Pokemon Poor

Chapter 370

Chapter 370

"Yeah!" Ning Hui nodded again and again, feeling that getting rich is just around the corner!

But after some carpet-like searching, they found that they had taken it for granted.

There are not many simple tasks, or in other words, there are only 6-70 tasks for the entire junior cultivator. It is too much to find more than 20 simple tasks.

At one o'clock just now, I saw a simple Lada mission, they were lucky, and now I searched for it, but I only found 3 missions that were not very troublesome.

Two of them are related to Leiqiu and the cat boss, and they are not the direction that Ninghui focuses on. They are not very sure, so naturally they dare not take them.

The other one is related to vine monsters. Although she doesn't know much about vine monsters, vine monsters are also grass-type monsters. In order to take good care of Tianji's mouth, the little maid has put a lot of effort into grass-type monsters. Yes, naturally there are still two brushes, and this problem is not very difficult.

Mission number: 1047
Mission Level: Beginner

Task description: Help prepare a nutrient solution suitable for ordinary vine monsters, which is required to improve the toughness of vines.

Mission time limit: none
Task reward: 200 contribution points

Mission failure: penalty of 40 contribution points

The tenacity of the vines, Tianci's Koudaihua often uses vine whips, and there are naturally such things in its exclusive food.

So Ninghui decided to go and see the vine monster first, and then change it according to Koudaihua's suggestion.

In this way, she selected two tasks and went to the counter to register.

"Okay, Miss Ninghui, these two clients will contact you at the time you specified, please pay attention to the phone when the time comes, and don't go to areas without signal."

After the staff at the counter helped Ning Hui complete the task, they handed back the certificate.

What he said made Tian Ci and Xiao Ling feel envious again.

It turned out that the client was required to contact within the time specified by the cultivator, instead of the person who took the task running back and forth, and even the location was set by the cultivator.

What a double standard!

It made Tian Ci and Xiao Ling wonder whether the cultivator has surpassed the status of the trainer.

But this thought just flashed through my mind.

In fact, they all understand that the status of a trainer can never be surpassed by a breeder.

Of course, at a lower level, breeders are sought after by the majority of trainers.

But that's because the strength of the trainer is not enough. If you go to the gymnasium, or even the king, or even higher, then there will be plenty of trainers willing to serve you.

Didn't you see that several master breeder associations were incorporated by the alliance early.

Even now that the Breeders Association is growing stronger, they have not escaped the control of the alliance.

So if your eyes are only wandering between the ordinary level and the elite level, it is true that the breeder is more sought after and admired, but if you look higher, the one who stands at the top of the pyramid will always be the trainer!
"By the way, if the star project can succeed, where will the position of the coordinator trainer be?"

Thinking of this, Tian Ci thought of his star project.

But he also understands that even if it is really successful, the coordination trainer he created is probably at the bottom, and is regarded as an actor in the trainer's family.

It is incomparable with those real coordination trainers in the previous life!

After all, he is purely for profit, unlike Mikri, a coordination trainer who combines combat and beauty.

He only needs fans to buy it!
Shaking his head, Tian Ci, who felt that he was still far away, was not thinking too much, and looked at the excited Ning Hui.

"I just don't know if Ninghui can climb up again. The benefits of intermediate and even advanced cultivators are even greater!"

However, he also knows that it is very difficult, and promotion is not something that can be settled with a single formula. The knowledge assessment is more profound, and the practical operation is even more inevitable.

So he just thought about it.

Next, the three of them quickly took their elves, went to a restaurant for dinner, and then rushed towards the Yuhong gymnasium.

After arriving inside the gymnasium and explaining the situation to the staff, the three of them were taken to the reserved auditorium with the best view.

After all, Tian Ci spent a lot of money to rent a practice room in the gymnasium for a long time. There are still some small privileges, such as the tickets for the gymnasium competition, which he does not have to pay. Just let the staff say, and the position will be reserved for them.

Sit down in the auditorium, and it didn't take long before both sides of the competition were on stage.

"First of all, it's still our guardian, the gym master of our Yuhong gymnasium—Miss Lijia!"

"Clap clap clap!"

"Miss Lijia! Come on!"

Amidst the referee's introduction and the audience's warm applause, Li Jia, who was wearing a kimono, slowly waved around and waved.

"And our challenger is Haodian player from Guangguang Town! Let's applaud him too."

After Li Jia, the referee quickly introduced another challenger.

"Hello! Thank you all for coming to my game!"

The challenger of this letter seemed to be more extroverted. After feeling the applause from the audience around him, he immediately used his extraordinary power and thanked him loudly.

"Clap clap clap!"

"Come on! Challenger!"

Hearing this loud response, even stronger cheers and cheers broke out in the auditorium!

But Tian Ci's pupils shrank suddenly, because he had already seen that the figure slowly rising on the lifting platform was the yellow-haired young man whom he had talked about in Yuhong Game City before!

"Interesting, you have hidden your strength, and you can even hide your superpower perception. It seems that you must be a disciple sent by the Dry Leaf City Gymnasium!
I just don't know why he wants to challenge like Li Jia, Haodian, plus the inevitable use of electric attribute elves, isn't this arousing suspicion? "

Looking at the familiar face, Tian Ci thought silently.

He found that the more he intersected with the upper-level forces of the alliance, the more he was puzzled. The measures between these forces were no longer something that a low-level gangster in his previous life could see through.

The little tricks he had seen and understood in his previous life seemed to be useless in front of these big forces, because he had completely lost his comprehension of the situation.

According to Na Zi, Dead Leaf City should have appeared in Yuhong City as an enemy, so why was he exposed in front of Li Jia?

Yes, he believes that Li Jia and other people in the Yuhong gymnasium should be able to recognize where the yellow-haired young man Haodian came from after watching the battle. Before, it should be destroyed.

"Strange, why?" He couldn't figure it out, and after muttering to himself, he stopped thinking about it and planned to go back to ask Nazi at night.

Although his mind is quite sharp now due to the development of his mental power, but his vision is not enough, and he has no clues to think about. It is better not to waste brain cells.

Chapter 445 The Flying Raichu
Tianji, who stopped thinking about it, quickly continued to watch the game.

He wanted to see how much strength this yellow-haired young man was hiding!
After the referee on the field quickly said the rules, he asked both sides to send elves.

"Go, Shuttlecock Mian!" Li Jia still sent Shuttlecock Mian, and its spore tactics were really troublesome.

"It's up to you! Raiqiu!" Haodian on the other side also threw a poke ball at the same time.

With a "swish" sound and a flash of red light, a sturdy orange-yellow elf appeared on the field.

Raichu has dark orange fur and a white belly.What remains unchanged is that it also has two brown stripes on its back, which is exactly the same as Pikachu.

But it doesn't have fingers like Pikachu, instead it has small round brown palms.And its feet are also large and brown in color as a whole.The outer side of the bifurcated ears is also brown, and the inner side is yellow. It is worth mentioning that there is a curled part on the end of the ear, which adds a bit of playfulness and cuteness.

"Ah! It's Raichu! The chubby is so cute!"

"Raichu! Raichu!"

"Come on! Raichu!"

Seeing this naive Leiqiu, many female audiences in the stands were so cute that they all cheered for him.

"Okay, Haodian players will attack first! The game begins!"

The referee gave the order and the game began.

"Raichu, use the electric field! Lay the field!"

Haodian also uses the method of spiritual contract to issue orders.

"Leiqiu!" Leiqiu agreed, his whole body shone with lightning, and strands of electric arcs spread towards the surroundings.

This is not a big problem for Shuttlecock Mian who is in mid-air, because Raichu is just laying the field on the ground, and occasionally a few strands of electric arc are shot into the air, and he can easily dodge it.

And in the stands, Tian Ci, who saw this kind of spreading move, became more and more firm in his conjecture.

Electric field, this kind of move to change the landscape environment is not something that can be bought on the market casually.

The yellow-haired young man of Haodian is absolutely 100% related to the Dead Leaf Gym!

After this, the right to strike is over.

"Shuttlecock cotton, dance with spores!" Li Jia immediately ordered with a spiritual contract.

"Bang bang~" Shuttlecock Mian, who was in mid-air, heard it, and immediately repeated his tricks. A large number of white spores floated around his body, and quickly floated towards Leiqiu on the ground.

"." Seeing this familiar scene, Xiao Ling in the audience widened her eyes, wanting to see what moves the yellow-haired youth would use to crack it.

On the field, Haodian didn't panic at all. Although this move is more troublesome, it is relatively easy to deal with the main attacking attributes, such as fire attributes and electricity attributes.

"Levitate with electromagnetism, get in the air, Raichu!"

But he had other purposes, so instead of destroying the spores immediately, Raichu used a new move instead.

I saw Leiqiu on the field, a lot of electromagnetic waves suddenly appeared under his feet, under the sound of "Zizi", this kind of strong Leiqiu slowly floated up as if he was stepping on invisible steps, and it was very fast. It soon came to the same height as the shuttlecock cotton, so the spores that were basically sprinkled down naturally couldn't cover its sight.

"My God! What did I see! Raichu actually flew up! Although I understand that it is the reaction force between electromagnetic forces, but to do this, you need unparalleled energy control!

Haodian's Leiqiu really has a super high attainment in the fine control of energy! "

And the commentator who saw this scene shouted exaggeratedly. Although it was easy to understand the principle and explain it, the shock in his heart would not decrease in the slightest.

"Raichu can fly!"

"My God! Electromagnetic force can still be used like this!"

"It's too foul! This Raichu!"

The audience in the stands also heard the commentator's explanation, but this kind of thing was so unbelievable, so they all exclaimed.

In fact, it wasn't just them. Li Jia, who was on the other side of the battlefield, showed a hint of shock in her eyes.

If she thought it might be a coincidence before, now she has made up her mind that this person should be from the Withered Leaf Gym.

Among other things, this hand is electromagnetic levitation, which is the special skill of the dry leaf city gymnasium!
Of course, due to the lack of communication between the major cities, the appearance and name of the contemporary gym masters may not be clear, but they still have some understanding of the famous stunts in other cities.

Electromagnetic levitation, this move has a fixed move, and it was not created by the Dead Leaf Gym.

But the Withered Leaf Gym has innovated and integrated it on its basis. Ordinary electromagnetic levitation can only make the elves float into the air, and then move twice in the general direction, but the secret of the Withered Leaf Gym is different. .

Looking at the current Raichu, one can see that their electromagnetic levitation is really the same as growing wings. Although they are in mid-air, they are not joking if they walk on the ground.

Of course, Li Jia can also see now that the previous electric field is actually a prerequisite for this revised version of electromagnetic levitation.

Because the entire battle field is covered by electromagnetic force, Raichu, who is in mid-air, can naturally use the reactive electromagnetic force to walk on the entire field and change directions.

But understanding is understanding, but the electromagnetic manipulation in it is a big threshold that ordinary people cannot cross.

Those who really thought that they could be like Raichu by knowing electric field and electromagnetic levitation are all smart people.

The electric field alone is not available to ordinary people, let alone the extremely rare move of electromagnetic levitation.

And after getting these two moves, there is no trick to control the electromagnetic force, and I am afraid that I will be struggling in the air all my life.

Therefore, there is actually only one in Kanto that can flexibly use the modified version of electromagnetic levitation, and that is the disciple of the Dead Leaf Gym!

"Is it a disciple of the Withered Leaf Gym who has traveled abroad?"

Thinking of this, she was puzzled for a moment, but she was still in the battle. After she cleared her mind in a flash, she ordered Shuttlecock to change the direction of attack.

"Shuttlecock cotton, continue the spore dance and sprinkle it into the air!"

"Bangbang~" Shuttlecock Mian, who was also in a daze, heard the trainer's order, agreed reflexively, and began to sprinkle cotton spores into the air.

In fact, it was also shocked by Leiqiu's flight just now. It's incredible that such a big yellow mouse can fly!
"Huh, huh, huh~" Soon a large number of white cotton spores were flying in the air.

"Use electromagnetic waves, Raichu!" Although there were cotton spores all around, Haodian didn't panic at all, and immediately gave the order to deal with it.

(End of this chapter)

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