesn't refute, the old patriarch can indeed!It even did it directly!

I saw the old patriarch hit Houba on the face with a "bang" with his fist, and at the same time reprimanded loudly:

"Puff! Puff! Puff" Houba, is your brain squeezed out by your muscles?You have an elf in the past, so you are sure that there is only one elite on the opposite side, and you are 1 on 1!

Let me tell you, there is definitely more than one elite on the opposite side. If you are asked to bring other clansmen there, no matter how weak or weak they are, they will still be the queen for you!As long as the elite powerhouses of our clan are fine, the temporary loss of other clansmen doesn't matter!
You are the strongest among them!But the brain is the worst!If I leave later, you will be most worried about me!
After being punched by the old patriarch, Houba didn't dare to resist. Although he knew that he was stupid, it was still a bit embarrassing to be directly said by the old patriarch.
(End of this chapter)

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