Pokemon Poor

Chapter 357 Accident

Chapter 357 Accident
"Yeah~ Although there are many flowers and plants in the wild, but you have to worry about the attack that you don't know when it will come. How can you feel the breath of nature comfortably~"

Xiao Ling fell to the side, also nodded, and said in agreement.

Ninghui, on the other hand, didn't have much feeling. Compared with the two, she had actually been protected all the time, so at this time her attention was on the surrounding spiritual plants.

"Spiritual Fragrance Tree, Calming Grass, Sky Orchid ~ The spiritual plants here are really well matched ~ Can I try it too?"

The little maid who noticed the matching of vegetation said thoughtfully.

To her, these spiritual plants were nothing more than materials for making elf food, and she just had to give them according to the recipe.

I've never thought about why Lingzhi has to be matched in this way, and why the effect will be enhanced after the combination is done?

But now seeing the orderly and regularly planted flowers and plants around her, she seemed to suddenly understand something.

"Come out, Pippi, big milk pot~"

She first called out her two little helpers, and then put aside the machine for making elf food in her backpack, as well as various spiritual plants whose medicinal properties were close to complementary.

"Big milk jug, warm up the machine for me and squeeze me a bottle of fresh Moomoo milk.

Pippi, you first crush the pile of spiritual plants with a blender. "



After explaining to the two elves, Ninghui took out the opportunity of the burst of inspiration, took out her notebook, and wrote and drew with a pen.

On the other side, Tian Ci and Xiao Ling also called out their elves.

"Come out~everyone!"

"Shua, Shua, Shua~" A series of red lights flashed, stupefied flowers, and fast-swimming frogs all appeared in this grassland full of natural atmosphere.

As soon as all the elves came out, they all let out a cry of satisfaction.

"Wang Wang~"

"Bi Diao~"



Among them, the expression of Moutaihua is the most comfortable. Its two big leaves are trembling slightly with excitement, and the joyful sound of "Moo~" is endless.

It can clearly feel that the grass-type spiritual power nearby is very strong. Just staying here, under the spontaneous movement of the body, a steady stream of energy in the air is slowly flowing into its body. The two words are "comfortable!"

"It feels good, Koudaihua~" Tian Ci also noticed Koudaihua's relaxed expression, walked over and touched its cheek, and said with a smile.

"Moomoo~Moomoo~" Hmm, Tianji, can we come here more often in the future~
Dumbfounded, Hua nodded again and again, her words were full of joy for this place.

To this, Tian Ci smiled slightly and replied:
"Of course, we will stay in this city for quite a long time, if it is free, we will come here, okay?

Or I'll ask when the time comes, if there is any training venue for rent in Yuhong Gymnasium, let's rent one directly, the grass attribute energy on the other side of the training venue must be more than this! "

Hearing Tian Ci's reply, his mouth was dazed and his eyes lit up, he nodded again and again, and yelled "Moo Moo" happily!

It knows that Tian Ci is not short of money now, so naturally it won't refuse anymore.

And when Tian Ci and Xiao Ling were playing with their elves, a faint scent of medicine suddenly came over, and the elves who smelled the scent of medicine felt refreshed, and their restless hearts calmed down.

Naturally, Tian Ci also smelled it, and he looked at Ninghui who was making elf food with a little surprise.

Judging from the wisps of light smoke slowly coming out of the machine, the medicinal fragrance obviously comes from here.

"Tatatat~" Seeing this, Tian Ci immediately walked over and asked:
"Ninghui, what are you doing? I don't think I've seen it before?"

Hearing this question, Ning Hui raised her head and smiled triumphantly, and replied:
"Master, I created this by myself after observing the matching of the surrounding spiritual plants, because there seem to be more spiritual plants that calm the mind and calm the mind, so I also thought of this aspect, and wanted to see if I could use their planting rules to To make a food with a similar effect, now, I seem to have succeeded."

"That's right, Ninghui, I really didn't misread you, you are indeed very talented in cultivating family!"

Hearing this, Tian Ci also praised with a smile on his face.

He understood that his little maid would pay him another sum of money every month.

And if this suspected self-created food can really pass the original certification of the Cultivator Association, Ning Hui doesn't need to be her quasi-breeder anymore, as long as she donates the recipe to the Cultivator Association, it is still a good idea to get a low-level Cultivator Certificate. Easy.

As for being reluctant, of course it is. It is not a formula that can increase the elf's physical fitness and energy level, so there is nothing to hide.

Although there is definitely a market for this kind of calming food, the market share is definitely not large. For Tian Ci now, it doesn't make much sense whether he wants to monopolize this profit.

Of course, the efficacy of the medicine has not been tried yet, so it is too early to say all this.

Thinking of this, he yelled at Kou Duan Hua and Bi Diao:
"Stay dumb, come over here!"

"Moo~" Hearing the trainer calling her, Dumbaihua walked over bouncingly without hesitation.

On the contrary, Bi Diao seemed to recall something, his face changed, and he always felt as if the old things were about to reappear.

But it still listened to Tian Ci's words very much, so it flew over with a bitter face.

"En~" Seeing the two spirits coming, Tian Ci nodded in satisfaction, and then said to Ning Hui:
"Is it ready? Let's try it for Koudaihua and Bidiao, and see how it works?"

Hearing Tian Ci's words, Bi Diao's face changed, an expression I knew.

I still remember that in order to test the poison powder, it was the poor experimenter who took several mouthfuls of antidote.

Even in the past two years, after some changes in the toxicity of the flower of the mouth, it often acts as a tester to test its own big brother, which is called exercising drug resistance!
Needless to say, the effect is there. Bi Diao is indeed more resistant to toxic energy than ordinary elves, which is why Tian Ci called him over.

Although it is enough to experiment with one flower, but because of the poisonous nature of the flower itself, if the newly prepared food really has side effects, it may be due to the high-strength poison resistance of the flower itself. Can't show it.

And Bi Diao has done so many poison tests, he has enough resistance, but not too high, just right!

And the two together can also be compared.

Leaving aside Bi Diao's depressed mental activities, it doesn't matter if you are dumbfounded. For the food made of these low-level spiritual plants, it is not afraid of poison, but don't forget, it has been poisonous since it was very young. Sac as a snack.

At this time, Ninghui stopped her movements, and the new formula food was ready.

Just when she was about to open her mouth to let the two elves taste it, suddenly a female voice came from afar.

"Wait a minute~"

Chapter 419 Gym Master Li Jia
Hearing this sudden female voice, Tian Ci and the others turned their heads to look, and saw a girl in a green-red kimono walking towards them gracefully.

However, the careful Tian Ci found that although this movement looked elegant and the steps were not big, in fact, it was extremely fast, almost in just a few seconds. It turned out that a vague figure of a girl was clearly visible. Soon he also saw the girl's appearance clearly.

I saw that the person who came had short shoulder-length thick hair and a clear and natural face. Although it was not as beautiful as Xiaoling, it was very attractive. It belonged to the type that looked better the more you looked at it. The natural and intimate aura exuding from her was a plus point for her. Quite a lot.

The upper body is a grass-green long-sleeved jacket, and the lower body is a red floral skirt. A big bow is tied on the back to integrate the two together. The style is very similar to the kimono of a certain island country in the previous life.

After the girl came to Tian Ci and the others, she bowed apologetically and said:
"Sorry, my guests, I am the master of the Yuhong gymnasium, Yuhong Lijia, I stopped you just now, and I wanted to ask, can I let my Bawanghua also experiment, the formula developed by this sister food!"

After finishing speaking, she clasped her hands together and bowed again, assuming a gesture of request.

Seeing Li Jia's low profile, Tian Ci and the others looked at each other, feeling that the outside rumors were not exaggerated at all.

He is obviously a gym-level powerhouse who owns an entire city, but he is so polite to passers-by who are not the strongest among them.

Thinking of this, Tian Ci hurriedly returned the gift, and said:
"It's okay, it's okay, you come together, Li Jia-sama~"

Li Jia was overjoyed when Tian Ci agreed to the experiment, but she frowned again when she heard the title "Master", and replied:
"You don't need to be so polite, a few guests, we in Yuhong City respect nature, and there is no obvious difference in internal dignity. Just call me Li Jia."

"Uh" Hearing the words, Tian Ci and the others were at a loss for words for a while, and finally replied:
"Okay, Miss Lijia."

"Ah ╯﹏╰" Li Jia understood the incompatibility of Tian Ci and the others, so she didn't force her any more. After she sighed, she turned her palm, and an elf ball appeared in her palm.

"Come out, Overlord Flower!"

A red light flashed, and a huge and colorful Overlord Flower appeared in front of everyone.

It is worth mentioning that the red flowers dotted on the top of the overlord flower head are not the regular white, but purple-black.

It is obvious that this overlord flower has a strong attainment in toxicity!

"Dafu~" But this Bawanghua has a very good personality. When he came out, he greeted Tianji and the others in a friendly way, with smiling eyes, which made it easy to feel good.

"Hello, Overlord Flower~"

"Moo moo~"

"Bi Diao!"

Since they all greeted each other, Tian Ci naturally had to respond, and they all responded.

After a simple exchange, it's time to test the drug. Uh, no, it's the drug test!

At this time, Koudaihua and Bawanghua may get along very well because they both have flowers, and they don't care about the upcoming drug test at all, but Bi Diao has always had a bitter face.

Although I have done it many times and I understand that it is good for me, but the poisoning process is not easy~
"Come on, Kou Daihua, you go first~" Soon, Ning Hui fed Kou Daihua a little with a spoon.

"Moo~ woo~" Mouthful flower swallowed obediently, and then began to digest with the stomach acid with strong digestive ability in her body.

After a while, this little food was digested by it.

In its perception, there is a trace of coolness rushing over its head, and it feels a little more awake.

"Moo~moo~" Tian Ci, I didn't feel any side effects, and the taste is also good!
Haw smacking his mouth, Koudaihua expressed his feelings.

Hearing the delicious Overlord Flower, his eyes lit up suddenly.

"Da Fu ~ Da Fu ~" The next one, is it me?
Obviously, this Overlord Flower seems to be a foodie, and when he was talking, his saliva flowed down.

This made Li Jia on the side show an embarrassing expression, and hurriedly whispered to Bawanghua:
"Bawanghua, wipe your drool quickly, it's too embarrassing! We want to be ladies!"

"Dafu~" Bawanghua immediately lowered her head when she heard the words, covered the sight of others with red flowers, and then quickly disposed of her saliva.

This concealed scene made Tian Ci and the others very hard to hold back, wanting to laugh but not being funny.

At the same time, it made Li Jia even more embarrassed, and her face turned red.

In this way, it's not good to let Bawanghua test the second one, after all, if you don't stay in this way, the window paper that Bawanghua wants to cover up will be pierced, wouldn't it be more embarrassing.
So the second one is Bi Diao who is still grimacing.

"Bajibaji" Bi Diao swallowed heavily, the strong smell of medicinal materials made him a little uncomfortable, and he coughed twice.

As I said before, the taste of elves for each attribute is actually very different, otherwise there would not be only one general elf food on the market.

Although there are high, medium and low quality, the formula is actually just that one formula.

It is rumored that the breeder who developed the universal formula is now the leader of the breeder association, a master breeder!
Although for the elves, eating this kind of general-purpose food is like eating white flour steamed buns, which have no taste, but no matter what, the energy contained in it has an effect on any attribute. Of course, according to different attributes, the natural effect size different.

For example, ghosts eat this kind of food, but the effect is very small. If you really want to use this to feed ghosts, I am afraid that ghosts will have to eat hundreds of white flour steamed buns a day to develop normally.

Back to the topic, this kind of medicinal smell is naturally suitable for grass-type elves like Kou Duanhua and the others, but it is indeed a bit unacceptable for Bi Diao.

However, the previous experience still made it eat up, and then quietly waited for it to be digested.

After a while, it also felt a bit of coolness rushing from the abdomen to the head. The head was clearer, but the side effects seemed to be coming.

I saw that Bi Diao's stomach suddenly made a "gurgling~" sound, and then it quickly flew to the depths of the dense forest.

There was even a "poof~" in the air, and a pale yellow gas gushed out.

"Diarrhea is the side effect?" Seeing this familiar scene (Bibi Niao pulls the cow), Tian Ci muttered to himself.

"It should be that you use too many cool Lingzhi. If it's convenient, can this sister tell me what Lingzhi you used?"

Li Jia also saw this scene. As a grass-type gym master, she quickly found out the problem and asked Ning Hui.

(End of this chapter)

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