Pokemon Poor

Chapter 345

Chapter 345
Slowly as Tian Ci's progress became more and more obvious, Upa also understood that Tian Ci was using him as a sharpening stone and learning his fighting rhythm secretly.

However, he wasn't angry. On the contrary, as a fighting maniac, he was very happy with Tian Ci's improvement in strength, because it would no longer be a punching bag.

"Da da da~"

"Bang bang bang~"

There was another burst of fists and feet, and after destroying most of the surrounding buildings, the two stood on both sides.

"Huchi! Huchi~" Unlike Upa, who was dressed like a master and his clothes were not too torn, Tian Ci was panting loudly at this time, and his clothes had also turned into tattered beggar's clothes.

It is worth mentioning that, after the elite level, trainers have extraordinary barriers as a protection against stress, so generally no elite level trainers will wear that black protective suit again.

After all, even high-level protective clothing can only block the low-level attacks of elites, and the impact force cannot be dispelled. It is far less effective than the extraordinary barrier.

Of course, in this hand-to-hand combat, the two sides must have sealed the extraordinary barrier by themselves, otherwise Tian Ci would not have been beaten so badly.

Outside the arena, Xiao Ling, Ning Hui, and the elves in the team all looked worriedly at the camera where Tian Ci was.

In this comparison, anyone with a normal mind (an elf) would know that Tian Ci definitely fell into an absolute disadvantage.

Back inside the jungle battlefield, Tianji stood up, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and then said to Upa who was in a fighting posture:
"I am very grateful to you, Mr. Upa, for your help, but I'm sorry, I don't want to lose either!"

After speaking, his eyes lit up with blue light, and a breath of warrior-level superpowers was revealed.

Yes, he's going to use his superpowers!

After all, it didn't mean that he wouldn't use it before, but that he wouldn't use it until the end.

And at this point, he has almost finished stealing what he should have learned secretly, and then he needs to practice a lot by himself, so as to truly turn Wupa's things into his own.

So he didn't intend to continue to be beaten, and he wasn't a masochist.

Facing Tianji who used superpowers, Upa's face changed from relaxed to dignified, and his slightly relaxed fighting posture was replaced by tense muscles.

Living in Jinhuang City, which is famous for its superpowers, he naturally understands the horror of people with superpowers, so he naturally dare not be so slack when it comes to Tianji, who really made a move.

Regarding this, Tian Ci just smiled lightly, and telepathically sent a sentence in the direction of Upa, "Be careful!"

Then there was a blue light in his eyes, and the touch of the spirit "swished" and flew towards Upa day by day.

Although he couldn't see the invisible spiritual tentacles, Wupa felt the danger from the intuition of life and death.

I saw him shout "Ah!", and then his body began to run at double the speed before.

Its soaring speed made him leave blurry afterimages on the grass, and he actually escaped several of Tian Ci's mental tentacles dangerously.

However, "Golden Meditation Method" is a super-grade cheat book, and naturally it will not only bring this ability to Tian Ci.

Facing Upa who seemed to be escaping and approaching quickly, with a calm expression on his face, he waved his hands lightly as if pretending to be x, and in an instant, the spiritual touches that had been avoided turned around one after another, and turned towards Upa again. rushed.

And Upa, who sensed the danger, was not an ordinary person. With a sound of "Ah!", violent arrogance erupted from the surface of his body again.

Unfortunately, at this moment, Tian Ci's eyes were also full of blue light, and a powerful spiritual hammer hit Upa's head with a "bang".

The spirit was hit hard suddenly, and Upa's original burst of arrogance stagnated in an instant. Although it was only for a moment, it was enough for the super power of instant thought.

I saw that the spiritual touch seized this opportunity, and firmly bound Upa's limbs and head with two "swish swish".

"Bastard! So fast!" Feeling that he was being eroded, he couldn't help struggling.

It's a pity that since it has fallen into the hands of the superpower, how can it be broken free?

Tian Ci looked at Upa, who was still dying and resisting, and shook his head, and then another spiritual puncture shot straight at him.

"Ah!" Upa, who took this move head-on, felt that his boy was very painful, as if being pricked by a needle, and the seven orifices also began to flow bright red blood.

Originally, Tianji thought that it had reached this point, so Upa should admit defeat.

Unexpectedly, he still gritted his teeth and refused to admit defeat.

Seeing Upa's backbone, Tian Ci naturally couldn't give up this opportunity to beat him up.

"Now it's my turn~" With a cruel smile on his face, he walked slowly towards Upa step by step.

Then he punched out instantly, "Ah da da da da!"

I have to say that the feeling of punching to the flesh is really great!

After learning how to fight, what he needs now is a sandbag that won't resist.

With the interlacing of fists and shadows, Tian Ci became more and more excited as he fought, and he felt that his fighting rhythm was steadily improving.

For someone at his beginner stage, a non-moving sandbag is really useful.

Outside the arena, Xiaoling, Ninghui and the elves in the team were also very excited to watch!
"Moomoo! Moomoo!" The two vines stretched out by Koudaihua began to dance excitedly.

"Aww~Aww~" Hei Lujia even started to shoot sparks above his head to show his celebration.

On the contrary, Bi Diao is relatively calm, mainly because he has no hands, but from his excited eyes, it can be seen that he is still quite excited.

As for the smallest Kami Turtle, at this time, he is waving his fists like "Kami Kami~", and kicking his feet from time to time.

In this way, in the jungle battlefield, Tian Ci completely regarded Wupa as a human sandbag, and did not stop until Wupa couldn't stand it anymore and fell into a coma.

Looking at Upa, who was covered in bruises and passed out, Tian Ci's eyes flashed with admiration. This one was severely injured by him and passed out!There was no sound in between.

Upa, who had already passed out, naturally couldn't continue to fight. Xiaoling, who saw this scene through the live broadcast camera, immediately announced the result of the competition loudly.

"I declare that this battle will be won by Tanagi Aoki! Congratulations Tanagi-san!"

Hearing the result of this competition, they also cheered!

"Moomoo! Moomoo!" Tian Ci!Tianci!

"Bi Diao!" Tian Ci!

"Kami Kami!" Tian Ci is the most handsome!strongest!
Although all the elves cheering were his own elves, he still had a sense of pride spontaneously.

"So this is the feeling of fighting~" Tian Ci muttered to himself, looking at his powerful fist.

Chapter 396 Invitation

"Ninghui, come here and help with treatment." After sighing, Tian Ci sent a voice transmission to Ninghui outside the venue.

"Okay! Master!" The little maid who was in charge of logistics and treatment immediately agreed after hearing the words, and at the same time called out the big milk pot and Pippi to treat Tian Ci who was covered in scars.

Of course, it is impossible for two normal-level elves to heal such an injury easily, so Tian Ci himself took out the special wound medicine from his backpack and sprayed it with a "hiss".

And after spraying for themselves, Tian Ci and Ning Hui went to help Wupa deal with it briefly.

Although the two sides fought fiercely before, but they were not life and death enemies, so he naturally didn't mind being a favor.

On the contrary, he also learned a lot from Upa, and also saw the shadow of his brother Shishi, so he still has a good impression of this person.

After dealing with the injury, Upa woke up slowly.

He was very clear about his injuries, and Tian Ci must have helped him deal with them to wake him up so quickly.

"Thank you~" He thanked Tian Ci lonely, and was about to get up and go back for treatment, with an unconcealable disappointment on his face.

He really didn't expect that Tianci, who was crushed by him in the fighter profession before, would be able to kill him so destructively after he exploded with superpowers. This is like a weak and bully little white rabbit Suddenly turned into a big bad wolf!
This dealt a big blow to Upa, not because he was lonely because he was defeated by a superpower for the first time. As the fighting gymnasium under the command of Golden City, it was mentioned before that he had fought with many disciples of the superpower gymnasium. After a contest, losing is a common thing.

When fighting other superpowers, he can perceive the sophistication and threat of the opponent.

But when he was fighting Tian Ci, I'm sorry, he didn't feel Tian Ci's fighting rhythm and sophisticated experience.

On the contrary, from Upa's point of view, Tatsumi is very immature!
However, it was such an immature person who easily defeated him with only superpowers.

This made Wupa feel shaken: Maybe fighters will never be as good as superpowers~

On the other side, Tianji, who is a person with superpowers, naturally felt the emotions emanating from Upa.

After thinking about the combat rhythm he secretly learned, his mouth still moved slightly, and he began to persuade:
"Upa, you are very strong! I have learned a lot from you! So don't be discouraged. In fact, when I was being beaten, I secretly marked you with superpowers, so my spiritual touch can catch the air. Catch you again!"

He gave Uppa a plausible explanation and lie even though it wasn't the case.

What he practiced was the highest inheritance "Golden Meditation Method" in the Golden City Gymnasium. If he doesn't even have the ability to do this kind of fine manipulation, then why is it called a super-grade cheat book!
And this is actually just one of the additional abilities!

On the other side, upon hearing this explanation, Upa paused, closed his eyes and began to search himself. Soon with the help of Qi, he found the superpower mark near his eyes.

Although he didn't understand how Tian Ci evaded his own perception and put the super power mark on it, but after thinking about his previous slack and playful mentality, he also attributed this to his own carelessness. This explanation does make sense.

So his mentality quickly changed back, from a fighter who can't keep up with the noble power user no matter how hard he tried, to this is the result of my own carelessness.

With this change, his mind became much more relaxed, he also gained confidence in the path of a fighter, and a confident smile like before appeared on his face.

Turning his head to Tatsumi with a serious face, he replied:
"Mr. Tian Ci, thank you for your generosity, and let me discover my slack mentality! The lion fights the rabbit and I have to do my best, I will definitely remember it in the future!"

From his words, Tian Ci also felt that Upa's confidence had returned, and with a smile on his face, he said to Upa:
"En~ Upa-kun, I can feel your love and dedication to fighting! To be honest, I have also learned a lot from you, you are really strong!"

Facing Tianji's unsparing praise, Upa had a rare embarrassment expression on his face.

However, he could also feel the sincerity in Tian Ci's words. Thinking of this, he gave a hearty "haha" smile, and invited Tian Ci and the others:
"Brother Tian Ci, I am a little embarrassed for what you said. It just so happens that the fast swimming frogs should stay here to practice, or you should stay here and train together. In addition to the core cheats, there are training methods in other venues. , I can point out one or two."

Hearing this, Tian Ci and Xiao Ling glanced at each other, and both saw surprises in it.

Although in Hualan City, the elite disciples of the Qingshui family and the owner of the Qingzi Pavilion would give advice, but their identities are there after all, and it is inevitable that they will say good things.

Coupled with the specialization in martial arts, Tian Ci, Xiao Ling, and Ning Hui are not good at hand-to-hand combat, but who can guarantee that they will never be approached?
So since elite disciples with fighting attributes are willing to give advice, the two of them naturally don't want to miss this opportunity.

As for the wishes of Ning Hui, the maid, it doesn't matter.

Originally, among the three, Tian Ci's melee combat was the strongest, but it's a pity that Ruan Ruanxiang is a hero's tomb!During the time he stayed in Hualan City, his fighting ability, which was not considered outstanding, was directly reduced to only a little better than the rookie.

To be honest, Tian Ci himself felt that even Xiao Ling could not compare to him in close combat.

Of course, this is regardless of superpowers and warrior-level physical fitness.

Otherwise, even if he is decaying, Xiaoling cannot easily break through the warrior-level extraordinary barrier.

As for the weakest maid, Ninghui is of course the maid. Although she has practiced exercises in Hualan City, but the chief trainer who is busy training trainees and entertainers, how can she have time to exercise her body, so don't look at her. She has extraordinary strength at the warrior level, but in a real fight, maybe seven or eight ordinary people who have the rules can knock her down.

Naturally, Tian Ci didn't want this kind of situation to happen. After all, as his accompanying maid, he still had to have a certain fighting power.

Now that the place he was walking was becoming more and more dangerous, and the enemies and elites he encountered were becoming more and more powerful, it was naturally impossible for him to be distracted to protect this accompanying maid.

If Ninghui still needs his protection, then she will be the maid for the end, he is the master, not the nanny!
So whether Ninghui likes it or not, she has to participate in this fighting skill training.

(End of this chapter)

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