Pokemon Poor

Chapter 355 Game City

Chapter 355 Game City

Tian Ci has long been familiar with this kind of division within the family. For example, in the Arai family in Qingmu Town, the big house and the third house are just life and death.

Although they are all related by blood, but in the elf world where the strong are respected, in the face of huge interests, if the gap is not too large, who would be willing to be inferior to others!

Unless the current Patriarch is a talented person like Na Zi, the voice of the entire family can be suppressed.

And Nazi, who is known as the number one super genius in the past and present, has to abide by some rules and regulations in the family, not to mention Li Jia, the owner of this generation of Yuhong City!

Although Li Jia is already very outstanding in achieving such achievements at this age, it is obvious that the Yuhong family behind her has also contributed a lot. It can be said that as long as she is the heir of a large family, her achievements will definitely not be bad.

But Nazi is different. With her incomparable talent, even if she comes from a humble background, she will definitely become a strong person in the future. It can't be said that Nazi's family didn't contribute, but what they did was more like icing on the cake.

Back to the topic, although according to the news from Nazi, she doesn't know whether Yuhong Game City has anything to do with the Rockets, but Tian Ci speculates based on the plot of the previous life, and feels that there is a high probability that this Yuhong vine As soon as he joined the Rockets, after all, those who lose the battle are always willing.

Only with people of this status acting as internal support, can the Rockets have any hope of successfully taking away the Heart of Ten Thousand Woods.

Of course, at present, it has nothing to do with Tian Ci. He is in the game city now, just to check some points first, and then he wants to try, as a superpower, can he cheat.

After all, the slogan on the billboard in the center of the hall is too tempting.

"As long as [-] game coins, the quasi-god miniature dragon will be brought home!"

On this billboard, there is also a blue and white little dragon with a cute expression.

Although it looks like a snake, they are of pure dragon blood, and the minimum aptitude is the existence of elites. As long as they grow up step by step, they can almost enter the elites. Most elves regard it as a dangerous level. For the mini dragons, As long as you shed your skin once, you can easily step over it.

It can be said that as long as anyone owns a miniature dragon, he will almost certainly become an elite trainer!
Of course, the premise is that this person has enough strength or background to keep the miniature dragon, and he has enough financial resources to accelerate its growth cycle while ensuring the development of the miniature dragon.

Otherwise, the long life cycle of the dragon elves alone can kill the trainer. If they develop slowly and normally, it may be when an ordinary person is dying that he will have the chance to see the miniature dragon evolve into a hacker dragon. One scene, as for the evolution into a fast dragon, it may take two generations of hard work to wait.

This is still under the condition of ensuring basic development, and the resources needed for this basic development alone are beyond the reach of ordinary families.

In comparison, the same quasi-god, the desert tyrant Bangira, relatively speaking, does not have so many troubles. Although he is also known as an existence that eats up a mountain, at least the development cycle is not so long.

Of course, there are also disadvantages, that is, there are a lot of restrained attributes.

Back to the topic, 10 game coins can be exchanged for a miniature dragon. Although this price is converted into money, it is a bit expensive, equivalent to 1 million alliance coins, but for those gymnasium-level, or a little lower, at the elite level For trainers who have stayed for many years, this is just a number.

You must know that quasi-gods are priceless!If you can exchange [-] million Union Coins for a miniature dragon, I don't know how many strong people will rush over with bank cards!
Since Yuhong Game City has been open for such a long time, there will naturally be no such loophole. Therefore, although alliance coins can be exchanged for tokens, there is a limit, and one person can only exchange [-] alliance coins for a lifetime.

Maybe some people will say, then I will find nine people, pay a little premium, and buy the alliance currency in their hands.

But this is actually not feasible. If you buy a few times in small amounts, there is no problem and it will not affect it. People don't care about the difference of hundreds of coins.

However, when exchanging prizes, the staff of Yuhong Game City will strictly check the token flow in your game card and make a public announcement. , and your illegally obtained tokens will be confiscated, leaving you with nothing to return.

So once this rule came out, no one would send money to the game city foolishly.

To sum up, in this place, if you want to get a big prize, you can only rely on your real skills to earn a lot of game coins, not money alone.

But now Tian Ci wants to use his true ability—super power to earn game coins for himself.

He first exchanged 10 alliance coins for 100 game coins for himself, and then began to look for the game console he wanted to play.

Unlike the game where there is only one kind of slot machine, how could there be only one kind of game machine in the world of elves with advanced technology, such as flipping elf cards, whack-a-mole, and tying cows, etc., all the games he played in his previous life are here, even There are also many games that he has never heard of, such as the fairy spouse game.

When passing by, I found an uncle who was playing and smiling "hehe" at the screen, who was wearing a luxurious dress.

On the other hand, the virtual Shanaido on the opposite side had a shy look on his face, which surprised Tian Ci. He didn't expect someone to be so kind!

But one thing to say, Xanadu's overall appearance is indeed very durable.

Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but think of the gift that Nazi had prepared for him.

"It would be great if it was Lalu Lasi, it's really fragrant~"

Tian Ci thought of this in his mind, but he quickly put this thought behind him.

Because Nazi's mouth is very strict, so he asked repeatedly but failed to ask, so he naturally stopped thinking about this question. Anyway, the quality of the elves given by Nazi must not be bad.

The only regret is that it may take some time before I can see this new companion. It seems that after the birth, some strange phenomenon happened and was stopped by the local Dr. Oda Scroll for research, so the delay came.

But for Dr. Oda Scroll, they are not worried. As a well-known doctor in the academic world, I believe that they will not treat their future companion harshly, and they will definitely grow fat in vain.

After passing through the normal game area, he came to the VIP area specially for trainers to have fun.

As the largest game city, it is naturally impossible to only target trainers and give up the larger number of ordinary people. For example, the outermost area just passed is the ordinary game area with 1:1 exchange, and the prizes are also some elf dolls. Do ordinary things.

After all, 1000 alliance coins are enough for ordinary people to live a week in style. How could there be so many people who work for a month just to come here to exchange 3 game coins!
Coming to the VIP area, the furnishings and decoration here are obviously much better than the ordinary area. At least the air purification is done very well. The smell of smoke in the ordinary area is quite heavy, but there are various low-level spiritual plants here. It's a lot fresher.

At a glance, the types of games are similar to those in the ordinary area outside, and the placement is basically the same. Like the ordinary area outside, although there are many types of games, the number of slot machines is the largest. After all, this is the most classic and relatively simple Easy and not badly stimulating.

Tian Ci, as the bottom of the society in his previous life, was also a mixed bag, so he is naturally familiar with this kind of game machine. He sat down in front of an empty slot machine skillfully, and then put 3 game coins into it.

"Dididi~Dididi~" Under the sound of familiar music, the cursor of this slot machine began to rotate rapidly.

In the end, no surprise, he lost the sentence game.

Seeing this, Tian Ci, who had expected it for a long time, immediately mobilized his mental power.

With a sound of "buzz", an invisible spiritual force reached out like this slot machine.

It was easy to penetrate into the plastic shell at the beginning, but when he was about to touch the control core of this slot machine, he felt that his superpower was solidly blocked as if he had hit a wall. Blocked out.

"Kao! I still don't believe it!"

Tian Ci, who didn't believe in evil, muttered something in his mouth, and suddenly mobilized the mental power of his whole body, and then turned into an awl and slammed towards the wall with a "bang".

However, this wall seemed to feel threatened. When it was mentally dented to the limit, it rebounded suddenly with a "shua", and instantly a stronger recoil force hit Tian Ci's sea of ​​consciousness.

Fortunately, although this recoil force was strong, it was eventually disintegrated by Tian Ci with multiple defensive shields because of uncontrollable reasons.

But he still couldn't help but let out a muffled snort, and a trace of bright red blood flowed out from the corner of his mouth.

And it was impossible for him to hide such a big move from the people next to him.

A young man with yellow hair on the side had been waiting for a long time, and finally saw the scene he wanted to see, and immediately made a sound, jokingly said:
"Brother, what's the matter, you're at a disadvantage! Hahaha~"

After the joke, seeing Tian Ci's face getting more and more wrong, the yellow-haired young man also explained that he was close, but he could feel how strong the recoil just now was, and it was not something he could provoke at will. After the joke just now, I actually regretted it a bit, but because of long-term habits, it has happened now, so I naturally want to make up for it.

"Cough~" the yellow-haired young man coughed twice before explaining:
"I'm sorry, brother, I'm just used to it. In fact, when I first came here, I also tried it with the power of the thunder element."

As he said that, a little golden arc appeared on his hand. The originally violent electrical energy was like a docile child in the hands of this yellow-haired young man, he could control it however he wanted.

"Oh?" Seeing this scene, Tian Ci showed a surprised expression on his face.

He really didn't realize that the yellow-haired young man defeated by the unorthodox non-mainstream turned out to be a not-so-weak electrical superhuman.

Judging from the fluctuations it emits, even if this yellow-haired young man is not a warrior-level extraordinary, he is still a warrior-level high-level existence, and he is not considered weak anywhere.

On the other side, seeing the surprised Tian Ci, the yellow-haired young man showed a smug expression on his face.

As an extraordinary of the electric system, he is very proud of his attribute. You must know that this is also a category of extraordinary that exceeds the common attributes by a large margin.

As the youngest disciple accepted by the Gym Master of Withered Leaf, the yellow-haired young man is flattered and flattered wherever he goes. If the Gym Master hadn't sent him over to carry out secret missions, how could he be so low-key? The advantage of the electric attribute is used to pretend to be x, and there is no need to apologize to others at all.

Of course, what he didn't know was that the person sitting in front of him was a transcendent with a super power attribute that was more difficult to understand than the lightning attribute.

Naturally, Tian Ci himself would not tell the truth. On the contrary, after the young man revealed the attribute of thunder and lightning, and combined with the fact that the Dead Leaf Gym has joined the Rockets, he quickly had a guess about the identity of the yellow-haired young man.

So, after boasting to each other for a few words with the yellow-haired young man, the yellow-haired young man began to tell him about the difference in this VIP area.

"Brother, don't you think that this place is for trainers, and the exchange price of 1000 alliance coins is not something ordinary civilian trainers can afford.

Therefore, those who can come here for entertainment are naturally not weak trainers. They have a great probability of being a formal transcendent with various transcendental powers.

Under such circumstances, how could ordinary game consoles block the means of the superhuman? If this is the case, the game city is not losing money every day! "

Tian Ci, who felt reasonable, nodded his head in agreement, and then showed a slightly expectant expression, signaling the yellow-haired young man to continue.

Seeing the expression of this scar-faced man who is stronger than himself, the satisfaction of the yellow-haired young man instantly increased. He raised his head proudly and continued to explain:
"I believe brother, you also felt that reaction force before, and you were directly hit back by a wall. In fact, this is because the core of the circuit inside is wrapped with expensive phaseless gold!"

"What! Phaseless Gold! This game city is too willing!"

Hearing this name, Tian Ci couldn't pretend anymore, and for the first time a shocked look appeared on his face.

You must know that this metal is one of the most expensive metals on the market!It is not weighed by catty at all, but by gram, and each gram is sold in units of tens of thousands of alliance coins. That's it, as soon as this metal appears, it will be bought away immediately. In a priceless state!
The reason why the price is so high lies in the phaseless gold, which is a kind of universal magical material, and it is impossible for any kind of extraordinary power below the elite level, including the elite level, to leave traces on this metal.

Even the ghost system, which is famous for its weirdness, can't kill the enemy silently when the whole body is covered with the gold of all phases.

So this kind of metal is definitely a life-saving artifact. Like the protective clothing that Tianji and the others used to wear before, no matter whether it is low-level or high-level, in fact, this kind of metal is added, it’s just a question of how much material is added.

And now this game city actually uses phaseless gold in every game machine. Even if the core of the circuit is relatively small, it doesn't use much, it's probably far more than the cost of a game machine!
This is definitely a proper loss!

(End of this chapter)

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