Pokemon Poor

Chapter 362

Chapter 362
"Bangbang~" Looking at the fast-swimming frog struggling to jump up, the corner of Shuttlecock Mian's mouth showed a playful smile.

At the same time, as if by magic, green balls of light appeared in front of it "swish, swish, swish~".

Immediately afterwards, it turned into a machine gun, and the green energy balls hit the fast-swimming frog continuously.

The fast-swimming frog in the air couldn't make a big change of direction. After turning sideways to avoid the oncoming energy ball, it could only use the freezing fist to fight.

"Bang bang bang~"


With lots of blows and explosions, the fast-swimming frog disappeared in a cloud of smoke in the blink of an eye.

"Everyone! We can see that the fast swimming frog and the shuttlecock cotton collided fiercely in mid-air, and both sides disappeared in the smoke. Who will win and who will lose?"

After the commentator finished speaking, the audience fell into silence, and everyone stared intently at the smoke in the air.

Although the shuttlecock cotton has not been harmed so far, and even used super absorption before to restore its energy to the peak.

However, it is an indisputable fact that its body is fragile. If it is really hit by the fast-swimming frog with the freezing punch two or three times in a row, I am afraid that it will really turn defeat into victory.

Not long after, the smoke permeating the entire venue dissipated, and the first thing that appeared was the "huhu~" panting shuttlecock cotton, which was still flying in mid-air, but its expression looked a little exhausted.

There's no way, the continuous use of the energy ball is also very energy-intensive.

"It's over~ The chances are really too small~" Seeing this scene, Tian Ci, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, muttered to himself.

Although the fast-swimming frog's actions just now seemed reckless, but if you think about it deeply, you will find that this is indeed Xiao Ling's only chance to win.

The energy consumption is serious, and the poison is added. If you don't give it a go, then if you drag it on, you won't even have this chance.

Although the shuttlecock's flying speed is not fast, it can even be said to be quite slow, but he is in the air, and he just wants to drag it down. There is really no way for a fast-swimming frog in that state!Might as well take a gamble!
Almost none of the trainers who can advance to the elite level are idiots, and they all have control over the battle situation. They were born and died with Tian Ci, and Xiao Ling, who was fought in the wild, is no exception.

So she chose to let the fast-stroke breaststroke fight once, but it was obvious that she lost. The elves trained by Li Jia, even if they were not the main force, were just a second team, and they were not so easy to deal with.

On the field, the smoke had completely cleared away at this time, and the fast-stroke frog was lying on the ground covered with scars at this time, and the eyes that were originally full of fighting spirit also turned into swirls. There is no doubt that the fast-stroke frog at this time has lost combat ability.

"The smoke dissipated. Unfortunately, the fast-swimming frog failed and fell to the ground. However, its spirit of giving up its life before it is still worthy of praise. Here, at the end of this battle, let us use our enthusiastic Applause, let's put an end to this challenge!"

At this time, the narrator also sent a paragraph to save face.

As soon as the words fell, the audience immediately "slapped" applauded.

It made Xiao Ling, who was not feeling well because of the defeat, relieved a lot.

"I announce that this match will be won by Ms. Li Jia from Yuhong Gym!" The referee announced the result immediately after the applause ended.

"Lijia! Lijia!"

"Goddess! The best!"

"Shuttlecock cotton! Shuttlecock cotton!"

This result also made the audience start to cheer~
Seeing this, Xiaoling took out the elf ball and said:
"Come back, Swimming Frog, you've done a good job!"

Then the red light flashed, and the fast swimming frog was taken back.

When she came down, the medical personnel who had been prepared earlier greeted her and said:
"Hello, Miss Xiaoling, just leave the fast-swimming frog to us. Just now it was poisoned by the special toxin prepared by the curator Li Jia. If you go to the elf center or ordinary treatment methods, it may take a lot of time."

Hearing what the medical staff in a white coat said, Xiao Ling dubiously turned her gaze to Li Jia, who was still on the other side of the contestant's bench, and wanted to ask if it was true.

It's not that she is cautious, it's because for trainers, more than half of their combat power rests on the elves, and if it is not necessary, they will not easily hand over the elves to others.

For example, when they went to the gym before, even if the elves were injured, they would go back to the hotel to use potions or go to the elf center to heal them. It is the elf center's reputation for so many years that made the public trainers feel at ease.

The self-built medical team in the gymnasium is almost there.

It is rumored that when the alliance was first established, even if the elf center was under the banner of free quality, there were not many sparrows in Yemen!
After all, who would hand over a partner who is seriously injured and unable to resist, or even a relative, to a stranger?
Wouldn't it be easy if that stranger wanted to do something to the seriously injured elf~
So even if the elf center is expensive now, those trainers who have no means of treatment are willing to go there for treatment, because this is a hospital that has been recognized by the public, not a stranger.

Returning to the topic, seeing Li Jia nodding, I thought for a while that Yuhong City is one of the eight ancient cities in the alliance, and it still has credibility.

Xiaoling also handed over the Pokeball of the fast-swimming frog to the medical staff.

"Excuse me~"

"You're welcome~ Thank you for your trust!"

After a brief exchange between the two sides, the medical staff took the fast-swimming frog's Poke Ball and retreated.

On the field, after the staff communicated with Li Jia, they decided to start the second match immediately.

Originally a normal elite challenge, even if it was continuous, there would be a half-hour break in between.

This time is mainly for the defenders to have time to adjust themselves. After all, the battle between elites is very brain-intensive. In just a few seconds, you have to imagine the enemy's reaction and follow-up countermeasures. All of this is testing the spirit of the trainer.

Moreover, sometimes the ring guard may only have one eligible battle elf, so this half hour can be used by the ring guard to heal the elf.

Of course, for Li Jia, it is definitely not necessary. Her second team of elves is almost formed, and she can immediately replace the second elf to fight.

Therefore, the staff quickly came to Tian Ci and asked:
"Mr. Tianji, Ms. Lijia said that the second elite challenge can be played immediately, and there is no need to rest. Can you do it here?"

To this question, Tanagi replied without thinking too much:
"Okay! I'm fine!"

Nonsense, the defender is fine, and he doesn't care about the spirit that was consumed before, so what's the problem with him as a challenger? It's not appropriate to take advantage of it!

Although to Li Jia, the consumption of energy may be insignificant, but even a small advantage is an advantage!

Chapter 429

After getting affirmative answers from both sides, the staff immediately cleaned up the battlefield, and soon a brand new flat venue appeared in front of everyone.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I want to tell you some good news. It was decided through consultation just now that the break in the middle will be cancelled, and we will start the second match immediately!"

The referee standing in the new arena also loudly announced the good news to everyone.

"Great! Let's get started!"

"Miss Li Jia, we are going to watch the Dance of Flowers this time!"

"Finally, I don't have to watch that fancy show!"

Hearing this news, most of the audience in the stands were happy.

Most of them paid money to come here to watch the game, not to watch the performance of the hot dance baby.

"Okay~ Then let us welcome the next challenger with warm applause. He is also from Aoki Town, and his name is Tianji Aoki! Welcome contestant Tianji!"

The referee was very satisfied with the audience's enthusiastic response. After nodding, he began to introduce Tian Ci.

When the audience in the stands heard what the referee said, they also sent up applause without hesitation.

At this time, Tian Ci was slowly ascending from the lifting platform. After hearing the applause, he, like Xiao Ling, bowed slightly to the surroundings to express his gratitude.

"Hey~Why is this man wearing a mask? Are you trying to be mysterious? He looks quite burly~"

At this moment, sharp-eyed spectators in the front row noticed the silver mask on Tian Ci's face, and said in doubt.

"Yeah, is it because he is too handsome?"

"These two are obviously companions, maybe a couple relationship, the female training parent is so good-looking, the male should not be bad, right?"

"Yeah, yeah, I really want to see his face under the mask~"

Aiming at this question, many viewers discussed it one after another.

Tian Ci didn't explain it, after all, if he showed his scarred face, the discussion would be even bigger, in order to avoid trouble, it's better to wear a mask.

Of course, Li Jia on the opposite side had seen Tian Ci's true face, but she didn't care, after all, the trainer was fighting to the death in the wild, and some scars were inevitable.

Some people who care about it will eliminate it, but more people don't care about these things.

Soon, the referee quickly said the same rules, and then issued a password to the two of them to send out the elves.

"Now, please send out elves from both players at the same time!"

"Go, dumbass!"

"It's up to you, Xiaohua!"

As soon as the referee's voice fell, Li Jia and Tian Ci simultaneously threw a poke ball.

I saw two poke balls open with a "snap" in the air, and two red lights flashed.

"Moo moo~ moo~"

"Moo moo~ moo~"

Then, as if it was a duet, the same cry rang out on the field.

Waiting for the red light to dissipate, two mouthless flowers stood on both sides of the field.

"Interesting! Interesting!"

"It turned out to be Koudaihua vs. Koudaihua!"

"I'm afraid this kid will be abused and cried by Miss Li Jia ~ hahaha"

"Yeah! How dare you use a grass-attribute elf in front of our gym master in Yuhong City. Isn't this obviously giving money to Miss Li Jia?"

"Could it be that he is interested in Miss Li Jia! He wants to make a beautiful woman smile after spending millions?"

"It's really rich."

Hearing the rumors getting more and more outrageous, Tian Ci's face under the mask couldn't help but be full of embarrassment!
God is pitiful, but he really just wants Kou Daihua to learn a bit!
Moreover, Li Jia sent the exporter Daihua, probably for the purpose of giving pointers.

Although it is said that Ms. Li Jia is a lady-type beauty who looks better the more she looks, but now he is also the one who owns the entire Hualan City's stunning beauties, how can he be so superficial!
Still throwing millions, Bo Lijia smiled!

The person who said this must be an ordinary person.

Anyone who is a trainer knows that a million is nothing to a gym-level powerhouse, and it can't move the gym-level powerhouse at all.

On the other hand, Li Jia, who was opposite, was blushed by the rumors.

"Show me a smile or something, isn't it too much~"

Originally, her thoughts were really pure, because at noon, she saw Tian Ci's Koudaihua, and received Tianci's request for advice, so she took out the Koudaihua from the second team, ready to give advice .

But now being said so by the audience, I still feel a little shy in my heart.

As for really looking at Tian Ci differently, that's impossible.

As a designer who develops high-end perfumes, she herself attaches great importance to beauty. After seeing Tian Ci's true face in the garden at noon, she personally can't accept it, unless Tian Ci is willing to remove the scar.

The topic is a bit far away, back to the topic, this little episode did not really affect the two of them.

The referee was also unaffected and continued to preside over the game, saying:
"Okay! The challenger-Taji Aoki will take the lead in this match! I announce that the match has officially begun!"

"Kudaihua! Use growth!" As soon as the referee's voice fell, Tian Ci immediately ordered to Koudaihua telepathically.

"Moomoo!" In response to this, Koudaihua's body surface also surged with energy, shouted loudly, and began to strengthen himself.

At this time, the audience in the stands were a little puzzled, why did the masked man start using moves without giving instructions?So isn't this considered a first attack?

"Cheating! Cheating!"

"He took advantage of the first strike!"

Even a little impatient, has already shouted loudly.

However, at this time the role of the commentator came to the fore. As a game commentator, he also got a copy of the player information filled out by Tian Ci.

As for the profession of a transcendent, during the league competition, the players need to fill in the truth, and the staff will verify it.

After all, people like superpowers and ghost lords are indeed a bit buggy. Even in league games, human trainers are not allowed to play, but they can also bless their own elves in the player seats!

For example, the spiritual resonance of superpowers can enhance the power of superpower moves.

Therefore, in order to be as fair as possible, in normal league matches, the use of such blessings is prohibited.

Of course, like the wild fighting mentioned by the fighting elite in Golden City before, there are not so many restrictions. Any ability can be used, and the trainer has to fight with the elves in the field. Dangerous to life, very exciting
The narrator knew that Tian Ci was a person with super powers, so he made a statement to explain to the audience:
"Don't be impatient, everyone. In fact, contestant Tian Ci is a superpower and has the ability of telepathy, so his order is actually conveyed through telepathy. This is also a normal order. The first strike is here. It's over."

(End of this chapter)

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