Pokemon Poor

Chapter 348

Chapter 348
But just when the young man (female) was shaken, an invisible mental wave from Tian Ci's side was sent over again.

I saw a sudden confusion in the eyes of the boy (female), and then the unwillingness and longing in my heart completely overwhelmed the desire for money.

She pursed her lips, ignored the price increases of other audiences around her, and walked to the performance stage with a determined face.

When she came to this stage, she didn't want to have a hot dance with that stunning female elite. After all, she was also a woman, and she usually deliberately dressed as a man just to protect herself.

More I want to give myself an explanation, an explanation for my lost dream!
"Hey! Boy! Don't toast and don't eat, eat fine wine, 5 is enough!"

"You'd better think about it, you can earn more than a year's salary in a few minutes!"

Because of the pressure from the security team, the people next to him didn't dare to step forward to stop the boy (female) who was striding forward, but the temptation of speaking has never stopped.

Tian Ci was actually a little worried about this issue at the beginning, and even arranged several entrustments long ago. If there is a higher bid, then let those entrustments get the price back, and even those entrustments are sold out. High price, willing to become eunuchs.

But the young man's (female's) determination surprised Tian Ci. He originally thought that he would have to use the second backup option.

I really didn't expect that the girl resisted the temptation by herself.

Although it was because of his secret guidance with spiritual power, it can be clearly felt that the girl at this time has become more and more determined.

"Should there be a tomboy-like, handsome female artist in the girl group? I remember that there seems to be a market for it."

Looking at the girl who was walking faster and faster, Tian Ci touched his chin, thinking secretly.

But the girl who has already stepped onto the stage doesn't know that at this moment, her future life has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Before he knew it, Tian Ci also became a big man from a poor man with nothing.

Indeed, for the common people, he was already a big man at the elite level.

Of course, in his own situation, he is still a small shrimp.

Especially after getting involved with Nazi, an elite trainer is really nothing in front of Jinhuang City, which ranks first among the eight major cities in Kanto.

The topic is a bit far away, but back to the topic, after the boy (female) came on stage, Lorraine and other backup dancers began to lead him to dance together.

Among them were some close-fitting movements, which made the male audience in the audience scream "Aww", they wished to replace it with their bodies, and their eyes were red with jealousy!
"Mad! Next time, next time Lord Lorraine holds a concert again, I will definitely go, this opportunity will definitely be mine next time!"

"What luck! That kid!"

"md! I'm just a little bit! Just a little bit!"

On the contrary, the girl in the stands no longer cared about other people's opinions. She was indeed a little nervous and dazed at first, but after dancing a few times on the stage and overcoming the psychological barrier, she began to make gestures in a decent manner. .

Because it was originally for welfare, the dance movements of the lucky audience are very few. Maybe the really lucky male audience will be dazed and forget to move because of too many benefits. But the girl is a tomboy on the outside, but she is pure on the inside. Sister, this situation will naturally not happen, so although her movements on the stage are a little immature, they are generally in tune.

This made Tian Ci, who had been paying attention all the time, nodded secretly, and became more determined to absorb this tomboy.

In this way, after a few minutes of benefits, the atmosphere of the concert has reached a new height!
Almost all the audience remembered an entertainer, her dancing was very hot, her figure was very enchanting, and her title was the Queen of Hotness!
At this point, the outward expansion of the star project is considered to have completed the first step.

And Tian Ci also took the two girls and retreated, secretly walking to the other side of the Golden Street.

"Brother Tian Ci, where are we going now?"

Xiao Ling followed behind and asked suspiciously.

"Let's go to Silver's Company to see those special Poké Balls, and it seems that Silver's Company also has a ball appraisal meeting tonight, and there are many trainers there."

Hearing Xiao Ling's question, Tian Ci immediately gave an explanation.

Although Nazi is not in Golden City, she also shared some secret sources of information with Tian Ci secretly, so she was able to let him know the news and get an invitation.

It is said that only members of high-level forces near Jinhuang City were invited to participate in this internal ball appraisal conference. It is impossible for foreign elite trainers like Tian Ci and the others to be invited in.

The minimum to get an invitation is to be like Upa of the Fighting Gym. He is an elite trainer himself, and at the same time there are some famous strongmen.

But Upa was obsessed with cultivation, so he didn't think about going at all. In this way, the invitation card in his hand that could bring two people changed hands several times and fell into Tian Ci's hands.

"Ball Appreciation Conference! Are there any special balls?"

Upon hearing this news, Xiao Ling and Ning Hui's eyes lit up, and they asked in unison.

As elf trainers, elf balls are closely related to them. No one will be indifferent to elf balls. For example, the most common red and white elf balls are things that trainers stock up in large quantities.

To this, Tian Ci smiled slightly and explained:
"Of course there are many kinds of elf balls. I heard that the lowest grades are special edition luxury balls. Others are heavy balls with special corresponding attributes, diving balls, and catch tennis balls. We have everything there. You can buy these special Poké Balls directly."

After he finished speaking, he also had a longing expression on his face.

It is true that he can buy unlimited amount of these special elf balls through Nazi's channel, but it's still too much to ask Nazi for such a trivial matter.

In this way, there is no special channel, even if he is an elite trainer, these poke balls with corresponding attributes can't just buy dozens of them casually.

The most important thing is that it is absolutely impossible to have so many types for you to choose.

If you go to the elf store normally, even the most prosperous department store in Jinhuang City may not have so many complete elf ball attributes for you to choose from. Looks like stock.

After all, it's all about making money. Some unpopular Poké Balls, people will definitely not have too many backlogs in their hands.

Moreover, some extremely special Poké Balls are not only made of raw materials, but also need to be made by hand, which has caused the scarcity of such Poké Balls, and there is no market for them.

Chapter 401 Special Poké Ball

"Then I'm going to buy a few of each kind of Poke Ball!"

And Xiao Ling who heard Tian Ci's words later, also had bright eyes, and said in a low voice.

"En!" Tian Ci nodded, and he had exactly the same intention.

Soon, a group of people with a clear purpose came to the gate of Silver Company.

Silver Company also occupies an entire high-rise building in the very center of the city, with a huge Poke Ball logo hanging in the middle of its highly sci-fi silver exterior, which symbolizes that Silver Company started with Poke Ball technology It also symbolizes that it is participated in by the alliance.

After all, in the world of elves, it is still necessary to speak with its strength. Silver Company, which is only at the forefront of scientific research, is certainly a giant in the eyes of most people, but in front of the alliance, or in front of the largest local power - Golden Gym It is also a younger brother.

Therefore, this company actually has the shares of the Jinben family, that is, Jinhuang Gymnasium is also one of the shareholders, second only to the president of Silver Company.

Of course, this is not the kindness of the Jinben family. The main reason is that Silver Company cannot do without the help of the researchers from the Silver family, so they still need them to take charge of the overall situation. Naturally, the company still needs them to lead.

However, in the face of major events, the so-called shares determine the right to speak, which does not work at all.

Just like the research and development of the master ball, even if the Silver family is the largest shareholder of the company, they can only obediently cooperate with the two major forces of the Jinben family and the Rockets, and deploy most of the personnel to develop the so-called A special Pokéball that can catch mythical beasts.

Back to the topic, when Tian Ci brought the two girls to the door of the company, he was stopped by two guards standing straight.

"I'm sorry, three guests, our Silver company does not accept visitors from outside tonight. You can come back at around 8 o'clock tomorrow morning."

Hearing this, Tian Ci was taken aback for a moment, but quickly realized that he took out a bright red invitation card from his pocket and showed it to the two guards.

Seeing the invitation, the two guards changed their expressions and said respectfully:
"It turned out to be distinguished guests who participated in the conference. Welcome three people to come to our Silver company. The venue of the ball appraisal conference is on the 15th floor of the building. If you don't know anything, you can also ask our internal employees. They will guide you there. of."

"En, okay~" Hearing this, Tian Ci nodded, put away the invitation, and walked in with the two girls.

Once inside, it feels similar to the company in the previous life, with a spacious lobby and busy people, the only thing that is more is the security guards and guides with red armbands on their hands.

Seeing Tian Ci and the others coming in, a receptionist girl with a red armband came over immediately, bent down and made a gesture of invitation, and said to them in a low voice:
"Several distinguished guests, the elevator is here, please come with me"

"Okay." Tian Ci agreed, and followed the girl into the elevator.

After they all entered the elevator, they only heard a "buzz~", and they appeared on the 15th floor not long after.

"Guests, as long as you open the door, you will arrive at the scene of the ball appreciating meeting. Other staff will receive you at that time. I hope you can gain something."

After opening the elevator door for several people, the receptionist explained a few words in a low voice, and went down by herself.

Tian Ci and the others also strode towards the door facing them, and with a "squeak", they pushed the door open, and in an instant, noisy voices came out.

"I want 10 heavy balls!"

"Give me 10 diving balls, and 20 more Yuyou balls!"

"Why haven't my 30 dark balls been given to me yet, please hurry up!"

Here, the elite trainers who are regarded as important figures by ordinary people are like aunts shopping for groceries in the downtown area, waving bank cards one by one at various counters to snap up all kinds of Poké Balls.

As for why he knew that most of these people were elite trainers, it was because the minimum requirement to get an invitation was to be an elite trainer!
Even if you are a member of the top forces in Golden City, if your own strength is not up to the elite, there is no way to get an invitation. At most, you can only follow along as an entourage, just like Ning Hui and Xiao Ling.

In addition to the voices of people scrambling to buy first, there are also unique poke balls displayed in an orderly manner in the hall, and there is a small speaker next to the display cabinet, which is constantly telling the effect of this kind of poke ball. I stepped forward to ask, and the beautiful model who was acting as a vase at the side immediately turned into a shopping guide and began to answer questions for customers.

"Car models are common, but I didn't expect that there are even ball models in this world. It's really strange, and every ball model really fits the characteristics of the big ball!"

Looking at the scene in the hall that looked like a panic buying event, Tian Ci was secretly amazed.

In particular, the ball models showing the southern hemisphere also made him take a second look. It is worth mentioning that he even saw a few ball models in it that were comparable to Ning Hui.

But soon, his attention was attracted by the explanations of several special elf balls.

"Sweet Ball, can easily catch wild elves of a different gender from the elves you are playing.

It uses the principles of psychological suggestion and hypnotism"

Tian Ci heard the sound and looked, and found that it was a pink elf ball with a love heart drawn on it. It looked very pink and girly in appearance.

Hearing this explanation, he couldn't stop nodding, feeling that it was worth the trip.

Not to mention being able to purchase all kinds of special poke balls, this detailed explanation alone gave him a lot of knowledge.

Perhaps for the children of those big families, such knowledge is available in the family's collections, and they just need to look it up by themselves.

But for a grassroots like Tian Ci, it is still very valuable. Although he hugged Na Zi's thigh, he is like a person who suddenly became rich. In terms of aspects, it is still far from those big families with profound background.

There are so many things to supplement, but who would deliberately supplement the knowledge of these Poké Balls?
But now, at this ball appraisal conference, while buying a ball, you can also make up for your weak points in knowledge, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

"The moon ball can easily catch the elves evolved using the moon stone. Its principle is that it contains the power of moonlight, and the material is also made of special tree fruits with the power of moonlight. It can not only capture elves, but if it is The elves evolved with the moon stone live in it, and after a long time of subtle influence, it also has some benefits for the body."

They walked through one poke ball display case after another, and suddenly Ning Hui stopped in front of the moon ball.


(End of this chapter)

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