Pokemon Poor

Chapter 34

Chapter 34
"Moo Moo? Moo Moo Moo?" Trumpet Bud searched for a while in the grass, and then came over with two apple-sized fruits.

"Huh? Blue, it seems to be orange orange fruit!" Because this particularly impressed him, the blue fruit was called orange orange fruit, so Tian Ci recognized it after thinking for a while.

"No wonder this little Lada has to hide it, it probably stole it in the inner circle of the forest! It's very precious to it, but it's only 100 yuan to me, so it's a surprise!" Tian Ci laughed Laughing, put it in the backpack.

This kind of tree fruit can also be regarded as a natural treasure in the wild, like the orange orange fruit, which can restore a small amount of physical strength and energy for the elves.

Of course, it is very precious to elves in the wild. After all, they do not have human wound medicine, nor do they have elf centers.

But for trainers, this is not as valuable as a bottle of wound medicine. After all, a bottle of wound medicine can be used 100 times for 10 yuan.

However, the special ingredients in the tree fruit can be used to make energy cubes, so orange orange fruit can also be sold for 50 yuan a piece.

"Oh, it would be great if this little Lada found an orange fruit tree on the outskirts! Then I'll go back to the city and buy a large space backpack for it to transplant back. It's a hen that can lay eggs!" Looking at these two berries, Tian Ci once again had extravagant hopes.

However, he also knew that it was impossible for fruit trees to appear on the periphery. Not to mention the large number of people coming in and out, even the town's regular cleaning operations every year, they were all cleared inch by inch from the periphery.

If there are still wild fruit trees here that he touches, then he will dare to roam around in the future!After all, this luck meant that he must have been chosen!

And as far as he knew, the wild fruit trees in the forest were all occupied by large groups with names and surnames!
If other elves without fruit trees wanted fruit, they would either be vassals and cannon fodder of the large group, or they would exchange other natural and earthly treasures.

"So, eighty percent of the time it happened to be stolen from the ground!"

Ordinary little Lada can have something to exchange for, and has the strength to grab it hard.

"Surprise! Let's continue with Horn Ya, set a small goal today, earn him a base of 2, go for it!" Tian Ci quickly packed up the spoils, and launched a charge slogan towards Trumpet Ya.

"Moo! Moo!|ω)" Trumpet Bud, who was affected by emotions, also responded loudly to Tianji.

Although the slogan was loud, one person and one elf carefully explored around in a tacit understanding.

"After all, staying alive in this world is the kingly way!"

Soon, they encountered three unicorns.

"Shashasha" had initially mastered the usage of the hypnotic powder, and it became easier to deal with the trumpet buds, and the powder slowly enveloped the unicorn worms.

"Woo~ woo~" Feeling drowsy, the unicorn screamed twice in doubt before falling asleep.

"Oh!" However, one of them was obviously more resistant, so it managed to hold on to its drowsiness and fired a few poisonous needles into the grass.

"Ding ding! Ding!" The poisonous needle that lost its aim hit the ground.

For the first time, "Moo Moo Moo ω" Horn Bud felt that the battle was so easy!It likes this way of fighting!

"Okay, Horn Ya, stop smirking! Get rid of them quickly! The old rule is to leave a blood pack." Seeing Horn Ya giggling, Tian Ci couldn't laugh or cry. He guessed that Horn Ya had tasted the sweetness of the control technique.

"Moo? Moomoo( ̄ε(# ̄)☆╰╮o( ̄▽ ̄///)" Horn Ya realized that he had made a fool of himself, and immediately corrected his expression, and pointed the whip of thorns at the one who was still asleep The unicorn fights away.

"Crack! Crack!"

"Oh!" Although the pain woke up the unicorn, the two attacks also made it unable to get up for a while.

Seeing this, the trumpet bud immediately bent the vine and tied up the unicorn.

"Woo~ woo!" The wooden thorn pierced into the body, and the loss of body energy made the unicorn even more weak!

"Crack!" Trumpet Ya threw the lifeless unicorn on the ground, and turned to look at the other two who were still sleeping.

"Moo" it tied one first and began to absorb energy. After all, it spent a lot of energy when it fought against Little Lada just now, and the half-crippled unicorn in front was not enough for it to recover.

"Woo? Woooo! Woo~" The unicorn, who hadn't reacted at first, was awakened by the pain when half of its energy was lost.

"Moo Moo!" Seeing that the blood bag had woken up, Trumpet Ya increased the binding strength without any scruples, and even covered his mouth very intimately.

"Woo~ woo~" the unicorn's voice dropped significantly, and finally lost its life!

"Moo~( ̄▽ ̄~)~" Feeling that the trumpet bud was full of energy, he was in a very happy mood. He turned his head to look at the last one, and decided to let it end its life quickly.

"Crack! Crack! Crack!" The last unicorn only felt the pain for a moment and then followed in the footsteps of its companions under the continuous whipping of thorns!
Afterwards, Tian Ci quickly cleaned the battlefield, and immediately went to find the next target.

After all, splitting up insect corpses is a familiar matter once and twice. There are already dozens of insects that died under their hands. It took a lot of time to disassemble one from the beginning, but now he can quickly process three to four. Worm dead.

So there is no need to put the three unicorns into the backpack first, and then run back to the entrance to disassemble them as before.

As for why not put the corpses in first, and disassemble them after going home, part of the reason is that there is not enough space, after all, it is a small space backpack.

Another part of the reason is that after the death of the elf, the energy in the body will be quickly lost to various places until it is released outside the body. If it is not decomposed while the energy is still there, the valuable parts of the elf will lose their magic.

The space in the space backpack has the function of keeping fresh, but if you put it in whole, when you get home and take it out, the energy will be scattered to all parts of the body, making the material worthless.

Therefore, the general trainers collect valuable parts of the elves immediately after the battle.

Then maybe the bugs around here got some news. They searched for a while before they encountered four green caterpillars. Although there were more people, the green caterpillars without resistance were even weaker under the sneak attack of the horn bud powder.

Without even a decent resistance, the four green caterpillars died under the thorny whip of Trumpet Bud.

"Okay, Horn Bud, it is estimated that the large number of similar species in this area has decreased, causing other insects to feel the danger, so they evacuated. That's okay, let's pack up and go back!"

After that, Tian Ci and Trumpet Ya searched for a while, and found that the original large number of green caterpillars and unicorns were gone, but they found three little Lada.

But Tian Ci, who knew his own shortcomings, did not let Horn Ya attack, but took Horn Ya who was eager to try and left.

"Moo Moo" felt that the horn bud that had wasted the last time, responded a little disappointed.

"Don't be upset, we have achieved our goal today, let's go back and sell money to make a big meal!" Tian Ci said with a smile when he saw Trumpet Ya, who still seemed a little unwilling.

"Moo ω" Horn Ya heard that there was another big meal, nodded immediately, and followed the pace of Tian Ci's return!
(End of this chapter)

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