Pokemon Poor

Chapter 341 Wild Fight?

Chapter 341 Wild Fight?

Half an hour passed quickly, and when the group of hot dancing babies left the stage, the melon-eating crowd in the stands kept shouting:
"One more time, one more time!"

"Xenia! I love you! Xenia!"


This made Tian Ci look down on this group of ignorant men.

"Okay, audience friends, after sending off our hot dancing baby, please welcome our next round of contestants with warm applause!"

On the contrary, the referee seemed to understand it very well, and immediately connected seamlessly.

Then, I saw him yelled immediately.

"First of all, let us welcome the winner of the previous round, the reappearance of Lord Iron Fist Upa!"

As soon as the referee's voice fell, Upa slowly walked towards the contestant's platform under the spotlight.

Accompanied by round after round of cheers from the audience in the stands.

"Upa! Upa!"

"Iron Fist! Iron Fist!"

After the Iron Fist Upa walked to the contestant's platform on the left, the referee began to introduce Tianji.

"The next one is our challenger, he is also a traveler from Qingmu Town, welcome to Tianji contestant!"

Naturally, a dignified fighting gym would not deliberately use tricks in this regard, so when Tian Ci came, there was also a spotlight.

But when the audience saw the scarred face clearly, they could only applaud him sparsely, and even the sharp-eared Tianji heard a lot of bad comments.

"Why does this man look so terrifying?"

"Yeah, yeah, it's all scars!"

"Didn't you say that the elite class can be reborn? Why doesn't he remove the scars?"

"The big beauty just now couldn't be this man's girlfriend, right? It's really flowers on the nipples!"

Hearing these comments, Tian Ci's face remained unchanged, and he still walked slowly towards the competition platform.

Naturally, there are his reasons for not removing the scars. His parents who died in this life have not avenged them, so how can the scars be eliminated!
Even though the initiator of the elf tide can no longer be found, as long as all the wild elves near the ruins of Tianqian village are pulled out one by one, wouldn't it be revenge!
Of course, if you want to do this, the strength of the elite level is definitely not enough. Although the gymnasium level is almost enough, the alliance will not just watch you destroy the local ecology, which will cause greater turmoil!
And Tian Ci naturally didn't have the intention of hurting the innocent, so if he wanted to ensure that those wild elf strongholds could be destroyed quickly, he might have to be at the level of a heavenly king.

Back on the battlefield, when he came to the battlefield on the right, the referee quickly said the rules again, which was basically exactly the same as Xiaoling's, except that the name was changed.

But just when the referee asked both sides to send elves at the same time, Upa raised his hand to stop him, and saw a provocative smile on his bronzed face, and asked Tian Ci:
"Challenger! I can feel the qi in your body! I believe you are also a general-level fighter!

How about it?Do you want to have a wild fight? As long as you win, I can give you two badges and two skill inheritance beads of true qi bullets! "

Hearing this request, Tian Ci was a little surprised that this challenge could be temporarily changed. He looked inquiringly at the referee in the middle.

He smiled helplessly, but nodded to Tian Ci who looked over, saying that it was possible.

As an elite disciple in the gymnasium, Upa is also a well-known and strong man among the elite, so he doesn't need to report to an ordinary high-ranking apprentice like him at all.

In the gymnasium, Upa's authority is much higher than his, so two badges and two skill inheritance beads can be given.

At this time, the narrator also added a fire to the fire:
"Wow! Blessed are the audience at the scene! Mr. Wupa actually wanted to change the challenge mode temporarily, to the field fighting mode. This is the mode in which the trainer personally fights with the elves!

A real man should end in person, and get the glory with real swords and guns! "

Hearing the narrator's words, the audience at the scene boiled instantly.

"Promise him! Promise him!"

"Ye Dou! Ye Dou!"

"Go up and fight!"

"If you're a man, agree!"

"Hurry up and start!"

Under the oppression of this atmosphere, if I change to someone with a little weaker psychological endurance, I am afraid that I will agree half-heartedly.

But it is a pity that Tian Ci is not such a person, not to mention that every superpower who has developed some famous superpowers is a person with a strong mind, even his experience in Hualan City also tempered his mind Incomparably powerful.

Those days of sinking made him lose his way for a while, but it was not without benefits. At least those so-called momentum and coercion, which were more illusory things, had no effect on him.

After all, he has brought a lot of women who are magnificent and temperamental to practice together. This also made him see through these things thoroughly. It was just one person.

Since this is the case, everyone is also a human being, so why is it affected, so afraid?
At this time, he was deep in thought, thinking about the pros and cons of agreeing to Ye Dou.

And because the gymnasium changed the game mode without authorization, they didn't urge Tianji to give an answer as soon as possible.

However, judging from the implication of the commentator's words just now, and the group of people who were fanned to eat melons, it seems that agreeing is the only choice.

Of course, Tian Ci, who was in deep thought, would not consider these things:
First of all, the advantage is that I can get two badges and two Inheritance Beads of True Qi Bullets, and if the trainer plays, my chances of winning will increase. After all, he didn't say that I can't use superpowers!

With the double help of super power and Qi, I am sure to defeat this person.

The downside is that Ye Dou is too dangerous, and it is impossible for Bi Diao to take me all the time during the battle, which means that I will probably be alone on the ground to meet the attack of Upa and his elves.

The second point is that I feel like a monkey who is forced to appear on the stage, and the monkey has no performance fee. Not only do I have no performance fee, but I also pay for the stage fee myself?

Thinking of this, Tian Ci's face turned ugly. He looked at the audience waving tickets, and felt a little awkward for a while.

As the saying goes, money can't buy me happiness!With this pimple in his heart, he naturally didn't want to be a monkey at his own expense.

As for the skill inheritance beads of Zhenqi Bomb, at worst, after he wins, he will use them for Xiaoling's fast-swimming frogs, anyway, it will not be used for outsiders.

Moreover, the elves under his command seemed to be useless for the time being. The three elves, Bi Diao, Kou Duan Hua, and Hei Lujia, didn't even learn how to use their hands?
On the contrary, Kami Turtle seems to be able to do it, but as far as its ordinary low-level strength is concerned, at present, it is better to improve its strength as soon as possible.

So in this way, if he wins, it is indeed the best choice for Xiaoling.

Chapter 389 Bidiao VS Weili
After some weighing, Tian Ci shook his head at the referee and Upa, who was full of fighting spirit, and said indifferently:
"I reject!"

Upon receiving this answer, Upa didn't force it, but just looked at Tian Ci contemptuously.

In his heart, a man with this kind of heart is doomed not to climb to the top of the martial arts department, so if he doesn't fight, he won't fight.

Instead, the audience in the stands began to make noise!
Although they were far away and couldn't hear what Tian Ci said clearly, they could still see the shaking of their heads.

"Cowards! Cowards!"

"You're still not a man!"

"Not even a wild fight!"

"It's still an elite trainer, so embarrassing!"

Hearing these insulting words, Tian Ci's eyes turned cold. Although he didn't care about the opinions of these ants, it didn't mean that the majesty of the elite level could be trampled like this.

The moment he turned his head, there was a flash of blue light in his eyes, and his spiritual power merged into his aura, and the killing aura of fighting in the wild all year round instantly amplified, enveloping the audience in the stands.

Frightened by this breath, there was no sound in the stands. Most of the people sitting here were ordinary people who had lived in the city for a long time. Kill them to death, and when things come to an end, they will find that what they say is different from what they actually do!

Just like when we usually read novels, the protagonist has killed countless people, and all kinds of vicious people or beasts are just a matter of pointing at him.

But when you throw an ordinary person in front of a wild wolf, you will find that a wolf is so scary!In the end, all kinds of stupid tricks appeared frequently and became food!

"PS: Think about our ordinary people now, not to mention living in urban areas, but many young people in towns have never even killed a chicken, so please refuse to be a keyboard warrior."

However, although Tian Ci's aura can deter these ordinary people, it cannot scare Upa, who has also experienced many battles and fought life and death.

Instead, he glanced at Tian Ci with interest.

I feel like I was wrong before, this time the opponent has such a murderous look, not an embroidered pillow.

Although I was a little puzzled why he didn't want to fight wildly with him, it didn't prevent him from showing all his strength later.

When Tian Ci intimidated the audience with his aura, neither the referee nor the commentator made a sound, and some occasional small slaps were okay, but the audience before was indeed a bit too much.

No matter what, the majesty of an elite trainer cannot be offended.

After the audience was silent, the referee hurried out to smooth things over.

"Okay, let's continue our challenge now, please send out elves at the same time!"

Hearing this instruction, Upa and Tianji both took out their pockets, and then flicked the poke ball.

With a sound of "shua", two red lights flashed, and the two fighting spirits appeared on the battlefield.

"Bi Diao~" Shen Jun's Bi Diao yelled imposingly as soon as he appeared on the stage.

"Ni cough~" On the left side of the field, Wei Li with four arms replied not to be outdone.

To be honest, he has seen a lot of wrist strength and Haoli, but strange strength is really rare.

He took a closer look curiously, and found that Weili's skin color was still the same, that kind of grayish blue.

He wore the same golden belt as Haoli, but the red marks on his arms disappeared. The biggest change he felt was that he had an extra pair of hands. One head and four arms always felt a little weird.

But he didn't dare to underestimate this elf, one hand plus another is not as simple as one plus one.

Tian Ci is 80.00% sure that this monster will definitely be able to use Four Phase Fist, Lightning Fist, Flame Fist, Frozen Fist, and the last True Qi Fist or Burst Fist.

After all, this is the best use of everything.

Fortunately, Bi Diao can fly, as long as the distance is widened, these moves are useless to it.

And the referee didn't have much bb because of the silence just now, and he just yelled, "The challenger will go first in this game as usual", and then he left the field, and the game started immediately.

"Bi Diao! Use self-motivation!"

As the saying goes, anyone who has the right to strike first but does not use status skills is a fool!

This is an advantage for nothing, and only fools don't use it, so Tian Ci immediately asked Bi Diao to use this move inherited from the original feather.

"Bi Diao~Bi Bi~" Bi Diao you are the strongest!You fly the fastest!Your energy is very aggressive.
I saw Bi Diao in mid-air chanting non-stop, and soon these self-hypnotic words gave it new strength, its body surface flashed, and its overall breath was slightly strengthened.

And the narrator who saw this scene was just right, and explained it to the bewildered audience.

"Okay, at the beginning of the game, we can see that Bi Diao used self-motivation just now. This move can improve its attack ability, and the strange power is restricted by the rules, so we can only watch."

As soon as the commentator's voice fell, that is, when Bi Diao had just completed his self-motivation, Upa's order was immediately shouted.

"Strange power! Use rock rain!"

"Ni cough!" Hearing the strange force of the order, he shouted loudly, his feet shook violently, and with a "bang", pieces of gravel appeared in front of it.

Then I saw it, and quickly swung its four arms "bang bang bang~" and quickly hit the gravel. These stones with added energy quickly hit the Bi Diao in the air.

But Bi Diao disdained this kind of attack very much, and dodged it with a slight flap of his wings.

Tian Ci also originally thought that this was just a tentative attack, and if it didn't work, the opponent should change his moves.

But who would have thought that the strange force that was struggling to punch could last for so long, and the crushed stones were getting faster and faster.

This kept Bi Diao running away without a chance to fight back.

Time passed like this for a while, and Tian Ci suddenly realized that something was wrong, because he suddenly discovered that although a large part of the gravel had fallen back to the ground, after so many accumulations, there were actually quite a few pieces of gravel floating in the air up.

Before, because Bi Diao was dodging and most of the gravel had fallen back, he didn't pay attention to it. Now that the number increased, he realized that he had been tricked!
Before he had time to think about why these gravels could float in the air for a long time, he immediately commanded Bi Diao with telepathy.

"Bi Diao, when you dodge, use your steel wings to smash the surrounding gravel!"

"Bi~" Bi Diao, who received the order, nodded secretly, and began to pulverize the surrounding gravel into powder with his wings emitting white light while hiding.

Seeing this, Upa's eyes showed disappointment, and he knew that his opponent had found out.

In this way, there is no need to pretend. Taking advantage of the gravel floating now, it may still have an effect.

(End of this chapter)

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