Pokemon Poor

Chapter 367 Branch Point

Chapter 367 Branch Point

In other words, the head of the small town family is only the threshold of the Cultivator Association!

Moreover, Qingmu Town is a strong town with gymnasium-level townships, and it is not qualified for the Cultivator Association to open a branch base.

Because Qingmu Town is still in the development stage and its scale is relatively small, the Cultivator Association will not allow precious Cultivators to go to unstable areas.

The high threshold naturally brings high returns. I heard that the missions of the Cultivator Association are very rich in contribution points. Maybe Tianci and the others don't have to work so hard to do the missions of the Spirit Center!

After walking like this for a while, the three of them saw a huge semi-circular building from a distance, and the gilded signboard on it was impressively written with five characters of "Cultivator Association".

Ninghui couldn't hold back the excitement in her heart, so she started to trot directly.

"Hey~ Ninghui, slow down!" Tian Ci, who understood the little maid's mood, didn't pursue such a trivial matter, and even yelled thoughtfully, then circulated the energy in his body and followed.

Seeing this, Xiao Ling also took a step forward, and hastily used the lightness technique to follow.

Soon, the three of them came to the gate of the Cultivator Association. The man on duty was a man with a fierce appearance and a sturdy figure. , immediately mobilized the extraordinary power in his body, and shouted:
"Stop comers!"

This shout obviously used part of the sonic skill, which made Ning Hui, who was not very good at fighting, froze in place.

At this time, Tian Ci just rushed over from behind, and he realized that the guards did nothing wrong, so he immediately pulled Ning Hui and explained to the big man:
"I'm sorry, big brother, we are here to participate in the nurturer assessment. It's her first time here and she's a little excited. Please see Liang!"

After finishing speaking, he released an elite breath, indicating his identity as an elite trainer.

Sometimes the gate guards have different attitudes towards people of different identities.

As the saying goes, the king of Hades is easy to deal with, and the little devil is hard to deal with.

Seeing this, Xiao Ling who had just arrived also radiated her water spirit power to cheer Tian Ci and the others.

Sure enough, after feeling the elite-level aura of the two, the strong man's originally fierce face forced out a bit of kindness, and waved his hands at several people.

"It's okay, it's okay, the adults are polite!"

Originally, in this situation, he wanted to knock a sum and collect some benefits. After all, he did nothing wrong, and it was his job to keep idlers from approaching.

Ninghui didn't say anything, just rushed in, it doesn't stop you, it's his reason anyway.

With this burly figure and a little threat, the benefits will come!

You must know that in this position, there are many benefits of invisibility!

This door has been treated with sound insulation. As long as he doesn't overdo it, it's fine.

But this is all based on the conditions of equality between the two parties. It is a pity that standing in front of him are two elite trainers. Even though he himself is an ordinary high-level trainer, there is still a huge identity gap that cannot be bridged. He didn't dare to show his face anymore.

Back to the topic, after uncovering this little episode, the gatekeeper kindly persuaded:
"However, the adults should have come early. As far as I know, the latest breeder review should be next month."

"No, we're here for a special review."

Hearing this, Ning Hui immediately blurted out.

The so-called special review, of course, means that a new formula has been researched.

This kind of talent sent money to the door, how could the Cultivator Association let him wait for the review notice at home, they all reviewed it for him immediately.

Of course, the process that should be followed in the front is still required, and the written test is still required to test your knowledge reserve, but the later practice link is omitted.

Otherwise, what if someone is just lucky, a blind cat catches a dead mouse, happens to invent a new formula, and then uses the breeder's certificate to bluff?
As the saying goes, a rat droppings spoils a pot of porridge, this principle is also applicable in the world of elves.

Therefore, in order to cultivate the long-term image of the Home Association, even if it is a special assessment person, the basic skills must be solid.

At this time, the expression on the face of the big man who heard the words "special assessment" turned into surprise!Immediately, he became very respectful again, opened the door for Tian Ci and the others, bowed and said "Please!"

The special review means that the association is likely to get a new formula, the value of which is very huge. If it is known that he has offended such a talent, he may be able to accomplish his job today, so naturally he must be respectful.

As for whether it might be a bluff, he didn't think the two elite trainers had the guts to come here to make a joke!

Elite trainers are noble and powerful to the general public!But for the Cultivator Association, which is backed by the alliance, it's the same thing, if you mess around, you can kill it.

When it was first established, some people came to make trouble, but after relying on the alliance, even gym-level trainers have to follow the rules honestly here.

"En~" Nodding to the strong man guarding the gate, the three of them walked in.

As soon as they entered the hall, several people were shocked by the generosity of the Breeders Association.

They have also been to the elf center in Yuhong City. They thought that the Cultivator Association should be similar to the elf center, but after looking at it on the ground, they found that it was too different.

The purpose of entering is a series of middle and low-level spiritual plants placed around, and even the railings on the second floor have spiritual plant vines.

After Tian Ci's explanation by Ninghui in the past two days, he also recognized several kinds, including Zhiyelan, Anxinlian, etc. These spiritual plants are without exception. I also know that it must also belong to the spiritual plant with the effect of calming the nerves.

And the gray stone slab they stepped on was not an ordinary stone slab, but a low-level spiritual mine - flat magnetic mine!
This kind of ore will release a special magnetic field, which helps to stabilize energy, and also has a subtle effect on stabilizing the human spirit.

Although it is a low-level spiritual mine, but after looking at the use of space technology, there are several branch bases the size of football fields at least, so the cost is not insignificant!
No wonder it has to be completely sealed, and even the sound has to be isolated. Such a big effort is to put the entire base in a state of meditation.

For cultivators who are very demanding, meditation is indeed the most important step. In addition to isolating external interference, it can also allow the cultivators inside to adjust to the best state.

At the same time, Tian Ci also has an understanding of the high threshold of the Cultivator Association. In such an environment, to be honest, if you can come in and out at will, I am afraid that a large number of low-level trainers will flock to you immediately. After all, in this state, In fact, whatever you do will be more effective, and training elves is naturally the same.

Chapter 439 System of the Association
Just like what they are doing now, even though he and Xiaoling are elite trainers and have a high level of control over themselves, once they came in, their bodies and minds inevitably relaxed and calmed down.

Both of them were like this, let alone Ning Hui, who was just at the ordinary level. At this moment, she had closed her eyes and was thinking about the problems she had encountered in the past.

Because she now feels that her condition is better than ever!Thinking is also very fast!
But for a moment, the recipe question that could not be answered a few days ago immediately had an inspiration. When she opened her eyes and was about to tell her with joy, a staff member in a white uniform came to them. asked softly:
"Hello, are these adults who are going to undergo a special assessment?"

Looking at the calm and neither humble reception lady in front of him, Tian Ci smiled slightly, and took the initiative to answer:
"Yes, but not all of us. She is going to undergo a special assessment, and the two of us are just looking at the tasks inside."

He understood that the strong man guarding the gate must have passed the information in, otherwise the receptionist would not have asked directly.

After all, it's a special assessment, so it's a little different.

Hearing that the master is this girl, the reception staff immediately turned around, made a gesture of invitation to Ning Hui, and said at the same time:
"Miss, please come with me."

At the same time, another reception staff came over and said to Tian Ci and Xiao Ling:
"Master trainers, the mission area is on the right, please go this way."

"En, good!" After Tian Ci and Xiaoling nodded, they said to Ning Hui who was nervous at the side: "Come on! Ning Hui!"

Then the three of them split into two groups and walked away.

The receptionist resigned after bringing Tian Ci and the others to the mission area, and the two went to check it alone.

On the other side, Ning Hui, who was taken to the special assessment, was very nervous. It was the first time for her to take such an important test by herself.

"Come on! Ninghui, you are the best!"

As she got closer to the exam site, her heart also became restless. Even in such an environment that is easy to calm down, she couldn't calm down completely, and kept cheering herself up in her heart.

At this time, the receptionist who was leading the way seemed to see Ning Hui's nervousness, she turned her head, smiled gently, and comforted:
"My lord, relax your mind. You are a special assessment, and the real requirements will be much lower than others. As long as the formula you presented is no problem, and you have memorized the theoretical materials carefully, you can basically pass it."

Hearing what the internal receptionist said, Ninghui calmed down a little, "Huh~" After taking a deep breath, she nodded gratefully to the receptionist in front.

Soon, she came to an iron door with the signboard of "Special Examination Room" hanging on it.

"Come on!" Ning Hui cheered herself up for the last time, then pushed open the door and walked in slowly.

On the other side, Tian Ci and Xiao Ling were checking the tasks of the Breeders Association.

The machines that accept tasks are the same as those in the Elf Center, and they are also self-service computers on the ground.

Tian Ci put the ID card on the identification area, and with a sound of "Di~", the screen jumped to the front of the task panel.

He subconsciously clicked the "Browse" button, but the interface did not jump to this step, but a few large characters jumped out.

"Please use your authentication card to verify your identity again!"

Seeing this scene, Tian Ci touched his nose in embarrassment, but he got used to it.

When another receptionist brought them in just now, he went to the counter to help them get a qualification card, which proved their identities as elite trainers, so that they could take on the mission normally.

Although the identity card of the alliance can enter the computer, but without this qualification card, it is impossible to view the mission.

After all, the lowest threshold for the Cultivator Association is an ordinary high-level trainer!Naturally, there must be a measure to ensure the completion of the task.

If the requirements are lowered, and it becomes the same as the elf center, the mission cannot be completed, and the punishment is only recorded. It is not cost-effective for the cultivators behind them. After all, their most precious thing is time.

Therefore, tasks in the Cultivator Association cannot be randomly accepted. Although the rewards are very high, almost every task has a time limit, and if the task fails, the price to be paid is also very high.

If you refuse to pay the compensation for mission failure, the lightest thing is to be blocked by the Breeders Association.

After being blocked, almost all elf food on the market will not be sold to you. This alone can cut off your trainer path.

After all, the elf food currently on the market is basically controlled by the Cultivator Association, not to mention some commonly used medicines are also controlled by them.

Therefore, even though the task rewards of the Cultivator Association are very high, there are not many trainers who dare to accept it.

Tian Ci glanced at it for a while. There are so many self-service computers. Even if he and Xiao Ling are added, there are only about 20 trainers checking the tasks. This ratio is not generally low. Those dozens of self-service computers are in short supply, and almost all of them have to queue up.

Thinking of this, he immediately swiped in the qualification card.

With the sound of "Di~", his screen interface smoothly skipped to the next step.

But before Tian Ci checked, Xiao Ling's cry attracted his attention.

"Oh my god! Brother Tian Ci! The reward is so high! And the punishment for failing this mission is so high!"

After finishing speaking, the girl took Tian Ci's hand and motioned him to come and take a look.

Because Xiao Ling didn't make such a habitual mistake, she had already clicked on a task, and Tian Ci's pupils shrank slightly when he heard the sound!Was shocked!
Mission number: 153486
Task level: three-star
Mission description: You need 10 ordinary high-level Arbor snake galls. If you have an elite-level Arbor snake gall, you only need one, and the price can be negotiated!

Mission time limit: 15 day

Task reward: 30 contribution points for each ordinary high-level Abo monster gallbladder!The snake guts of the elite Arbo monster can be raised to 500 points at least!If you have elite snake gall, please contact me!

Low-level Breeder: Baolin
Telephone: 0528-1384xxxx946
Mission failed: 200 contribution points confiscated!
This task, from the perspective of the task content alone, is not a problem, but the task reward is more than twice that of the Elf Center, and the reward of the elite-level Arbor Snake Gall is several times as much!
You must know that although snake gallbladder is indeed more valuable, but after ordinary high-levels, Abo monsters are full of treasures, snake skin, snake meat, poisonous teeth, and even snake bones can be sold to wine shops for wine!
Therefore, the income from hunting an Arbor will definitely not be contributed by those dozens of points!
(End of this chapter)

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