Pokemon Poor

Chapter 339 Elite Challenge!

Chapter 339 Elite Challenge!

With the super power of Gem Starfish, Xiaoling is sure to win!
I didn't see that the fighting gym was suppressed by the superpower gym in Golden City.

"En~" Tian Ci nodded his head, not feeling ashamed to let the woman go first.

In fact, the two have also exchanged ideas in private. To be honest, superpowers are indeed very difficult. In fact, Koudaihua is no longer the opponent of Gem Starfish.

It is Bi Diao who is about to reach the limit of the low level (9 times of element power blessing), and it is not easy to win Gem Starfish.

After the two decided the order of appearance, the battle began.

An apprentice wearing a black and white martial arts uniform acted as the referee for this elite challenge.

"The next round will be the first round of the Elite Challenge, and the challenger is Miss Tianshuiling from Qingmu Town!"

As a rare beauty, Xiao Ling looks even more charming under the spotlight.

Seeing this scene, those guys who like to fight screamed excitedly.

"Tian Shui Ling! Tian Shui Ling!"

"So beautiful! I love you, Miss Tianshuiling!"

"Beauty, beauty!"

On the other hand, Wu Pa, who was facing Xiao Ling, was not moved at all. As a top elite master in the dojo, he had long dedicated his body and mind to the great cause of fighting, so naturally he would not be shaken by a woman.

After the audience's cheers passed, the referee continued to introduce to everyone.

"And the challenger of our fighting gym is Lord Wupa who is known as the unparalleled iron fist!"

Hearing that he was being introduced, Upa's burly body lowered slightly and gestured to the surrounding audience.

"Upa! Upa!"

"Iron fist is invincible!"

"Dying that bitch!"

"Rush rush!"

From the unusually enthusiastic cheers of the audience, it can be seen that Upa seems to have a lot of fame.

Tian Ci frowned, and sighed, "Sure enough, the skill inheritance beads of Zhenqi Bomb are not so difficult."

But after all, one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer.

So he didn't feel uncomfortable at all. As long as he was strong enough and won that Upa, he would naturally get the move inheritance of Zhenqi Bomb.

After the same round of cheers, the referee began to explain the rules of this elite challenge.

"This game adopts a 1v1 mode. Both sides send out an elf at the same time. The middle cannot be replaced. The challenger has the right to attack first!
Now please send elves on both sides! "

After speaking, he gestured to both sides of the battle.

Seeing this, Wu Pa and Xiao Ling nodded slightly to express their understanding, and then threw an elf ball almost at the same time.

"Go, Abby Lang!"

"Go, Jewel Starfish!"

With two flashes of red light, two elves exuding elite-level energy fluctuations appeared on both sides of the battlefield in an instant.

Among them, Gem Starfish is on the right, and Abby Lang is on the left.

Abiron's body is brown all over, and he wears samurai armor like a skirt. It is worth noting that its hands are wearing red boxing gloves, but the real situation is similar to the hands of a fast-swimming frog, and the boxing gloves are also on its body. part.

"Yabi~" It shouted full of fighting spirit as soon as it came out, and at the same time swung its fists a few times quickly, and the sound of "swoosh" piercing the air seemed to prove how fast it was punching.

But the audience in the stands fell on one side at this time.

"Abby Lang! Come on!"

"Smash everything with your fist!"

"Hammer that gem starfish!"

"Fighting elves are the strongest!"

Audiences who are willing to spend a lot of money to watch the fighting dojo competition, in fact, love fighting in their hearts, and naturally they all tend to Abby Lang.

"Yebi!" Abbey Lang was very happy to get cheers from the audience, and he quickly waved his fist to signal the audience, and his momentum faintly pressed towards the jewel starfish.

This is actually a small trick, which drives the atmosphere of the people around and forms an aura similar to intimidation. If it is some elves and trainers with average minds, they will naturally be suppressed, which will have a little impact on the display of strength.

But Gem Starfish said that it is not so easy to be oppressed. After feeling the aura of the Abby Lang on the opposite side, its ruby ​​core flickered, and a tit-for-tat aura greeted it.

Just kidding, how could an elite with breakthrough superpowers be weak in heart!

After feeling the aura of confrontation between the two sides, the referee also shouted loudly:
"Wow! It seems that both sides are fighting high!
I declare that the battle has officially begun!Go first with Gem Starfish. "

As soon as the voice fell, Xiaoling immediately ordered:
"Gem starfish, use the mirror attribute!"

Hearing this order, the ruby ​​on Gem Starfish's body immediately lit up, reflecting Abiron's figure.

On Upa's side, there is really no way to resist. After all, how can it be blocked? No matter how fast you run, you can't scan as fast as others with superpowers.

Simply let it complete this trick.

And when Gem Starfish scanned Abby Lang's figure, a layer of brilliance surged from its body, temporarily changing from a water-attributed body to a fighting-attributed one!
"Okay, we can see that player Ling's Gem Starfish used the initiative to turn itself into a fighting attribute.

I have to say that this is a good move, which can effectively avoid the damage of the restraint attribute. I believe that the audience friends present should all know that Abby Lang can learn Thunder Fist. "

Almost at the same time, the voice of the commentator was also heard on the broadcast of the entire battlefield.

This is actually the difference between the Elite Challenge and the other two modes.

Because the duel between the elites is too fast for ordinary people, and even some special moves developed by ordinary people cannot be recognized by ordinary people. For the sake of the viewing experience of the audience, there will be commentators in the elite challenge. commentary.

After all, the tickets for the Elf Challenge are very expensive compared to the other two types of challenges!
Take the example of the fully-occupied stands. For this match, the Fighting Gymnasium charged millions of tickets.

Back on the battlefield, seeing the gem starfish complete the first attack, Upa immediately ordered to Abby Lang:
"Abby Lang, use the speed of sound warfare!"

Hearing the order, Abilang nodded, and a faint layer of energy emerged on the surface of his body, instantly completing the blessing of high-speed movement.

Its figure flickered a few times, and it approached the area where the gem starfish was with two "swish swishes", but compared to its body skills, the speed of those fists was actually faster.

At this time, Abby Lang's fist seemed to have become six, before reaching the gem starfish, the sound of "咻咻咻~" piercing the air was endless.

And just when some viewers were puzzled by the word Sonic Warfare, the commentator's explanation was just right.

"Sonic combat method, this is the combo skill Wupa practiced in the fighting dojo. The combination of high-speed movement + sonic punch will make the opponent knocked down if he can't react!"

Chapter 386 Micro Manipulation

Hearing this explanation, most of the audience in the stands showed suddenly enlightened expressions.

However, there are also a small number of people who, like Tian Ci, are staring at Ai Bilang intently.

As the saying goes, amateurs watch the fun, and experts watch the doorway.

No matter what, Tian Ci is now a warrior-level fighter, so he naturally understands that the speed of sound combat method is not as simple as the commentator said.

Although it seems that it is indeed as simple as high-speed movement + sonic punch.

But if you really want to let your own elves try it, you may run to the emergency room of the elf center immediately.

First of all, the most basic and most important point is physical fitness.

You must know that ordinary elves cannot maintain high-speed movement for too long, let alone make their fists explode at the speed of sound!

While the body is moving at high speed, let the hands play at the speed of sound, no. Now it should be said to be supersonic. The fist that was originally only able to reach the speed of sound has already broken the speed of sound under the boost of high-speed movement.

"Hey! Hey!" The shrill piercing sound became louder and louder, giving the illusion that the air was being ignited.

Before Abilang got close, he started to use the Sonic Punch for the purpose of boosting acceleration, and now its purpose has been achieved!
Moreover, it didn't have any discomfort on its face. With such a physical quality, Tian Ci was sure that ordinary elite-level elves would definitely not have it, even if it was a fighting elf.

Looking at the leopard, this man named Upa is definitely a veritable strong man!
And Xiaoling is also facing a choice at this time, whether to use superpowers to fight head-on, or use other methods to resist it?
To be honest, Abby Lang in this state is not so easy to control with superpowers. Even with elemental blessings, it may take at least one-third of his mental power to achieve it.

But to block, what method should be used to block it?
It seemed very long, but in fact, it only took two or three seconds for Abby Lang to come to Gem Starfish from the other side of the field, waving his fists breaking the speed of sound.

After Xiaoling thought for a while, she gave the order decisively.

"Jewel starfish, harden + rotate at a high speed, resist it, and then take advantage of the situation to open the distance"

"Om~" Hearing the trainer's order, Gem Starfish immediately carried it out.

I saw a flash of its body surface, a layer of metallic luster emerged on its body, and at the same time its body turned rapidly "swish, swish, swish".

And when it just completed this set of operations, Abilang's fist had already come.

The spinning gem starfish and the sonic-breaking fist made a loud "bang" as soon as they came into contact, and the one that flew out was undoubtedly the gem starfish.

Even if it hardened to increase the defense, coupled with the high-speed rotation of the unloading force, the gem starfish at this time is not easy. There are cracks on several edges and corners of the body, and one corner is even broken.

Although it paid a heavy price, Gem Starfish has indeed achieved its goal, which is to stay away from Abby Lang.

At this time, the commentator was also explaining the lines that the audience in the stands liked to hear.

"Oh! My God! Abbey Lang of Iron Fist Upa is worthy of the name of Iron Fist. With one punch, even the hardened gemstone starfish was blown away, and even the edges and corners were broken!
How will our contestant Ling deal with it later! "

And hearing the commentary that Abi Lang obviously had the upper hand, the audience in the stands also shouted one by one.

"Iron Fist! Iron Fist!"

"Catch up and do it!"

"Keep blowing it with your fists! Abby Lang!"

I have to say that with this commentary, it is really not friendly to the weaker side.

Those who change their mentality are a little bit worse, maybe they will be more anxious, and then they will collapse directly.

But in fact, the system of the alliance still has its advantages.

There are actually two reasons for increasing the commentary in the elite competition. The first is of course what we have said before, in order to make money and let the audience have a good viewing experience.

The second is to train the mentality of the players so that they can be calm all the time.

If you can't maintain a calm attitude even in this regular league game, then such a strong player will easily fall in the real foreign battlefield, and even involve a large number of comrades and soldiers.

One general's incompetence exhausts the three armies, and it also applies to this world.

This is also the reason why the top three of the Quartz Conference can be directly appointed as middle-level cadres of important departments.

To be able to win the top three in the much-anticipated Quartz Conference, no matter in terms of strength or mentality, they are all top-notch players, and naturally they must be entrusted with a heavy responsibility.

Of course, there is a prerequisite, that is, the net worth must be clean.

Returning to the battlefield, Xiao Ling was also a little shocked when she saw the tragic state of the gemstone starfish. She really didn't expect that she would be beaten like this just after meeting her.

But when she saw the elemental mark that had just disappeared on Abby Lang's forehead, she understood.

The Abby Lang just invoked the power of the elements at the moment when he was about to hit.

This not only gave her the illusion that she could resist head-on, but also saved the consumption of elemental power to the greatest extent!
And Tian Ci, who has been watching the battle carefully with superpowers outside the field, naturally also discovered this.

"So strong! I didn't expect to be able to do this kind of micromanagement!"

He couldn't help but also admired Upa from the bottom of his heart.

This kind of fine control ability, not to mention him and the four elite elves under Xiaoling's command, can only be achieved by 2-3 people in the Hualan gymnasium, including gymnasium-level gymnasiums. Lord is in.

And now what they are facing is not the main gymnasium of Golden City, but an elite disciple of an affiliated gymnasium, and they have seen such micro-manipulation ability!It's incredible!

Although seeing this, he also understands that Upa must be a well-known elite-level powerhouse in the fighting gym, but he has to lament that the gap between Golden City and the declining Hualan City is too great.

Tian Ci inexplicably had the illusion that Hualan City was just a small town. This illusion was actually quite similar to the feeling he had when comparing Nibi City with Qingmu Town when he first arrived in Nibi City.

At the same time, on the court, Xiao Ling, who knew that her chances of winning were not high, also had a hard look in her eyes, feeling that she was going to fight.

"Jewel starfish, use the most powerful mental force!"

The gem starfish who was still in the air paused when he heard the words, and then regardless of his not-so-good body, the ruby ​​core suddenly released a dazzling light, and the superpower imprint quickly emerged!
"Buzz~" In an instant, a terrifying force of thought enveloped Abilang who was just about to take advantage of the victory and pursue him.

(End of this chapter)

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